Interactive Forum Game of Thrones Story: Tales of War



  • Try and read the Brom chapter, my friend. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    Id be real surprised if anyone is hanging around three pages deep into an interactive fanfic story on the forum for a game they haven't even

  • Oh my god, everything about this just REEKS of witchy glamour and TRAP and DANGER. I trust NOTHING about this pretty girl (and I bet all my gold dragons she is NOT a pretty little girl at all) and I don't know anyone who "sleeps" with a blanket on their face and their feet sticking out, lady you are doing it wrong, if you're not dead or in some sort of coma spell which you probably are.

    Can we just fight another bear? That's how much I trust this situation. I'd prefer we go voluntarily fight another bear.

    As much as I want to see what happens for the sake of the story and I might very well get overruled here, Brom you sweet cinnamon roll, you need to LEAVE.

    Brom I ((Side note, this takes place right after Falk and Brom split off.)) Brom headed toward the hills, where Hilda should be living

  • If I know one thing, it's too late for us to run. Hopefully she serves the lord of light or something so it's not too crazy. I'll take my chances, and I'm sorry Brom if that means ur death

    Stay in the hut

    Brom I ((Side note, this takes place right after Falk and Brom split off.)) Brom headed toward the hills, where Hilda should be living

  • Okay. Well to be fair you hadn't posted yet when I wrote this, but apparently my reading comprehension needs some work because I scrolled back and the village leader never said she was a witch NOR did he even say she was an old lady, I guess that was just the mental image I conjured up and then my brain took as canon, though.

    Having read the Brom chapter now, it is clear why you sent him and not Thea, though. ;)

    Try and read the Brom chapter, my friend.

  • It is okay. I kinda have this idea that Hilda should be an old woman at first. Then, I thought about how about I make her young and beautiful? With some dark stuff that explains why the villagers want nothing to do with her.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Okay. Well to be fair you hadn't posted yet when I wrote this, but apparently my reading comprehension needs some work because I scrolled ba

  • Yes cussbunny to have been overruled (unless a mystery voter comes outta nowhere).stay in the hut

    But u are right in feeling some serious witchcraft up in this beach I sense it. If we stay they might decide to be cool and might just decide to join Rokus. If we try to leave rudely running out the door(or walking) they are gonna peel of there faces or some sheet like that. If this is a cruel whitecraft think I feel sorry for brom since hes enjoying the company(if you know what I mean)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    If I know one thing, it's too late for us to run. Hopefully she serves the lord of light or something so it's not too crazy. I'll take my chances, and I'm sorry Brom if that means ur death Stay in the hut

  • WELP.

    Good luck Brom, and please think with your head here, and not your... you know.

    Yes cussbunny to have been overruled (unless a mystery voter comes outta nowhere).stay in the hut But u are right in feeling some serious

  • I am going to wait till the clock reach the next hour, before posting, because I'd like to see if someone is going to vote too. :)

    Yes cussbunny to have been overruled (unless a mystery voter comes outta nowhere).stay in the hut But u are right in feeling some serious

  • Oh I think Brom's you know is already up in the skies by the way he was talking. Lets just hope no accidents are made and he doesn't die in the hut

    cussbunny posted: »

    WELP. Good luck Brom, and please think with your head here, and not your... you know.

  • There is someone else who had been playing though I haven't seen him today (Ishy...something?) so you never know.

    Out of curiosity, what will you do if there's a tie and the votes are split down the middle?

    I am going to wait till the clock reach the next hour, before posting, because I'd like to see if someone is going to vote too.

  • edited September 2015

    Good question. I thought about leaving the POV character undecided and the story moves on without it have a meaningful effect. If it is during a battle, the POV character risks dying or getting seriously injured. But then again, this could easily be abused and destroy the story.

    So, when it comes down to it, I will decide by the best explanation that the voters give to me.

    Do you have some good ideas? :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    There is someone else who had been playing though I haven't seen him today (Ishy...something?) so you never know. Out of curiosity, what will you do if there's a tie and the votes are split down the middle?

