I'm still torn....

I've replayed it several times now, and I'm still pissed about having to decide between Asher and Rodrick.
This time around I've saved Asher...but it twisted my gut that the last thing Rod saw was that ass Gryf.
Someone...anyone! Tell me which is the right choice.


  • Despite what some people here might argue, there is no "right" choice. That's what makes it so agonizing. You can analyze it all day, try and logic your way through it, but in the end you still have to sacrifice someone you don't want to see die, and either way it's hard and it hurts and it feels unfair.

    If I have any advice, it is go with your gut. Whomever you instinctually wanted to save the first time you played and realized you could only save one.

  • edited September 2015

    There is no really a "right" or "wrong" choice, in the end, it all goes down to YOURSELF. Who do you think would be better to save? Well, for me, I think the "right" choice is leaving Asher behind as we cannot let the Whitehills think like they had won (I mean, come on, Gryff probably doesn't even know he killed Asher, which is a different case for Rodrik.) And as Asher had said, "all men learn to love Rodrik." so I think it means that the pit fighters will follow him and Malcom's alliance with the targaeryns, Rodrik's alliance with the Glenmores, nothing lost, a complete win. I think leaving Rodrik behind is idiotic.

    If you saved Asher... You would lose the Glenmore alliance, so, choosing Asher to stay was the better one.
    Well, there IS arguably ONE point. "Which older brother would let his younger brother die for him?!" Well, if I am not wrong, the lord is supposed to stay safe, and people like his brother and everyone in general should sacrifice themselves for the lord.

  • There's no right choice. We'll see how each one plays out in Episode 6.

    And, Rodrik*

    And yeah, you really should just go with who you feel is right for you.

  • I found it funny that most people spell his name as "Rodrick".

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    There's no right choice. We'll see how each one plays out in Episode 6. And, Rodrik* And yeah, you really should just go with who you feel is right for you.

  • It makes me cry, and I'm not sure why it bugs me so much. xD

    I found it funny that most people spell his name as "Rodrick".

  • I find it extremely strange that people keep misspelling Rodrik's name.

    I found it funny that most people spell his name as "Rodrick".

  • That's what we all found out. You're kinda late m8. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I find it extremely strange that people keep misspelling Rodrik's name.

  • It still irritates me! ^-^

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It makes me cry, and I'm not sure why it bugs me so much. xD

  • Well, there IS arguably ONE point. "Which older brother would let his younger brother die for him?!"

    This is the point that led me to leave Rodrik behind. He had already failed to save Ethan. Not that Ethan's death was Rodrik's fault, but I can see Rodrik blaming himself for it, since he was supposed to be the Lord when Ethan had the role thrust upon him.

    I couldn't see Rodrik allowing Asher to die as well.

    There is no really a "right" or "wrong" choice, in the end, it all goes down to YOURSELF. Who do you think would be better to save? Well, fo

  • There's certainly no right choice here but let me try to untwist your gut. So obviously we have to pick from one of the other so let's put this in both perspectives for whomever lives...

    Rodrik - After surviving a bloody battle and by shear luck getting back home despite a broken body, Rodrik wonders if he should have come back at all after all he learned that happened in his absence and given the fact that his very body is working against him. But Rodrik has overcome much after becoming the Lord of his house; stood up to his enemies, regained much of his lost strength, and even rekindled a former love. Despite all his success however, upon meeting his brother at the port they were ambushed and Asher gave his life to save Rodrik's. He cursed himself for letting another of his very own blood, his brother at that, die for him but one look at the dark-skinned woman who was accompanying Asher and the band of warriors he brought too, Rodrik realized he had all the strength he would need.

    Rodrik unsheathed his family's great sword and took a good hard look at it. Remembering all of the pain his house and family had felt, remembering how many times Gryff had tried to tear him down and how the bastard grinned when Asher died, and remembering how his body felt at this moment. He felt just like he did just before the traitor Frey slaughtered half of the North, strong and powerful. Rodrik gripped the sword's handle tightly until his knuckles hurt, then he tightened his grasp even more.

