Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Cool

    So this isn't exactly rhyiona related but ill post it anyway, its also not one of my more serious artworks, just something fun/testing i did

  • #triggered

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm still voting for Mario

  • Bye sweet weirdo <3

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    You going?... damn. Until later, Eryka!

  • Bye fishy


  • edited September 2015

    how to vote multiple times on a strawpoll

    S-so you just gonna cheat so that you can be the winner in a strawpoll?...

    enter image description here

    Fish, I am disappoint.

    brb searching a guide how to vote multiple times on a strawpoll

  • That's what Handsome Jack taught me!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    how to vote multiple times on a strawpoll S-so you just gonna cheat so that you can be the winner in a strawpoll?... Fish, I am disappoint.

  • ayy lmao I have the most votes xD

    http://strawpoll.me/5604120 Pls vote

  • Bye sweet weirdo <3

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Bye sweet weirdo

  • nice red hand, bruv

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    how to vote multiple times on a strawpoll S-so you just gonna cheat so that you can be the winner in a strawpoll?... Fish, I am disappoint.

  • That's what Handsome Jack taught me!

    enter image description here

    That's what Handsome Jack taught me!

  • edited September 2015

    Oh!... well... thank you, bro!

    enter image description here

    nice red hand, bruv

  • Bruh, why so jealous? :*

    brb searching a guide how to vote multiple times on a strawpoll

  • @Kawaiii I have been infected

    enter image description here

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    nice red hand, bruv

  • I'm not jealous, just dissapointed....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Bruh, why so jealous?

  • I'm almost positive people will be asking "wheres for season 2?!" A week after episode 5 comes out "Its already been a week!" Xp

    buntingsir posted: »

    Preferably ;~; And then they ride into the sunset together.

  • Don't be. Trust me, if you added more people in the poll, I would surely have the less votes xP

    But you added your name 3 times and you added mine once so... x(

    I'm not jealous, just dissapointed....

  • It's not called egoism, It's called confidence.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Don't be. Trust me, if you added more people in the poll, I would surely have the less votes xP But you added your name 3 times and you added mine once so... x(

  • edited September 2015

    Putting your name down 3 times kinda put you at a disadvantage there! xd

    I'm not jealous, just dissapointed....

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'll cuddle you so hard

  • enter image description here

    Wow, this is the first GIF I posted in the entire day, I think x)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Putting your name down 3 times kinda put you at a disadvantage there! xd

  • http://strawpoll.me/5604323

    Are ya happy now?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Don't be. Trust me, if you added more people in the poll, I would surely have the less votes xP But you added your name 3 times and you added mine once so... x(

  • Are ya happy now?


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Putting your name down 3 times kinda put you at a disadvantage there! xd

  • You did the right thing, bruh :3

    Pat pat.

    http://strawpoll.me/5604323 Are ya happy now?

  • Lmao Paul is getting a shitton of votes.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You did the right thing, bruh Pat pat.

  • enter image description here

    Are ya happy now? http://strawpoll.me/5604323

  • Well, he's a really cool guy and he deserves those votes ^-^

    I'm one of the people who voted him. Sorry, SirFish :(

    Lmao Paul is getting a shitton of votes.

  • And you know what the best thing is? I DIDN'T VOTE FOR MYSELF!

  • There's a guy who I seriously hope is kidding but is agreeing with what Jack stands for. Like this guy was saying he'd think Jack killing everyone on Pandora would be justified.......That's taking a joke too far

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    That's what Handsome Jack taught me!

  • But.... b-but...


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, he's a really cool guy and he deserves those votes ^-^ I'm one of the people who voted him. Sorry, SirFish

  • enter image description here

    Lmao Paul is getting a shitton of votes.


    @Kawaiii I have been infected

  • edited September 2015

    Well, he's a really cool guy and he deserves those votes ^-^

    he deserves those votes


    If anything, anyone deserves those votes more than me... and I didn't even want to be on the strawpoll in the first place! </3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, he's a really cool guy and he deserves those votes ^-^ I'm one of the people who voted him. Sorry, SirFish

  • enter image description here

    But.... b-but...

  • edited September 2015

    And you know what the best thing is? I DIDN'T VOTE FOR MYSELF!

    enter image description here

    Keep going!... you're making me proud! <3

    (i still don't trust you tho)

    And you know what the best thing is? I DIDN'T VOTE FOR MYSELF!

  • enter image description here

    Combined two parts into one.

    Written by: @GaredAndBacon (Cara)

    Fiona slammed the caravan door shut, allowing her emotions to fly out of her mind and take over her body. She screamed and cried and fell to the wooden floor, curling up into a ball and clutching her aching chest. She thought of everything she had said, how stupid she had been, and thought of him, how hurt he must be.

