Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • aw thanks man :3 let's see, the last time I've been online was the 26-th of the last month, but the last time I was REALLY online, like, for discussions and stuff...I guess that was several weeks ago :D thanks for asking man, I've been great. made a new ragecomic, bought a new game (which was 50% off just second after I bought it, but let's not talk about this), and I found out that the next mlp-episode with discord (the dude from my profile pic) is gonna release in november :3 it's a long time, but hey...telltale showed me longer waits laughs nervously, then bursts out in tears one goddamn moooooonth ;_;

    HellFish posted: »

    Hmm... when were you here last time? My memory sucks. Glad to see you though, how've you been?

  • Like I said last time, unless it runs late I probably will miss it (but in the off chance I can get off early and it is still going, my name is: "I'm a Lumberjack...")

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, Just letting you guys know that the TF2 event on Saturday at 9 PM CEST/8 PM BST/3 PM EST/11 AM PST is totally happening. Just leave me your steam name and I'll invite you when the time is right. :P Here's the countdown.

  • I used to be so good, but when I've tried recently, the only mode I am decent on is medieval and prop hunt. I can't hit jack with sniper or rocket or demo (which were my top 3) I guess I'm still a decent pyro and engineer since those are experience over skill classes but I don't like rolling them unless I gotta.

    Pipas posted: »

    I really suck at shooting games in general, so I don't think that'll be a problem.

  • You know I'm calling it a night. Be on BL2 probably for a while

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited October 2015

    Good night! Have a happy mother's day!

  • Looks like the identity theft is pretty real today huh, @Intellectual_Poultry ?

    First me, now Erin? Wow, people are going crazy.

  • Poultry's a skrublord, don't listen to him

    Praise Yvette

    Green613 posted: »

    Looks like the identity theft is pretty real today huh, @Intellectual_Poultry ? First me, now Erin? Wow, people are going crazy.

  • TBH, were are pretty sure its her.

    But I'm always slightly skeptical about amazing things.

    Green613 posted: »

    Looks like the identity theft is pretty real today huh, @Intellectual_Poultry ? First me, now Erin? Wow, people are going crazy.

  • She just tweeted out the TF2 battle

    So she is real


    No_username posted: »

    Poultry's a skrublord, don't listen to him Praise Yvette


    Green613 posted: »

    She just tweeted out the TF2 battle So she is real LMAOOOO

  • Green613 posted: »

    https://twitter.com/erin_yvette/status/649788804564324352 check it out

  • Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out

    Though no matter what guys, we need to stomp this Rhysha trash back into the ground where they came from


    I need only the most elite members on this team, so all of you are acceptable I guess considering you would all lay down your life for Rhyiona correct? THEN ALL IS GOOD

    @Pipas help me with this tomorrow thx

    give the details

  • Lol imagine if Laura Bailey came to aid the you Rhyionas the event would be so fucking epic holy shit.

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out Though no matter what guys, we need

  • Omfg o: Now everyone has to join!

    enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    I have no fricking idea if this is better.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    This made my day! :D I'm glad that this is Halloween themed. :3

    Sweet as Candy "What's halloween?!" Fiona repeated, staring at Rhys like he was a madman. Rhys shuffled nervously under her glare. "Ye

  • Pros: Wolfenus and Paul wouldn't hate you.

    Cons: It's Claptrap. There's a chance a lot more people would hate you. But I guess you'll have to risk it. :D

    I have no fricking idea if this is better.

  • Oh please you're going down Rhyionans, we're going rekt you harder than TTG rekt Kenny's family life!

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out Though no matter what guys, we need


    even tho i still didn't install the game...


    Green613 posted: »

    Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out Though no matter what guys, we need

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out Though no matter what guys, we need

  • Would my 2k hours in TF2 help?... No?

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok so I'm going to sleep for tonight BUT we'll figure out how the teams for this event will work out Though no matter what guys, we need

  • u have steam?

    hit me up bruv

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Would my 2k hours in TF2 help?... No?

  • You're ideal for this! Hope there will be more people like you. :)

    Anyway, how've you been? You never stay for long these days it seems... everything alright?

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Would my 2k hours in TF2 help?... No?

