Does Anyone Else Somtimes Forget Mira Is A Forrester

Her Passiveness is sometimes the reason for me forgetting she's a Forrester and her whereabouts in Kings Landing does anyone else think this.


  • Really ? She's too far from the action if she came back to Ironrath then I'd understand it's like Lady Forrester

  • She is pretty much the one that did the most to save her family, since if she didn't stop Andros from sending hundreds of sellswords to Ludd nothing the other characters did would matter. She is risking not only getting sent home by Margaery (which would mean she wouldn't be able to help anymore), but also being killed by Cersei and by whoever sent Damien to kill her on episode 2.

    So no, I never forget she is a Forrester.

  • I like how different the two sisters are. I am not a fan of hot-headedness as a characteristic, either in her or in Kenny from TWD. I dislike Talia sometimes, but I like Mira very much and think that she's like Ethan in personality - that is to say she is thoughtful and intelligent. Also a little like Rodrik in terms of sense of humor. You do get to see flashes of humor from both Rodrik and Mira and in both cases they have sly, subtle humor.

  • Mira's basically the most Branfield out of all the Forrester children: she has Elissa's facial structure and personality, but she only recieved Gregor's hair color (and possibly his sense of humor).

  • Nope, but the way Telltale is treating her it sure seems like she isn't a Forrester in my opinion. She seems to have the same amount of focus as Gared, especially in episode 5. Their sections were very short and yes, granted, the episode had to focus on Asher and Rodrick but still.

  • I think her personality seems to be much closer to Gregor's than to Elissa's. She is more of a "Let's make this move so what is really important can be protected, even if it can cost me my life" than a "let's kill every last Whitehill, down to the babes in their cribs".

    Mira's basically the most Branfield out of all the Forrester children: she has Elissa's facial structure and personality, but she only recieved Gregor's hair color (and possibly his sense of humor).

  • Oh yes, that's very true. Mira doesn't have half the focus I wish she had. She is my favourite to play as, so that bothers me a lot.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Nope, but the way Telltale is treating her it sure seems like she isn't a Forrester in my opinion. She seems to have the same amount of focu

  • I really enjoy her sections as well. Everyone else seems to be about fighting while Mira is the only one who seems to use her words to get out of sticky situation. I prefer characters like that since I do that myself plus it's much more interesting to see what they have to say to deal with their current predicament rather than stabby stabby stab some dude.

    Abeille posted: »

    Oh yes, that's very true. Mira doesn't have half the focus I wish she had. She is my favourite to play as, so that bothers me a lot.

  • I beg to differ

    Abeille posted: »

    I think her personality seems to be much closer to Gregor's than to Elissa's. She is more of a "Let's make this move so what is really impor

  • Episode 3 and 4 were Mira's highlights. I hope she gets her awesome moment in episode 6 too. :)

    Abeille posted: »

    Oh yes, that's very true. Mira doesn't have half the focus I wish she had. She is my favourite to play as, so that bothers me a lot.

  • Listen to how she says that. She sounds much more like Rodrik and Ethan than like Elissa, Talia and Asher. She is not such a hothead. She is calm, though kinda sassy.

    Then you have Elissa saying she broke the necks of the ravens herself in the sound files.

    I beg to differ

  • Yes, Mira is diffirent from most of non-playable Forresters, which makes her an absolutely great character. She doesn't have that blunt northern attitude, that drives me crazy, she is never like "I fought for the Starks so this world owes me good chances of survival and decent happy life", she knows how to shove past loyalties up her ass and say what she is expected to say facing powerful people. She has an honor of a sort - she cares about her friends, saves Tom, helps Sera, fights for her family, shows people sympathy (all of this is determinant, but most of these choices are most popular among players), but she knows what things are worth being honorable about (and bunch of dead vengeful northerners isn't one of them). She still makes a lot of mistakes (situation with Tyrion shows it) but she is smart and has good chances of surviving and actually helping her family.

  • I really enjoy trying to talk my way out of trouble as Mira. I hope she survives so we can play as her in King's Landing on season 2, when Cersei's world crumbles around her. I wonder if Mira could be arrested along with Margaery's cousins.

