Interactive Forum Game of Thrones Story: Tales of War

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I have seen people posting a lot of these interactive story and I thought it sounds a lot of fun. I don't know if people will be interested in the kind of story I have in mind. But I have always loved telling stories and we are here to have fun.

This story follows a mercenary group called the Roduks. Originated from the Riverlands, this small band is led by Marthen. The Roduks aren't the most skilled mercenary group around. They are competent enough with swords and daggers, but are inexperienced with the use of bows, crossbows, spears and horse riding. They are only known in the Riverlands, but even then, they have a weak reputation and those who hired them are usually only looking for extra manpower or shady characters who seek extra protection.

The story takes place just before the First Blackfyre Rebellion. A civil war between House Targaryn and House Blackfyre for the Iron Throne. As for who the Roduks fight for and if they survive the events, that is entirely depending on the choices that you vote on. Either way, this is Game of Thrones and the Roduks are meaningless pawns for the high lords who play their game.

As for now, the story will take place in the Riverlands, but depending on how the story develops, it may go to Essos or Dorne.
enter image description here

The POV characters are:

Brom: A naive youth who is the son of a farmer. Joins the Roduks because he wanted to escape the mundane and boring life as a farmer. Little did he know that escaping the mundane and boring life also means losing the stability and safety of such life. He is a rather skinny youth, but he is quick.

Thea: A young woman with a dark past. Marthen and the Roduks found the woman lying on the road, exhausted, hungry and injured, the mercenary group took her in and healed her. Having nowhere else to go, Thea joined the group and was taught how to fight. Besides fighting, she know how to take care of herself and survive in the wild.

Falk: Arguably the most skilled fighter in the Roduks, but that isn't saying much. Once, he served as a soldier for a House, but an bandit ambush happened and Falk was wounded and left for dead. A traveler passed by and took him to a healer. Seeing no reason to serve a lord who abandon him, he travel the Riverlands and encounters Marthen. Although not set in stones, he is considered to be Marthen's second in command. Not saying much with this small bunch.

Depending on how the story goes, new POV characters might be added.

The Roduks:

Prominent: Axton, Hilda

Comrades: Martin, Ben, Ruck, Clay, Atton, Anders



  • Prologue: Choosing a Road

    There was a slight howling in the air. Or it sounds like howling. The thundering rain makes everyone uncomfortable. Marthen wished that they were somewhere else, someplace warmer rather than staying in an abandoned ruined barn. They found this place when it began raining. Falk suspected that some bandits attacked the place, chased off the owners and that they should keep moving. Marthen insisted however that they should stay here for the night as having a roof above their heads would make sure that at least they won't caught a cold. And wet heads.

    Marthen is leaning his back against the wooden wall and look at his comrades. Most of them are sleeping. Brom is sitting nearby playing with the hays with a bored look on his face. Thea is quietly looking and examining the barn. Falk is standing at the barn entrance.

    The Roduks was founded four years ago. Marthen join Greg and Gilliam in creating the mercenary group. Back then, they were filled with hopes and dreams of getting riches and fame. They would be known as heroes and King Daeron would knight them. What idealistic fools they were. The first year was so difficult and hard. They weren't able to persuade warriors or soldiers to join them. Resorting to recruiting among villagers. Finding youth who wished a free and adventurous life was easy enough. The hard part was telling their family that they died. Marthen still remember the first real fight that the Roduks fought. The bandits ambushed them and they all fought with what skill they had. Many died that day, including Greg. Gilliam lost his arm and two weeks later, he died too.

    He has been leading the Roduks ever since and he is certainly a better fighter than what he used to be four years ago. The current number of the group is only fifteen. And out of that number, only six are competent in fighting. The rest have their uses, but their skills are questionable and unpredictable, just as their courage. Marthen sighed and closed his eyes and tried to sleep again. Then he heard footsteps. He opened his eyes and realized it is Falk. The former soldier is a young man, but he has a tensed attitude and he rarely smile. That and his stubble, makes him seem older than he actually is.

