GoT Interactive Fanfic story: The Northern Chill
Hey guys, Stigz here.
You might know me from my story, The Invasion, but if not then I would like to welcome you to my newest story, The Northern Chill.
This story takes place during 3293-3289 BAL. The story takes place in the North, both starring the conflict beyond the wall and the war between the Bolton’s and Starks. Wildlings run rampant and without a king beyond the wall. The Wildling clan’s are the Thenn, Ice River Clans, Frozen Shore Men, Nightrunners and the Hornfoots. All of them are currently at each other’s throats, but there may be hope for them yet, as two brothers arise - Gendel and Gorne - to lead them against the Wall.
The Night’s Watch are to protect Westeros from the dangers beyond the wall, but will it be Wildlings that will come for them, or perhaps something else? I suppose you’ll just have to read the story and find out…
Now for those readers from my last story will recall that there were many restrictions due to the time period Though now it is 4000 BC, and the Andal’s have already invaded and introduced the likes of steel and literature to Westeros. So unlike my last story, don’t feel reduced to all bronze and First Men houses
You can submit characters here:
The Northern Chill
Prologue: Frozen Terror Finished
Chapter 1: Winter has come Finished
Chapter 2: Blood, sweat and tears Finished
Chapter 3: For the Watch Coming soon
Chapter 4: Conquest Coming soon
Missed any parts? Find the entire story here:
Drawn Characters:
PoV’s are in bold.
The Wall
Nightfort: Alvar Snow, Tirius Lannister, Maester Endrew, Hogar 'Big Bird,' Brett, Harris, Jonathan, Felix, Bryce Stone, Liam, Jorsh, First Builder Errok, Todd Rivers, Jullon, Ser Olyvar Reyne, Frog, Hawkins, Dann Flint, Lord Steward Harrow Glover
Castle Black: First Ranger Kegan, Maester Horden, The Stranger, Franco Snow
Eastwatch: Prestan Blacktyde, Maester Dovan, Stephas Swyft, Williem
Shadow Tower:
The Gift
Skane: Karne, Commander Sebastion
The North
Winterfell: Bendor Went, King Benjen 'The Sweet' Stark
Barrowton: Ian Morland, Prince Brandon VI Stark, Lord Barrock Tallhart, Lady Barton Mormont, Lady Trysta Glover, Jorun Mormont, Casper Diamond, Ser Davos Storm, Commander Wulfric Cale, Hendrik, Lord Errald Dustin
Wolf's Den: Lord Donovan Umber
Dreadfort: Lord Nestar Bolton, Lady Judith Stark/Bolton, Shayne Bolton, Jeck, Freak, Skinner, Sigil, Jasminn Marsh 'Wench', Norrhen Cassel
Frost Keep: Donnor Frost
Highpoint: Terrek Whitehill, Rila Bolton, Jory Bolton
Ol'Tower: Jack Snow, Maester Kerith, Rechard Oldstark, Lord Garett Oldstark, Lady Regent Lylla Oldstark, Olyvia Oldstark
Beyond the Wall
Fist of the First Men:
The Gorge: Gendel, Gorne, Maror the 'Mangler', Julie, Skagard, Lokran
Northern Haunted Forest: Toregg, Torwynd, Thorald, Ygwyn, Christa Frostleaf, Horegg, Amathe, Anya, Krumm the Blackfoot, Elder Thorrand, Chieftain Grognak Ironside, Kaiden, Merryl, Xanner, Bael Rangeld, Shithead, Fuckface, Rowan, Aia
Southern Haunted Forest: Lord Commander Rodrik Flint, Lartel Alderton, Ser Ulrich Dayne, Charles Black, Movar the Grim, Icy Knight, Freya Hawkeye, Odin Umber
Frost Fangs:
Iron Islands
Pyke: King Qhored Hoare, Prince Thelred Hoare, Arika Goodbrother,
Harlaw: Jared Pyke, Tanner, Lord Kober Goodbrother, Korb the Pirate, Andiron Quarter-Iron, Athen Greyjoy, Ezra Nightwood, Banneth, Siban,
The Reach
Oldtown: Darrick Cross, Princess Rose Gardener, Prince Gilden Gardener
Raventree hall: Thorn Blackwood, Brock Rivers, Lord Jon Blackwood, Alec Blackwood, Tyros Blackwood, Helyn Blackwood, Lady Clarissa Blackwood, Cryus Black, Hughes Terrick
Ghaston Grey: Ferraro Sand, Wayne Cross, Vogero, Skipper Saltcliffe
Sunset Sea: Tristifer Oldstark, Captain Rickard Royce, Ollie, Marthew, Chad, Jaffer, Mal, Alon Wars, Allise Oldstark, Captain Costayne
Bay of Seals: Jorge, Tanya, Kyra, Croll, Karne, Ser Harold Flowers, Dracon Estermont,
Deceased and Unknown: Kyllan Waters, Baedol, Carley Winter, Jorald, Thomyr, Lord Harrin Harlaw, Lord Garn Oldstark, Ratter, Rux, Commander Warrek, Niclas Stone, Pirrip Beesbury, Williem, Salmon, Pierce, Camoran Hill, Peter Grassfield
Waiting to be introduced: Ashe Snow, Herrefold the Giant, Lital, Olha, Bjorn, Elea, Jonas, Kulger, Magnar Bjalner, Liam Crully
Hey you lot, welcome to The Northern Chill. Currently I am finishing Chapter 2 of The Invasion. Click here > > if you'd like to read it
Prologue will be out soon!
