Interactive Forum Game of Thrones Story: Tales of War



  • Yh I think brom would work talking to the woman since I think he's the one urging us not to kill the man showing he has heart.

    And yes its time for Falk to start showing he's the alpha male that will lead Rodkus. I'm excited to see if there will be an actual war in th future of this series since with your story writing I'm sure it'll be awesome to read

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Thank you for giving Brom the task of recruiting Hilda! I feel he'd have a better chance talking to the healer rather than talking to the hu

  • As it is now, the story takes place just before the civil war called Blackfyre Rebellion. So eventually, there will be a war. We are just sorta laying the groundworks for now.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    Yh I think brom would work talking to the woman since I think he's the one urging us not to kill the man showing he has heart. And yes it

  • Accept Axton's challenge

    Hi I'm new here but I read all of your story so far since its not that much but its vey interesting. I'm lucky its new and easy catch up on unlike the other ones

  • Welcome aboard! Glad that you will partake in deciding the destiny of the Roduks. :)

    Accept Axton's challenge Hi I'm new here but I read all of your story so far since its not that much but its vey interesting. I'm lucky its new and easy catch up on unlike the other ones

  • Thanks glad to be here m'lord (of the fourm :)

    Welcome aboard! Glad that you will partake in deciding the destiny of the Roduks.

  • edited September 2015

    [Voted Accept Axton's challenge]

    "I accept your challenge." Falk said firmly. That made Axton raised his eyebrows a little. "Alright then, follow me." He urged. In silence, Falk follow Axton toward the bear cave. As they walked, he thought about how he should fight a bear. He have heard stories about the size and strength of a bear. He have heard a bear's claw is capable of smashing stones and its roar being able to rock mountains. Falk has never seen a bear before. I know death. I have seen that and been close to it. He thought as he kept following Axton. They stopped when they could see the cave. Axton turn to look at Falk. "How old are you?" He asked. "I have seen winters and summers. Why do you asks?"

    "No reasons. Now prove yourself." Axton said and wander in another direction. Taking a deep breath, Falk headed forward and draw his sword. He walked with cautious steps as he got closer to the bear cave. He felt his heart beating faster as his eyes stared at the ominous dark cave. Anyone moment, he felt like the bear could charge out of the shadows and attack. How should he fight the bear? He look around and examine his surroundings. From where he was standing now, he was in a wide area. There are space enough for him to dodge and run for. He notices that he could climb up on top of the entrance. If the bear comes out, he could jump and thrust his sword through it.

    What should he do?

    [Fight in the open.], [Climb on top of the cave entrance.]


    I one nap and I come back and we are fighting a bear, which is literally my phobia, to the point where I often brush up on the different ways you're supposed to defend yourself from black bears vs brown bears even though I am incredibly unlikely to encounter either in my living room. Do you guys know how powerful even a black bear is? Let alone the swipe of a brown bear or the pounds per square inch crush of its jaw?! Oh my god this is such a terrible idea Axton you better be so worth it buddy I expect you to kill a rabbit for each man or woman in our group every night and build us a log cabin with your bare hands every time it rains and turn into a goddamn dragon when we get into a fight, talkin about bring you the heart of a bear, jesus h christ on a bicycle

    Climb on top of the cave entrance and buddy you better wait there as long as it takes and if it's hibernating you sit your happy ass up there till spring and thank the Seven that it will be sleepy when it finally stumbles out if there and maybe you can kill it if you take it by surprise via death from above.

  • Yooo this is funny as hell that last paragraph especially took me some time to settle down anyway...

    I agree that he shouldclimb on top of the cave entrance and just wait it out don't want to be doing some 1v1 with a bear with a member of a average skilled gang. Might as well go Bat mode and try to just early kill by jumping down.

    I read u produce three a day I know it can't always be as consistent as this but round of applause for tady

    cussbunny posted: »

    YOU GUYS. I one nap and I come back and we are fighting a bear, which is literally my phobia, to the point where I often brush up on the

  • People has been a lot active lately, that's why I am producing more. :)

    Yooo this is funny as hell that last paragraph especially took me some time to settle down anyway... I agree that he shouldclimb on top o

  • We gotta do this smart, but I hope everyone doesn't follow Falk

    Climb on top of the cave entrance

    Don't want to deal with a bear at eye level, and maybe we give Axton a chance to sneak up on the bear

    [Voted Accept Axton's challenge] "I accept your challenge." Falk said firmly. That made Axton raised his eyebrows a little. "Alright then

  • It's really good so far man, I expect big things for future POVs

    People has been a lot active lately, that's why I am producing more.