    "Marthen, I'd like to know your plans. Where are you taking us?" The former soldier asked as he sat in front of his leader. Marthen scratch his long dark brown hair and let out another sigh. "I have a few ideas..." He spoke calmly. "We can travel to Riverrun and see if the lords there has a well paying job for us. The journey will be quite long. I don't know if we got enough food supplies." Marthen suggested first. "We could also take the shorter journey to Stone Hedge and see if they have a job for us. But I have heard rumors of bandits and outlaws are lurking in the area."

    [Go to Riverrun] [Go to Stone Hedge]

  • [Go to Riverrun]

  • edited September 2015

    [Voted Go to Riverrun]

    After pondering for a few moment, Marthen made his decision. "We are going to Riverrun. The road is long, but at least it is a safer travel." Falk gave his leader a look and then nodded. "Alright then, we will be heading for Riverrun in the morning then." He said and rose to his feet. "I'll take the watch for the night. You should rest." Marthen rose to his feet. "You are the one who are leading us, you should rest." Falk protested quietly. Marthen shakes his head. "And I would be a bad leader if people die under my watch. Rest, Falk." He said more sternly. Without another word, Falk joined the others and laid down.

    Giving them one more look, he walk toward the barn entrance and began to his watch. The song of rain kept him company as the hours passed by.

    The first sunlight touched and almost every Roduks has woken up. They all got out of the barn and began stretching their legs and arms. Marthen checked every one of his comrades, making sure that they are prepared for the long journey to Riverrun. Falk went to stand next to him. "I have told them where we are going. Martin and Tom didn't seem that happy about it." Falk said. Marthen groaned. "Well, they have to stay that way. Hopefully the travel will calm them down."

    He then gestured everyone to gather. "Alright, Roduks. Falk has already informed you, but let's make it clear one more time. We are headed for Riverrun. From here, there should be at least a week travel. But depending on what we encounter on the road or the weather, it might take longer." He then showed them a bagpack. "We only have enough food for two days, we might have to spend times hunting or if we are lucky pass some villages and ask for food." Marthen wished that they could buy instead of asking, they don't have a single coin to spare.

    "I want someone to take care of this backpack of food. Who volunteer?" Marthen asked them. Almost all of them volunteered. Except Thea. Brom was the loudest of them. The boy is eager to prove himself, which may be why he is so eager to guard their food. He is inexperienced, but Marthen is sure that the boy has a good heart. Thea doesn't need to, she knows how to take care of herself and survive. Falk is the best warrior and it might be safest to give the food to him, that if he doesn't eat it.

    [Give food to Brom?], [Give food to Thea?], [Give food to Falk?]

  • edited September 2015

    Give food to Brom

    P.S: Have you thought of adding extra PoVs?

    [Voted Go to Riverrun] After pondering for a few moment, Marthen made his decision. "We are going to Riverrun. The road is long, but at l

  • Yeah, I have thought about it. I think there will be more POV characters in the future. But for now, I'll keep it comfortably small.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Give food to Brom P.S: Have you thought of adding extra PoVs?

  • Give food to Brom

    [Voted Go to Riverrun] After pondering for a few moment, Marthen made his decision. "We are going to Riverrun. The road is long, but at l

  • [Voted Brom gets the food]

    "Brom, you want to prove yourself. Guard our food then, make sure no ones get their hungry hands on it." Marthen gave the backpack to the boy. Brom responded with a smile and stand straight as he spoke. "Thank you, Marthen. I won't disappoint you." The other Roduks gave Brom a look. Maybe an envious look? Marthen couldn't tell, but he has to deal with it later. They have to make good use of the time they have now. "Alright, everyone let's start-..."

