Telltale, your schtick is done!



  • edited September 2015

    Funny I have Life is Strange lol, but I agree, these games aren't meant to have choices that change the plot, but choices that enrich the game, like the jokes from TFTB, and yeah most choices are an illusion, but they could have done better. Choices don't need to change plot, they can change character relationships, can establish alternate outcomes, they can be small, but memorable, they can also change the way the player looks at the game and it's characters, like TWD had it's strong moral choices, TFTB had it's funny kind of charm, TWAU had it's Noire theme and investigation parts that are really fun and creative. GoT has, well, death, betrayal, you know, the usual GoT themes

    I don't mean for you to take offense to this but I think the reason you, myself, and plenty of others like Tales much better is due to the f

  • As I said before, the choices didn't mean to change the story. They are meant to make a difference in it and change the relationship with the characters around you. And last of all, why did you tell me to STFU? Did I really ever insulted you? I'm not sure if you are an adult but you are surely acting like a 5 year old ;p

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Your completely missing the point, my problem with the game, as I stated above, regards the one track story and lack of strong choices.

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    As I said before, the choices didn't mean to change the story. They are meant to make a difference in it and change the relationship with th

  • For me, each Telltale game has one core element that I really like. The Walking Dead is about survival and moral choices, mix with some really good character relationships. The Wolf Among Us is playing a reformed badass Big Bad Wolf, who are trying to solve a murder mystery. Tales from the Borderlands is the thrill of adventure, action and humor. Game of Thrones it is the concept of family and the importance of it. A family forced in a terrible circumstance completely out of their control, yet their preserve and do anything to survive it together.

    Maybe it would have been cool if there are more meaningful choices, but ultimately, it is a one road story where you can tailor how you wish your character to react to circumstances and situations. Is Rodrik a warmonger who believes that war is the only option to keep his family safe? Or is he a wise and patient leader, who is willing bet his time and submit to humiliation in order to keep his family safe? Is Asher willing risk his family's chances in the war in order to keep his precious bond to his adopted sister? Or is he willing to do anything to help his family despite risking losing his precious bond with Beskha? The way I see it, you are given opportunities to define how you want these characters to be like.

    Not every game feels the same and everyone has different opinion about something. Some people like the previous games more and some people like Game of Thrones more. There are no right and wrong on this one. It all comes down to opinion. I like Game of Thrones because I like it. There are flaws sure, but because I like the game, the flaws doesn't annoy me.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Meaningful choices, alternate outcomes, strong character relationships, multiple endings, a plot that can deviate and be creative, strong mo

  • Well, arent you a fun person to be around? (sarcasm overload)

  • GoT has, well, death, betrayal, you know, the usual GoT themes

    Dark stuff that can really put you on a downer.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Funny I have Life is Strange lol, but I agree, these games aren't meant to have choices that change the plot, but choices that enrich the ga

  • edited September 2015

    Exactly lol People you care for will eventually die because, GoT! Its a part of the lore, the good die and the bad die also, only the dead will rise

    GoT has, well, death, betrayal, you know, the usual GoT themes Dark stuff that can really put you on a downer.

  • Grab your popcorn, bruh ~-^

  • And they both involve a lot of stabbing. :)

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Exactly lol People you care for will eventually die because, GoT! Its a part of the lore, the good die and the bad die also, only the dead will rise

  • edited September 2015

    Unless your Ramsy Bolton, who is invulnerable to being stabbed lol

    And they both involve a lot of stabbing.

  • Telltale, your tricks don't work anymore

    Tricks? Telltale do tricks? Magic tricks? :D That sounds so cool...! Oh... Oh you meant choices... Ah that makes sense now. Still, do you really play games made by Telltale for choices? Is that the only reason?

    The choices (or illusion of choices if you want to go down that route) are just one part of the formula that makes the games great, even if they don't matter, it isn't always about them mattering, it's about them getting your heart racing, forcing you to make a choice in the limiting time you have or even making you pause the game for a good few minutes to think over the choice.

    Really if anything in Telltale is tailored to how we play it's the amount of time it takes to complete an episode, it always varies. :P

  • Because I don't want to be torn to pieces by GoT haters/lovers.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Why don't you give an opinion of your own?>

  • Yup yup, completely agree it could have been handled better, the only time it's derailed me from enjoying it was episode 5, but not everything is going to be good. But hey, if we do get a S2, I'm hoping Telltale will continue to learn from their mistakes and make even better content, the nice thing with them having more competition now is that will help drive them to make better content too. So we'll probably get more of those memorable and/or core-shaking interactions with the characters in the next season.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Funny I have Life is Strange lol, but I agree, these games aren't meant to have choices that change the plot, but choices that enrich the ga

  • I hate seeing that meme so much... Gives me the worst craving for popcorn...