  • Stayin active then this story is getting good and I'm excited to see how it develops

    People has been a lot active lately, that's why I am producing more.

  • I WAS ACTIVE ALL MORNING, I kept refreshing the page and I kept seeing one interactive tale or another jump up to the top and I was like "yay new chapter!" and then realize it was one of the other five or six of these going on, and then my pain meds kicked in and I was like okay well I need a nap but there will probably be a new chapter later. And there WAS but it was TOO LATE you guys all thought fighting a bear ON PURPOSE was a TOTALLY REASONABLE THING TO DO and Dave I love you and I think you're great and this story is great and I am really happy you're writing so much and if I had my way you'd just do this all day every day, but man now I have to go run a few errands and when I get back I better not find that Hilda has charged Brom with defeating the seven creepy clowns that live under her bed with a stick or something and everyone is like YES LET'S DO THAT.

    People has been a lot active lately, that's why I am producing more.

  • I wish I could have replied to your votes, but since we have other nice people aboard, I have to give them a chance to make their vote. :)

    Aww, thanks Cussbunny. What you said really warms my heart. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    I WAS ACTIVE ALL MORNING, I kept refreshing the page and I kept seeing one interactive tale or another jump up to the top and I was like "ya

  • This paragraph explains all about how good This interactive story is. Well done Dave we all love u and ur work. Cussbunny just has the greatest detailed (not forgetting funnies) explanations

    cussbunny posted: »

    I WAS ACTIVE ALL MORNING, I kept refreshing the page and I kept seeing one interactive tale or another jump up to the top and I was like "ya

  • Oh no man, it's all good, I wasn't here and I missed the boat and the other folks got to decide - which is totally fair and how it should be. I'm just ranting cause even though you don't know me and there is no way you or anyone else here could have known, it was like "hey, cussbunny is MIA, let's take this opportunity to craft the next part of the story directly out of her nightmares" to which I can only respond with incredulous humor, but I am in no way mad or feeling left out. ;)

    I wish I could have replied to your votes, but since we have other nice people aboard, I have to give them a chance to make their vote. Aww, thanks Cussbunny. What you said really warms my heart.

  • My, that was a quick errant.

    Well, it is a big coincidence that a bear happened to be directly out of your nightmare. It looks like destiny then. :D

    cussbunny posted: »

    Oh no man, it's all good, I wasn't here and I missed the boat and the other folks got to decide - which is totally fair and how it should be

  • I haven't left yet because the gravity on my couch is extra strong this afternoon.

    And because there might be bears at Whole Foods. You never know, man.

    My, that was a quick errant. Well, it is a big coincidence that a bear happened to be directly out of your nightmare. It looks like destiny then.

  • [Voted climb on top of the cave entrance]

    Deciding that attacking in the open was too much of a risk, Falk decided that the smartest move was to climb on top of the cave entrance, draw the bear out and attack it. Quickly heading to the left, he sneaked closer to the left side of the cave entrance. As he got closer, he could hear breathing. Trying to ignore that, he continued and quickly climb on top of the cave entrance. He carefully placed his food on the ground above the cave. Falk maintained his sword grip. He breath deeply one more time. He checked that he have his sword and the dagger at his belt. Then he let out a loud roar. His roar echo somewhat across the woods.

    For a moment there was silence. Then, he felt the earth beneath him moving. Or rather, he felt the movement of something big walking out of the cave. The beast's breathing grows louder and louder. He could hear the sound of it sniffing. Finally, Falk saw it's head from above. It was peaking and looking. When it moved one more step, Falk rose, prepared his sword.

    And he jumped.

    What happened next was a big roar. A beast's roar. For a brief moment, Falk was riding the bear as it tried to shake him off. Desperately, Falk maintained his grip on his sword, the thing planted deeply on the bear's back and the only thing keeping him on its back. But eventually, the bear managed to shake Falk off and he landed hard on the earth ground. He landed with his right leg and it burned of pain. Falk ignored it and turn at the bear. He realized that he was still holding his sword, now soaked of the beast's blood. The bear turned its full attention on it's foe and charged at him. It raised it's palm and slashed. Falk barely dodged its deadly claws, he quickly stab the bear's leg, but he wasn't able to put enough strength behind the stabbing, it did nothing.