  • u have steam?

    hit me up bruv

    enter image description here

    Will do! ^-^

    u have steam? hit me up bruv

  • edited October 2015

    Anyway, how've you been? You never stay for long these days it seems... everything alright?

    Well, if I'm honest... I haven't been feeling well lately... and I find it hard to concentrate when I'm feeling like that. :s

    Better go off than stay on and talk rubbish, huh?...

    ...I'm sure it will get better soon... right?

    HellFish posted: »

    You're ideal for this! Hope there will be more people like you. Anyway, how've you been? You never stay for long these days it seems... everything alright?

  • Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How come? Want to talk about it? :(

    And it's alright to talk rubbish, we all do it here from time to time anyway. But if you're not feeling well, you don't have to stay, that's true. :)

    By the way... once I heard a blasphemous theory... that Wolf doesn't like tea. Is it possible? Is it really possible for a Brit to not like tea? xD

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Anyway, how've you been? You never stay for long these days it seems... everything alright? Well, if I'm honest... I haven't been fe

  • Hello! How are you? Happy Christmas!

  • edited October 2015
    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How come? Want to talk about it? :("

    Not much to talk about, really!

    I will be fine. ;p

    "Is it really possible for a Brit to not like tea? xD"

    ...I don't really like it that much either. I just decided to stick with the British stereotype. <3
    HellFish posted: »

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How come? Want to talk about it? And it's alright to talk rubbish, we all do it here from time to time anywa

  • edited October 2015
    Okay, I'll try not to worry then. :)

    Since it seems you're being pretty honest now, do Brits actually *eat* Marmite? Or does it just sit on the shelves and nobody buys it? I've always wondered... :D
    BigBadPaul posted: »

    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How come? Want to talk about it? :(" Not much to talk about, really! I will be fine. ;p "Is it r

  • do Brits actually eat Marmite?

    enter image description here

    I don't think I can give you an accurate answer, as I can't speak for every brit out here!

    ...but no, I never eat it.

    HellFish posted: »

    Okay, I'll try not to worry then. :) Since it seems you're being pretty honest now, do Brits actually *eat* Marmite? Or does it just sit on the shelves and nobody buys it? I've always wondered... :D

  • edited October 2015

    I'll be joining Team Fortress 2 with the Rhyshas tomorrow and I HEARD ERIN YVETTE GOT A TELLTALE ACCOUNT!??

    enter image description here

    I know you don't understand that, but we do.

    Enough all of my nonsense and here's the artwork.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015
    'Pros: Wolfenus and Paul wouldn't hate you.'


    Pros: Paul wouldn't hate you.

    Edit: The quote button isn't working. Wtf .-.
    HellFish posted: »

    Pros: Wolfenus and Paul wouldn't hate you. Cons: It's Claptrap. There's a chance a lot more people would hate you. But I guess you'll have to risk it.

  • Hey, guys. I'm back from school. ^-^

    How are you all today? <3
  • It's all screwed up for some reason now, pretty annoying. :D

    And come on, what's your problem with Fish? You're not speciesist, are you? :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    'Pros: Wolfenus and Paul wouldn't hate you.' Correction: Pros: Paul wouldn't hate you. Edit: The quote button isn't working. Wtf .-.

  • Okay. getting excited for TF2.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys. I'm back from school. ^-^ How are you all today? <3

  • Meh, I won't make it to TF2. I still didn't download it and I'll go to my village so yeah... ;-;

    Okay. getting excited for TF2.

  • edited October 2015
    'what's your problem with Fish?'

    He's wearing Handsome Jack's mask and he's turning into him! D:

    'You're not speciesist, are you?'

    I'm not :p
    HellFish posted: »

    It's all screwed up for some reason now, pretty annoying. And come on, what's your problem with Fish? You're not speciesist, are you? :P

  • So if he gets rid of the mask, you shouldn't have a problem with him then... if you still will, like you say you will, it's not a problem of the mask and personality change, is it? :P

    And I don't believe you. :D :P
    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    'what's your problem with Fish?' He's wearing Handsome Jack's mask and he's turning into him! D: 'You're not speciesist, are you?' I'm not :p

  • Thank you! Everyone was celebrating with their avatars and it being October now, I just couldn't get this idea out of my head! :P

    By the way, I love your new Halloween avatar! It's so cute! :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This made my day! I'm glad that this is Halloween themed.

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