Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • enter image description here

    That is OBVIOUSLY a fake...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • oooh, you got me excited! :D

    looking forward to see them c:

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I love your new gifs, Paul c: If not for you guys, I wouldn't have even bothered with those!... It's all thanks to you! p.s: I got a couple more of new ones, but... I wanna keep them for a special occasion. :^)

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    "You can't handle the truth."

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    That is OBVIOUSLY a fake...

  • i can't, sorry ;-;

    need to sleep soon and i have underleveled characters

    Whose up for some BL2 in bout 20 mins?

  • "You can't handle the truth."

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    "You can't handle the truth."

  • Okay, guys. It's getting and I have to go to sleep now. ;~;

    GoT rated Rhyiona dreams everyone! <3 ~-^

    enter image description here

    Also, yes. I really love everything related to Game of Thrones so don't judge me! <3

  • edited September 2015

    Goodnight fish

    Sweet rhyiona dreams

    (Also your not annoying, don't worry about it)

    Well I'm going to sleep guys, g'night! (I think I'll not be as active the following days because I think that I'm acting really annoyin)

  • Good night, Wolfenus!

    I should get going as well xd

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, guys. It's getting and I have to go to sleep now. ;~; GoT rated Rhyiona dreams everyone! ~-^ Also, yes. I really love everything related to Game of Thrones so don't judge me!

  • edited September 2015

    Nighty night, Wolfsei!...

    enter image description here

    pls stop faking the strawpoll...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, guys. It's getting and I have to go to sleep now. ;~; GoT rated Rhyiona dreams everyone! ~-^ Also, yes. I really love everything related to Game of Thrones so don't judge me!

  • Uuuugh... I don't feel like playing anything right now to be honest... sorry. ;-;

    Whose up for some BL2 in bout 20 mins?

  • edited September 2015

    Nighty night, Wolfsei!...

    Why are you calling me Wolfsei?! ;-;

    pls stop faking the strawpoll...

    Do you seriously think that I would lie to you? That breaks my heart </3 ;~;

    Looks like I'm going to sleep with a broken heart, huh? ;-;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Nighty night, Wolfsei!... pls stop faking the strawpoll...

  • I should get going as well xd

    enter image description here

    Nighty night... Jane.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Good night, Wolfenus! I should get going as well xd

  • edited September 2015

    Why are you calling me Wolfsei?! ;-;

    cuz ur trying to blackmail me with that fake strawpoll! ;-;

    Do you seriously think that I would lie to you? That breaks my heart </3 ;~;

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    alright! fine... that strawpoll is... real. ...damn it.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nighty night, Wolfsei!... Why are you calling me Wolfsei?! ;-; pls stop faking the strawpoll... Do you seriously think

  • Thanks, Paul :c

    Sweet dreams, I hope we'll chat more tomorrow! <3 c:

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I should get going as well xd Nighty night... Jane.

  • enter image description here

    Sweet dreams, I hope we'll chat more tomorrow! <3 c:

    You betcha!... and thanks!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Thanks, Paul :c Sweet dreams, I hope we'll chat more tomorrow! c:

  • "10, 9, 8..” The automatic voice boomed over the forest-themed arena. The only thing that the 17-year-old boy was realising is that his seemingly imminent death was on it’s way, and soon. He looked to the female in his district, hoping that she would at least try to help him survive, but she seemed too determined to win this thing to help a weak boy out.

    The siren to declare war soon rung out, leaving Rhys startled while the other tributes ran to the middle, grabbing onto whatever weapon they could find. He first thought to make a beeline to the brush surrounding them, but - upon realising that he needed supplies to have a chance - decided to join the bloodbath in the centre.

    He sprinted from his podium all the way to the cornucopia, and he swiped for a backpack laying on the ground. As soon as that was on his back, he flung himself to the ground, dodging a metal arrow that came zooming above him. His expression showed how scared he was, and his eyes found a sneaky lens poking from one of the crates inside of the steel-built shelter, the lens focused on him, broadcasting his situation to his district back at his home.

    “Come on, Rhys…” The tribute’s best friend, Vaughn muttered as he stood tense, eager eyes drilled onto the screen on the stage. He was placed beside a girl of 14, the sister to the female tribute, who was also praying for her sister to be okay.