    "I will protect my family and Elaena. I will make those bastard Whitehills pay. I will not let this house that my Father and his fathers built. I am Rodrik the Unbroken, and I am the lord of this house!"

    Asher - The boat ride over was uneasy to say the least and seeing Rodrik again felt better than he'd realize. But as Asher and the remaining forces of their house and his fighters rode towards Ironrath, his mind lingered on his brother. Just from that first glance, Asher thought he was looking at their father again, it was amazing how much Rodrik looked like him now, and the great sword only cemented the idea that their house was in the best hands. Asher was angry at his brother, angry that he sacrificed himself when it should have been him instead, but just before his anger could go any further he was reminded of Rodrik's face before he left, Rodrik was smiling.

    His hands tightened on the reins and he gritted his teeth, the pain in his leg only aided in fueling his hateful thoughts at the Whitehills. Gryff''s smug face as he gleefully watched Rodrik die with no respect given.

    "He'll be the first to die..." Muttered Asher to himself, "And if Ludd still has that big belly I'll rip that right open. Then I'll..." Gwyn's face came up as did a rush of memories and the anger left him again. He wasn't sure how to feel at all anymore, he was just supposed to bring an army for his family, now the title of Lord was forced upon him whether he wanted it or not, and Asher knew he'd never measure up to Rodrik. A quick jab of pain came over his left arm and he turned to see Beskha riding beside him with a scowl.

    "Stop that, you're brother died and I know it hurts but quit sulking like a milksop." Asher opened his mouth but Beskha interrupted him. "You gathered this army of pit fighters yourself, came back to a home in it's hour of need, and you're about to make sure this is the last time they;re in trouble ever again. Any time I've been in trouble, your blade was always there to save me, you're a protector damn it and you're not about to stop being that now. All these people here are ready to fight for you to the bitter end, just so long as you've got the balls to give the order."

    Asher looked around and noticed everyone else had stopped to and was looking at him, waiting for his response. He thought again of his brother and how strong he had shown to be. Asher grinned and nodded as he spoke up,

    "Aye, I'm the lord of house Forrester now and as the lord the first thing we're going to do is remove this giant thorn from our sides once and for all. Enough Forrester blood has been spilled, tomorrow lads... and ladies, we'll be ending this war with house Forrester standing atop their ruins! Iron from Ice!" The Forrester soldiers yelled out their motto as did the pit fighters too to Asher's surprise. They resumed their progress towards Ironrath with Asher in the front, the Sentinel on his right, and Beskha on his left.

  • While Rodrick might become a capable fighter one day and can be a great leader, u are pretty much in a war when you come to that point in the game. So I made the only choice I thought would have the possibility to save the house which was asher. Asher is not only a good fighter, he has the respect and knows how to lead the men the brought with him and also I feel like given the chance he can also become a great leader with the right council.

  • Rodrick might become a capable fighter one day and can be a great leader

    *Rodrik is supposed to be House Forrester's "best fighter by far." It's stated about six or seven times in the first episode alone. And at the Red Wedding, he kills about four Freys single-handidly, only being overwhelmed once Gared distracts him.

    Plus, it's stated he led many successful battles against the Lannisters during the War of the Five Kings. I doubt either of these things would be true, if he wasn't a capable fighter, and a great leader.

    And while Asher certainly commands the respect of the Pit Fighters (though only barely, as Beskha points out), what about the people of Ironrath, who to them, Asher is nothing more than a wild child and an exile? What about the Sentinel, Talia, and Lady Forrester? Who've come to rely on Rodrik, and be accustomed to Asher's absence.

