I have a problem with the release schedule

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

GoT Ep 4 - May

Tales Ep 3 - June

GoT Ep 5 - July

Tales Ep 4 - August

Nothing in September

Minecraft - October 13

Tales Ep 5 - October

GoT Ep 6 - October/November

Michonne - December (they said "late fall")

Now I'm not looking for any arguments or whatever but I seriously disagree with this. I don't understand why you can't release the finales of Tales and GoT before releasing the premiere of Minecraft. I just think it would have made more sense if it looked like this

Nothing in September

Tales Finale - Early October

GoT Finale - Mid-Late October

Minecraft - Early-Mid November

Michonne - December (guessing it will be released in december, "Late fall")


  • Does it really matter that Minecraft is starting? GoT and Tales will probably end in October, and Minecraft is ready to launch, so why hold it back?

  • edited September 2015

    I don't understand why you can't release the finales of Tales and GoT

    It's pretty simple. One, it could be the game just isn't finished yet/they haven't been cleared by Sony or Microsoft on when they can release it.

    Or, Two, it could always be a business decision, and a pretty good one at that. They know once Minecraft comes out, it's going to suck away pretty much all of the attention for a little while, releasing it after the season finale of GoT, would take away the attention that Thrones would need, especially considering this is the last episode of the season. Releasing Minecraft before would be better, since you get time for the Minecraft hype, then it dies down, then BOOM, season finale, and all that time afterwards for the hype.

  • It doesn't really matter anymore. It's done so there's no point in holding it back. What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft premiere over the finales of Tales and Got, why did they make that choice? I just think it was a weird choice.

    This may come across as a dumb comparison but this year Game of Thrones aired it's 10 episodes and then True Detective premiered after it. Wouldn't it be odd if they decided to make it a 2 week wait in between episode 9 and episode 10 of Game of Thrones so they could premiere True Detective before the finale of Game of Thrones? lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Does it really matter that Minecraft is starting? GoT and Tales will probably end in October, and Minecraft is ready to launch, so why hold it back?

  • Like to point out that September isn't over...

  • What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft premiere over the finales of Tales and Got, why did they make that choice?

    You don't know they made that choice though... They've been working on the season premiere for over 2 years at this point now.

    Wigams posted: »

    It doesn't really matter anymore. It's done so there's no point in holding it back. What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft pr

  • They have separate teams on GoT, Tales, and Minecraft. So no, Minecraft isnt being prioritized over GoT.

    Wigams posted: »

    It doesn't really matter anymore. It's done so there's no point in holding it back. What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft pr

  • You really think were getting Tales from the borderlands on the 29th of September? If they did that it would negate @Green613s entire argument.

    Like to point out that September isn't over...

  • edited September 2015

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they switch from project to project. One member could work on Episode 1 of Tales and then do work on Episode 2 of Game of Thrones.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They have separate teams on GoT, Tales, and Minecraft. So no, Minecraft isnt being prioritized over GoT.

  • Just because a person is switched off a team to a different team doesnt mean that there isnt separate teams. Its not like he left and they just left his space blank. I mean you basically just said that there are different teams yourself by saying someone switched over from GoT to Minecraft.

    Wigams posted: »

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they

  • But you see, I am not @Green613 so therefore his argument is his own and not mine. Additionally, Telltale has been shown to be very secretive about certain episodes. I'm not saying it's likely, I'm saying it's possible. If you ignore a possibly, it doesn't help your cause.

    Wigams posted: »

    You really think were getting Tales from the borderlands on the 29th of September? If they did that it would negate @Green613s entire argument.

  • edited September 2015

    No it wouldn't. If it released then, Tales would have a 2 week period for hype. And even then, that doesn't disprove that they still could be working on Thrones.

    Wigams posted: »

    You really think were getting Tales from the borderlands on the 29th of September? If they did that it would negate @Green613s entire argument.

  • Look Green613. It's great that you have a completely different point of view. Are you going to feel the need to express it on every post I make?

    Green613 posted: »

    What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft premiere over the finales of Tales and Got, why did they make that choice? You d

  • I have a problem with the release schedule

    Join the club, bud.

  • Look dude if you say 2 weeks is all they need then what's your problem with having GoT released in Mid october and Minecraft released in mid november? that's like 4 weeks of hype.

    Green613 posted: »

    No it wouldn't. If it released then, Tales would have a 2 week period for hype. And even then, that doesn't disprove that they still could be working on Thrones.

  • And another reason it's stupid. Minecraft episode 2 probably won't be coming out until JANUARY

    Green613 posted: »

    No it wouldn't. If it released then, Tales would have a 2 week period for hype. And even then, that doesn't disprove that they still could be working on Thrones.

  • I have a problem with the release schedule.

    Ok. And in other news...

    enter image description here

  • You don't know that.

    Wigams posted: »

    And another reason it's stupid. Minecraft episode 2 probably won't be coming out until JANUARY

  • You're right I don't know that for sure. But episode 2 of the walking dead season 2, episode 2 of the wolf among us, episode 2 of tales from the borderlands, and episode 2 of Game of Thrones were all released in the new year.