    In the arena, Rhys had managed to grab a mace-like weapon and a few short daggers, before he scrambled to his feet and ran haphazardly to the forest, bumping into the girl from his district, who turned around and looked terrified. Rhys doubted his decision for a while, but he did drag her with him in order to survive together. The girl only cried out to him, pleading that her life be spared. As soon as they were out of the clearing in the middle and beside a stream, Rhys let go of the girl and slid his backpack off of his shoulders.

    “Please don’t kill me,” She whimpered, visibly shaking at his sudden urge to take her with him, “I’m from District Three, too!” But Rhys merely waved her away as he filled the flask he found in his bag up with the stream water and handed it to her to drink. She looked confused, “What are you doing?” She asked him, only to be replied with a mere grunt as Rhys continued to search his surrounding, before looking back to the girl with a noticeably softer look, “Your name’s Fiona, right?” His hushed voice questioned, while he shuffled ever so closer to Fiona and put a hand on her arm.

    She nodded and relaxed her tense posture, “I know you’re Rhys, but why did you take me?” And the young boy merely shrugged his shoulders, “I think we should work as a team. We haven’t spoken yet.” His oddly calm tone worried Fiona as she listened intently to him, nodding at his suggestion, “I’m not that great at fighting, I’m better a-“ She instantly halted herself when a muscular figure emerged behind Rhys with a hollowing smirk and a spear raised. She squeaked, for she knew that the boy from her district could fight worth some food. He wasn't the strongest of the tributes but he was no idiot. In the training centre she had seen his expertise in slashing and sneaking and slamming his weapons. As soon as Fiona made a noise that was too innocent for her looks, Rhys spun on the spot and also noticed the man who stood tall behind them. He had sharp features with sandy blonde hair, and a matching beard. His blue eyes poured into Rhys’ mismatched ones as the latter rolled to the side and reached for one of the daggers he had previously obtained, twisting it the right way round once it was in his right hand.

    One deep laugh rolled from the man as he eagerly took a step forward, “You just gonna roll out of the way of a spear? I can just move my hand and ‘boop!’ I’m aiming at your head again!” As this tribute, who Fiona recognised to be from District One - a career - and named August, swiped at Rhys, Fiona decided to help his new team member out and picked up the mace, before standing up and raising her arm. The meagre boy on her side interjected as he sliced at the Career’s face with the dagger, and Fiona swung the mace into his chest.

    Now realising what they had done, they shared a grimace and shook their heads. They’d just murdered somebody. Together. Without hesitation. What would Sasha think? Fiona silently asked herself as Rhys was busy shaking while gathering his things, “We should find somewhere to stay and something to eat.” He was undoubtedly disturbed by what had just occurred. The girl nodded, zipping up her jacket that everyone was wearing, just in different shades depending on which district they were derived from, “I’ll look for shelter, you can go find food, we’ll meet back here.” She began to part ways with Rhys, but he grabbed her arm and turned her around, looking right into her eyes.

    “Stay safe, don’t get killed. Please.” He frowned, handing her the mace and adjusting his backpack.

    “The same could be said to you, but you know how to fight. I’ll be fine.” Fiona had hesitated when she answered, due to the fact that she was staring at Rhys’ face with mixed feelings swirling in her mind. With two brief nods, they had depleted from the area and were now searching for their tasked things. Rhys was fumbling with some berries while Fiona was searching the near area for anywhere to stay.

    It was only when Rhys heard a twig snap when he twirled his head to see the male tribute from District Two and the female from One pointing bows at him. An exasperated curse sounded from Rhys’ lips as he backed away slowly, before beginning to run at a fast pace. He did not want to mess with anyone else again, especially Careers. He’d remembered their names; Jack and Nisha, two strong-willed and strong altogether fighters. One had plucked an arrow out and shot it at Rhys, hitting him in the upper arm and making him yell out in pain, though he dared not stop running. His wimpish sprint had lost the two dangerous enemies, and Rhys was not back at the meeting point alone — nobody in sight.

