Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I'm really liking those new guidelines you made up; it will make the thread less hectic for people to follow. If you guys wanna post random things, you can definitely make a chat group on somewhere like Steam or an online chat room as an alternative.

    Green613 posted: »

    Here's a preview of the new speech. It's literally just the new rules dont worry though you little shitposters these go into effect tomorrow

  • Thanks =] Definitely trying to make this place more friendly to newcomers and less like we're an inner circle kind of thing.

    I'm really liking those new guidelines you made up; it will make the thread less hectic for people to follow. If you guys wanna post random things, you can definitely make a chat group on somewhere like Steam or an online chat room as an alternative.

  • edited September 2015

    iam back guys i played some gmod anything i miss?

    edit: wtf why is there spoiler tag ?!

  • That would have cost every dollar in my inventory but it be worth it!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    there is unused audio of Fiona and Gortys at the gift shop and now I'm wanting to know why it was removed!

  • For me it was kind of a love/hate to come onto this thread and have no idea what's happening. But now I wonder, later, will that be the thing I miss most? And then people start to get nostalgic for the time this thread was crazy and random. Then you get comments like (insert stereotype grandpa voice): When I first came on this forum, green was opal, Kenny was a captain and you wouldn't get banned for liking Dr. Who.

    Green613 posted: »

    Thanks =] Definitely trying to make this place more friendly to newcomers and less like we're an inner circle kind of thing.

  • Our father showed us some new rules.

  • Well, we actually have a Skype group chat but a lot of us don't talk from there a lot :P

    I'm really liking those new guidelines you made up; it will make the thread less hectic for people to follow. If you guys wanna post random things, you can definitely make a chat group on somewhere like Steam or an online chat room as an alternative.

  • Good morning, guys ~-^

    How are you all today? <3

  • ravioli ravioli give me some rhyionaoli

    enter image description here

  • Good morning, Wolfenus! ^^

    I think we're pretty good, you might have seen the sneak preview of the speech Green is writing, so we have something to look forward to (as well as episode five). :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, guys ~-^ How are you all today?

  • So awesome <3

    BTW Cara, what happened to your friend, Victoria? Does she have some time to come to the thread or not? :(

    ravioli ravioli give me some rhyionaoli

  • Yeah, I've seen it. :)

    And about the off topic posting, I think like if we want to talk about something off topic, we should atually have a Rhyiona chat. Of course, we have the Rhyiona skype chat but no one uses it a lot lately :(

    Good morning, Wolfenus! ^^ I think we're pretty good, you might have seen the sneak preview of the speech Green is writing, so we have something to look forward to (as well as episode five).

  • She told me last night that her work is becoming more hectic, she had to go into a school because someone collapsed twice in the last week. She's really sorry but she says she'll try and come on during her free time because she's a paramedic. I hope she does, though. :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So awesome BTW Cara, what happened to your friend, Victoria? Does she have some time to come to the thread or not?

  • Yeah, I agree. I think it would be great to have a group chat, we could talk about anything on there without clotting up this thread. I don't have Skype but if there were enough people who'd like to chat on it, I might make one. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, I've seen it. And about the off topic posting, I think like if we want to talk about something off topic, we should atually have a Rhyiona chat. Of course, we have the Rhyiona skype chat but no one uses it a lot lately

  • What if it's in Ep 5? ;)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    there is unused audio of Fiona and Gortys at the gift shop and now I'm wanting to know why it was removed!

  • Do you seriously think you will be able to enforce it Green?

    Green613 posted: »

    Here's a preview of the new speech. It's literally just the new rules dont worry though you little shitposters these go into effect tomorrow

  • Hey, Crips. ^-^

    Sup? xD

    Crips posted: »


  • No need to pretend you belong in here.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Please,no Rhysha stuff here,we have our own thread.

  • Get that pokemon outta muh face. where is Inori :(

    Green613 posted: »


  • well, I guess there will be nothing to do in this thread for me from tomorrow onwards. The forums are gonna become so boring.

    Oh well, I just have to make do until Ep 5 gets out. Then I will leave until the next good game is released, like I always do.

    Green613 posted: »

    Here's a preview of the new speech. It's literally just the new rules dont worry though you little shitposters these go into effect tomorrow

  • Sadly, I think it'll take a while until next good game is released..Minecraft and Michonne DLC don't seem really interesting imo.

    well, I guess there will be nothing to do in this thread for me from tomorrow onwards. The forums are gonna become so boring. Oh well, I

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    Hi people. How are you?

  • Finally a new comment..

    pretty busy, painting something, wbu?

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi people. How are you?

  • Hey, Eryka.

    Pretty good, wbu? :)

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi people. How are you?

  • Hey there...

    So before I start my catch up on just over 500 comments, I need to say what's been on my mind for the whole morning:

    I will start with saying that I have been crying, not a lot, but enough for it to show... and it's for a stupidly stupid reason too. It's about Until Dawn.

    Yeah, that game has reduced me to tears, and not because I've been playing it, but because I haven't.

    I was crying because I looked at how people spoke about it on here, and their experiences with the game, and I felt left out. I bought the game on Day 1 of it's release cuz I pre-ordered it, but due to my work hours I didn't get a chance to play it, plus I was trying to get through some other games so I could finally get rid of them and clear some space up in my PS4.

    Then on Day 2 Kruzii posted how she had finished the game already with a couple of her friends. And that made me cry.

    I have friends irl, but not the kind that I hang out with to play games (I do do that with them, but they play on Steam as opposed to consoles) And it was saddening to realize that I had a poor social life if I had only a few friends and none of them were into that sort of thing.

