Interactive Forum Game of Thrones Story: Tales of War



  • Just made the list. Split between prominent and comrades. Instead of calling them comrades, I almost called them "Red Shirts." If you get the Star Trek reference...

    let rokus take the bearWould want Axton to go hunger games style on them but we gotta get Rokus to riverrun so they can fight for m'lord.

  • [Voted let the Roduks take the bear]

    Thea took a few steps back. Axton was ultimately right. He and Falk risked their lives to Axton kept aiming his arrow at the villagers. Eventually, they let go of the bear and ran for it. Axton put away his bow and arrow. "Everyone. Let's start cutting the meat." He said. And so they did. Thea and Axton use their knives and start cutting the skin off. After that, they start cutting the meats. Thea has never tasted bear meat before, but the meat sure smell a lot. The smell was rather foul. She has skinned a lot of animals, but this was different. She tried not to think too much about it and kept helping Axton with cutting the meat. Ruck and Martin was responsible for helping with moving the large headless bear. Ben meanwhile was put on guard duty. "We can put the meat on the skin. Easier to take everything with us." Thea suggested. Axton nodded. "Good idea." He said.

    After spending a long time, they managed to cut all of the useful meat away from the bear and placed the meat onto its skin. Ruck was strong, but even he needs some help from Martin and Ben to take the meat back to the others. Once they got to the village, they saw several villagers looking at them with envious eyes. I hope we will leave this place soon. I fear that if we stay here longer, trouble will happen. She thought to herself worried. By the time that they got to the others, she saw that Brom has woken up and still tended to by Hilda. "Brom! You are awake." Thea said relieved. Brom gave a little smile. "And I have a headache." He said. "You will be alright if you just rest." Hilda told him.

    The others put the meat down. Falk approaches. "Well done. I have thought about what we should do. The villagers are getting tensed. I would like to get moving to Riverrun, but Brom needs his rest. I would like to ask, what we should do?" Falk asked. Axton was the one who spoke first. "We should leave. No use staying here any longer. We need to get to Riverrun." He suggested. Hilda look at them. "But Brom needs his rest. Can't we spend the night?" Hilda sked. Falk turned to Thea. "What do you think, Thea? The day is almost over. Should we stay here?" He asks her.

    [Urge Falk to stay in the village], [Urge Falk to leave]

  • Let's get the fuck outta here. Brom can rest all he wants at Riverrun, but they can't stay any longer. Who knows if the village leader sent the guards to attack Hilda.

    Urge Falk to get the fuck outta here

    [Voted let the Roduks take the bear] Thea took a few steps back. Axton was ultimately right. He and Falk risked their lives to Axton kept

  • Urge Falk to leave

    As much as I know Brom needs his rest after being absolutely f*cked by those guys we need to start progressing on. Plus the way the villagers were giving evils to the group don't want to be stabbed in their sleep (even though a ridiculous death). So yeah lets push on and get to m'lord to fight and die for him whilst getting paid (hope its an hounorable house like the forresters).

    Looking forward to see that list to get to know all their names

    [Voted let the Roduks take the bear] Thea took a few steps back. Axton was ultimately right. He and Falk risked their lives to Axton kept

  • Staying here is a bad idea.

    Urge Falk to leave

  • I get the reference. I probably won't bother learning their names then. ;)

    Just made the list. Split between prominent and comrades. Instead of calling them comrades, I almost called them "Red Shirts." If you get the Star Trek reference...

  • [Voted urge Falk to leave]

    ((Time to leave the village for good.))

    "We shouldn't stay here. We have spend too much time in the village as it is. We have food. We have a healer. And we have a hunter. We shouldn't get too comfortable now." Thea argued. Falk seems to take note of that. "I agree." He then turned to the rest of the Roduks. "We are heading to Riverrun. First, Hilda and Axton are our comrades now. Treat them as such. And help Brom if he needs help." He told them. None questioned his orders. "Rucks, Martin. Take care of the bear meats. Thea, you take care of the remaining food supplies." He ordered. Thea gave him a knowing nod.

    With that said, the Roduks left the village without saying good bye.

    The first day was difficult. They made a good distance before they have to stop and find a place to camp. Making a campfire was difficult in the dark, but they managed and they have a quick meal by roasting bear meat. Now she know what bear meat tasted like and it tasted so bitter. The meat wasn't a juicy as a chicken or rabbit meat. It was bitter. Most of the Roduks couldn't stand to eat the meat. Only Falk and Axton didn't complain about it. After that Falk told everyone to roast the meat so it doesn't rot faster and it last longer. After the night, they quickly continued their travel. As the day pass by, Brom occasionally have headaches and they are forced to walk slower because of that. By the time that they reached Riverrun, Brom's headache is gone, but it was clear that he hasn't fully recovered. Thea is worried about him.

