Elaena's role in The Ice Dragon?

I've been wondering for a while now what role Elaena will play in Episode 6: The Ice Dragon. I think it'll be especially interesting to see how interaction between her and Asher will play out. I'm thinking that if Asher survives their might be an arranged marriage between the two of them to preserve the Forrester-Glenmore alliance, however I expect it will be difficult to convince Elaena and even Asher to even consider such an arrangement. Asher will be hesitant because he probably still loves Gwyn and so he doesn't dishonor Rodrik's memory and Elaena will be hesitant for obvious reasons.

What do you think? What role will Elaena have in EP6 and how will interaction between her and Asher play out?


  • I think that if Eleana is pregnant with Rodrik's son, it will be a fairly easy decision for both of them to get married, even if just for her son to be born a Forrester and not a Snow.

  • I think so, too. Asher may not love Elaena, but as a lord of house Forrester he should marry her. He won't make his nephew "Snow." Not after Rodrick sacrificed himself for him.

    Abeille posted: »

    I think that if Eleana is pregnant with Rodrik's son, it will be a fairly easy decision for both of them to get married, even if just for her son to be born a Forrester and not a Snow.

  • And they might grow to love each other, like Cat and Ned.

    I think so, too. Asher may not love Elaena, but as a lord of house Forrester he should marry her. He won't make his nephew "Snow." Not after Rodrick sacrificed himself for him.

  • Yes! To what both of you have said. Plus, I think Elaena is much prettier than Gwyn.

  • You mean Asher raise Rodrik's child as his own and say that's his? That does make sense, I can see that.

    Abeille posted: »

    I think that if Eleana is pregnant with Rodrik's son, it will be a fairly easy decision for both of them to get married, even if just for her son to be born a Forrester and not a Snow.

  • Yeah, I think he is the kind of person that would do that for his nephew (and for Eleana, so that she wouldn't be cast aside by society for having a child outside of wedlock). If the rest of the kingdom would believe them is another thing, though.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You mean Asher raise Rodrik's child as his own and say that's his? That does make sense, I can see that.

  • If the player chooses Ashur I have a feeling his fate will be with Gwyn. The two did have a Romeo/Juliet affair, after all, which was spoken about at several points so I am not so sure Telltale would do away with that.

  • Unless they have you choose Elaena or Gwyn.

    medcsu posted: »

    If the player chooses Ashur I have a feeling his fate will be with Gwyn. The two did have a Romeo/Juliet affair, after all, which was spoken about at several points so I am not so sure Telltale would do away with that.

  • I have my fingers crossed here. Some people didn't like how they handled romance in TFTB because we have little choice regarding it, so I hope they don't go this route with GoT and actually let us chose. I do not ship Asher and Eleana (I don't ship anyone actually), but I would rather him ending up alone than with Gwyn. I don't hate Gwyn, but if we get to kill her brother and her father, I won't trust her not to harm Asher (and frankly, I wouldn't blame her).

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Unless they have you choose Elaena or Gwyn.

  • It would then turn a romance drama series. So, no. Asher = Gwyn Rodrik = Elaena

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Unless they have you choose Elaena or Gwyn.

  • Well, not necessarily, because either Asher or Rodrick are dead, and if Rodrik dies, you need some way to keep the alliance with the Glenmores, and unless there is another Glenmore son to marry Talia or Mira off to, then Asher may need to marry Elaena, or he could marry Gwyn in order to forge a peace with the Whitehills. There probably won't be that kind of decision in the game, but it could be interesting to choose which alliance you want to have, because marriage is the primary way to create and maintain alliances.

    It would then turn a romance drama series. So, no. Asher = Gwyn Rodrik = Elaena

  • edited October 2015

    I thought about this as well. Truthfully as bad as Cersei is I have a feeling she would gladly help the Forrester's if Mira helps her. Her track record shows that she would have no issue with aiding them for very little in return (a little spying is all). Allies are out there but the question is, what will the cost be? At this point in the GoT universe (in terms of the game) I am very surprised Littlefinger isn't all over this issue as he would stand to gain a monumental amount by aiding the Forrester's (Ironwood from the best craftsmen of it) considering his ever growing land acquisition.

    I consider the Tyrell's a lost cause due to Marg being so ridiculously awful in the game and think Cersei would actually be the safer bet. Especially at this point with Tywin still alive. Tywin would also be all over the chance to aid the Forrester's in that it would help outfit his army with the best shields and ships. So I do believe that even with the loss of the Glenmore's there are an abundance of people who would gladly support them if the chance arose. The Whitehill's have proven themselves awful at the most important task - creating goods from Ironwood so that makes the Forrester's a resource few intelligent powerful houses would ever want to see destroyed.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    Well, not necessarily, because either Asher or Rodrick are dead, and if Rodrik dies, you need some way to keep the alliance with the Glenmor

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