    Marthen stopped when the appearance of twenty strangers appeared out of the woods. They all have their weapons drawn. Swords, clubs, daggers. Weapons to kill. Marthen draw his sword, followed by Falks and the other Roduks who are carrying swords. Marthen pointed his sword at the strangers and moved his left hand to the side, attempting to calm the situation. "Easy, everyone. Who are you?" He asked them calmly. The strangers smiles. "We are the owner of this place. You are trespassing our ground." One of them said. He has a big nose and a toad-like face. That and his dark eyes. "They must have been the one who drove off the farmer...Or killed the farmer." Thea spoke cautiously from behind.

    Marthen knew that they are in a dangerous situation. They can't take all of these bandits without casualties. Yet, if he order a retreat now, everyone will split off and get lost.

    [Stay and fight the bandits?], [Order a retreat?]

  • edited September 2015

    stay and fight bandits

    P.S- well done on making it not too confusing like others of these

    P.P.S- i chose this that hopefully the main characters don't die during the fight. With the other option they could be split up

    [Voted Brom gets the food] "Brom, you want to prove yourself. Guard our food then, make sure no ones get their hungry hands on it." Marth

  • I was sort of hoping to avoid this until we got to Riverrun and would be prepared for a fight, but if you're a not-very-good or well respected band of mercenaries, and you want to change both your skill level and your reputation, you can't go scattering in two dozen directions at the first sign of trouble. So let's do this.

    Stay and fight

    [Voted Brom gets the food] "Brom, you want to prove yourself. Guard our food then, make sure no ones get their hungry hands on it." Marth

  • [Voted Stay and fight the bandits]

    Marthen made his choice. He did not like it, but he have to do it. If they get separated now, the Roduks is over. "Roduks...Stay. Fight. Together." He ordered. Marthen could sense the fear and tension of his comrades. They are afraid of death, they have to get over that fear. The bandits began approaching and waving their weapons.

    He breath deeply one more time. "TOGETHER!" He shouted and thrust his sword up in the air. Behind him, his comrades thrust their swords up the air as well. "TOGETHER!" They echoed. With that said, Marthen led the charge. The sudden fierceness surprised their enemy. Marthen leaped and clash his sword toward his closest opponent. His blade entered the flesh of his enemy and screamed he did.

    He saw Falk fighting and clashing with two opponent at once. He saw Thea barely dodging a deadly strike. She managed to kick her opponent and pierce the man's throat with her short sword. Brom charged at an opponent who was about to strike his comrade from behind. The boy jumped and slam the bandit with his body. That allowed Tom to finish the opponent off.

    Clashes of steel could be heard, as the Roduks fought and bite for their lives. Marthen kept shouting and bellowing as he fought his enemies. Then his heart froze when he saw Jan getting overwhelmed. Five bandits grabbed him and began stabbing him through the head. Jan could only scream. "No!" Marthen shouted and attempted to save him.

    Then someone jumped at him from behind and planted a dagger into his shoulder. Marthen roared and throw the bandit away. He felt blood flowing down his arm. He grunted, then five bandits stood in front of him. Two launched forward and forced his back to the ground. Marthen heard Falk shout. "MARTHEN!"

    The Roduks leader saw his opponent raised their steel. Then he felt the cold steel enter his legs, his chest. He felt his belly getting pierced. He felt his blood flowing down like river. He saw his memories.

    Then the world became dark when the sword entered his eyes....

    ((Your story begins now. The next chapter will start with Falk.))

  • Nice chapter luckily none of the pov characters died but losing the leader so early is a blow. Btw with bringing these out are you doing 2 a day or just random

    [Voted Stay and fight the bandits] Marthen made his choice. He did not like it, but he have to do it. If they get separated now, the Rodu

  • For now, 2 a day. :)

    And aye, poor Roduks losing their leader, but this fight will make them hardened and more prepared for future fights. It just cost them their leader and put the whole mercenary group's future in uncertain position.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    Nice chapter luckily none of the pov characters died but losing the leader so early is a blow. Btw with bringing these out are you doing 2 a day or just random

  • Falk I

    Four days has passed since the fight at the barn. Out of the fifteen Roduks, only 9 survived the attacked. They lost six Roduks that day, including their leader Marthen. It has only been three days, but the days has felt so long that it might have been months. Falk still remember how they managed to kill the remaining bandits and how furious he was. After the fight, they buried their 6 comrades at the barn and left the bandits to rot on the ground. Falk remember how they all look confused and scared, he felt the same way. Then Thea approached him and whispered. "Lead us, Falk. You have to."