    Sorry for the rant :P
    It's just, there's so many good reasons for saving both Rodrik and Asher. There's really no right choice. However, the notion Asher is a better fighter / leader than Rodrik (by the events of Episode 5's ending) and is in better condition (remember, Asher got shot in the leg) is pretty baseless. As in, there's really no evidence to make that fact. So seeing so many people pass it off as if it were, kinda irks me xD

    Bacbi posted: »

    While Rodrick might become a capable fighter one day and can be a great leader, u are pretty much in a war when you come to that point in th

  • Well, it's hard to imagine, either Asher OR Rodrik would leave the other to die. But of course, ONE of them has to.

    I looked at it from the point of view: Asher's returned home to save House Forrester. He's not going to start that mission, by letting its lord die.

    And Rodrik know it's his duty to lead the House. He know it has to be him, who brings Ludd and Gryff Whitehill down. It has to be him who marries Elaena and keep keeps the Glenmore alliance going.

    It has to be him who survives.

    Plus, the logic of Rodrik feeling guilty about Ethan's death works just the same for Asher as well. They were both absent, because of their own decisions (Asher decided to elope with Gwyn and get himself exiled, Rodrik decided to go to war, and not stay to lord over Ironrath)

    Well, there IS arguably ONE point. "Which older brother would let his younger brother die for him?!" This is the point that led me t

  • Seriously! That whole part I was like shut up, Gared! D:

    DillonDex posted: »

    Rodrick might become a capable fighter one day and can be a great leader *Rodrik is supposed to be House Forrester's "best fighter b

  • Of course there's no "right" choice. That's a huge part of why it's so painful. I know the whole point was to go get Asher and bring him back safely but I just couldn't leave Rodrik... I love both brothers but there was no way I was going to give Gryff the satisfaction of being a dick to Rodrik and terrorizing the house and then getting to kill him, especially after my Rodrik did everything possible to piss him off and never submit. No way in hell. So I'm ready for Rodders' second term, let's go kill some Whitehills!

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited September 2015

    I do not worry. There is no special difference between Rodrik and his brother. One hour and half episode and four protagonists - nah. Not enough time for single character and the connection. Forresters are one body. One limb less is not a tragedy.

  • especially after my Rodrik did everything possible to piss him off and never submit

    Team "Fuck your sketchy and all-too-convenient-for-your-family plan Gwyn Whitehill, this is MY house" unite!

    lilithnight posted: »

    Of course there's no "right" choice. That's a huge part of why it's so painful. I know the whole point was to go get Asher and bring him bac

  • "Walda... Waldra... Waldina..."



    Omid's cat posted: »

    I do not worry. There is no special difference between Rodrik and his brother. One hour and half episode and four protagonists - nah. Not enough time for single character and the connection. Forresters are one body. One limb less is not a tragedy.

  • If Asher/Rodrik was in Ethan's place, the story can't advance. Do you really think that they would get themselves killed so easily? They are borh experienced warriors.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Well, it's hard to imagine, either Asher OR Rodrik would leave the other to die. But of course, ONE of them has to. I looked at it from t

  • OP, I did exactly the same thing. I don't know about you, but these comments have done an excellent job of convincing me to switch back to my original choice- Rodrik.

  • How can you blame Rodrick for Ethan's death when Rodrick wasn't even anywhere in the vicinity to do anything about Ramsay's actions? That is completely illogical. I don't think Rodrick would blame himself either.

    Well, there IS arguably ONE point. "Which older brother would let his younger brother die for him?!" This is the point that led me t

  • If the determinant brother ends up dying then... it's just going to feel shitty all over again. At the very least I hope that as Rodrik we can finish Gryff. I want at least that.

  • I said that given the chance I think Asher could become a great leader he still needs to learn. But yeah Rodrick was an amazing fighter but after the red wedding he basically becomes cripples for life. He can fight a little, probably a mix of muscle memory and pure stubbornness but he will never be the fighter he once was.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Rodrick might become a capable fighter one day and can be a great leader *Rodrik is supposed to be House Forrester's "best fighter b

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