    As they neared Riverrun, They found that someone is currently camping outside the castle. On closer look, Thea saw that the camp has banners. She wonder what is going on. "Stay close, Roduks." Falk said as he continue walking forward to the castle gate. They have to pass one of the camps to get there. She saw actual tents. Tents that covers rains and winds. She wished that she was in one of those. Thea saw a banner with two swords crossing each other. "They are sellswords. Why are they here?" Axton said while walking beside Thea. "Something happens maybe? The lords of Riverrun calling for war?" Martin commented.

    They reached the gate and they were barred from entering by the soldiers. "Get lost. The lord of Riverrun have no desire to see you lots." The soldier said to Falk. "We are only here to give our services to the lord of Riverrun." Falk told him. "I say it again, get lost." The soldier said and tightened his grip on his weapon. Thea saw that Falk saw turned around and give them all a look. "We have come this far. We are not turning back." Falk told them. "What do you plan to do, Falk?" Axton asked him. "Something is going on here. We need to learn what is happening." Falk told them. "How about we go and ask those people in the camps?" Axton said.

    "We could, but I like to know more about them. Either way, we should find some place to rest. It has been a long journey." Falk said. Thea has an idea, but she doesn't know if she want to wander in a camp filled with men alone.

    [Go to the sellsword camps], [Follow the Roduks in building a camp]

  • As much as I want to talk to the sellswords, I'm really not fond of sending Thea into their camp alone at night. It's not that I don't think she's strong or capable, but as a woman, I'd be averse to walking into a tent full of men I didn't know by myself at night, here in 2015, and if GRRM has taught us anything, it's that Westerosi sellswords are not the most... gentlemanly sort, shall I say?

    Besides, I have no doubt they will be there in the morning. We can talk to them then. In the meantime everyone is tired and Brom needs a place to rest, so let's follow the Roduks in building a camp.

    [Voted urge Falk to leave] ((Time to leave the village for good.)) "We shouldn't stay here. We have spend too much time in the village

  • Sorry, I didn't made it clear. It is currently noon at Riverrun.

    cussbunny posted: »

    As much as I want to talk to the sellswords, I'm really not fond of sending Thea into their camp alone at night. It's not that I don't think

  • Ah. I'd still rather her not go in by herself though. So I'm going to stick with my answer.

    Sorry, I didn't made it clear. It is currently noon at Riverrun.

  • Still sorry for that, I guess I am running low on fuels. :P

    cussbunny posted: »

    Ah. I'd still rather her not go in by herself though. So I'm going to stick with my answer.

  • I think it is less you, and more me inserting details into the scene in my imagination and then assuming they are true (like I did with Hilda being old and also the village leader calling her a witch, neither of which were true). So it's my bad, not yours. :)

    Still sorry for that, I guess I am running low on fuels. :P

  • follow rodkus to camp

    Would be nice to explore a bit but lets play it safe. Hopefully they find out the secret is and most importantly NO ONE DIES

    Still sorry for that, I guess I am running low on fuels. :P

  • Follow the Roduks to camp

    [Voted urge Falk to leave] ((Time to leave the village for good.)) "We shouldn't stay here. We have spend too much time in the village

  • I am going to head to bed and think about some news ideas. See you tomorrow. :)

    [Voted urge Falk to leave] ((Time to leave the village for good.)) "We shouldn't stay here. We have spend too much time in the village

  • Goodnight, and we will all see you tomorrow, I'm sure. :)

    I am going to head to bed and think about some news ideas. See you tomorrow.

  • Yes goodnight well see you tomorrow

    cussbunny posted: »

    Goodnight, and we will all see you tomorrow, I'm sure.

  • [Voted follow the Roduks in building a camp]

    Thea decided not to speak her idea out yet. That can be done after they have built their camp.

    Which consisted of them simply building a campfire, put their items on the ground and either sit around the campfire and lay down. Thea wished that they have tents like those other mercenary groups. The other sellswords must be laughing at them from their camps. The one who usually create the campfire is Martin. He has a seeming knack to create fire out of woods or stones. Marthen once told her that he found him covered in black dirt. Whatever his past was, Martin has been important whenever they needs to have fire at night.