    It took him a moment, but eventually he took her advice. "We follow Marthen's command. We are heading for Riverrun." He ordered and all of the Roduks quietly followed him. Being the new leader of the Roduks felt strange. Maybe he should feel happy about it. But there was nothing to be happy about. He was now in charge of 9 lives and they are looking to him for answers and guidance. He just wasn't ready for that. Falk never wanted this and he never wanted this to happen. He wish that Marthen was still among them. But no matter how much he wish for that to happen, it will never happen. Instead, he tried to remember how Marthen has led them in the past.

    The days has been hard. They walked out of the barn with sour mood. Falk sensed the tension of his comrades. He felt that they weren't happy with their current situation. The morale is really low. Falk fear that they might desert during the night. The weather has been grey in these past days. Grey and windy, matching their moods. Brom was in charge of their food, just as Marthen ordered. It wasn't a particularly hard task, since they have just lost 6 people. They have enough food for a bit longer now. Falk wished that the bandits they have slain have food on them, but they didn't. Thea suspected that they might have a camp nearby, but Falk objected because he didn't want to waste time to search for something that might not exist. However, he still have doubt if he made the right choice. They have to pass by some village or start hunting if they are going to survive their travel to Riverrun.

    "Look." Martin pointed up ahead. Falk look and saw a traveler dragging a wagon. Falk was certain that he saw vegetables and...meal? He felt two hands placed on his shoulders. It was Martin and Ben. "Let's take the food, Falk. He is only one man. No one will know what we did." Martin urged with a hungry tone. "Aye, aye. He is only one man with all the food for himself. He should be sharing them." Ben kept urging. "What are you talking about? This isn't right." Brom protested. "And he is probably traveling to one of those village, so they can get food. What happens to them if we just take it?" Thea also protested.

    [Kill the traveler and take the food], [Take the food and let the farmer go.], [Pass by the farmer.], [Offer to escort the farmer to his destination]

  • I know a slippery slope when I see one, especially when morale is low.

    If he's in Westeros he can't be going far with that food cart alone, especially during times of war, unless he's suicidal, so:

    Offer to escort the farmer to his destination

    (hopefully in exchange for some of that food)

    Falk I Four days has passed since the fight at the barn. Out of the fifteen Roduks, only 9 survived the attacked. They lost six Roduks th

  • Offer to escort the farmer..

    Though I suspect this won't go as planned

  • offer to escort farmer to his destination

    I chose this because killing the farmer is a quite savage thing to do with people being reliant on the food he's bringing. If we escort him (which I hope will be a short amount of time wasted not going riverrun) he may pay us in some of his food.

    Are you going to call each POV moment a number in Romans numerals and the characters name.

  • Just like how it is in the books. I just want to experiment if it works here.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    offer to escort farmer to his destination I chose this because killing the farmer is a quite savage thing to do with people being reliant

  • Next part... SOON

  • SOON! Actually, tonight, I promise. :)

    Sorry for not doing two today, I had some stuff to do.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    Next part... SOON

  • No prob. I'd rather have one a day than two small rushed ones

    SOON! Actually, tonight, I promise. Sorry for not doing two today, I had some stuff to do.

  • [Voted offer to escort the farmer to his destination]

    No, they can't do it. Falk turned to Martin and Ben. "No, that would make us no different than the people who killed Marthen and the others. We are doing something different and that's is a command." He said sternly. The two backed off. He caught a glimpse of Brom and Thea smiling. Falk walk forward and approach the farmer. "Greetings. Where are you headed?" He greeted the farmer. After a startled look that quickly got replaced with a rather nervous smile, he replied. "Greetings to you to, friend. I am headed to my village. I am bringing food that we managed to buy with the coins that we could spare." He said. Falk gave him an understanding nod. "I see. Me and my companions are the Roduks. We are a mercenary group." He introduced them. The farmer gave them all an examining look. "Oh, that's...that's good, I take it? For a moment, I thought you were bandits." He chuckled a little, but there was a slight quiver in his voice.