    Jumping onto his feet, he face the bear again. The bear suddenly rose and stand on two instead of four legs. Falk saw the opportunity and tried to stab its heart, but the bear was prepared. One palm hit his sword away and the other went for the killing blow.

    The world stopped as Falk reacted...

    [Leap directly at the bear's chest and push the beast], [Try to dodge the deadly claws and get the sword back]

    ((I hope the fight wasn't too unrealistic.))

  • I choose try to dodge the deadly claws and get the the sword back I feel that a push is too risky getting that close without a weapon so play it safe.

    It was a fine fight scene the only non realistic part is the fact he stabbed the bear in the leg and then this bears standing on two legs. But besides from that well done on leaving us on this cliff hanger when were in the middle of action

    [Voted climb on top of the cave entrance] Deciding that attacking in the open was too much of a risk, Falk decided that the smartest move

  • edited September 2015

    ((I hope the fight wasn't too unrealistic.))

    NOPE! If you had Falk jump on the bear from above, stab it, and have the bear let out a dying roar as Falk stood over triumphant, THAT would have been super unrealistic. Falk is in real trouble here, as he should be, because oh my god you guys this was a terrible idea but I admit makes for a really fun story, plus I get to put all this useless bear knowledge to use now!

    Adult male brown bears (Grizzlies) can weigh up to 1500 lbs. I'm going to assume this bear is comparable, since that's what everyone pictures in their head when they think of "bear," and was the type that Brienne fought with a wooden sword in a pit. So let's assume this bear weighs, at minimum, 900 lbs. Do you know what happens when you charge at something that weighs 900 lbs and push it? Fookin' NOTHING, that's what. Think about the guy who plays The Mountain. You think if you charged him and shoved him in the chest you could knock him over? I bet not. How much does that guy weigh? I dunno either, BUT NOT AS MUCH AS A BEAR.

    Even if the bear doesn't see you coming, even if you catch him off guard, you are going to throw all your weight into him and he's going to grunt and maybe shuffle back an inch if you catch him unawares. And this bear definitely sees you coming.

    So what's going to happen is, you're going to throw yourself into his chest, and 900 lbs (at least) of muscle and fat is not going to move an inch. And then that bear is going to do two things at once. He is going to give you a bear hug, which is not as adorable and warm and fuzzy as it is getting one from a friend. It will snap your spine. At the same time, it will probably bite into your head, with all that bone-splintering crushing force of its powerful jaws.

    Oh, this is assuming you avoid that swipe he's taking at you right now. One swipe from a bear has been known to be able to kill an elk.

    For god's sake Falk, duck and go for your sword

    [Voted climb on top of the cave entrance] Deciding that attacking in the open was too much of a risk, Falk decided that the smartest move

  • I don't know why there's a spoiler warning on this, I didn't mean to do that and I can't figure out how to make it go away, at least on my mobile.

  • You must have accidentally clicked on the spoiler.

    And thanks for that information, I never knew that. Gosh, this is scary. :o

  • Bears are so big and massive (and terrifying) and have so much fat and muscle that they can take a lot of damage before they go down. Unless he cut deep enough to hamstring it, it's not at all unrealistic that it would be standing. It's why you never shoot a bear with anything less than a shotgun, because even large caliber handguns like .45s are just going to piss it off.

    Bears have a whole lotta HP, is what I'm saying. ;)

    I choose try to dodge the deadly claws and get the the sword back I feel that a push is too risky getting that close without a weapon so pla

  • This has been your daily communication from BEAR FACTS! Would you like to continue receiving BEAR FACTS for just a low monthly fee of $1.99?

    Reply 1 for YES

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    You must have accidentally clicked on the spoiler. And thanks for that information, I never knew that. Gosh, this is scary.

  • I did mention that Falk wasn't able to put enough strength behind the stabbing. It did nothing.