    "Rhys, you're acting so fucking stupid!" Fiona growled, pacing up and down the hallway of her foster's home. The Hyperion sat on the tattered couch alone, clutching his head and closing his eyes, "I-I'm sorry! I can't help how I feel, my mind is all kinds of messed up right now." He whispers the last part as he quivered to himself. Fiona was fuming, she stopped right in front of Rhys with a growing frown, "Well, you better find out how to fix it, because I'm not dealing with the fact that you love me when I don't feel the same." The Pandoran resident pointed her finger in Rhys' face, making him flinch and contort his features into a sad expression, "You.. don't?" He felt hurt and sad and alltogether depressed. Fiona screamed at him, "I don't love you, Rhys! Get that into your head that I'll never like you!" By now, she had a vein popping out of her forehead, her eyes watering with anger. Before she could hear his reply, she stormed out of the house and ran to her caravan, exploding with emotions.

    She had been so idiotic. She couldn't admit the fact that she loved Rhys, she longed for him to be hers. Now that she had him in her grip, she couldn't deal with it, so she panicked to hide her feelings. A light tap on the door and a voice calling her name perked Fiona's attention, and she stood up. With tears still managing to slip from her eyes, she creaked the door open slightly and looked out to find the other Hyperion standing with a hunched back and a white rose. Vaughn merely smiled at Fiona, to be met with a sob from the latter. Without words, she opened the door enough for the short man to slide in. He handed her the rose and coughed, "Why did you just deny him?" He asked, not needing to classify who 'him' was. Fiona wiped her cheeks with her sleeve cuff before responding, "Because I love him and he doesn't deserve me." Her voice wavered with every word while she twirled the flower in her hands. Vaughn sighed and tutted, shaking his head slowly.

    "Fiona," He started, placing a hand on his taller friend's shoulder, "you and I both know that's not true. You love him with every bone in your body and he totally deserves you. Tell him." These encouraging words did nothing but pry more tears from the now-hatless lady as she hugged Vaughn tightly and sobbed into his shoulder, "I can't.." She breathed, speaking what can only be the truth for now. Vaughn rubbed Fiona's back soothingly, "You can and you will. Just, not until we get you cleaned up a bit, 'kay?" The goatee-ed 27 year old smiled sheepishly, before Fiona -reluctantly- agreed. It took a few hours until Fiona was ready to talk to Rhys, but she stepped out of the caravan and spotted the bionic male slouching on a pole outside. She slowly inched toward him until she caught his attention. She inhaled sharply.

    "I need to tell you something." She started.

    “What, come to tell me you hate me some more?” Rhys spoke rather harshly. Fiona merely shook her head and shifted on her feet uncomfortably, “I didn't mean that, Rhys.” She stuffed her hands behind her back and let them grip onto each other, praying that she hasn't ruined their friendship.

    “Save it, Fi. I know you don’t like me and I was stupid, I know. So I’d appreciate it if you’d just leave me alone.” The current janitor of Hyperion stuffed his real arm into his trouser pocket and revealed a packet of cigarettes, before beginning to march off.

    “You’re smoking, now? Is that how much you like me?” Fiona gawked, gripping his wrist before he had a chance to leave, looking at the box with the warning of possible death on it. Rhys sighed before mustering a nod, “You don’t know how much you mean to me.” Was all he said, before shaking his hand out of Fiona’s latch and pacing off, leaving a disturbed looking Fiona calling his name repeatedly.

    “Don’t take another step, Rhys.” She yelled, stepping forward herself and gulping. The younger male spun on his heels, one of the tobacco sticks now hanging out of his mouth, “What is it?” He asked rather impatiently, seething slightly and fumbling in his pocket for a lighter. Fiona only walked toward him and stood about two metres away, “I’m coming with you. Give me one.” She stuck her hand out expectantly, referring to a cigarette. Rhys sighed and flicked open the box in his hand before sliding one out and handing it to her. Fiona grabbed it quickly before Rhys took it back and slid it into her mouth, smirking at him. They walked down the road and into the dark of night, before slumping near a Dahl rubbish bin and sighing.

    “Light it, then.” Fiona leaned her face toward Rhys’ hand with the cigarette barely poking out of her mouth, making the man chuckle and lean back, “You’ve never done this before, have you?” He crossed his arms over his chest and raised his left brow with growing suspicion. Fiona blushed slightly, using her tongue to push the stick out of her mouth and drop it into her hand. With no words used, Rhys knew that she hadn’t, “Neither have I, though,” He dropped the whole packet into the bin as well as the one hanging out of his mouth.

    “Why do you have them, then?” Fiona was confused, who carried cigarettes and didn't use them? Rhys laughed and shrugged, “It looks cool, don’t you think?” His back moved off of the wall and instead he used his elbow to lean on the bin, “No, smoking isn’t cool. It’s stupid.” She stuck her nose in the air and frowned, seeming so wise and awesome to herself. Rhys scoffed, “You’re stupid.” But what he didn't realise is that the bin had wheels, and the weight of his body pushed these wheels, causing the bin to move out of his reach and him to fall onto his side.