    They found a place away from the sellsword camps. The castle of Riverrun was fairly visible from here and they have their eyes on the road. As they rested in the camp, Brom kept resting while Hilda keeps tending to him. Thea notices that besides herself, Brom and Axton, the girl doesn't really interact with the rest of the group. She doesn't blame her attitude. Everyone would be cautious when they have just witnessed strangers burning down your home. Thea sat at the campfire and bite on the bear meat. The taste keeps growing bitter, but she kept eating. Surviving on her own, has taught her that she should be grateful for whatever kind of meat you get. This taste bitter, but at least she has something to eat and it keeps her alive.

    Finally she spoke to Falk. "We should go to the sellswords camps. We need to know more. We should ask them questions." She suggested. "I have been thinking about that too. But we don't know them or what they can do. I do know that they are better equipped than all of us. And-..." He was interrupted by Ben. "Falk! Someone is coming!" He told his leader. Falk rose and faced the approaching stranger. Thea saw five armored men approaching their camp. Falk went to meet them, followed by Axton and Ben. Thea and the others also stood behind their leader. Thea notices their shield. It has the two crossing swords.

    A man stepped forward. He was a tall man. He wore an armor made with steel rings that covered his chest. At his shoulders, Thea could see leathers. At his belt, there hang his longsword. "Who is the leader of this pathetic bunch?" One of them demanded to know.

    ((Next chapter is from Falk's POV.))

  • Frey's or one of their Bannerman I'm guessing my game if thrones knowledge ain't top noch but I think that the freys control riverrun.

    Cussbunny will probably correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to know alot about this stuff

    [Voted follow the Roduks in building a camp] Thea decided not to speak her idea out yet. That can be done after they have built their cam

  • The story takes place many years before the events of the books and TV-show. Riverrun is still ruled by the Tully.

    And Thea said that their shield has the same icon of one of the mercenary banners that they passed by.

    Frey's or one of their Bannerman I'm guessing my game if thrones knowledge ain't top noch but I think that the freys control riverrun. Cussbunny will probably correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to know alot about this stuff

  • Kk my red wedding theory out the window

    The story takes place many years before the events of the books and TV-show. Riverrun is still ruled by the Tully. And Thea said that their shield has the same icon of one of the mercenary banners that they passed by.

  • LOL I appreciate the vote of confidence Phoenix, but I actually don't know much about the history of Westeros other than what I've picked up from the show. I'm pretty sure Dave mentioned in the OP that this takes place centuries before the events of ASOIAF so trust him to fill you in, not me.

    I just know a lot about bears. ;)

    Frey's or one of their Bannerman I'm guessing my game if thrones knowledge ain't top noch but I think that the freys control riverrun. Cussbunny will probably correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to know alot about this stuff

  • I am glad that we have a bear expert with us. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    LOL I appreciate the vote of confidence Phoenix, but I actually don't know much about the history of Westeros other than what I've picked up

  • Yeh I saw it at the top.

    I'll be sure to ask you how to cook the bear that I have killed jk

    I am glad that we have a bear expert with us.

  • I also know an awful lot about astrophysics, celestial bodies and how they behave, and space travel, in case you want to put the Roduks in a spaceship, but I have a feeling that probably won't come up in this story. ;)

    I am glad that we have a bear expert with us.

  • edited September 2015


    ((Do take note that every POV character is a unreliable narrator. They are all commoners, so there are things they don't know and they make educational mistakes.))

    "I am the leader of this group." Falk greeted the stranger. He has seen the banners that these sellswords have. Two swords crossing each other. "And who are you?" He asked the man. The stranger snort. "Who I am is someone who shouldn't be speaking to you. I am Damon Green, third-born son of Lord Edward Green." The noble introduced themselves. Perhaps they have been too hasty in coming to their own conclusion. Of course, they should have expected that these people aren't mercenaries. "I apologize, my lord." Falk said to the noble. Perhaps he should have known, but the house that he used to serve was a minor house. They rarely go on campaign unless something really dire happens.

    Damon snort again. "But I am in need of some more manpower in my army. Consider yourself in luck, sellsword. I have the good intention of hiring you and your sorry band into my army. If you serve me well, I will see that all of you are rewarded." He said. Falk look briefly to his comrades. Axton gave him a nod. Thea simply paused and said nothing. The rest of them seems eager to accept the noble's offer.

    [Accept the offer?], [Refuse the offer?]

  • Welp, this is what we do and this is what we came here for, right? I'm all for it.