    "However about escort you to your village? The road can be unpredictable and dangerous. And the food needs to be delivered to your village." Falk suggested. It took a moment for the farmer to make his decision. "Alright then." He smiled. If anything, fear motivated the man to accept the offer. Falk nodded and look to the Roduks. "We are escorting this man to his village." He told them and gave a look at Martin and Ben. Don't try anything stupid... He thought as he look at them.

    They walked with the farmer in silence. Falk kept half an eye on Martin and Ben, making sure they don't do anything. It took them an hour before they reached the village of the farmer. From the looks of it, it was a small village. Maybe there were twenty or thirty people? The villagers look upon them with wariness as they passed by. They finished escorting the man to the center of his village and everyone has gathered to take their share of the food. The man seems more at eased for arriving home. "Thank you all. How can I repay?" He asked them after getting off his wagon. "Some stew would do all of us good." Falk said quickly. The farmer gave them all a quick look, but then he nodded. "That can be done. I'll go and see my wife start making some stew for you all." He said before

    Falk turn to his comrades. "We will spend some time resting here and eat. Don't cause trouble for these people." He said strictly. With that said, the rest of them began slowly found a place to sit and rest. Falk was about to retreat to somewhere private when Thea grabbed his arm. "You did well today. I feared that you would have done something terrible." She said kindly. Falk gave her a look, he didn't smile. "I...I saw no reason to do it." He mutter. "It was still a kind act. Some of us are happy to follow you." Thea commented before she went to talk to Brom.

    He gave the woman a look. He placed a palm on his face. He felt tired. Falk concentrated and thought on their next move.

    [Try to recruit some villagers], [Talk to the Roduks.]

  • edited September 2015

    Try to recruit some villagers

    Though I'd love to get more background and check in on everyone, the Roduks are short-handed. They need to at least establish allies with the villagers

    P.S: love the way it's coming along.

    [Voted offer to escort the farmer to his destination] No, they can't do it. Falk turned to Martin and Ben. "No, that would make us no dif

  • So happy to know! I am trying my best to make it exciting. :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Try to recruit some villagers Though I'd love to get more background and check in on everyone, the Roduks are short-handed. They need to at least establish allies with the villagers P.S: love the way it's coming along.

  • Hooray stew! I made a good decision in Westeros that worked out how I wanted it to, that's very exciting.

    Alright, a village of only two dozen people probably has only a handful of men and women capable of holding their own in a fight, and they are probably needed here to protect the other women, elderly, children, and their tiny village - one so small is easy pickings for bandits, so it's not the place I'd choose to recruit anyone. Even if one or two men came with us that would make a significant dent in their defenses since the population is so small anyway, and it's not as if we have an extra food to feed any more mouths on the way to Riverrun. Plus, I want to keep an eye on Martin and Ben, and see how my people are faring after a bit of hot stew in their bellies. So, let's go talk to the Roduks

    [Voted offer to escort the farmer to his destination] No, they can't do it. Falk turned to Martin and Ben. "No, that would make us no dif

  • (I realize I don't have to type my way through every decision before I make it, I just sort of like giving feedback as to why I pick my choices because they're never random, but if that's annoying, I can stop. I fully acknowledge my tendency to be overly verbose at times.)

    cussbunny posted: »

    Hooray stew! I made a good decision in Westeros that worked out how I wanted it to, that's very exciting. Alright, a village of only two

  • Ooo possible decider I will go with try to rest recruit some villagers want do something productive like get more numbers on our side than get morale up (I'm sure the rodkus members are fine seeing we made that nice decision

    cussbunny posted: »