    Anyway, yes, I love talking with everybody as Mira (mostly with Morgryn though). But Mira had shown us that she can go stabby stabby if needed :P

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I really enjoy her sections as well. Everyone else seems to be about fighting while Mira is the only one who seems to use her words to get o

  • Yes! I have one save file on the Royal Wedding and another on the Coronation Feast that I load every time I want to play these parts.

    Episode 3 and 4 were Mira's highlights. I hope she gets her awesome moment in episode 6 too.

  • Do you insist though?

    Abeille posted: »

    Listen to how she says that. She sounds much more like Rodrik and Ethan than like Elissa, Talia and Asher. She is not such a hothead. She is

  • If Asher didn't get pit fighters we wouldn't have a chance against the whtiehills even without their sellswords. (he also sacrifices himself to save Rodrik)
    If Rodrik didnt survive the Red wedding then Gryff would most likely have taken over Ironrath already as there wouldn't have been much resistance. (he also sacrifices himself to save asher)
    Gared deserted in hopes of finding the North Grove which he was told is going to save the Forresters. (This is obviously still playing out and we don't know if his journey is pointless or not)

    They are all important and vital to the survival of the house. The only one who might not be as important as the other three is Gared. Just because Mira is your favorite doesn't mean she's the most important.

    Abeille posted: »

    She is pretty much the one that did the most to save her family, since if she didn't stop Andros from sending hundreds of sellswords to Ludd

  • Sometimes I forget about Mira period, honestly. I just haven't connected with her at all and I get no sense of her personality. :/

  • Asher's pit fighters and Rodrik's survival would mean absolutely nothing if Ludd got his army. He would steamroll Ironrath with "hundreds of sellswords". Mira is not the most important, but she is the one that did the most so far because she is the only one that, if killed before giving her contribution to the survival of the house, would mean the complete destruction of it.

    Let's imagine for a second that Rodrik didn't survive the Red Wedding and Asher got killed in Meereen and never came home. Ryon would be lord, the Whitehills would control Ironrath, but not necessarily they would have wiped the Forresters from existence (after all, if that's what they wanted, they could have done that right after Ethan's death and before Rodrik's arrival. Or even after Rodrik's arrival, since he was so badly wounded anyway). Now, let's imagine that everything happened as it did, but Mira got killed/arrested before the Coronation Feast. Rodrik got Ludd mad all the same, Asher went back home with some pit fighters, but now Ludd has an army of hundreds of sellswords, and is going to steamroll Ironrath with them.

    Wigams posted: »

    If Asher didn't get pit fighters we wouldn't have a chance against the whtiehills even without their sellswords. (he also sacrifices himsel

  • @Abeille never claimed that Mira is the most important, he/she said that Mira has done the most to help the family (and I agree).

    Wigams posted: »

    If Asher didn't get pit fighters we wouldn't have a chance against the whtiehills even without their sellswords. (he also sacrifices himsel

  • I thought I was the only on that thought this. Absolutely.

    Everything just feels so disconnected from the rest of the game every time there's a scene with her. It's so weird.

  • edited October 2015

    Exactly (and I'm a she). And I'm saying that Mira has done the most so far, and that can easily change on the last episode. I actually think that it will change and that Mira's highest point was indeed ruining Andros's plan, because she is in a very bad position right now and I think the last episode will be more about her trying to survive than about her trying to help her family.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    @Abeille never claimed that Mira is the most important, he/she said that Mira has done the most to help the family (and I agree).

  • I'm saying that if Ludd hasn't got his sellswords and we don't have the pit fighters then LUDD WINS. Do you not understand that originally after the red wedding they had a stronger army then the Forresters whose army was pretty much taken out at the wedding?

    So lets imagine everything happened the way it did except Asher didn't come back. Ludd still has a stronger army and can still beat the forresters so how on earth did Mira stopping sellswords from coming help in that hypothetical situation? Maybe it would have made the raid take longer but big deal. So in my view, if Asher doesn't come back then what she did is useless. If Mira doesn't do what she did, Asher coming back is useless.