    I choose try to dodge the deadly claws and get the the sword back I feel that a push is too risky getting that close without a weapon so pla

  • Omg lol I tried to post my vote to attack from the cave entrance, and my wifi lagged out :p

    Anyway, this is very realistic (although I've never fought a bear lol). If Falk was Kratos or Hercules, I would vote for going straight for the Bears heart. But Axtons still been hiding and I know he'll save the day. Let's keep all our limbs until then

    Dodge and go for my sword

  • [Voted Dodge and go for the sword]

    Falk felt the claw passing over him. He was sure that for a brief moment, he felt the fur touching his hair. He didn't waste time to think about that and managed to grab his sword again. Grabbing the sword grip with both hands, he stared at the bear as turns its eyes at him. Falk notice that blood was seeping out of the wound that he has given it earlier. If only, he could give it a few more deep wounds, he could maybe weaken it enough. The bear was about to charge, then it roared when an arrow pierced into it's side. Seizing the chance, Falk charged forward and stab it in the eye. Again, the bear roared louder. Again, there was an arrow that entered the bear's flesh.

    The bear has entered a frenzy and began wildly roaring and slashing its claws at every direction. Falk could only keep his distance away from the bear as it keep unleashing its mindless rage at everything. Again, a few more arrow hit the beast. Falk observed from a safe distance as the beast kept rampaging. Axton kept firing arrows at the beast, trying to bring it down. Why doesn't the beast die? Falk questioned to himself. At least 12 arrows are planted on the beast now. Then Axton jumped from his hiding place. He have one arrow on his bow and he pointed at the beast. He taunted the beast, getting its attention. Knowing what he intended to do, Falk approached the beast when its attention was at Axton.

    The bear attempts to charge at Axton, but he was able to fire his last arrow and it hits its neck. Before the bear could get to Axton, Falk has already reached the beast and pierced his sword deeply at the bear's side. With all the strength he have, Falk put his entire weight on his sword and like a lever, push the sword downward. Like a waterfall, blood flow down the open wound. "Keep your distance!" Axton shouted to Falk. He did what he was told. They both watched as the bear let out a final roar before it collapsed on its stomach. It was still breathing, but the mighty beast has weakened and can do no more.

    Cautiously, they both approach the beast. Falk felt himself breathing heavily. Axton look at Falk with a smile, the first he has seen on him. "You should feel proud, Falk. You fought a mighty beast and live. You are a warrior and a worthy leader to follow." He said. Falk said nothing, he could only think about how he almost got himself killed. "People say that whoever drink a bear's blood have their courage grown ten times larger." Axton said. Falk gave him a look and the man gestured him to do so.

    [Drink bear blood], [Refuse]

  • Oh my god Axton, you absolute lunatic. I kind of love you. Have you met any Dothraki? I think you would get along.

    Oh and Falk... drink up, buddy!


    [Voted Dodge and go for the sword] Falk felt the claw passing over him. He was sure that for a brief moment, he felt the fur touching his

  • To be honest, I wrote this because I remember a story that I read when I was a kid about a Viking taking a cowardly young man on a bear hunt. After killing the bear, the Viking forced the young man to drink the blood. After that he grows more courageous and no longer fear things.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Oh my god Axton, you absolute lunatic. I kind of love you. Have you met any Dothraki? I think you would get along. Oh and Falk... drink up, buddy!

  • I have vague recollections about something like that too. I can't remember where I heard it, and I certainly don't remember if it was a bear or if it was supposed to give courage... Maybe it was Native American folklore I'm remembering. I know there were some cultures where you are certain organs right after the kill to absorb the animals strength. Lol, I can remember no details, this is the vaguest post ever, but in any case, it rang a bell and reminded me of the Dothraki baby shower where Dany had to eat a giant horse heart.

    Honestly, while I stand by my initial assertion that if you ask someone if they want to hang out with you, and they say "yeah I'll hang out with you, but only if you fight a bear and cut out its heart" you should nod and smile and back away slowly from that person cause they are clearly crazy. THAT SAID I love how Axton just straight doubled down on his totally bonkers conditions by telling Falk to drink the bear's gushing blood - I mean shit, let's just go all in now on this warrior crazy train because Axton is starting to look like he might be the kind of fearless bananas warrior that I love.

    I am not ashamed to admit that I am glad I was overruled by the group about trying to recruit villagers, and I'm even glad you guys decided to fight a goddamned bear just to recruit some guy you just met, because I think maybe it might have been worth it. Axton you crazy badass.

    What a fun game this is turning out to be. Bravo, Dave.