    Accept the offer

    Falk ((Do take note that every POV character is a unreliable narrator. They are all commoners, so there are things they don't know and th

  • I second that that's what we first voted for so yeah lets do this accept the offer

    Is this Damon now lord like his father died or something or is he just the thirdborn son commanding a garrison to help his father. If its just his garrison does it mean Rokus will fight only in his army (like Rodrik in ep 1 when he was looking fresh) or altogether with the house

    cussbunny posted: »

    Welp, this is what we do and this is what we came here for, right? I'm all for it. Accept the offer

  • If that was the case, Damon would have referred to himself as Lord Damon Green. Since he isn't and he is the thirdborn son, one have to assume that he is simply commanding the army that his father has given to him.

    I second that that's what we first voted for so yeah lets do this accept the offer Is this Damon now lord like his father died or somethi

  • As much as I suspect this leading to trouble, this is our chance to not only prove ourselves to the realms, but to ourselves that we are cut out for this.

    Accept the offer

    Falk ((Do take note that every POV character is a unreliable narrator. They are all commoners, so there are things they don't know and th

  • When the next part coming out??

  • I won't use Telltale's infamous word. But tonight.

    When the next part coming out??

  • I wonder, are the choices we made for the story similar to choices you would've made for the story? And has that made it any easier?

    I won't use Telltale's infamous word. But tonight.

  • I like your word better, I wish Telltale's answer was "tonight" more often. ;)

    I won't use Telltale's infamous word. But tonight.

  • Nah I wish telltale's answer was the release date but yh it'd be nice for them to surprise us by saying "tonight". But this is telltale

    cussbunny posted: »

    I like your word better, I wish Telltale's answer was "tonight" more often.

  • edited September 2015

    [Voted accept the offer]

    ((Sorry for not posting much today. I was taking a break))

    As much as he didn't like the man, Falk knew that joining the noble would give them a good chance to rise. "The Roduks would be honored to join your army." Falk said to the noble. Again Damon snort. "Oh be silent, you don't know what honor is." He said. "Now, follow me and I give you a place for you to stay." Damon commanded and they all followed him to their camp. Once inside the camp, Falk felt the gaze of soldiers staring at them. He felt uneasy. They weren't welcomed here and they could end them right here. Eventually, Damon led them to a tent.

    "It should be big enough for you lots. Even with your two women." He said and look at Thea and Hilda. Falk block them from Damon's sight. "We thank you." He said quickly. Damon stared at Falk. "Right, right, enough with your false flattery. Rest up and tomorrow, my second will take you to do some training. You may know how to fight, but I want to be certain, you can." He said and left without another word. Falk watched as he leaves before he turned to his comrades. "Alright everyone, follow me." He said to the Roduks. They all entered the tent to have a gathering. The tent was big enough for all of them to sleep. It was in a dark green color. There was a table with candles. There are enough space for them to sleep on.

    "The noble has been generous to us, but I want you to keep your guard up. Here's what I am going to tell you to do..."

    Order Thea and Hilda to: [Stay in their tent], [Gather information]

    Order Brom and Axton to: [Guard their tent], [Look around the Green's camp], [ALT: Protect Thea and Hilda]

    Order the rest of the Roduks to: [To spread around], [Stay in the camp]

    ((I want to try and experiment here and see how it works.))

  • Question- for Brom and Axton's alternate choice to protect Thea and Hilda, do you mean protect them if we have the women stay in the tent (which would seem the same as guard the tent?), or do you mean protect Thea and Hilda if we choose to have them gather information (sort of like bodyguards)?

    [Voted accept the offer] ((Sorry for not posting much today. I was taking a break)) As much as he didn't like the man, Falk knew that

  • I mean to protect Thea and Hilda as they gather information.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Question- for Brom and Axton's alternate choice to protect Thea and Hilda, do you mean protect them if we have the women stay in the tent (w

  • Excellent, that's what I was hoping for.

    Here's hoping they can be discrete too - a man might tell a pretty woman all sorts of things he shouldn't, but not if she has a hulking, bear-fighting crazypants warrior standing over her shoulder scowling down at him.


    **Thea & Hilda, gather information

    Axton and Brom, protect them while they are doing so

    Rest of the Roduks, stay in the camp**

    I mean to protect Thea and Hilda as they gather information.

  • Yh I think that's the best decision I was thinking of leaving the gals alone and let Axton and brom search there own ting. But then I thought of the many bad possibilities that could happen.

    So..Thea and hilda grab information

    protect Thea and Hilda

    **stay in the camp

    cussbunny posted: »

    Excellent, that's what I was hoping for. Here's hoping they can be discrete too - a man might tell a pretty woman all sorts of things he

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