About that leg....

For those who saved Asher, how big of an effect do you think his crossbow wound will have? I'm personally hoping the maester can patch it up without worry.

I just know that I'm going to be really upset if I'm hobbling around on an ironwood cane for the finale.


  • I think Asher is going to be good.

    Oh wait, that reminds me...

    'I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.' Sorry, I had to say that xD

    I don't think that wound will have a big effect. And yeah, the maester can patch it up, as you said before.

  • I think the sole purpose of that arrow was to put Asher and Rodrik on an equal level. That way, both will have equal chances of defeating Whitehills on a fight. If it wasn't for the arrow, it would make sense for Asher to have an easier time than Rodrik when fighting Whitehills. That way, they have an excuse to make the fight and the outcome the same, regardless of your choice on the end of episode 5, so that there neither Rodrik or Asher will be a "wrong choice".

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I think Asher is going to be good. Oh wait, that reminds me... 'I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the k

  • That's probably the case, but I did pick Asher just the same out of concern for relying on Rodrik's still healing body. It's what I would have done in that situation and the choice I believe the brothers would have made.

    Abeille posted: »

    I think the sole purpose of that arrow was to put Asher and Rodrik on an equal level. That way, both will have equal chances of defeating Wh

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