Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh ok. Uhhh thnx I guess :)

    Oh man, now I miss Weronika more than ever :'(

    Dracu98 posted: »

    now that I think about it...can't tell if troll or serious...

  • ...but a Snow has already fallen ;-;

  • Hahaha!!!! Very nice Kristi!! XD

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I did something. http://goddess-of-husbandos.tumblr.com/post/130383706464/vaughn-im-glad-youre-happy-about-fionas

  • j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v...

    What does that mean? :o

    rhonu posted: »

    rhys and fiona sitting under a tree k-i-s-s-i... uh... j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v...

  • Yowza! That first pic is SO Rhys's desktop background! ;D

    More from @Gigglebear!

  • If Warren dies, we riot!

    rip Warren wait he can't die, can he? He's my fav

  • Sorry I cannot attend, but do have a lot of fun guys!!! XD

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, This is how the attendance for the event looks like so far. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bcatXdKS7IRgFfMzuwZO2T_wi

  • No worries dude, I'm standing down from this fight. Too tired... (and I don't have the game either :P)

    So, it has come to this? I don't want to fight you guys. I admire you all. But it seems like it has come to it. I will stand with my brothers and sisters. Currently downloading, so feel free to sign me on.

  • YES

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    If Warren dies, we riot!

  • edited October 2015

    uh i watch my cousin playing tomb raider and he finished the game oh my sweet jezsus but its at 70% he's gonna finish everything

    me:you finished the game yay! (iam soo happy bc it take fricking forver he finally finished )

    cousin:wait i need to finish 100% its soo much fun what you say ?

    me:oh shit okay but you need to play another time you played 4 hours its my turn


    and he's staying at my house D: me ded :D
    Anyway iam here still alive how you all doing? any news?

  • Welcome back!!!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    2500+ new comments holy damn shit

  • Are you going to take part in the TF2 event? :)

    uh i watch my cousin playing tomb raider and he finished the game oh my sweet jezsus but its at 70% he's gonna finish everything me:you f

  • I gotta write this shit down somewhere for..... uh..... future reference? :)

    Hey, Rhys! One, two, three, four, I declare a tongue war.

  • edited October 2015

    most of the ppl online don't really like warren

    u are a pretty rare breed


    rip Warren wait he can't die, can he? He's my fav

  • thank you :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Welcome back!!!

  • Don't be mean to @Pipas

    He's actually a pretty decent guy :)

  • You know Jon Snow from GoT right?


    I think you know... xP

  • i meant high = hi

    but that could work too lel

  • Awwwww, my heart melted! :3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    My dear Rhyionas, good luck in the TF2 battle and have fun! Accept this as a token of cheering you ALL on, an adorable Human Gortys I doodled. Maybe I'll draw that in my tablet someday when I get used to it.

  • I like Warren, too c:

    Mostly because I ship him and Max c:

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    most of the ppl online don't really like warren u are a pretty rare breed congratz

  • u do? you're such a genius lelel :b

  • I got 100% on Tomb Raider on PS4 :)

    It's cool if you find all the collectibles cuz it hints that there may be more people interested in the island and stuff... Almost a hint that a sequel will come (I can't wait for Rise Of The Tomb Raider!!)

    uh i watch my cousin playing tomb raider and he finished the game oh my sweet jezsus but its at 70% he's gonna finish everything me:you f

  • Wow I thought a lot of people liked Warren...

    nah I ship Marrole

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    most of the ppl online don't really like warren u are a pretty rare breed congratz

  • he was good in that alpha scene

    other than that he's kinda basic for me

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I like Warren, too c: Mostly because I ship him and Max c:

  • alphabet

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v... What does that mean?

  • Well, he also saved Max from Nathan at episode 1, that's an another reason why I like him. ^-^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    he was good in that alpha scene other than that he's kinda basic for me

  • not a lot of them liked him before ep.4, especially on the steam and reddit

    but still more ppl ship pricefield

    wat is dat

    Wow I thought a lot of people liked Warren... nah I ship Marrole

  • Marrole...?

    Wow I thought a lot of people liked Warren... nah I ship Marrole

  • HandsomeChefHandsomeChef Banned
    edited October 2015

    You're a nut! You're crazier than a coconut!

    That boy needs therapy

    I'm gonna' kill you!

    I've got a kazoo, lets have a tune, when I count three!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v... What does that mean?

  • mee tooo i cant wait.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I got 100% on Tomb Raider on PS4 It's cool if you find all the collectibles cuz it hints that there may be more people interested in the island and stuff... Almost a hint that a sequel will come (I can't wait for Rise Of The Tomb Raider!!)

  • Hey guys! Back from work (well, been back for 2 hours now but I only just got back on the desktop) and I'm tired man, waking up at 6am is not for me :P

    So I see a lot of hype for the TF2 event tonight, I only just found out it would be at 9pm my time, but honestly guys, I won't be participating for 2 reasons:

    1.) I don't have the game on Steam, and combined with this is that I played TF2 once on my PS3 (I have The Orange Box if anyone knows what that game is...) and I have to say that on PS3 it is terrible, the customization of classes is non-existent and no one played like a team whatsoever.
    So yeah, I have like, NO EXPERIENCE, at all, for TF2. And I'm generally mediocre at FPS games online anyways so I'll probs have more deaths than kills :P

    I have a pretty decent PC! It is a very good PC! But I'm not gonna get the game just for this event.... Even if it is free.

    2.) I have to wake up again at 6am tomorrow morning so I need the sleep. Last night I got 5 hours of sleep and that was not enough for this morning :(

    So while you guys go and have your fun, I'll stay here and do something else. Maybe do some more writing like I said I would last night, or perhaps play some more video games and scratch them off my list so I can finally delete the data and be rid of them!!! XP

    Don't try and convince me to play, I'm fine not participating :) I hope you all have a fun time, and if Erin Yvette really does show up then splendid!

  • hmmmmm maybe? i got time ok. im in

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Are you going to take part in the TF2 event?

  • Max X Warren X Chole, the glorious poly relationship

    Warren getz all da bitches

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    not a lot of them liked him before ep.4, especially on the steam and reddit but still more ppl ship pricefield wat is dat

  • Please does it really matter that much? You're main thing on here is to insult so he probably views that comment as you just being you, rather than you being harsh :P

  • Max X Warren X Chole, the glorious poly relationship ofc

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • max x warren x chloe x kate x victoria x brooke x mrs grant x rachel's body

    Max X Warren X Chole, the glorious poly relationship Warren getz all da bitches

  • Lmao x3

    You're a nut! You're crazier than a coconut! That boy needs therapy I'm gonna' kill you! I've got a kazoo, lets have a tune, when I count three!

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