  • I'm behind that man will it be a revote in a limited time or...

    cussbunny posted: »

    There is someone else who had been playing though I haven't seen him today (Ishy...something?) so you never know. Out of curiosity, what will you do if there's a tie and the votes are split down the middle?

  • Yep I have been following the story and I choose leave this seems like a bad situation using my stereotype of yellow feet.

    Got gcse's so have to study but this one I had to come and vote since I got a bad feelin

  • Honestly? I don't like the idea of leaving it undecided and just moving on, or having the POV character injured or killed, so I'm glad you're not fond of that either.

    There are a million ways to arbitrarily break a tie, with a coin flip or having us guess numbers and whoever gets closest to the number you wrote down on a piece of paper beforehand gets to go with their decision... But I don't like that either. That makes it random and defeats the purpose of having the players decide the fate.

    What I would like, and what I think would be fair and fitting to the game, is that we have to decide together as a group. So if there are four of us, and two want to do one thing and two want to do another, we need to work towards a majority rule. We make our cases and argue our points until someone is persuaded to change their mind and tip the scale in one direction or another. 12 Angry Men style (except we don't need a unanimous decision, just one person to be persuaded to do otherwise). That way we as players are still in charge of our decisions and it isn't left to a roll of the die or a flip of a coin, and that's the way it would work if we were actual people on an actual adventure. I think we are all capable of talking it out and passionately making our case without it turning into a complete shitshow, and if the story can't continue until we reach a majority rule I don't think every single person is going to dig in their heels and refuse to budge. And to discourage that, perhaps you can impose some sort of looming deadline with consequences if we can't get our shit together and make a decision.

    I just like the idea of us having to argue it out on our own and change minds based on how well we argue our position, leaving the fate in our hands.

    Ultimately though it's your game, your rules, that's just my idea - I'll go along with whatever way you decide to handle it.

    Good question. I thought about leaving the POV character undecided and the story moves on without it have a meaningful effect. If it is duri

  • I swear to god I didn't see Ishy's post - I think he must have posted it while I was typing this reply up on my phone. Suddenly this question has become very timely...

    cussbunny posted: »

    Honestly? I don't like the idea of leaving it undecided and just moving on, or having the POV character injured or killed, so I'm glad you'r

  • This is some clutch vote I swear to god cuz now does is come down to the explain or...

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    Yep I have been following the story and I choose leave this seems like a bad situation using my stereotype of yellow feet. Got gcse's so have to study but this one I had to come and vote since I got a bad feelin

  • Well...This is a funny situation. I just finished writing the post where the choice was that Brom stayed in the house, before I accidentally deleted, AGAIN! Then Ishy post his vote and now we have a tie.

    So, discuss. :)

  • I like cussbunnies idea though it would be interesting and very much like the game having a deadline. If we choose the silent option (where we can't agree) something happens

    So in this case Bron may nervously shuffle to the door instead of stayin or going fast to the door

    I'm behind that man will it be a revote in a limited time or...

  • You know what? Because I was the one who argued that in the event of a tie we should have to figure it out amongst ourselves until someone changes their mind (and even though I sort of want to write a small novella about why we should flee this place and never look back), because I appreciate Dave letting us figure it out ourselves and for the sake of moving the story forward (and also because if I keep vetoing everything I think is a terrible idea this would probably be a boring tale), and because I sorta want to see what happens anyway... I'll be the swing vote.

    Let's stay in the hut.

    (Ishy though you cannot make a comment like "my stereotype about yellow feet" and then not explain, lol what is this theory of yours?)

    Well...This is a funny situation. I just finished writing the post where the choice was that Brom stayed in the house, before I accidentally deleted, AGAIN! Then Ishy post his vote and now we have a tie. So, discuss.

  • Well, awesome. Let's see if I can explain why those feet are yellow. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    You know what? Because I was the one who argued that in the event of a tie we should have to figure it out amongst ourselves until someone c

  • Yay being the bigger man (so we can see what's under the sheets and who be wearing those yellow feet.