Prologue: Winter has come
The cold winds in the Haunted Forest blew against Niclas and Kyllan Waters as they followed a mysterious track. Niclas was First Ranger of the Night’s Watch, and Kyllan was his squire. Niclas dismounted his black horse and checked the tracks, he noted that there was only one set and this ‘creature’ they were following had four toes.
“It would seem we are not following a wildling, Kyllan.” Kyllan shrugged, the cold had gotten the better of him.
“Why the hell are we out here anyway if there are no wildlings. Can’t we just head back to Castle Black?” Niclas stared at the nineteen year old with a stern expression.
“Patience, Kyllan Waters. Reports from Whitetree have made me grow suspicious. Reports about the Others.” Kyllan laughed loudly, disturbing the peace of the forest.
“You don’t really believe in the stories of the Others, do you old man?” Niclas gave Kyllan a long and cold stare.
“No, but it is better to be sure.” Niclas stroked his long white beard.
Niclas was a hard and old man. He had long white hair with grey strands, and a long white beard. He usually wore a hood, and always carried his steel longsword which he named ‘Frostbite.’ The two rode on a few metres further until Kyllan stopped.
“What? What is it?” Kyllan ignored Niclas and rode through some shrubs. Niclas cautiously followed, tightening his grip on the reins of his horse. They rode through some thorny dark berry bushes, which agitated the horses, until Kyllan unsheathed his sword and picked something up with it. A golden locket connected to a steel chain, the locket showed strange letters engraved into it.
“Very nice, I think I could fetch me a nice price with this.” Niclas rolled his eyes.
“Always thinking about your pay before the job is done, eh? No wonder you ended up at the Wall.” Niclas chuckled to himself, Kyllan was not amused.
“Shut up old man, my story is my own.” Niclas grinned at the boy, almost mocking him.
“As you wish. Come on, we’d best find that track again.” Niclas turned his horse around and headed back in the direction they came from, though Kyllan did not move.
“Nic....” Niclas curiously turned to the now sounding anxious boy. Kyllan stared at a branch on a tree, hanging off that branch was a limb. Niclas rode over to Kyllan and unsheathed his sword.
“Come on, and stay close.” Kyllan obeyed the order, unsheathing his sword as well. Niclas and Kyllan rode over to the oakwood tree, the limb they saw was a leg to a four legged animal.
“How the hell would that get up there without help?” Kyllan stared at the leg with wonder and fear. Niclas did not have an answer.
“I don’t know. Come on, let’s find where the rest of its corpse is.” Niclas pushed on his tired horse through the thick snow, Kyllan followed.
The two entered a large snow field, cleansed of any trees. In the centre lay the limbs of the four legged animal, and much more. Niclas dismounted his horse, Kyllan did the same, and tied it to an ironwood tree close by. The two walked over to the slaughter, which appeared to be arranged in a certain order. In an overall image, it appeared to represent a spiral.
“What in the Seven Hells could have done this, Nic?” Niclas shook his head, once again without answer. He looked up to see a trail of blood in the snow.
“Kyllan go back to the horses, I’m going to follow this trail. If I’m not back in ten minutes, leave the horses and come find me.” Niclas stood up, his knees aching from the many years of use, and began to inspect the trail.
“Niclas, stay safe brother.” Niclas turned back and gave Kyllan a reassuring smile. Kyllan turned and walked back to the horses.
Niclas followed the blood trail about fifteen metres through the forest. The trail stopped at a bush thornberry bush. Niclas looked up at the sky. It’s getting dark, we’ll have to head back soon. Niclas cleared his mind of any fear he may have had, and approached the bush. He peered into the disturbed greenery to see a decapitated head of a wildling.
“Seven Hells!” Niclas backed away, holding his sword close. While backing away he heard movement in the distance.
“Kyllan, is that you? Reveal yourself brother!” Niclas tripped on a rock and hit his head on a tree root.