    Considering they have a "winter holiday break" and Michonne will be releasing in late fall (December most likely) I don't think we'll be seeing episode 2 of Minecraft until January. (also the second episode usually takes the longest to come out)

    You don't know that.

  • Surely they'd need something that takes up space to slightly circumvent the wait for the finales.

  • edited September 2015

    I firmly believe there's something that Telltale are working towards, based on something they said quite a while ago, which would be that they want to get as close to tv studios as they can, so they release one thing and then there's the episode of another title the following week. Which is ideal really, depending on how many ongoing series they have, their cost and episode length. Of course, no-one's saying we have to buy everything but people that are true fans? Yeah . . .

    I do, however, take your point about it potentially being better to release Minecraft after the other two series. But still, the point being that I don't see why it's a big deal. It's sort of like big tv studios releasing multiple shows out of sync with each other. I don't see people complaining about it and more things to choose from can only be a good thing. Granted, the wait between episodes being lengthy throws a spanner in the works and hopefully things will be improved, but I'd prefer quality over quantity/quick release schedules.

    Edit: Also, this could be wishful thinking on my part, but I reckon part of the reason GoT episode 6 is taking longer is because of the determinant characters. Could be they're implementing more branching. If they're going to do so, the end is the time at any rate, because they don't have to keep the branches going for long, depending on their plans for season 2.

  • Im glad we dont have to wait until November. Im anxious to see what this game is about.

  • Hey KCohere, been a while since I have seen you post.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im glad we dont have to wait until November. Im anxious to see what this game is about.

  • I quite agree with you. Considering the fact we already waited for 9 weeks for GOT finale.

    Wigams posted: »

    It doesn't really matter anymore. It's done so there's no point in holding it back. What I meant is that they prioritized the Minecraft pr

  • Well, it is very unlikely the voice director is holding back the episode... like, at all.

    Wigams posted: »

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they

  • Yeah maybe they have a surprise project but Im doubtful.

    My point is big tv studios DON"T release multiple shows out of sync and if they did people would complain big time. It would be weird if HBO decided to go with a schedule like this
    Game of Thrones Episode 9 - Week one of july

    True Detective Episode 1 - week two of july

    Game of Thrones episode 10 - week three of july


    The walking dead Episode 15 - Week one of whatever month

    NEW SHOW Episode 1 - Second week of whatever month

    The Walking Dead Episode 16 - Third week of whatever month

    Just isn't right. You finish a current line-up before moving onto the next one.

    Rob_K posted: »

    I firmly believe there's something that Telltale are working towards, based on something they said quite a while ago, which would be that th

  • edited September 2015

    I know, regarding releasing multiple shows out of sync. That's why I said 'Granted, the wait between episodes being lengthy throws a spanner in the works and hopefully things will be improved, but I'd prefer quality over quantity/quick release schedules.' I didn't explicitly mention it, however.

    But my point stands about multiple shows. To use your example, seasons of True Detective, Game of Thrones releasing concurrently. It's fine. Telltale just need to iron out a proper schedule. But even that opens a can of worms. They mention a specific schedule, but quality suffers or they decide they need more time? Complaining will follow. Hence why I said about preferring quality over quantity. This last part I could be wrong about, but aren't tv seasons mostly filmed (or at least a good chunk) before they start airing? That's also a bit different compared to how Telltale works, with them working on things live. I won't compare tv show making to games, but I imagine it's different. I just don't know whether the game making process is a more difficult task. I imagine, in some ways, it might be easier and in other ways? Harder.

    Anyhow, point being, I can see your point about there being a schedule that Telltale should stick to. However, I don't think things are that simple as delays happen all the time for various reasons. We'll just have to hope things improve or deal with it. If we can't deal with it, then we shouldn't buy their titles anymore. It's really that simple. And for this to change, they'd need to change how they make things. Meaning they don't make games live anymore, and have the games complete more or less before shipping the first episode. The chance of that happening? Not likely, which brings me back to hoping things improve, accepting it or not buying anymore. Or waiting till the season is complete. I should also point out that Jurassic Park (I've not played it), while it might not be the sole reason, is sometimes regarded as their worst project and it was released all at once. So, I'm guessing the feedback received, allowing them to adjust things, helps make each season better. Even if the changes aren't major.

    Anyway, won't say anymore unless we go round and round in circles. Not much more I can say about it anyway. Though I'd be interested in hearing if I'm right about tv shows being more or less filmed before airing. I just don't know much about the process, if anyone knows.

    Wigams posted: »

    Yeah maybe they have a surprise project but Im doubtful. My point is big tv studios DON"T release multiple shows out of sync and if they

  • Well the first 8 episodes of The Walking Dead S6 are filmed and ready to go but they are probably still filming episodes 9-16 since they don't premiere until February or something. However, for a show like Game of Thrones, they film everything before airing any episodes. Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell) filmed his scene with Tyrion in the dungeon (episode 7) on his first day on set and his last scene that he ever filmed was his talk with Cersei in the gardens in Episode 6.