    To be honest, I wrote this because I remember a story that I read when I was a kid about a Viking taking a cowardly young man on a bear hunt

  • drink bears blood

    cussbunny posted: »

    I have vague recollections about something like that too. I can't remember where I heard it, and I certainly don't remember if it was a bear

  • Thank god everyone's safe!! Hopefully Hilda didn't kill Brom while we were away

    in all honestly, if it was me in the situation I would refuse to drink the blood with no second thought. But it's different worlds with different traditions. Fuck it lets drink

    Drink the Bears blood

    [Voted Dodge and go for the sword] Falk felt the claw passing over him. He was sure that for a brief moment, he felt the fur touching his

  • [Voted drink bear blood]

    Falk said nothing as he approach the fallen beast. He kneel down and look at the beast. He could hear and feel its loud breathing. Falk thrust his hands into the open wounds and gathered a small pool of blood in his cupped hands. The blood was warm. Without giving it a second thought, he closed his eyes and drank the blood. Like water, he felt the warm blood flowing down his throat. Somehow, the blood calmed his nerves a lot and he felt his heart beating comfortably. He has slain this beast. A mighty beast. If he could do something like this, then he could do anything. He draw strength from that realization. Determination grows in his heart. Ever since Marthen died, he has harbored doubt about getting thrust into his new leadership position. Despite his attention to hide it, the others could see it. That doubt has made some of them question his leadership.

    No more. He will help the Roduks grow stronger and become worthy of respect and honor in Westeros. This he swear to himself. Rising to his feet, Falk grabbed his sword that has been implanted deep into the beast. He pulled it out. However, he realized that it was broken. "By the Seven..." He cursed. Axton approached from behind. "Here, you can have this." He said as he pulled out a hand axe. A well-craft hand axe. It looks sharp. Falk grab hold of the axe. "You sure?" He asked the man. Axton responded by bowing down. "On this day, I swear my life and loyalty to you, Falk. I will give my life fighting for the Roduks." He said with honesty. Falk placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you." He said sincerely. Grabbing the hand axe firmly, he turned to the beast and raised his weapon.

    The bear's head is heavy, but Falk kept carrying it with both hands. When Axton asked if he should hold it for him, Falk refused. They both wander out of the forests and headed to the village. The villagers was shocked to see them passing by. The village leader look at them with a stunned look on his face. Falk approached the place where the Roduks has gathered to eat their stew. When they saw their leader approach, they got silent and stopped eating. Falk gave them all a look. Brom wasn't around. He will take care of it later, for now, he has to do this.

    He approached with the bear head, the sight of it caused most of them to step back. Falk placed the head in front of them. "I know that you have been doubting my leadership. I know that we have been walking with empty fire in our hearts the day Marthen died. On right now, on this moment, I will tell you, I no longer harbor doubt in my heart. From today, I will lead you. I will lead you to glory and to honor. Roduks will grow strong and we will be known. This I promise you to day." He stated firmly. "Are you with me?" He wanted to know.

    Thea approach first and kneel down. "Yes, Falk. You are our leader. We will follow you." Then came Martin and Ben. Who also kneel in front of him. "I am sorry for questioning your leadership, Falk. That won't happen again." Martin said looking up at him. "Aye...You won't hear any bad thing from me." Ben said. The rest of the band closely followed suit by kneeling in front of him. Ruck, the big and slow-witted man, Clay the old man, Atton the one-eyed and others, they all kneel in front of him and declared their loyalty. Falk look at them like he was seeing his comrades for the first time.

    They are strong.

    ((The next chapter will be from Brom's perspective.))

  • I hope Falk doesn't die soon, that's usually how the GoT works...

    And hopefully Brom hasn't gotten in any trouble yet

    Lovin it, I check this story often each day, waiting for the next chapters

    [Voted drink bear blood] Falk said nothing as he approach the fallen beast. He kneel down and look at the beast. He could hear and feel i

  • The village leader look at them with a stunned look on his face.

    My absolute favorite part of this (awesome) chapter. Oh, you just thought he was a useless recluse living in a cabin in the woods, huh? Didn't care if he came or went or died, huh? Well here he comes with his new buddy carrying the severed head of a giant bear, so HOW YOU LIKE HIM NOW?