    Stop saying she did MORE. She didn't do anymore then anybody else. She risked her life? So did Arthur, asher, rodrik, gared........(two of which gave their lives so...)

    Abeille posted: »

    Asher's pit fighters and Rodrik's survival would mean absolutely nothing if Ludd got his army. He would steamroll Ironrath with "hundreds of

  • You are assuming that Asher's pit fighters make for the difference in number between the Whitehill army (without sellswords) and the Forrester army. We don't know that, especially since the Forrester army was, as you said, pretty much taken out at the Red Wedding. And we are not sure of how many pit fighters Asher brought with him either, thanks for TellTale (probably) not rendering all of them. For all we know, it is possible that all that Asher's pit fighters do is "make the raid take longer", as you said Mira stopping the sellswords would do.

    So try putting these in a balance considering everything we actually know, and not simply a bunch of assumptions. We have Asher bringing an unknown number of pit fighters, and Mira stopping Ludd from getting a few hundred sellswords.

    So yes, she did the most. Or, better saying, her actions had the most helpful outcomes.

    Wigams posted: »

    I'm saying that if Ludd hasn't got his sellswords and we don't have the pit fighters then LUDD WINS. Do you not understand that originally

  • I knew @Abeille would be in this thread schooling everybody on how awesome Mira is and how vital her role has been to her family before I even clicked this thread. :)

  • Awn, you!

    But I didn't even mention Morgryn yet!

    Oh, scrap that, I did.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I knew @Abeille would be in this thread schooling everybody on how awesome Mira is and how vital her role has been to her family before I even clicked this thread.

  • I get Mira did a huge favour intercepting Andros's plan but she doesn't in my opinion fit the "Iron From Ice" role like Asher and Rodrick maybe Ryon and Talia even though Mira did kill Damien, she's still my favourite but I'm hoping she toughens up even more

  • I think rather than physical danger, it is the constant stress of her situation and position as well as the difficulty of playing the Game, that are the hardship that makes her stronger, thus Iron from Ice.

    NicWarden posted: »

    I get Mira did a huge favour intercepting Andros's plan but she doesn't in my opinion fit the "Iron From Ice" role like Asher and Rodrick ma

  • I always thought Mira looked very asian.

  • Rodrik has humorous moments a lot more than Mira, although that could be because everyone in King's landing wouldn't look kindly upon that kind of thing. sigh

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I like how different the two sisters are. I am not a fan of hot-headedness as a characteristic, either in her or in Kenny from TWD. I dislik

  • I feel like her facial stucture is closer to Gregor than Elissa. Like, the three Gregor-looking children I think are Rodrik, Mira and Ethan, and the Elissa-looking children are Asher, Talia and Ryon. Although I'm still going on the idea that Asher is a bastard with Ludd as the father.

    Mira's basically the most Branfield out of all the Forrester children: she has Elissa's facial structure and personality, but she only recieved Gregor's hair color (and possibly his sense of humor).

  • edited October 2015

    I'll tell you one person who hasn't forgot I (Mira) am a Forrester... Sera. She dared cross me early in the series and, since then, I have made every effort to destroy her. She will understand her place once this story ends. The gall she has to (recently) telling me she can't associate with me. She's done..... I'm coming for her and breaking up her sham wedding was just the start! Iron from Ice!

  • Disagree regarding Asher. His face probably resembles Gregor's the most of all the children.

    I feel like her facial stucture is closer to Gregor than Elissa. Like, the three Gregor-looking children I think are Rodrik, Mira and Ethan,

  • you heartless heartless soul.

    I always thought Mira looked very asian.

  • she really does. i like mira a lot, but that is something i cant fail to notice everytime i play as her

    darko22 posted: »

    you heartless heartless soul.

  • I've always wanted to play as Mira outside of Kings Landing. Like anywhere else would really allow her character to flourish more than walking on egg shells in King's Landing has.

    As for forgetting that she's a Forrester, yeah sometimes but i love how she has the darkest hair out of all the Forrester children.

  • Why Ludd ?

    I feel like her facial stucture is closer to Gregor than Elissa. Like, the three Gregor-looking children I think are Rodrik, Mira and Ethan,

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