    About the live development. I really don't believe it's made the way people think. I think people exaggerate how live they are actually doing it. Like they work on the game for two years before premiering it so I find it hard to believe. If they do it all live, what the hell are they doing for a year and a half to two years?

    I don't believe that the feedback received helps them for something like Game of Thrones. GRRM says "art is not a democracy so I don't let fans influence my work". Season One of The Walking Dead was the best game they did so far story-wise in my opinion (Tales might top it, idk). I can only the imagine the amount of feedback they received for that. I think we can both agree that season 2 was not as good as season one. Then again, there could be instances where feedback has helped them out a lot but we probably wouldn't know about it.

    You're right that delays can happen for various reasons and I agree that it should be quality over quantity and we can only hope that the next episode will be of greater quality then the last. Haha I agree we'll probably just keep going back and forth with the same thing. I'll call it a day :P

    Rob_K posted: »

    I know, regarding releasing multiple shows out of sync. That's why I said 'Granted, the wait between episodes being lengthy throws a spanner

  • Yeah, Im mostly lurking these days I guess, and will check in every once in awhile. I dont feel like I have too much to say that hasnt been said. I am however still looking forward to the new releases. As I said, the Minecraft thing had been teased so much, Im anxious to try it out.

    Hey KCohere, been a while since I have seen you post.

  • edited September 2015

    Thanks for the answer regarding tv shows. Appreciated. :)

    Regarding live development, what they probably do is get a rough outline of things and have a skeleton crew creating stuff before moving full speed ahead. Speaking as a writer even if they don't, I can say from experience that work always changes a lot and I'm constantly throwing stuff out. Anyway, it's clear they do work on the episodes live, as voice actors talk about doing voice work and previews seem to change a fair bit. All that's up for debate really is how much work''s left to be done between episodes and how much changes because of feedback.

    Wigams posted: »

    Well the first 8 episodes of The Walking Dead S6 are filmed and ready to go but they are probably still filming episodes 9-16 since they don

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they switch from project to project. One member could work on Episode 1 of Tales and then do work on Episode 2 of Game of Thrones.

    Telltale doesn't work on an entire episode at once; they have different people working on various episodes. The writers are the first to work on an episode since Telltale's games are entirely story oriented. Then, the writers move onto the next episode and (taking an educated guess from reading articles and developer interviews about Telltale's production over the years) other people create assets like the character models, voicing, environments, etc. After that, the writers move onto yet another episode, the art team (including voicing) moves on to create assets for the next episode, and animators/programmers put the final touches on the earlier episode by using assets that the art/voice teams created before those teams moved onto the next episode. All portions of the team don't work on the exact same episode at once, and yes - they do have different teams.

    In the case of the GoT Voice Director, it's likely their work was done while other people (such as animators and programmers) still have work to do on the final episode. Meanwhile, the GoT Voice Director had to wait until the writers were done with the script for the final episode.

    Wigams posted: »

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they

  • I quite agree with you. Considering the fact we already waited for 9 weeks for GOT finale.

    Have you considered that might be in large part due to how the previous episode of GoT ends? Telltale uses different teams for each series, so they aren't taking away people from other series to work on Minecraft unless their work on the current series was already done. For example, Wigams mentioned that the Game of Thrones voice director moved from Thrones to Minecraft, but that's because his work as voice director for Thrones was already done. It's not like Telltale delayed Thrones to make him work on Minecraft and then return later to work on Thrones. Again, his work was already done in the first place.

    I quite agree with you. Considering the fact we already waited for 9 weeks for GOT finale.

  • edited September 2015

    arthurV tweet about moving onto a new project which was confirmd by him to be Minecraft

    Long time to finish the script that's all

    Looks like Ludd had his script finished too

    Amaya too

    Ellisa Forrester and Mira Forrester VA's did work too

    Gryff and Rodriks VA also met to do voice work but I don't want to go and find that link too. My point is that all those were recorded in July and then he went back to the states after finishing recording the lines but now suddenly he is back in London doing voice work?

    The Game of Thrones voice director switched from Game of Thrones to Minecraft in Mid August so don't tell me they have SEPERATE TEAMS, they

  • I have zero interest in Minecraft...

  • enter image description here

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I have zero interest in Minecraft...

  • edited September 2015

    Me either! ¯\ (ツ)

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I have zero interest in Minecraft...

  • I'm pretty meh about Mincraft at the moment, I'm a little sick of Telltale constantly promoting it over GoT and Tales though, but maybe this is a strategic move with GoT and Tales both heading for their finales perhaps TT needs to keep the momentum up by releasing a whole new game before the long overdue finales to GoT and Tales.

  • To be fair, Tales doesn't feel overdue like GoT. 4 didn't come out that long ago, did it?

    Harian96 posted: »

    I'm pretty meh about Mincraft at the moment, I'm a little sick of Telltale constantly promoting it over GoT and Tales though, but maybe this

  • Yeah it's only been a bit more than a month.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    To be fair, Tales doesn't feel overdue like GoT. 4 didn't come out that long ago, did it?

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