Jon Snow


i was thinking jon snow refused to be jon stark and avange his family because of his oath to the night watch after that jon got killed by his brothers so what about on Snow 's death would end his vow to the nights watch so if he came back to life some how he could become the hero he needs to becomes rightful warden of the North, benjin or whatever comes back and tells him that his mother was lyana, sends word to daenerys, she joins his battle for the throne


  • I don't think he'll get involved in politics. He denied Stannis because politics aren't something he cares for now that he's aware of the threat beyond the Wall. His death releasing him from his vows will definitely come into play somehow, but I'm not sure how. He'll probably stay up North to do Azor Ahai things.

    Dany won't come to Westeros. Ever. Especially not to help someone who's claim could be viewed as better than hers. Not only that, but Book Jon supports Stannis' claim to the throne.

  • Just think how different it all would've been if Joffrey did what Cersei told him and Ned was sent to the wall. The Nights Watch would become so fuckin beast!

    Think Ned Stark, lord commander of the nights watch. Jon would never die! If Stannis still came to the wall, they would've destroyed the boltons (especially if the red wedding still happened).

    I really wish Ned Stark was sent to the wall now, especially because the Starks are very important when it comes to winter.

  • Dany has to come to Westeros to fulfill the prophecy, and save the world. She probably, and hopefully, won't be queen of the seven kingdoms, but she, Jon, and Tyrion are the Three Heads of the Dragon, and are needed to stop the Others, even though they will probably die doing it, because there won't be the classic happy ending. So even though I doubt she'll be Queen, she won't stay in essos forever, either.

    I don't think he'll get involved in politics. He denied Stannis because politics aren't something he cares for now that he's aware of the th

  • Although if Ned was sent to the Wall, Robb never declares himself king, probably sides with Stannis against the Lannisters, and the Red Wedding never happens, because there would be no need to send Theon to Pyke to get the Ironborn, Winterfell is not sacked, and Roose never goes through with plotting against the Starks, because if he kills Robb, Bran and Rickon are still safe in Winterfell, so basically, the entire plot does not happen unless Ned dies.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Just think how different it all would've been if Joffrey did what Cersei told him and Ned was sent to the wall. The Nights Watch would becom

  • The war of the five kings doesn't happen, yes.

    But the winter is coming storyline becomes strengthened and we get to see the one true king take the throne.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Although if Ned was sent to the Wall, Robb never declares himself king, probably sides with Stannis against the Lannisters, and the Red Wedd

  • I am pretty sure that he would pass the north to Sansa and remained at the Wall.

  • That's assuming the "Three Heads of the Dragon" is even a true prophecy. Azor Ahai/The Last Hero is probably true, and if it is then Jon is the only one needed. I'd say anything involving Targ prophecies is unreliable at best, the only ones that spout things about Targaryen heros are Targaryens. Her dragons would probably be useful... if she had any sort of actual control over them. She's had them their whole lives and they still don't obey. Tyrion isn't really "Hero of Prophecy" material, any help he could have offered was lost when he killed Tywin and fled Westeros. Even if he hadn't, any help he could offer against the Others would be political which he could give whether or not he was a "head of the dragon" or Azor Ahai.

    Not only that, but the Others can be stopped/killed with conventional means. A hero figure isn't necessarily needed at all (although it'd be Jon if one was needed).

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Dany has to come to Westeros to fulfill the prophecy, and save the world. She probably, and hopefully, won't be queen of the seven kingdoms,

  • It doesn't matter if the prophecies are true, only if those involved believe in them. If Jon and Dany believe they are destined to save the world, then it doesn't matter if the prophecy was true, so long as they save the world. And Tyrion, while not being Azor Ahai (that is Jon, or more likely Dany), he can still be one of the Three Heads of the Dragon, regardless of whether he " is Hero material" which is a subjective measurement anyways. And while Others can be killed by anyone, it would take something akin to dragons, and therefore Dany, to stop an army of them.

    That's assuming the "Three Heads of the Dragon" is even a true prophecy. Azor Ahai/The Last Hero is probably true, and if it is then Jon is

  • However, Renly vs. Stannis becomes the main plot. I imagine the his assassination would still happen, although the Tyrells might still fight or bend the knee. The Greyjoys might still rebel, Blackwater still probably happens with more men and no reinforcements for the Lannisters, not sure what happens to Littlefinger, maybe Stannis burns him? Shireen gets betrothed to either Robin Arryn, Bran Stark (can he still even?). I would imagine Robin. Maybe even Trystane?

    Stannis learns about the White Walkers after taking the Iron Throne, saves Night's Watch, and maybe tries to restore Ned to Warden of the North but Ned refuses. Then Daenerys is probably dealt with via assassins by Stannis, maybe shadows.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Although if Ned was sent to the Wall, Robb never declares himself king, probably sides with Stannis against the Lannisters, and the Red Wedd

  • Actually, the magic story line of fighting the Others is weakened, because Bran has no reason to leave Winterfell, and even if he chose to leave, he would not be allowed or able to make it to Bloodraven beyond the Wall.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    The war of the five kings doesn't happen, yes. But the winter is coming storyline becomes strengthened and we get to see the one true king take the throne.

  • Robb Stark named Jon Snow his heir (to King in the North) before being killed at the Red Wedding therefore legitimizing him as a Stark.

    As for how he comes back. Melisandre will put Jon in the wall where his body will not rot, decompose, etc because of the magic in the wall. She'll try to learn how to bring him back because she believes he is Azor Azai. Probably won't learn how until season 5 finale where the final scene will mimic the ending of season 5 but it will be Jon waking up from the dead as Azor Azai (this is all just me being completely hopeful that Jon Snow is the key to Game of Thrones). The ending will be sort of similar to Daenery's magic moment as well. when the dragons are hatched

  • Ahhh, you're right

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Actually, the magic story line of fighting the Others is weakened, because Bran has no reason to leave Winterfell, and even if he chose to leave, he would not be allowed or able to make it to Bloodraven beyond the Wall.

  • If Azor Ahai is real then it's 100% Jon. Dany is only a candidate because dragons. Dragons that she can't control at all. They are just as likely to fry the Night's Watch and burn the Wall rather than kill the Others. "Hero Material" is subjective, yes. Tyrion however is not hero material by any reasonable measure, he is very, very intelligent but that won't be of any use against the Others unless he is in a position of power... killing Tywin and fleeing Westeros has removed any and all power he once had.

    Targ prophecies are probably unreliable. The only ones that view the Targaryens as hero figures are the Targaryens.

    Azor Ahai/The Last Hero are most likely somewhat true, the Prince that was Promised and the Three Heads of the Dragon probably aren't. Also, the Last Hero defeated the Others without dragons, heavy armour, or even the Wall, conventional forces can and have beat the Others.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    It doesn't matter if the prophecies are true, only if those involved believe in them. If Jon and Dany believe they are destined to save the

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