    Rhys began to panic, but he was still hissing in immediate pain from the wound caused by the bow. He had not a single clue of Fiona’s whereabouts, and his worried-ness soon grew when he heard that scary, death-confirming noise.

    Boom. The cannon blared throughout the arena, and Rhys screamed Fiona’s name.

    A bow and arrow were raised at him once he had stumbled far enough to find the cause of the cannon, but it was soon lowered as Fiona realised that it was Rhys who had emerged from the trees. She instantly relaxed and, with a slight sigh, pointed to the dead tribute on the floor, “I think he was from 7. Was. He snuck up on me just as you left. I got his bow though, Vasquez, I think his name was,” She then glanced to the quite obvious arrow sticking out of Rhys’ arm, “Woa- Are you alright?! You need to get patched up! Come on, I found us a place.” She took his unscathed arm and practically dragged him to the cave she had fell upon mere moments ago and rolled inside with Rhys behind her, wincing from the pain of the wound.

    “J-Jack and Nisha, from 1. They were about to kill me when I heard them, I’m lucky that this is all that I got. Jack seems… Evil..” Rhys shuffled around on the soil that was spread across the cave floor, eventually sitting uncomfortably as Fiona slowly dragged the arrow out of his arm.

    “Right, is there anything in your backpack to help this out here?” The 18-year-old girl tutted as she unzipped Rhys’ jacket, then his thermal waistcoat, only to find that he was wearing a jumper, “Is that going to roll high enough for me to patch you up?” She blurted out, obviously in a state of panic in thought of seeing the boy she fancied shirtless. Actually, she wouldn't mind too much.

    “I can try to roll i-“ Rhys started, but when he touched the area around the wound in attempt to feverishly roll up the sleeve, he yelped in immediate pain. This, of course, made Fiona very anxious as she fidgeted around in the backpack for anything that would at least cover the gash. When a small purse-like object flew out of the bag, she was relieved when she saw the plus that meant ‘first-aid’ and zipped it open furiously.

    What Fiona didn’t expect to see when she looked back to Rhys is that he was now shirtless and poking at the bleeding wound with a pained expression. He only stopped when Fiona was unmoving for at least ten seconds, staring at him in shock. His eyes caught hers and her cheeks were soaked with a crimson red tint while she unravelled the bandage she found within the first aid kit.

    The only noise apart from the obvious - almost sexual - tension in the room, that spurred out of nowhere, was a muffled beeping sound, a sound which Fiona had only heard in previous Games where a favourite to win received a sponsor. But, why us? She thought as she crawled out of the cave and took one look at the silver, mature parachute which landed elegantly on the leave-ridden floor as she stepped out.

    Greedily, she snatched the parachute into her arms and retreated inside, opening the small barrel where the gift hides. Inside was a small note from their mentor, ‘Go for it. - Beetee’.

    Fiona smiled to herself as she cracked open the disinfectant and displayed it to Rhys, “Look what we’ve got!” She cheered quietly, picking up the bandage and staining it with the life-saving liquid. She gently wiped the wound with a careful hand, not removing her eyes from Rhys’ all the while. He winced and tensed up, but he didn’t coil up. In fact, he leaned forward, slightly, and swallowed, “Fiona,” He was about to continue, but she shushed him and wrapped his arm up, patting it lightly when she was finished.

    “You can put your jumper on, now.” She desperately tried to avert eye-contact with his chest, but when a deep voice halted their conversation and insisted he joined them, she didn’t need to.
    “Hey, lovebirds. I see we’re having some rule-bending fun.” The man called as he poked his head into the cave and spotted Fiona leaning over Rhys with a confused look, “Ah, it’s easier to kill ya’ when you have no clothes on. You may continue.” The tribute, Jack, grinned dubiously as he sat inside the cave with his axe rested on his lap. Rhys was the first to react, picking up a dagger lying stilly by his backpack and scrambling to his feet, before leaping onto the threat of the moment and morosely fighting him.

    Of course, things for Jack didn’t go as planned when Fiona shot him in the neck and he spluttered everywhere.

    “That’s two we’ve killed. Dear God.” Rhys gulped as he smudged the deep blood that splashed on his chest and leaned back. Fiona just looked mad as she pulled the arrow from his neck and dragged him outside.