    (I realize I don't have to type my way through every decision before I make it, I just sort of like giving feedback as to why I pick my choi

  • I love your explanation. It makes it easier for me to write. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    (I realize I don't have to type my way through every decision before I make it, I just sort of like giving feedback as to why I pick my choi

  • Yh man your detailed explanation of your choices help me make my own choices on this tread. (Didn't get ne this time :) still think we should recruit some villagers). Keep doing what your doing :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    (I realize I don't have to type my way through every decision before I make it, I just sort of like giving feedback as to why I pick my choi

  • edited September 2015

    [Voted try and recruit some villagers]

    ((A lesson to you all, always copy what you have written. A misclick and all is lost.)

    They are only numbering 9 people now. They have to recruit more people if they are going to survive future battles. The Roduks can wait, he won't bother their rest. Well, at least most of them he won't. Falk approached Brom who was sitting nearby checking the backpack of food. When the boy saw Falk approaching, he quickly stood up and stand attention. "I was just making sure that everything is in order." The boy said. He has been taking the duty that Marthen has given him very seriously. Falk was sure that the boy has no intention of stealing the food for himself. "How much do we have left?" Falk asked him. Brom look at the backpack again just to make sure. "We have three red apples, a half of bread, one onion, a dry fish and half a dry meat." He said. Falk let out a sigh. That is not enough...We don't have enough to get to Riverrun, let alone feed 9 people. Or possibility more. He thought. This was something he has to worry about later.

    "Walk with me, Brom. We are going to find the village leader and ask him for recruits." He said and started walking. The boy followed him closely. "Do you think any will join us?" He asks. "I don't know. When we passed your village, you were the only one who volunteered to join us when Marthen asked." Falk said. It was only three weeks ago when they passed Brom's village. They were looking for a place to stay and rest. Brom was the first one to greet them. After some talk, Marthen managed to convince Brom's village leader about staying and rest. Brom spend the whole day talking to them. The next day, when they were about to leave. Marthen asked if anyone wanted to join, Brom jumped at the opportunity.

    "Why did you join us, Brom? Don't you miss your village?" Falk asks. "I wanted to leave my village for a while. I want to be a warrior. I want to join in the battles of the stories that our elders told us." Brom answered honestly. The boy was a dreamer. Falk tightened. "And now? How is it living up to your tale, Brom? Marthen and the others are dead. We don't have much food to take us to Riverrun. And bandits or worse can attack us at any time. Does that live up to your tale?" Falk asked sternly. The boy became silent. Brom was devastated when Marthen was killed. But he tried not to show it and maintain his attitude. Falk breath deeply and stopped walking. "That was unkind...I am sorry, Brom. You are a good lad. Marthen trusted you and so should I. We will survive, I promise." Falk said, trying to make amend. The boy could only nod.

    They continued looking for the village leader. There was seven houses at its center. Falk saw two more at the nearby hills. He wonder if there are more houses and huts in the area. The villagers are mostly doing their daily work. He saw some of them hacking the earth. He spotted a man fishing at a nearby water stream. The fisher has caught a fish. Falk's mouth watered at the thought of eating a roasted crispy fish.

    I should ask someone. He thought. When a man passed, Falk turned and asked him. "Where is the village leader?" The man turned to look at Falk. He has a belly and a small nose. He wore a hat. "You are looking at him?" He grunted as he hold his bucket. "Do you know anyone who want to join our mercenary band?" Falk asked bluntly. The village leader gave a look. "And why should I tell you?" He snorted. "I am just asking." Falk said. It took a moment before he sighed and pointed at the nearby wood.

    "We have a man...Axton. He live in those woods there. He is distant. He rarely comes out of the wood and only does it to exchange some animals that he has caught for bread, corn and a bowl of stew." The man said. Then he pointed at another direction. Toward the hills. "Hilda. She knows a lot of herbs and stuff. But we don't like her. She scares us." The man said. "We don't want them here. Do whatever you want. Kill them, take them away. I don't care." The village leader said and continued walking.