    Pipas posted: »

    Oh my, another one of these threads. Don't mind me, just here for the comments.

  • Nah, episode five was one of the best episodes.

    Yup yup, completely agree it could have been handled better, the only time it's derailed me from enjoying it was episode 5, but not everythi

  • Nope, I got the reasoning behind both.

    PanJogurt posted: »

    I think you missed a point of this video and my post.

  • I'm not a member of this forum but I gotta ask you something.How do you people live here with all these threads around?

  • They don't live. They survive. That's if they even survive.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm not a member of this forum but I gotta ask you something.How do you people live here with all these threads around?

  • starts foaming at the mouth

    Nah, episode five was one of the best episodes.

  • I feel really bad for the people here :(

    dojo32161 posted: »

    They don't live. They survive. That's if they even survive.

  • enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm not a member of this forum but I gotta ask you something.How do you people live here with all these threads around?

  • If you hate the game, simply keep it to yourself and not play the other episodes. e.e

  • Eh, don't. I made an account here for the Borderlands forum and when I finally wandered over here after a couple weeks I was pretty shocked at a lot of the vitriol towards the game, especially episode five. At first glance this place seemed pretty toxic, and I remember even making a comment about it.

    But, then I checked out a few more threads, and realized there is more good than bad. There's a lot of passionate debate here on pretty much every character (be it the game or the show or the books), but that's because GoT fans are really invested in this world and these characters and their stories. The passion with which they will defend or denounce characters and their choices are just a testament to how incredibly well written this universe and the people in it are. We have strong opinions because we have strong feelings, and that's an awesome thing. The threads debating that kind of thing I almost never, ever see turn nasty or personal.

    There are a lot of really nice, intelligent people on this forum with articulate, thoughtful things to say. There are a lot of fan-written stories going on where the readers make the choices (I only started playing one for the first time a few days ago when I could get in on the ground floor, and it's super fun).

    Now, when I see the inevitable "this game sucks/telltale sucks/choices don't matter" threads pop up, I just pay them no mind.

    So I understand how you feel and the impression you have, since it was mine not very long ago, but there's a lot more going on here that's worth sticking around for, if you give it a chance, so there's no need to feel sorry for anyone.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I feel really bad for the people here

  • edited September 2015

    You're exaggerating. There are two negative threads currently on the first page. This one and one bitching about the episodic release schedule. Two very different issues, so they deserve their own threads. I would suggest that you either respond to the criticisms properly or stay out of the 2/30 threads that are negative. Forums are for differences of opinions. It would be very boring indeed if everyone agreed on everything,

    As for the criticism thread, I don't mind the idea, but the mods need to sticky it if its going to be used. You have to go all the way to the fourth page to find it. That's not reasonable to ask of new users, nor is it reasonable to ask them to search for a criticism thread. I've never heard of such a thread on other forums.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, but it's really annoying for people to create threads by saying how much bad the game is. Everytime I check the GoT section, it's almo

  • Don't you tell people not to voice their opinion. What are you, a nazi?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Post that thing to the criticism thread instead of creating an another one! Technically that isn't an official thread, so it doesn't

  • Yep, Telltale is really struggling. Which is why they have a deal with Marvel, an original IP, TWD, more GoT, and who knows what else in the works. Soooo much struggling...


  • It was awful in every meaningful way.

    Nah, episode five was one of the best episodes.

  • I couldn't care less about how telltale is doing financially. I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have an impact but who knows?

    Telltale seems like one of those rare companies that genuinely doesn't give a crap what their customers or potential customers want.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Yep, Telltale is really struggling. Which is why they have a deal with Marvel, an original IP, TWD, more GoT, and who knows what else in the works. Soooo much struggling...

  • I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have an impact but who knows?

    Excuse me, what rotten reviews are we talking about here, everything I've seen has been quite positive.

    I couldn't care less about how telltale is doing financially. I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have

  • Sucks to be you then.

    It was awful in every meaningful way.

  • Telltale seems like one of those rare companies that genuinely doesn't give a crap what their customers or potential customers want.

    Yeah, like that kind of stuff is rare in this world. Just saying.

    I couldn't care less about how telltale is doing financially. I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have

  • That's just plainly not true.

    I couldn't care less about how telltale is doing financially. I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have

  • Metacritic scores:

    Walking Dead S1 - 89
    S2 - 80
    Wolf Among Us - 83
    GoT - 74-80
    Borderlands - 80-84

    "Rotten" is a completely inappropriate term.

    I couldn't care less about how telltale is doing financially. I would think at some point the rotten reviews and metacritic scores will have

  • I think this just about confirms that this guy is trolling.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Metacritic scores: Walking Dead S1 - 89 S2 - 80 Wolf Among Us - 83 GoT - 74-80 Borderlands - 80-84 "Rotten" is a completely inappropriate term.

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