    When she was done, Rhys had just finished tugging his top-half clothes back on, and he was sitting, staring at Fiona, “Come here,” He commanded, patting the spot next to him, “We need to stay warm, it’s getting dark and cold.”

    Fiona did as told and sat next to him awkwardly, still avoiding eye contact with him.

    “Look at me, please.” He almost sounded sad when he spoke, and Fiona craned her neck around to study his face; he was already staring back at her, “I know that this sounds totally crazy, bu-“ He was interrupted by a tannoy coming on, and the Game Maker’s voice alerting them.

    “There are two announcements as of now. Firstly, tomorrow morning, there will be a feast at the cornucopia, all are welcome. You need food,” Rhys locked eyes with the girl beside him at the mention of food and whispered, “It’ll be a death trap, I don’t trust it.”

    “Secondly, and finally, there has been a slight rule change. The known rule of only one victor has been..revoked. Now, two tributes may be crowned victors, if those two tributes derived from the same District. This is the only announcement.” The Game Maker finished, causing Fiona to practically scream.

    “We could go home together,” Rhys muttered, eyes flickering with hope as he stared into Fiona’s. She nodded, but then something else sparked her attention, “What were you going to say before that announcement was made?”

    Fiona didn’t expect to be answered with what Rhys had replied with. He leaned in slowly and pulled her face to his, pressing their lips together and lightly gripping Fiona’s chin. She was, well, amazed and astonished and altogether confused at this moment, but she didn’t resist. She deepened the kiss instead, opening her mouth and wrapping herself around Rhys.

    This had also shocked Rhys’ friend and Fiona’s sister, as they stood together in the crowd of 16-year-olds from their District and watched the scene unfold, also listening to the quiet, “I love you”’s and guilty confessions to each other.

    That’s when Vaughn kissed three fingers and raised them high in the air, an action which Sasha repeated, and got the crowd rallied up.

  • edited September 2015


    ((An alternative take on the space ship scene from episode 4))

    Rhys and Fiona got out of the caravan with their space helmets and headed for the rockets. They are communicating via radio.

    Rhys: "Alright, so we are suppose to separate those rockets?"

    Fiona: "Yes, Scooter said it will be simple and easy."

    Rhys: "I wonder why we are the one who got chosen."

    Fiona: "Well, because we are the most competent of the bunch."

    Rhys: "Wow, you think so?"

    Fiona: "Well, you ain't." She smirked as she neared the rocket.

    Rhys: "Aww, you warm my heart, Fiona." He said sarcastically as he neared the rocket.

    Fiona: "Geez! I can see the button, but the lid keeps closing and opening."

    Rhys: "Like a jaw."

    Fiona: "You aren't helping."

    Rhys: "Just trying to help. Just be quick about it and you will be fine."

    Fiona: "Okay...Just do it quickly."

    Rhys: "Right."

    They both pres the button.

    Rhys: "Alright, I have pressed the button. So now it is unlocking the rockets, right?"

    Fiona: "Yes. Simple and easy, right?"

    Rhys: "Actually, it is not. Once you have finished, can you help me?"

    Fiona "Argh, you idiot. Alright, I am coming once I am done."

    Fiona unlocked the rocket and fly to the rocket where Rhys was. And found him stuck. The lid has jammed Rhys' left hand. Fiona looked with a shocked expression on her face. Rhys gave her a look and smiled sadly.

    Rhys: "I guess, I am an idiot after all."

    Fiona: "Rhys...No..." She hurriedly over to him and tried to pull his hand out.

    Rhys: "Fiona..."

    Fiona: "There has to be a way. There has to..." She said desperately.

    Rhys: "Fiona!" That got her attention and she looked at him with almost teary eyes.

    Rhys: "I have tried everything and there is nothing you can do for me."

    Fiona: "Rhys..."

    Rhys: "Unlock the rockets and let me go."

    Fiona: "No...There has to be a way...There.."

    Rhys: "Don't let me be the death of us all. You have your mission and that is to complete it. Please..."

    Fiona: "Rhys...I am so sorry. I shouldn't have called you an idiot. I shouldn't have said that you weren't capable. You are just as capable and important like the rest of us. You...You are important to me..."

