If you could see one more cast member from the show in Episode 6

Who would it be?

Just some idle speculation while we wait for episode 6. Casting has always been a GoT strong point, and the show cast members do a great job in the game (particularly Lena Headey, who made Mira's encounters with Cersei just as nerve-wracking as you would imagine), but if Telltale were holding one up their sleeve who would you like to see?

In King's Landing one can imagine Mira getting the notice of Littlefinger or Varys, to be recruited as a 'Little Bird'. North of The Wall Ciaran Hinds was great as Mance Raydar, but I think he'd be too busy preparing for the Battle of Castle Black to be bothered with Gared's road trip. I was a big Stannis the Mannis fanboy until he took the idea of a family BBQ too literally, although he's on his way to the Iron Bank of Braavos at this time if memory serves so we probably won't see him unless there's a cut forward.

But the one I would really like to see is Charles Dance as Tywin, one last time. Although everyone knew it was coming I think the show lost one of its most compelling characters and best performance when he got crossbowed on the shitter.


  • I would say Littlefinger, but Lord Morgryn might be a good replacement for him on Mira's story. Tywin, then, because I want Cersei to make Mira testify against Tyrion.

  • Gendry.

    Just let me see him again, somewhere, anywhere, please. Is he smithing somewhere in Essos? Rowing that little boat around Westeros in circles? Did he shipwreck it on a beautiful tropical island somewhere with only a coconut to keep him company that he talks to named Wilsyn? I NEED ANSWERS I WORRY SO MUCH.

  • edited September 2015

    Roose. Hands down. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Jaime, if we're ignoring what's even remotely possible... On a side note I want to see Torrhen. It makes me nervous that we haven't and if Ludd can just borrow Gryff back from Roose, their house is in a war, why hasn't he sent for Torrhen too?

  • I think he's accidentally circumnavigated Ulthos by now.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Gendry. Just let me see him again, somewhere, anywhere, please. Is he smithing somewhere in Essos? Rowing that little boat around Westero

  • Oooooh yes, I'd like to see Tywin!

    Abeille posted: »

    I would say Littlefinger, but Lord Morgryn might be a good replacement for him on Mira's story. Tywin, then, because I want Cersei to make Mira testify against Tyrion.

  • Agreed. Ramsay. Plot Armor. Enough said.

  • If I had to take bets on which cast member is most likely then probably Varys, considering Mira's being causing a ruckus all across King's Landing and involving herself with major players like Margaery, Cersei and Tyrion. Makes sense. Would prefer Littlefinger, but he's in The Vale at this point.

    As far as people who I'd want to see, Stannis (even though it would never happen since Stannis doesn't put himself in the path of any of the Forresters), Roose 'the loose' Bolton, Littlefinger (please God yes) and maybe another Stark, not sure which. Arya would be almost impossible and Sansa probably even harder without running into Littlefinger, and even then I'd imagine we'd meet her under the guise of 'Alayna' with only players who have watched the show understanding that it's Sansa.

    I would've killed for Oberyn to make an appearance, especially considering his reference in episode 1, but the chances of that happening have become so slim as episodes have gone by that I've given up hope now...

  • Bran Stark...
    because the north grove
    souns like another ``myth´´ of westeros :)

  • I'd love to see Lancel Lannister before he became a high sparrow (which would be one the easier cast members to get I believe) or I'll reach for the stars and hope to see Mance or Tywin

    Hell Varys would be nice

  • Hellyea, Stannis coming by killing the whitehills!

    Roose shutting his son up - killing the whitehills!

    Baelish just so we know that is was all his plan again.

    Varys, somehow big-rewarding me because of siding with Tyrion..

    Anyone would ne wowsers, though:D

  • Even if Baelish and Varys can perhaps be more easily included in the plot, Tywin would be perfect!

    And it would be one of the last chances to include him in the game.

  • edited September 2015

    I don't want characters who are going to get too involved in the storyline.

    Jon Snow is still my favourite cameo in this game because he doesn't interfere with the story as much as Margaery, Cersei, Tyrion, and Ramsay.

    That said I think Varys would be the best choice. He's already a little connected to the story (assuming Tom is one of his 'Little Birds') and they could subtly work him in and make you wonder whether or not he's involved at all or if he was just there as a cameo.

  • Hodor, Stannis, Arya

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