    Then there was the completion aspect of the game. So far at least 3 people on here have been able to finish the whole game in 8-9 hours... This has bedazzled me beyond belief, because I'm raking up about 6-7 hours in the game now, and I'm only halfway through. Why is this making me feel bad? I have no idea.... Maybe it's because I consider myself to be good at gaming and the lack of a fast completion is making me feel like I'm no good at it anymore...

    I am pathetic, I sound pathetic, and whoever reads this will think I'm pathetic, but because we're a forum of friends, you won't say what you really wanna say, instead you'll push back the harsh truth's and comfort me because you feel obligated to ease my pain...

    And as for the spoiler tags. That is all my fault. I clicked them, I spoiled the game for myself, so now I have to play through and force myself to try and forget that one choice will lead to this and another will lead to that etc.

    Nobody here is in the wrong, this is all down to me and the way I have been for YEARS now. Sensitivity, the littlest things can eat me away and break down my exterior till I start crying and hating myself...

    And as for a certain comment about my writing yesterday: I am not a student, I am not waster, I work, I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, my Mum has me do a lot of chores around the house because she isn't as able as some, and this means I have a lot less time to myself than other people on here do. I don't have a job where I can comfortably work from home, nor do I have a job that gives me a lot of free time like my old one did.

    If I want to do something other than write, then that decision should be respected, and saying that I'm taking too long to write something is just mean. Find someone else then! I don't need my hopes crushed because I take too long to write stuff, I'm only human, and sometimes this human needs time to himself :(

    Sigh I'm considering taking a break from here for a day or 2, not sure how much good it will do me but you never know... We'll see how I feel when the day is done. I have work tomorrow so I'm back into that routine again.



    What a way to start the morning eh?

  • It would actually... People who are just a little taller than me actually do intimidate me without meaning to. It makes me feel powerless against them :(

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    nah height doesn't really matter to be honest. I doubt you would me any happier even if you were little taller. But sure, I understand your desire

  • That's you in that video?! :O

    You look adorable :3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I hope my adorableness doesn't go away after I tell you guys that this is me. ;~;

  • It's not the size that counts it's how you use it >:D

    Kruzii posted: »

    15 inches ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Oh yeah that one needs a remake right now!! :D

    I don't know how to emulate games :/

    Here's hoping :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Nah, by MG1 I meant this one: I honestly think you'd have better luck emulating Twin Snakes than buying a copy online. It's way too e

  • You're like, the same height as my Grandma :3

    Oh wow, that sounds like a cool story :D If you have time then you could tell me, I always like a good story!!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    THANKS! Don't worry, you're not weird. Everyone I know, friends and adults alike, will agree with you. I have a whole story about how

  • You are indeed 9 inches taller than Kristi, Cara :D

    Oh gosh, I typed that wrong. I have long legs, so it's awkward in cars and photos because all of my friends go on their toes. If I'm correct, is it 9 inches a difference? I'm 5"7, if that helps at all.

  • This story was excellent!!! It had everything to make me feel good about those 2, and that is what was needed :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    “There is a castle on a cloud...” The voice was soft and lulling, singing the part of a child with the wistfulness of youth. He felt draw

  • If she really cared, she would've grabbed his ankle and not his boot :P

    Well, I'm turning in for the night, I'll be reading, if you should know. Good night, Rhyiona chums, here's an edit that I actually made myself for you all.

  • You have a really cool Mom :D

    Kawaiii posted: »

    texting my mom me: "when I say RHY you say IONA k?" me: "RHY" mom: "SHA" mom: "DDUP" i think i'm adopted

  • It's beautiful Julie, Fiona really can rock a nice evening dress :D

    And if your BF really loves you, he'll understand that good things come to those who wait...

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    WAIT 6 MONTHS ALREADY??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL THEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREAD!! Proof Fiona can rock dresses too Also I feel

  • But then the cops will eat him!!

    Boosh, American cop joke :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    please arrest paul for calling me a donut

  • edited September 2015

    I was crying because I looked at how people spoke about it on here, and their experiences with the game, and I felt left out.

    Aw I would love to play this game with you! It's a shame that we all live so far away from each other. :( I understand exactly why you are upset because I used to play games all by myself. I don't know what else to say but I really wish I could just hug you in real life and hang out.

    So far at least 3 people on here have been able to finish the whole game in 8-9 hours.

    Well my friend and I rushed through this game and we missed almost half of those totems. I don't think you are a bad gamer you just have different playing style?

    I am pathetic, I sound pathetic, and whoever reads this will think I'm pathetic, but because we're a forum of friends, you won't say what you really wanna say, instead you'll push back the harsh truth's and comfort me because you feel obligated to ease my pain...

    Nonsense. I never lie when I talk to you! When I say that I like you, I actually mean it. I don't think you are pathetic. I think you are brave because you are not afraid to talk about your feelings. And believe me I know way too many men who can't ever open up and share their feelings because they are afraid that they are gay if they do so. AND that's pathetic. I feel sympathy towards you because you remind me of myself. I have no reason to think anything bad about you.

    If I want to do something other than write, then that decision should be respected, and saying that I'm taking too long to write something is just mean.

    yes I agree. People who are still in school and don't do something creative like drawing or writing can't truly understand this tho.

    Taking a break sounds good. I took a little break a while ago and it sure helped me! I hope to see you again soon <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey there... So before I start my catch up on just over 500 comments, I need to say what's been on my mind for the whole morning: I wi

  • Happy birthday @kristi78968 !!!!!!!!! I wish you are having a good day :3

    enter image description here

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