    But I still think that we should find a better system on these tied vote (like cussbunny's other idea). Its find though if u stick with d debate in up for dat, DAVE KNOWS BEST

    cussbunny posted: »

    You know what? Because I was the one who argued that in the event of a tie we should have to figure it out amongst ourselves until someone c

  • [Voted Stay in the hut]

    Brom have a bad feeling about this, but he ignored it and stayed in the house. Hilda was gathering and putting the herbs in order before she found a chair for her and Brom. They both sat down looking at each other. Hilda maintained her smile as she look at Brom and he felt rather nervous. Hilda was the one who spoke first. "So...Why did you come here? Who are you? Why are you looking for me?" She asked with a bright tone. He doesn't know what to say. This would have been much more easier to ask, if she was older. "I...Well. First, my name is Brom and I am part of the Roduks." He started. "Not long ago, we lost our leader, Marthen and several others. We came to this village looking for help and find people to help us." He said. "I know someone! I know this person named Axton. He is nice, he sometimes brings me a rabbit." She said. "Well, our leader Falk has went to talk to him. Asking him to join us." He said quietly. "Oh, I see." She said.

    It took him a moment to say it. "And, I would like to ask you to join us." He finally uttered those words out. That surprised the girl. She did not expect that. "Me? Fighting? I don't know how to fight." She said. Brom has already figured that one out. "Look, when the Village leader told us about you, I thought you were...You know...Older." He mutter. "I am not older, my mother is the elder one. And she is sleeping." She said and pointed toward the bed. Brom look toward the bed and saw the visible yellow feet. "What...why is your mother sleeping?" He asks her. "She told me that she is going to sleep for a very long time. She told me everything would be alright. She told me to cover her face with the blanket, so the bad insects doesn't touch her face." Hilda explained lightly. "I am taking care of her, so she can wake up again." She said. Brom turn to look back at Hilda. "How long has she been sleeping. Hilda placed a finger on her chin. "From here and then. About a month...I think."

    Brom didn't want to say it, but it was obvious that Hilda's mother is dead and for some strange reason, she just doesn't see it. He doesn't know whatever he should tell her the truth or just let her believe what she believe in. Before he could say something, Hilda rose from her chair and look out of the window behind him. "Someone is coming." She said quietly and worried. Brom turned to look and saw three men approaching. Quickly, Hilda reacted by closing the door. "Who are they?" He asked, feeling his heart beating faster. "Some bad men...Very bad men. They must not get inside...Please, I don't want them inside. Please...Not again...Not again." She said.

    What should he do? He could easily jump out of the window, run for it and find the Roduks. Or he could stay here and help Hilda. Brom have his short sword with him. But can he really take three grown men at once?

    [Stay and defend Hilda], [Jump out of the window]

  • Oh... Okaaaaay... this is... not what I was expecting.

    So Hilda is not only young, but much younger than I thought to not understand the concept of death, or so very sheltered that no one ever explained it to her.

    I still don't trust it and I still don't like it - the villagers said they were afraid of Hilda, not Hilda's mother, and there has to be a reason for that beyond what we are seeing as a young, innocent, naive girl who is sweet to us and doesn't understand her mother isn't going to wake back up. I don't think anything is as it seems here. And I sure don't trust Brom's chances fighting against three men on his own.

    That said, I don't know why the villagers are scared of her, and my suspicion that things here are definitely not what they seem doesn't mean that she is straight up evil, either. And I'm not about to leap out of a window and abandon a young girl, even if I think there is more to this situation than what I'm seeing.

    So I choose to stay and defend Hilda, and Hilda, if you have some magic up your pretty sleeves, now would be a really good time to reveal it before Brom gets skewered.

    [Voted Stay in the hut] Brom have a bad feeling about this, but he ignored it and stayed in the house. Hilda was gathering and putting th

  • stay and defend hilda

    I guess that he's jumping the window to escape from the fight leaving this young woman like a coward or getting Rokus to help. And if he jumps does he take Hilda and hold her dead mums corpse. I just dunno.

    So I choose this because if Gared who was also outnumbered three to one can do it so can Brom. (And he'll probaly earn some points with Hilda). But on the flip side Hilda could have stolen from these men that would have angered them to come and the Brom killing them. I no she had a valid reason for her mothers yellow feet but will she have it for this one?