    Brom look at Falk. "Who should we ask first?"

    [Recruit Axton], [Recruit Hilda]

  • WOW village leader, you have a real problem with introverts. "Kill them, take them away, I don't care" just cause my dude likes to live in the woods and not socialize much? This made me legit lol.

    Anyway, I'm hoping we get a chance to talk to both here, but in case we don't... as much as I would love to snag what I very much suspect is a healer, right now what we need most are more fighters, AND more food. Clearly Axton can hunt and trap, and if he can hunt he's at least good with a bow if nothing else which makes him useful in a fight. A man who can do two jobs would be a valuable asset.

    recruit Axton

    [Voted try and recruit some villagers] ((A lesson to you all, always copy what you have written. A misclick and all is lost.) They are

  • I just wrote that sentence quickly, because I was frustrated that I accidentally deleted the previous post.

    As always I like your explanation, gives me a lot of ideas. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    WOW village leader, you have a real problem with introverts. "Kill them, take them away, I don't care" just cause my dude likes to live in t

  • Oh, I wasn't making fun of it, I thought it was great! He went from 'generic villager' to a character I could clearly see in my mind's eye at that point. I didn't find it beyond belief, he reminded me... I dunno if you've ever read Stephen King's Dark Tower series, but all of the sudden this whole scene reminded me of the town from Wolves of the Calla. There's a shithead town leader in that book too, and while I don't recall him ever being so bluntly callous, it gave me that kind of story feel. The idea of a village leader being so blunt when asked if there is anyone who might want to join a band of mercenaries by basically responding with "yeah those two over there, honestly I don't give a shit what happens to them" made me laugh but in a good way. Keep it up, I'm loving this.

    (And I know how you feel - you know how talky I am whenever I'm trying to say anything at all, and when I feel strongly about something it's so much worse, and I wrote this long passionate defense of Robb somewhere on this forum about how he was a good leader and a smart commander and how rare it is for someone so young to inspire the devotion and respect of men old enough to be his father willing to follow him into battle, and how I couldn't fault him for falling in love and breaking his oath because when you're a teenager and you fall in love for the first time it feels like the biggest and most important, dramatic thing in the universe, and anyway I tried to post it and clicked something else by mistake, and then I was looking at Telltale's privacy policy somehow and tried to go back and it was all gone. I feel you, Dave.)

    I'm glad you appreciate my train of thought posts, cause I'm enjoying this story and checking this forum all too frequently to see if you've posted the next chapter yet.

    I just wrote that sentence quickly, because I was frustrated that I accidentally deleted the previous post. As always I like your explanation, gives me a lot of ideas.

  • As much as I'd want to recruit Hilda, I have a feeling a fight is coming up. And we need A Darryl Dixon in our group if we'd hope to survive. Especially if he can hunt.

    Recruit Axton

  • edited September 2015

    Huh, didn't think about that one. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    As much as I'd want to recruit Hilda, I have a feeling a fight is coming up. And we need A Darryl Dixon in our group if we'd hope to survive. Especially if he can hunt. Recruit Axton

  • I'm gonna role will role with the squad here I chose recruit axton he seems like a warrior. Wouldn't want to talk to other villagers seems like a waste of storyline (maybe axton since it seems like he's won).

    P.s-like how the story has been structured so far but would have hoped for mare than one villager but he seems like he can bring the food in though. Hopefully the pov characters make it but well done so far :)

  • [Voted recruit Axton]

    "We are asking, Axton first. We need someone skilled at our side and Axton sounds competent." Falk decided. Brom nodded. "Well, how about I go and talk to Hilda then?" The young lad suggested. That was a good idea. "Clever, Brom. Alright then, just be on your guard. And try not to be too forceful in asking her." Falk told him. He nodded and quickly went toward the hills where Hilda should live. Alone, Falk headed toward the woods. The forests was grey and green. He felt a chill as he kept walking and searching for Axton. As he wandered, he wondered what kind of person this Axton was. It was clear that he was something of an outcast, considering the village leader didn't have such a high opinion on him.

