So I just made a Telltale Games Community on the new PS4 communities system.

Feel free to join if you want. To join you simply have to go to Tales from the Borderlands page on your PS4 by clicking on it in your game library. Then click on communities, most likely you'll find mine. It's called Telltale Games Community. While it says it's mainly associated with Borderlands feel free to talk about anything else (Mainly Telltale stuff) or post any screenshots that you like. Also make sure to tell if you haven't played all of Borderlands or other Telltale game when you join, so no one will post spoilers, because I will ban them if they do.

Edit: So this system is kind of a broken piece of shit at the moment, so anyone that still wants to join and can't find my thing should just send me your psn id and I'll invite you myself.

Edit #2: since the release of Minecraft: Story Mode, I recently moved the community from Borderlands to Minecraft: Story Mode. So if anyone wants to join, go to Minecraft: Story Mode communities instead of TFtBL's


  • I can't even see a search button for communities?!

  • Yeah it's not great at the moment, but you don't need a search button to find mine, just look at the list of communities on Tales from the Borderlands (which there aren't many of thankfully) and you'll see mine.

    Jake360 posted: »

    I can't even see a search button for communities?!

  • edited September 2015

    Edit: So I restarted my PS4 and it now has an extra community tab on the game page, but I can only see one community and it isn't yours. This sucks so bad!

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Yeah it's not great at the moment, but you don't need a search button to find mine, just look at the list of communities on Tales from the Borderlands (which there aren't many of thankfully) and you'll see mine.

  • What's your psn? I'll invite you myself.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Edit: So I restarted my PS4 and it now has an extra community tab on the game page, but I can only see one community and it isn't yours. This sucks so bad!

  • edited September 2015

    Why should we join something made by some random member? Plus, has permissions to ban etc. wow. Unless its official, I'm not joining anything.

  • edited September 2015

    Because at this point there's nothing official.

    C'mon dude, you don't have to be so condescending for no reason.

    and "wow' what? of course I'm gonna kick people off the group if they're being dicks. It's fucking common sense.

    Why should we join something made by some random member? Plus, has permissions to ban etc. wow. Unless its official, I'm not joining anything.

  • Wow, you're so smart -__-

    Why should we join something made by some random member? Plus, has permissions to ban etc. wow. Unless its official, I'm not joining anything.

  • It's a fun thing where (I assume) you can talk about stuff you like, as @tintin1029 said: you don't have to be so condescending.

    Why should we join something made by some random member? Plus, has permissions to ban etc. wow. Unless its official, I'm not joining anything.

  • Like, seriously. It's just a fun dumb thing I made, don't have to be a dick about it. (Talking about other guy)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's a fun thing where (I assume) you can talk about stuff you like, as @tintin1029 said: you don't have to be so condescending.

  • Judging by the language youre talking to me with, tinton, i wonder even more. Lets just wait for am official one.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Because at this point there's nothing official. C'mon dude, you don't have to be so condescending for no reason. and "wow' what? of course I'm gonna kick people off the group if they're being dicks. It's fucking common sense.

  • I'm not even gonna mention the "language" your talking to me with, dude, so I'm just gonna say that if you don't want to be part of this, just gtfo this thread, your only making people angry by being here.

    And yes, if there ever will be an official one, I totally will put mine down. I honestly doubt there will be one, though.

    Judging by the language youre talking to me with, tinton, i wonder even more. Lets just wait for am official one.

  • Lol, no one have the permission to ban, they just ban you from the group, you're such a smartass, chill out

    Judging by the language youre talking to me with, tinton, i wonder even more. Lets just wait for am official one.

  • this sounds like fun I may join this when I upgrade to ps4 this december

  • @tintin1029 I really have no problems with you. But you sound so mad at me just cuz I said my opinion, you didn't need to reply if you don't want to. Chill.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    I'm not even gonna mention the "language" your talking to me with, dude, so I'm just gonna say that if you don't want to be part of this, ju

  • Aw, sadly I don't have a PS4 :(

  • You're such an asshole, you know that?

    Why should we join something made by some random member? Plus, has permissions to ban etc. wow. Unless its official, I'm not joining anything.

  • Dude, well I'm just saying it's my thread, and you saying that I don't have the right to make my own community because I'm a little baby "member" really pissed me off.

    And as always, you never needed to reply to MY thread in the first place.

    @tintin1029 I really have no problems with you. But you sound so mad at me just cuz I said my opinion, you didn't need to reply if you don't want to. Chill.

  • Holy Crap, 13 members in two days. If it's any of you guys, you're awesome.
  • Your welcome
    tintin1029 posted: »

    Holy Crap, 13 members in two days. If it's any of you guys, you're awesome.

  • edited October 2015

    Something tells me you won't last very long on this forum

    @tintin1029 I really have no problems with you. But you sound so mad at me just cuz I said my opinion, you didn't need to reply if you don't want to. Chill.

  • You joined as well?

    What's your psn?

    Your welcome

  • Thanks bro.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Holy Crap, 13 members in two days. If it's any of you guys, you're awesome.

  • I'm pretty sure i joined, there was an only community, the other community is mine, so yes

    I'm gonna send it in private message

    tintin1029 posted: »

    You joined as well? What's your psn?

  • I've joined, & you have alresdy added me as a friend

  • Because you're a cool guy :)

    BigMac2410 posted: »

    I've joined, & you have alresdy added me as a friend

  • edited October 2015

    No. Thank you.

    I'll still accept your thanks tho :)

    Thanks bro.

  • edited October 2015

    Edit: Ah hold on, I don't own Borderlands on the PS4, so I guess I can't join? Unless there's some way to invite me, with me not having it in my game library. For some reason, I thought I could just go to the game page on the store. But still, if anyone wants to add me, it's fine. I don't have ps plus at the moment though. My user name is David_Gil2.

  • I'd totally check this out if I owned a PS4.

  • Sent

    Rob_K posted: »

    Edit: Ah hold on, I don't own Borderlands on the PS4, so I guess I can't join? Unless there's some way to invite me, with me not having it i

  • Cheers.

    tintin1029 posted: »


  • 20 members hype. Thank you all so much. You're all the best.

  • If I had a PS4 I might check it out. Sadly I don't have one...

  • It's alright, dude. You can still participate in some of the activities that we're gonna do tho.

    I'm having this crazy Telltale Marathon stream on my twitch channel (tintin1029) starting November 27th. It's called Urban Fest. I'm personally inviting all the people in the community to join the chat, but feel free to join if you want.

    If I had a PS4 I might check it out. Sadly I don't have one...

  • Update:

    Holy Crap, 45 members. If any of those 45 is you, thank you so much and you're a cool guy/girl.

    Also, most likely every time a new episode releases for any Telltale game, I'll most likely move the community to that appropriate game (ie. right now it's on Minecraft Story Mode, and it'll soon be changed back to Borderlands as soon as episode 5 comes out.)

    Thank you all so much and don't be afraid to post on the community wall.

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