    [Voted Stay in the hut] Brom have a bad feeling about this, but he ignored it and stayed in the house. Hilda was gathering and putting th

  • Or. she could be in complete denial about what happened to her mother.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Oh... Okaaaaay... this is... not what I was expecting. So Hilda is not only young, but much younger than I thought to not understand the

  • True. In a lot of ways I find that possibility far more worrisome.

    Or. she could be in complete denial about what happened to her mother.

  • Oh man what if they are coming to take her mother's body and bury it and she's not having it because she's just in complete denial so deep, and they aren't bad men at all, she just thinks they are because she thinks they are trying to kidnap her mom. Oh Hilda honey. I hope I didn't just vote for Brom to stab some innocent villagers who are trying yet again to take a rotting corpse out of this young girl's home and get her some help. Now I'm worried.


    I mean well done at upending my expectations but now I don't know what to do :-/

    cussbunny posted: »

    True. In a lot of ways I find that possibility far more worrisome.

  • I have thought about that one. A possibility but that would be too nice.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Oh man what if they are coming to take her mother's body and bury it and she's not having it because she's just in complete denial so deep,

  • Thank god she isn't a she devil, man that was a close one. Alright we definitely have to defend her

    Stay and defend

  • [Voted Stay and Defend]

    He can't bring himself to abandon Hilda. "They won't get inside, Hilda. I promise. He pull out his sword and urged Hilda to get behind him. He could hear the three men reaching the door. There was a brief moment of silence before they start knocking the door loudly. "Open up, you witch! Open up!" One of the men shouted. Witch? Brom look at Hilda who is standing behind him. "Why are they calling you that? What have you done?" He asks. "I don't know...These men came one day. They hurt mother. They hurt her a lot." She said. Brom have a lot of questions for her, but right now, he needs to make sure that they both live. "Get out! Don't come in!" Brom shouted at the door. "Someone is in there with her?" A voice said. "Who cares." Another voice said. The knocking grows louder. Then the door was kicked open and Hilda let out a startled scream.

    One man enters the door. Brom pointed his sword at him. "Get back!" He shouted. The man saw his sword. He was startled and back away a few steps. Brom approach them. "Don't come any close. What do you want?" He asked them. "What we want? We want that witch over there." The man said. Brom look back at Hilda and then back at the man. "Why?" He asked. "Her and her mother are witches. They claim to be healers, but they are only hurting people." He claimed. "That is not true! We heal people. It works!" She claimed. "Tell that to my mate who died, you witch." He bellowed. "What is that smell?" The man behind him asks. They look and saw the mother. "By the seven! Is...Is that her?" One of them asks. "Leave my mother alone. She is sleeping!" Hilda said.

    "Oh, that is not sleeping. Come on, mates. Let's do it." He said. Immediately, they all jumped inside the small hut. Brom tried to fight them off, he swing and thrust with his sword. But one of them grabbed him by the hand and throw Brom out of the hut. Once outside, Brom was forced unto the ground by one of the men. On the ground, he smell something. The young lad realized that it was fire. These men has brought torches. He didn't saw it before. Brom heard Hilda screaming from inside the hut and Brom struggle to get out. For a brief moment, he dreaded for what has happened to Hilda. Then, she was also forced out of the hut and forced on the ground by the second man. "Give me the torch. We are burning this place." The leader of these thugs said. "No! No! Please! Mother is inside! She is still inside!" Hilda cried. "She is dead, witch. Accept that." He said and began lighting the hut.

    The fire quickly spread throughout the small hut. Eventually, the entire hut was burning and a black smoke rose from it. Brom could hear Hilda crying at the lost of her home and her mother getting burned. "Seven damn you all!" Brom cursed them. The three men look at the young lad and laughed. "Big words for someone like you. Hold him up will you?" The thug leader said. Brom was forced unto his feet and held from behind. The thug leader approach, prepared his knuckles and then punched Brom. He felt the punch. It hurts a lot and he felt the world spinning. Brom kept getting punched and kicked by the thug leader. "Stop! Please stop!" Hilda pleaded. Brom felt so dizzy. He could taste the blood in his mouth. His eyes hurt. His head hurts. Was this the end?