    Rhys said nothing. He gently turn off both of their helmets and he gave her a kiss. Fiona returned the kiss. Then they turned on their space helmets. Fiona let her tears fall as she went to the side of the rocket and began unlocking.

    Rhys: "Take care of Gortys and Loader Bot. Look after your Sister. And save Vaughn if you can."

    The unlocking is complete and the rocket began drifting away.

    Fiona: "Rhys...I love you."

    Rhys: "And I love you too..."

    The rocket began firing and the rocket propel away in a quick speed. Fiona tried to keep her eyes on Rhys. Tried to see him. But the more she did, the harder it was. Then the rocket exploded.

    And she cried...

    Fiona: "RHYS!!" She screamed.

    Rhys: "What? Are you having a nightmare?" He asked sleepily beside her.

    Fiona look at Rhys. She have a big smile on her face and she gave him a hug.

    Fiona: "I thought I lost you..."

    He returned her embrace.

    Rhys: "Hey, you are not getting rid of me that easy." He grinned as he tightened his embrace around his wife.

  • edited September 2015

    edit: wrong post at the wrong time and at the wrong place!

  • Thi-... This was absolutely gorgeous! <3

    My god... I don't think I will be able to wait for the third part... if it comes out, anyway!

    You have a real talent for writing it seems!... it would be a shame if it went to waste!

    Please, keep this up!

    Dare I say, you might have a fanboy on your hands! xd

  • <3333

    AlternativeStory ((An alternative take on the space ship scene from episode 4)) Rhys and Fiona got out of the caravan with their space

  • the ending did it for me <3

    AlternativeStory ((An alternative take on the space ship scene from episode 4)) Rhys and Fiona got out of the caravan with their space

  • ;___;

    Now that I read this, there will - almost guaranteed - be a third part!

    Thank you so much! <3

    Well, we can 'fanboy' and 'fangirl' to each other, then! :)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Thi-... This was absolutely gorgeous! My god... I don't think I will be able to wait for the third part... if it comes out, anyway! Y

  • Creepy af.

    I love it.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Holy shit, @Kracmos O.o That is creepy as fuck O.o

  • you're a liar

    i see what that is

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    edit: wrong post at the wrong time and at the wrong place!

  • B-but it was in the wrong place! ;-;

    Green613 posted: »

    you're a liar i see what that is


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    edit: wrong post at the wrong time and at the wrong place!


    Green613 posted: »

    you're a liar i see what that is



    Kawaiii posted: »


  • edited September 2015


    enter image description here

    C'mere! <3

    enter image description here


    u... will be kinda dissapointed. xd


    it was a reply to a post that I posted to the wrong place... it was about a fan-fic. <3

    Kawaiii posted: »



    JumpyJoey posted: »




    Kawaiii posted: »


  • Very spooky, a truly masterful job!

    Green613 posted: »

    you're a liar i see what that is

  • lol I would but karma is a bitch

    Whose up for some BL2 in bout 20 mins?

  • well this is i guess for later then but I got a ton of characters and i could just roll with one close to everyone else in level (that's what I did with my friends when I tried to get them into the series)

    i can't, sorry ;-; need to sleep soon and i have underleveled characters

  • Hey Jumpy! I just wrote a new story if you are interested in reading it. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Very spooky, a truly masterful job!

  • .......Duck Nugget

    lol I would but karma is a bitch

  • Dude, not that I disagree with you in the slightest, but read the rules of the thread.

    I've never once said I don't ship Rhyiona because you play as Rhys and Fiona, I don't ship Rhyiona because I don't see one ounce of a connec

  • Aaah I dunno how I missed it, and Cara's! Reading now!

    Hey Jumpy! I just wrote a new story if you are interested in reading it.

  • Noooo, I was so sad during this because I knew what was coming ;-;

    And then the ending made up for it by being really sweet :)

    It's brilliant, Dave, I love it! I've missed your stories :D

    AlternativeStory ((An alternative take on the space ship scene from episode 4)) Rhys and Fiona got out of the caravan with their space

  • I'm fine!


    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »


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