Asher didn't do anything to help the Forresters

Hi i own almost all of Telltale games on Steam, because they are episodic i can play them easily even when other games keep me bussy like League of Legends.My favorite Telltale is The Wolf Among Us because you had the most badass protagonist, he reminded you of Wolverine in some way.

Anyway after all these years i didnt bother making a Telltale account but after playing episode 5 in Game of Thrones i was forced to. Asher was supposed to bring an army from the south to help his house but all he did at the end was bringing 6-7 people and all of them died same with his brother so he literally did nothing, only his girlfriend survived. But apart from this even if he did brought more pit fighters they were still NOT real soldiers, it doesnt matter how bloodthirsty and savages they are, they are not soldiers they are fakes. Whitehills have real trained soldiers who have been in battles and know how to fight, the pit fighters are just proud of theirselves but when they got in a real battle they were afraid, apart from the fat guy but he still died. Daenerys had real soldiers but she didnt gave any so Asher's mission failed right that time.


  • Not true and I'm sure he has more than seven pit fighters, I imagine they just aren't all on the screen at once. Beskha is not his girlfriend.

  • Even if all that were true, he still gave us the Asher Grin. That was a service to all of Essos and Westeros. And yeah, Gwyn is definitely Asher's girlfriend, not Beskha.

  • Nope, Asher actually did a pretty good job. He did everything within this power to bring his family some aid, and didn't commit any foolish mistakes despite his reckless personality. It was more than Rodrik or Gared did so far (though Gared might still find something useful in the North Grove). Mira still takes the prize, though, since if she didn't stop Andros from sending those hundreds of sellswords to Ludd, the Forresters wouldn't have a chance anyway, no matter what the others did.

    I believe TellTale just didn't render all the pit fighters, because Asher can't possibly have brought just half a dozen.

  • Not to mention they didn't all die, most of them passed through the gate already as the party was leaving the courtyard before the ambush. And none of them were afraid.

    Abeille posted: »

    Nope, Asher actually did a pretty good job. He did everything within this power to bring his family some aid, and didn't commit any foolish

  • All that time in Essos just to bring back less than subpar fighters

  • edited September 2015

    He gathered an army of 'Pit Fighters' to help House Forrester.

  • They're not sellswords. They're putt fighters and terrible ones at that

    prink34320 posted: »

    He gathered an army of 'Pit Fighters' to help House Forrester.

  • edited September 2015

    Nothing in the game suggesting that Asher has failed in his mission,he brought ferocious killers from Essos that can be qualified as an army.It's just your shortsighted perception for not following the narrative.The story said that Pit fighters worth a lot of sellswords,and that's how this plot gonna advance.

  • Well, as the others said, he accomplished his mission by bringing some pit fighters. And no, guys. Not every pit fighter died. Most of them made it out alive.

    And they aren't really useless cause one pit fighter is worth ten sellswords.

  • edited September 2015

    Well the best fighters like Amaya, Beskha and Bloodsong were trapped behind the gate. Just imagine when they are all fighting together and with the remnants of the Forrester soliders I think we have a pretty good chance. Don't think we could take on all Whitehill men, but we're smarter then that. Considering Gryff is an Arrogant prick he'll make mistakes. And we could pick them of at Ironrath. But I think that Gwyn will have to say something about Asher/Rodrik before the battle. We could take her hostage. And gain time. Time for Gared and The North Grove.

  • How can we know if they're terrible when we've only seen 2 in action?

    Clemenem posted: »

    They're not sellswords. They're putt fighters and terrible ones at that

  • My army consist of this.

    Rodrik is the leader. He is a veteran of War of the Five Kings. He knows tactics and has led soldiers in battle against the Lannisters. He has been groomed for command and as Asher said, men learn to love Rodrik.

    His sentinel is Royland who has fought in the Greyjoy Rebellion. He knows how to fight, train and keep discipline among the men. If anyone can keep some orders in the Forrester army, it is him.

    Along with that, we got Beshka. We have seen how strong a fighter she is. With the pit fighters and small folks soldiers along with some smart tactics and leadership from Rodrik and Royland, I say that the Forrester has a fighting chance.

    Well the best fighters like Amaya, Beskha and Bloodsong were trapped behind the gate. Just imagine when they are all fighting together and w

  • They got their ass kicked by a shitty Garrison that even a farm boy took out (Gared). They got killed in like a minute

    prink34320 posted: »

    How can we know if they're terrible when we've only seen 2 in action?

  • Well, in the farm, the soldiers that Gared took out didn't have crossbows but in the ambush, the Whitehills had crossbows, so...

    Clemenem posted: »

    They got their ass kicked by a shitty Garrison that even a farm boy took out (Gared). They got killed in like a minute

  • "I love wolf among us because wolverine" wow thats when you know youre dealing with a 5 year old.

  • I'm curious if Morgryn and Mira could undergo... a certain alliance. He was hired by Whitehills, maybe he has some valuable information. Also he knows Andros. Maybe we could steal all gold that Andros recieved from Ludd and use it to hire sellswords like Andros planned, but for us. The only problem I see is Margaery, so hopefully she releases us from her service and Mira becomes free. Also we could blackmail the bastard handmaiden in her services.

    Well, one way or another there's a fight brewing

    My army consist of this. Rodrik is the leader. He is a veteran of War of the Five Kings. He knows tactics and has led soldiers in battle

  • I don't think Asher/Rodrik will see Gared ever again...

    And he's definitely not coming back this season. He's still following the ice dragon to find the north grove.

    Well the best fighters like Amaya, Beskha and Bloodsong were trapped behind the gate. Just imagine when they are all fighting together and w

  • Betting 800 hundred gold dragons that Gared will return.

    spoiler : you get four

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I don't think Asher/Rodrik will see Gared ever again... And he's definitely not coming back this season. He's still following the ice dragon to find the north grove.

  • ahahahahahaaha, well thats the main reason it became that famous. The first thing you see when you look at the protagonist is Wolverine, if you check the Steam store page reviews most of them also mention that Bigby is Wolverine/X Men reference

    Rhaeygar posted: »

    "I love wolf among us because wolverine" wow thats when you know youre dealing with a 5 year old.

  • Honey no.

    A Wolf Among Us is based on the very popular Fables series of comics, not X-Men. And the characters in Fables are all from fairy tales. Bigby is the Big Bad Wolf, which predates Wolverine by several centuries.

    I understand why you see the resemblance, but "powerfully strong, surly, guarded loner type with a gruff voice who acts like an asshole but basically has good intentions at heart" is a character archetype.

    Fables is a good comic, you should check it out.

    ahahahahahaaha, well thats the main reason it became that famous. The first thing you see when you look at the protagonist is Wolverine, if you check the Steam store page reviews most of them also mention that Bigby is Wolverine/X Men reference

  • People always seem so sassy when they say 'honey' or 'dear' XD

    cussbunny posted: »

    Honey no. A Wolf Among Us is based on the very popular Fables series of comics, not X-Men. And the characters in Fables are all from fair

  • I'll take that bet

    Betting 800 hundred gold dragons that Gared will return. spoiler : you get four

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