    Then he heard someone screaming. It sounded like it was in front of him. Brom concentrated and look. The thug leader crumbles on the ground in front of him. He have an arrow planted unto his leg. Brom looked and he saw a stranger with a bow and arrow. He saw Falk approaching with an axe. Behind him, he saw Thea, Martin, Ben, Ruck and the others. He saw the Ruduks coming. Brom felt the man letting go of his grip and dump him on the soft ground.

    The last voice behind he drifted, was the voice of Hilda in a distant tone calling out for him. "Brom? Brom!"

    ((Probably not the best chapter, I have written. The next chapter will be Thea's POV))

  • Does Axton know where any more bears are? Because I would like to take the thug who beat my cinnamon roll senseless and feed him to it.

    Probably not the best chapter I have written

    PFFFFT. It is just as good as the rest, stop being modest.

    The next chapter will be Thea's POV

    AND THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Looking forward to it.

    [Voted Stay and Defend] He can't bring himself to abandon Hilda. "They won't get inside, Hilda. I promise. He pull out his sword and urge

  • Oh Brom lol... Thank the seven that we recruited Axton first. Can't wait to see Thea's POV :D

    [Voted Stay and Defend] He can't bring himself to abandon Hilda. "They won't get inside, Hilda. I promise. He pull out his sword and urge

  • Thea I

    Thea was sitting next to the unconscious Brom. He is being healed by the girl named Hilda. The fire burned down her hut, but they managed to salvage some of the herbs and equipment. She still remember how they saw a black smoke at the hills. Immediately, Falk told them all to follow him. They all ran for the hills and they found the burning hut and Brom getting hurt by those thugs. The new person named Axton quickly loosing his arrows at those thugs. Before the thugs could escape, Falk was immediately on to them and he killed them. After that they threw their bodies into the burning hut.

    A few hour has passed and they are all gathered inside the village. Falk is currently talking to the village leader. The man is very unhappy that they brought the so-called witch into their village. Thea doesn't really understand why. By all appearances, Hilda was a normal girl. A girl that just got her home burned down. She doesn't deserve that. The girl has said nothing since her home was burned down. She was simply quiet as she kept treating Brom's injuries. "Do you need any help?" Thea asks her. Hilda look at her with her blue eyes. "I...No need. I have done all I can to heal, Brom. If the old gods are with us, I am sure he will be fine." She said. That made Thea curious. "Old gods? Do you mean the Seven?" She asks. Hilda shake her head. "No...The Old Gods of the Forest. Faces in the woods. Tree men who watches us." She said. Thea doesn't understand any of that, it sounds strange. "I...I see." She said.

    "Why do these people call you a witch?" Thea asked the girl. She shakes her head. "They are afraid. Afraid of me and mother. We have dreams. Sometimes, we dream things and it happens." She said. Again, Thea doesn't understand what she is saying, but she kept asking. "What about your father? Where is he?" Thea ask her. "Beneath the earth. He is sleeping. Mother say that he is sleeping." The strange girl said. Maybe there was a reason for why those villagers are afraid of this girl. She is mysterious and strange. What she say might cause people to be scared and when people are scared, they get angry. But Thea isn't afraid of her. She has seen some horrible things and experiences it as well. Nothing that Hilda do can make her afraid. "What will you do now?" Thea asked her. "I don't know...My home is gone. I have nowhere else to go." She said.

    "I am sure that you can follow us." Falk said as he approached. "How is Brom?" He asks. "Hilda say that he will recover." Thea answered. "Good. Thea, I have a task for you." He said. Thea rose and look at her leader. "What do you want me to do?" She asks. "Well...I want you to help Axton and the others cut bear meat. There should be enough for the journey to Riverrun." He said. Thea nods. "Alright then. Just watch Hilda and Brom." She said before she headed to where Axton is standing with Martin, Ben and Ruck. Together they all headed toward the woods.