    “What was that? Did you just say you’re stupid? Because you are.” Fiona snorted with victory clear in her voice, “Shut up, I’m not stupid. I just.. didn't realise there were wheels.” The lanky man stood up and brushed himself off, unaware of the third presence beside him, “Of course you didn’t, cupcake.” It said, floating just inches away from him. Rhys shot Jack a glare and tried to ignore him, “Rhys, did you just give the evils to that bin?” Fiona leaned against the brick wall and tried not to laugh, stifling any chuckles that dared to escape.

    “Well, yeah. It made me dirty my awesome clothes.” Rhys joked, brushing a hand through his hair, a habit he partook in profusely. Fiona shook her head in a joking manner, before sighing and looking to her now-chipped nail polish, she had to do this now. There’d be no time later.

    “Rhys,” She started, unaware of the menace haunting his brain, “do you want to know why I got mad?” The janitor nodded, still giving a questioning look to Jack every few seconds, “I don’t ‘hate’ you. I-I actually,” She tried to start, but she felt her hands moisten and her face become sweaty, her hear began racing and her breathing picked up. Her eyes widened, and she muttered a quick, ‘not now’ to herself.

    “F-Fiona?” Rhys grabbed the now-shaking woman in his arms and looked at her panicked face, “Calm down, lets sit down here.” He walked her over to a corner and sat down with her face pressed to his chest, her breathing having not changed in the slightest. Rhys knew she was having a panic attack, and he also knew how to deal with them.

    “C-Can you hear my heartbeat, Fi? Just keep focusing on that and nothing else, we’ll be alright.” He shushed her, using his human hand to rub Fiona’s arm affectionately. The Pandoran obeyed, and within a few minutes, her heart pace had slowed down and she was only giving her attention to Rhys’ heartbeat, the calming pulse soothed her panicked state, “I’m sorry.” She looked up to Rhys’ face and saw him smiling calmly down to her, “Sorry for what?” He asked, still having her sitting basically on him, though she was curled up into a small ball. Before she had a chance to miss this, she closed her eyes and lightly pressed her lips to Rhys’, her mind bubbling with possible reactions. What if he hated me now? she thought.

    The Hyperion boy did nothing but widen his eyes and look at Fiona, who was concentrating only on the kiss, before she pulled away and looked at him expectantly. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Fiona sighed, “Are you going to say anything?” She kept her eyes on his as he struggled for words, and instead, he pushed her face back to his, continuing what Fiona started. When things were about to get more heated, Fiona pulled back and muttered something incoherent under her breath.

    “Fuck it,” She started, looking for a moment to the ground then back up to the janitor, “Rhys, I am head over heels in unconditional love with you, you absolute idiot.” She declared, wavering at the word ‘love’. Rhys stared wide-eyed at her for a moment, before a wide grin creeped onto his face and he let out a happy cheer, smiling goofily at Fiona, “Me, too.” He laughed sheepishly with excitement written into his expression.

    It wasn't long until the two were continuing the kissing they had started only a few minutes before, and until Vaughn had interrupted at a very wrong time, “Woah, I wasn't expecting this. Hurry up and get on the caravan, lovebirds.” But Fiona swore she saw him wink at her, and the ghost of a smile flashed onto his face while he walked off.

    “Are you coming?” Fiona slowly pushed herself off of the flustered Rhys and stood up, hovering her hand out for him to take, “But I was having so much fun!” He whined like a bratty five-year-old. Fiona shook her head playfully.

    “We’ll have more fun later, jerk.”

  • Jack killing everyone on Pandora would be justified

    That's taking a joke too far

    Like, way too far...

    There's a guy who I seriously hope is kidding but is agreeing with what Jack stands for. Like this guy was saying he'd think Jack killing everyone on Pandora would be justified.......That's taking a joke too far

  • any of you guys deserve those votes moe than me

    enter image description here

    Don't say that, bruh ;-; You really really really deserved those votes.

    I didn't even want to be on the strawpoll in the first place!

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well, he's a really cool guy and he deserves those votes ^-^ he deserves those votes Never. If anything, anyone deserves those votes more than me... and I didn't even want to be on the strawpoll in the first place! </3

  • Haha, this is pretty awesome! That's really cool that you imagined this in your head. Thanks for portraying the scene nicely! :)

    Combined two parts into one. Written by: @GaredAndBacon (Cara) Fiona slammed the caravan door shut, allowing her emotions to fly out o

  • edited September 2015

    That... was a pretty good read! <3

    Combined two parts into one. Written by: @GaredAndBacon (Cara) Fiona slammed the caravan door shut, allowing her emotions to fly out o

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