    Next time your little village is raided by bandits and Axton is no longer around to protect them, The Village Leader will remember this moment.

    [Voted drink bear blood] Falk said nothing as he approach the fallen beast. He kneel down and look at the beast. He could hear and feel i

  • Yh I know that game of throne tradition doesn't matter if your a POV character or not (Ethan learn that :().

    I don't know about brom since we didn't hear about him in the previous part then something probably went down hopefully not too bad.

    And I'm excited too to see what what broms up to he's quite a nice character (which isn't a good GOT characteristic).

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I hope Falk doesn't die soon, that's usually how the GoT works... And hopefully Brom hasn't gotten in any trouble yet Lovin it, I check this story often each day, waiting for the next chapters

  • Err sorry for the spoilers in the previous comment if you haven't played episode 1 yet. I'll join the nights watch if I have

    Yh I know that game of throne tradition doesn't matter if your a POV character or not (Ethan learn that ). I don't know about brom since

  • Id be real surprised if anyone is hanging around three pages deep into an interactive fanfic story on the forum for a game they haven't even played yet, so I'd guess you won't have to be taking your vows anytime soon. ;)

    I'm a bit worried about Brom too - if we'd had the choice, if have sent Thea to go talk to the old lady. We know she deals with herbs and the village leader said people are scared of her, I can't remember if he called her a witch, but if he didn't it was the distinct impression I got (even though I suspect she's a healer, maybe she's both, who knows). Thea appears to be more worldly and wise and more apt to be both on her guard and observant. Brom is still young and eager to please and I worry he's still too green and trusting.

    But I know Dave has his reasons - and hopefully whatever Brom deals with will be a lesson to make him a little less green and a little more cautious and aware of potential dangers. I mean, he's gotta learn at some point, and this might be the perfect opportunity.

    Or maybe she's just a sweet little old grandma with an undeserved reputation who will bake us all pies.

    Guess we'll find out! :D

    Err sorry for the spoilers in the previous comment if you haven't played episode 1 yet. I'll join the nights watch if I have

  • Brom I

    ((Side note, this takes place right after Falk and Brom split off.))

    Brom headed toward the hills, where Hilda should be living. He wonder why the villagers have such a bad opinion about a person who knows a lot of herbs. Then he thought wander to what Falk has said to him. "And now? How is it living up to your tale, Brom? Marthen and the others are dead. We don't have much food to take us to Riverrun. And bandits or worse can attack us at any time. Does that live up to your tale?" His word sounds so harsh. Brom can't help but feel the truth behind Falk's words. It hurts him. As much as he tried not to think about it, he kept hearing it inside his head. And he can't help but think about Marthen and the others who have died. Brom managed to shallow the bitterness and concentrated onto his task, that of finding this person named Hilda.

    He reached the hill and began wandering upward. He kept looking around. The wind touched his face. Once on top of the hill, he spotted a small hut nearby. That must be it. If not, at least I can ask the person where Hilda is. He thought. Once he reached the hut, it looks rather empty. Brom was uncertain what to do. Should he just knock on the door or loudly announce his presence? Or should he simply just peak inside the house?

    "Hello. Who are you?" A girl's voice asked. Startled and surprised, Brom quickly turned around and saw a young woman with long blonde hair and a homely face. She was holding a bucket filled with herbs. The young lad lost his words there. Girl's hair was well kept enough and it looks very pretty. There was a moment that felt long before Brom managed to speak again. "H-hello, I'm...I am looking for Hilda. Do you know where she is?" Brom asked nervously. The girl showed a big smile. "I am Hilda." She said brightly. This was something he did not expect. Brom have thought that Hilda was a older woman and not so homely. He doesn't know what in the Seven's name he should do now. Is he suppose to ask her to join them? Brom remember the violence and death. He can't allow her to witness such a thing.

    Hilda chuckled. "You are a weird one. How about you calm down and come with me inside the hut, so we can talk?" She said and passed him and entered her hut. Brom saw no other option except walking into the hut with her. Once inside the hut, he saw a lot of herbs and...a strong strange scent. "Oh and don't speak too loudly...My mother is asleep..." She whispered and pointed toward the bed. Brom looked and saw a person on the bed. The mother's face was covered by a blanket, all he could see was her yellow feet. Brom stared at the bed, the person and the yellow feet.

    [Stay in the hut], [Leave]

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