Something I've been wondering for ages...

Where do the Hyperions live?

Do they commute to Helios every day from their homes on the various inner planets? We saw in ep 4 that Helios does have a bustling space port, but I suppose they could technically fast travel as well?

Or does Helios itself operate like a mini planet and has its own housing/apartments?

We know that it has non-corporate stuff like shopping malls:

enter image description here

And we know that Opportunity was going to include both corporate and residential buildings:

enter image description here

But is Helios big enough to include living space for all those workers? Also, wouldn't that just be THE WORST?! I mean, working with those psychopaths is one thing, but can you imagine living with them too? I hear their rates of finger gun crime are nine times the galaxy's average!

I suppose a third option could be that after the events of TPS Hyperion created an oxygenated colony on Elpis (or perhaps extended Concordia) so their employees could live close by?

What do you guys think? Have there been any big clues I've missed that suggest Rhys + Vaughn etc.'s living arrangements?


  • I've been wondering that too. My guess would have to be that they live on Helios.

  • I've always assumed they live in Helios.

  • I always assumed they live on Helios, I mean, having to rocket your way up into your working place would be a bit uncomfortable, right? I bet they have some small, but cozy high-tech apartments.

  • Glad to see others think that too. I always assumed Helios until someone in an unrelated thread pointed out that it's actually much smaller than you realise.

    If you think about the Veins of Helios (which are supposed to be the unfinished part of the top of one of the straight parts of the 'H'), it's not that wide across at all. The Vault Hunters can pretty much leap pad from one side to the other, and that's supposedly one of the biggest parts.

    But that's probably more indicative of scaling issues in the level design than anything else. It did get me thinking, though, and I wondered if we'd ever been given any conclusive info (or even a hint).

  • edited October 2015

    I think about this a lot! I always assumed there was a residential area on Helios. Maybe the richer employees, the ones who can afford a nice ship and all the commute gas, have homes on other planets. I can't see too many doing that, though. The space port was big, but not big enough to accommodate a ton of their employees coming and going everyday.

    As for fast-travel, I'm still not quite sure how it works in cannon. At the moment, I assume it's only for travel across a single planet. Like if you could fast-travel from Pandora to Helios, then there was no reason for the gang to come up with their elaborate space ship plan to get there. So it must not be possible to fast-travel extreme distances. However, you can fast-travel from Elpis to Helios, because they're super close to each other. So maybe some do live on Elpis?

  • edited October 2015
    One detail that may or may not be a subtle hint - if you answer '*a sweet ride*' when asked about the first thing you'll buy after your promotion, Vaughn replies with '*where would you even drive that thing, we're in space!*', which would rule out a planet with an actual surface as their living place. Or, the devs just didn't think about it too much.
  • edited October 2015
    I think employees live in Helios,cuz look at it,Helios looks bigger than most countries in our world(though that could be a design flaw but watev)so it's very plausible that they have residental areas for not only employess,but maybe residents too.

    sorry the forum is laggy :C

    Just look at how big Helios is.
  • I always though they lived on Helios. The corporate world sucks, but Helios is at least nice. Vaugn mentions he put a work out bike in his office. Sounds to me he practically lives there judging by dem abs.

  • They probably live there, there is unused audio of Rhys saying his bathroom back on Helios is bigger than the caravan
  • I think they probably live on Helios. Even if it is smaller than we think, Hyperion would probably just downsize the living quarters and cram a ton of low level employees (Janitors, Accountants, etc) into the smaller spaces, freeing up more room for actual work space or cushier living quarters for Executives.

  • They no doubt live in Helios. Why build such a large space station with so many employers and not have a residential area?

    And this is another point. But isn't Hyperion a giant cooperation that is spread all over the universe? Shouldn't there be similar or smaller version of such space station all over the universe? Or is Helios like a Death Star from Star wars? One of the kind?
  • That really sound like luxury stuff for a simple programmer of Hyperion.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They probably live there, there is unused audio of Rhys saying his bathroom back on Helios is bigger than the caravan

  • I definitely think there are different Hyperion locations all over the universe, but I think Helios is one of a kind. The whole point of it being built was to keep an eye on/be close to Pandora after the Vault of the Destroyer was opened and eridium started being mined (and then Jack obviously sort of hijacked the whole thing and tried to turn it into a real Death Star with the eye).

    They no doubt live in Helios. Why build such a large space station with so many employers and not have a residential area? And this is

  • Yeah, that was exactly why I mentioned Elpis because of the fast travel between there and Helios being canon. But then we've also got TTAoDK and them getting the fast travel codes for Helios, so maybe there is interplanetary travel?

    Things get kind of confusing when a game mechanic is integrated into the story!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I think about this a lot! I always assumed there was a residential area on Helios. Maybe the richer employees, the ones who can afford a nic

  • Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that - good point!

    One detail that may or may not be a subtle hint - if you answer '*a sweet ride*' when asked about the first thing you'll buy after your prom

  • Oooh, I don't think I've heard that one. That certainly adds credibility to the Helios theory (but damn, Rhys' place must be huge)!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They probably live there, there is unused audio of Rhys saying his bathroom back on Helios is bigger than the caravan

  • Actually my lad, Its both, they live both on and off Helios. In TPS we help a scientist blow up her house, off of Helios.

  • In all fairness, though. Helios wasn't completed in TPS (and a massive portion of it was quarantined due to the horrendously contagious 'Space Hurps'), so maybe the residential areas weren't completed back then, which explains why she had a house off-base?

    Also, side note: she's probably one of my favourite TPS NPCs.

    Actually my lad, Its both, they live both on and off Helios. In TPS we help a scientist blow up her house, off of Helios.

  • I find that whole bit with Maya coming in and mentioning "access codes" and blowing up Helios confusing. Like they clearly never did attack like they said they would. Did the Hyperion employee give them fake codes? Was "access codes" not relating to fast-travel? Something that they would have actually needed a rocket for, and they didn't have the means to get one?

    And one more example I thought of; if fast travel between Helios and Pandora is possible, why didn't Vaughn and Rhys originally get to Pandora via that? Instead they took a potentially deadly Moonshot ride down to the surface. (Vasquez too, for that matter!)

    I'd love for Gearbox to elaborate on fast-travel and how it works in cannon one of these days!

    Yeah, that was exactly why I mentioned Elpis because of the fast travel between there and Helios being canon. But then we've also got TTAoDK


    In all fairness, though. Helios wasn't completed in TPS (and a massive portion of it was quarantined due to the horrendously contagious 'Spa

  • So a quick question here.

    Atlas vs Hyperion. Who has the best technology?

  • I'm sure you can't fast-travel from Pandora to Helios, considering even the Pre-Sequel Vault Hunters had to take a rocket to get there in the opening cutscene.

    It's probably a limited distance thing, and the access codes probably weren't for fast-travel. Unless there's some really exclusive fast travel station no one knows about.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I find that whole bit with Maya coming in and mentioning "access codes" and blowing up Helios confusing. Like they clearly never did attack


    In all fairness, though. Helios wasn't completed in TPS (and a massive portion of it was quarantined due to the horrendously contagious 'Spa

  • Several minutes later
    Dodging gunfire


    So a quick question here. Atlas vs Hyperion. Who has the best technology?

  • I am upsetting the established order and let everything become...chaos. And I love chaos. :)

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Several minutes later Dodging gunfire WHY DID YOU START ANOTHER WAR, DAVE?

  • I think we ALL know the answer to that:

    enter image description here

    So a quick question here. Atlas vs Hyperion. Who has the best technology?

  • HJack69, I wonder who that is???


    I think we ALL know the answer to that:

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