    Entering the woods, she walked with quick steps. The forests seems darker now, the day is growing shorter. "Over here." Axton said. As they approached the bear cave, they saw the four villagers dragging the headless bear. "What are you doing?" Axton asked them. "We are taking the bear." One of them said. "That is not going to happen. The bear is ours. We killed it. We have the head as proof." Axton stated. "We need the meat of the beast. If winter comes, we need it or my family will starve and die." One of the villagers said. "I don't care. The beast was slain by our hands. You have no right." Axton pulled out his bow and arrow. Martin, Rucks and Ben draw their swords and stood by Axton. "Please, we can share it." Thea pleaded. Axton gave her a look. "That isn't going to happen." He told her.

    [Let the villagers take the bear], [Let the Roduks take the bear]

  • Okay, normally when I play games (and in my actual life) I tend to be overly generous and give what I have to people in need. I don't want to see anyone starve, I know Axton can hunt and would able to kill more game for us on the road, and I'm with Thea here in that there's probably enough to share...

    But you know what? No. NO. OUR leader fought that goddamned ginormous bear. Falk came within inches of a painful and terrible death for that bear. You villagers didn't help. You villagers weren't anywhere around. You villagers didn't ask us if we could spare any of the several hundred pounds of food, which we probably could, but you had to be dicks about it and try and drag it away while we were otherwise occupied. If you really believe you need a whole goddamned bear to survive winter, then you can all hang out on top of cave entrances and hope you get real lucky. Otherwise, do what you do every other winter, which is store up grain and dried fish and other game that you can kill or trap yourself.

    Put that bear down, it belongs to the Roduks

    Thea I Thea was sitting next to the unconscious Brom. He is being healed by the girl named Hilda. The fire burned down her hut, but they

  • Hello Cussbunny! This is unrelated, but do you think that bear meat taste good?

    cussbunny posted: »

    Okay, normally when I play games (and in my actual life) I tend to be overly generous and give what I have to people in need. I don't want t

  • Mornin' Dave! I have no idea, but probably not, since they are carnivores. I remember learning a million years ago sometime in elementary school that we don't typically eat carnivores because their diet makes their meat not very tasty. My only other tidbit of eating bear meat also comes from elementary school, in that when you shoot a bear while playing Oregon Trail, you can only carry 100 lbs of meat back to your wagon, which always frustrated me.

    I feel like roving Westerosi mercenaries probably don't have the most refined palates though.

    Hello Cussbunny! This is unrelated, but do you think that bear meat taste good?

  • They don't have the luxury of being picky about their food.

    Well, right now, I am imagining that bear meat have a bitter taste like a really sour fish or fruit. I will be sure to write that once I get to write the next post

    cussbunny posted: »

    Mornin' Dave! I have no idea, but probably not, since they are carnivores. I remember learning a million years ago sometime in elementary sc

  • Nope, it's all about the calories.

    I'd guess bitter is probably right. And if they are cooking it on the road and don't even have the luxury of throwing it into a stew where it can simmer in some juices, if they are just sticking a slab of it on a spit and roasting it above a campfire, I would expect it to be very very tough and very stringy as well as tasting awful.

    They don't have the luxury of being picky about their food. Well, right now, I am imagining that bear meat have a bitter taste like a really sour fish or fruit. I will be sure to write that once I get to write the next post

  • At the end of the day, we are a mercenary group and we have things to do that involves surviving winter also. The villagers are selfish for thinking they had any right to the bear. They're lucky I'm not Axton or I'd let some arrows fly lol. Especially after we drank the Bears blood, it is ours

    The Bear belongs to the Roduks!

    Thea I Thea was sitting next to the unconscious Brom. He is being healed by the girl named Hilda. The fire burned down her hut, but they

  • let rokus take the bearWould want Axton to go hunger games style on them but we gotta get Rokus to riverrun so they can fight for m'lord.

    Btw can get a list of the Rokus people I think they've all been mentioned (theres like 10) don't need personality's I'm sure you'll give them their spotlight sooner or later.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    At the end of the day, we are a mercenary group and we have things to do that involves surviving winter also. The villagers are selfish for

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