    "One more step and you will get pierced." A voice said from behind. Falk stopped, he heard a string getting pulled. "Raise your hands." The voice demanded. Falk did as he was told. He heard the footsteps approached. "Who are you? A bandit? Someone who was send to kill me?" The voice demanded to know. "I am not here to kill you. I am looking for a man named Axton." Falk answered. There was a brief moment of silence, but then the sound of string getting pulled tightened. "Why..? Who in the Seven's ass are you?" The man asked. "My name is Falk. Leader of the Roduks. A mercenary band. I am looking to recruit Axton." He answered truthfully. He wished that he could see the stranger's face. Again there was a silent before the stranger spoke again. "Turn around."

    Falk turned and saw a man with long hair and black beard. He was pointing an arrow at him. At his belt, there was three rabbits. "I am Axton." The man introduced himself and lowered the bow slightly. "Why should I join you?" He asks. Falk kept his hands raised. "Because the villagers doesn't want you here. They want you gone." He said. Axton chuckled. "If they want me gone, then let them come. The trees and shadows are my shield. This is my home." The bearded man said. "How long have you lived here?" Falk asked. "A few years." He said casually and put away the bow. "Then you intend to live through the winter here?" Falk continued asking. "I have survived winters." Axton said and walked passed him. "Don't you desire something more than just staying in the forest then?" Falk kept persisting.

    Axton turned around. "What is there to desire?" He asked. "A chance to earn something more than just a simple hut in a forest. A chance to earn respect and wealth. Doesn't that appeal to you?" Falk asks. "Maybe, but why do I need coins, when I can catch a delicious rabbit and make my own stew?" Axton counter. This man was hard to persuade, Falk wonder if he should give up. But they need Axton. He is clearly a skilled and experienced man. The Roduks needs him. "What can I do to convince you to join us?" He asks. That question made Axton think. He scratch his beard.

    "Alright, Falk. Here is my challenge. There is a bear that lives somewhere in the forest. In a cave. I can show you where. If you can kill the bear and bring me its heart. Then I will see you as being worth my service."

    [Accept Axton's challenge], [Refuse Axton's challenge]

  • **Accept Axton's challenge **

    Understand I don't choose this because I'm some type of savage that is for animal cruelty. Its just that this is what we have to do to get Axton and I'm sure the fur will be a nice little coat if someone is cold.

    It could be a situation where Falk dies though since killing a bear in the woods ain't gonna be dead simple. But I'm sure that won't happen (I hope :( don't take my falk plz).

    But I stand by my decision of this since I think that cant happen and that we need Axton even though it's quite savage

    [Voted recruit Axton] "We are asking, Axton first. We need someone skilled at our side and Axton sounds competent." Falk decided. Brom no

  • Thank you for giving Brom the task of recruiting Hilda! I feel he'd have a better chance talking to the healer rather than talking to the hunter.

    But we definitely have to accept Axtons challenge. What kind of mercenary group would we be if we couldn't even hunt a bear? Plus it's time for Falk to step up as the Roduks leader

    Accept Axtons challenge

    [Voted recruit Axton] "We are asking, Axton first. We need someone skilled at our side and Axton sounds competent." Falk decided. Brom no

  • Considering that this is a world where people puts pigon in a pie, sewing a wolf's head on another person, having a bear fight a woman in an arena and slitting the throat of another wolf. I think the people in Westeros doesn't know what animal cruelty is.

    Just saying that you shouldn't feel guilty about hurting a bear. :)

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    **Accept Axton's challenge ** Understand I don't choose this because I'm some type of savage that is for animal cruelty. Its just that th

  • Mhmm did not think bout that so makes me feel a little better :) so I stand by my decision. Just don't kill meh Falk Plez :(

    Considering that this is a world where people puts pigon in a pie, sewing a wolf's head on another person, having a bear fight a woman in an

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