Everything was then a blur, the world was spinning around him at a rapid pace. Niclas pulled himself up and leaned against the pine tree that owned the root for his newly found headache. Niclas put his hand to his head, when he pulled it back he saw blood. Niclas’ vision was deteriorating to the point that he thought he saw Others approaching to him. A young child of the forest and two Others. They walked up to him, the two Others pointed their icy bladed swords at him, whereas the child just looked at him. This child was no regular though, instead it had a pale shade like the moon, and eyes as blue as stars. It moved its hand, which had one less finger than a human hand, to Niclas’ face, piercing his wound with its sharp claws. Niclas screamed in agony.
“Niclas of the Night’s Watch. You are now my subject, welcome to my world.”
Niclas began to shake uncontrollably, froth started to fill his mouth. As he fell over, he watched the two Others leave, but the child was nowhere to be seen. A sudden urge came to Niclas, an urge he could not fight. A voice inside him kept saying it. Winter has come, Winter has come. Niclas needed to join into this chant.
“Winter has come, Winter has come.” The last thing Niclas remembered was Kyllan kneeling next to him, trying to wake him up.
No decision this time.
Sorry for starting off the story with no decision, there will be many later
This is just a bit of a taste of what is too come, and will likely be continuing by the start of next week or earlier as I need to finish Chapter 2 of my other story! 
"What can I do now?" You may ask? Good question! Well if you would like to help with the story, please submit as many characters as you wish! I will need them. Also if you're new here, than you can head over to my other story which I posted the link up before. Anyway, thank you for reading the prologue, and I look forward to having you along for The Northern Chill
Looks very promising! Already submitted character because i liked your "Invasion" very much! Hope you'll handle 2 fanfics at the same time.
I know it looks like it'll be a good one despite I haven't seen the invasion one only cuz I cba to read all series. I've submitted two characters cant wait for next part
Nice start!
I'll be submitting 
The likelyhood of handling both at the same time is unlikely at the moment, especially with exams coming up. Though once this year is over (November 26) I'll write both. The idea for the moment is to finish Chapter 2 of the invasion and then ditch that for a while and start Chapter 1 of this
Chapter 1: Winter has come
The ice cold chains weighed Todd and the two other prisoners down as they marched through the sleet and snow to the Wall. Todd turned to his travelling companions, all looking as exhausted as he was. Todd was on the outer side of the chains, the man in the middle went by the name of Lartel Alderton, and the man on the outside was Rowan. Lartel was a young man from the Reach, a second born son of Lord George Alderton. He had ended in chains after assaulting his liege’s heir in a tavern when he was drunk. His liege had insisted that his hands be hacked off, though after some persuasion, he was to be sent to the Wall. Todd did not know much about Rowan, apart from the fact that he had been sent here for the rape and murder of some lordling in the North. Todd looked back at his chains and the effects they were having on his wrists.
“Hey old man! Could you get these irons off? We’re at the Wall now anyway!” The old man turned and smirked at Todd.
“Getting tired boy?” The man laughed and pushed his horse from a walk into a canter, making the three trip and fall into the mud. Lartel spoke up next.
“Fuck you bastard! I thought you Northerners had honour.” Todd looked up at the old man and the recruit walking next to him.
The recruit’s hair was neck-length and wavy, its colour was a golden blonde and the young man’s eyes were green. There was no doubt about it, this man was a Lannister.
“Alvar, there is no need to be an arse. Cut them some slack.” Alvar turned the Lannister, raising his eyebrow.
“You may be nobility, Tirius Lannister, but here you’re a recruit of the Watch. I take orders from the Lord Commander only, so watch your mouth. Oh and as for you lot, shut it.” Todd barely had the energy to argue, the others were the same.
Todd gazed upon the Wall. It was a magnificent sight, the ice being stacked so high, though Todd was unsure about spending the rest of his days there, not that he had a choice in the matter. This would be the place where Todd would spend the rest of his life. Was it really worth it? Look where it got me.
The Nightfort was a giant castle, filled with brothers of the Watch sparring in the courtyards and attending other duties. The only issue with the Nightfort was that it had no walls, apart from the Wall. Alvar Snow led the four up some stone stairs and through an iron gate. They stopped in a courtyard that was piled with snow, at the end of the courtyard there was a platform that was elevated. On the platform stood two men who were chatting.
“Lord Commander, Odin Umber.” Alvar bowed in their presence, to which they nodded back.
“Could you excuse us Odin? I must speak with Alvar.” Odin nodded and descended the stairs of the wooden platform. Age had certainly not affected the man in his mid fifties as much as it had affected Alvar.
“So these are all the recruits that you managed to get?” Alvar nodded.
“Aye, this is it. Only one volunteer - Tirius Lannister.” The Lord Commander raised an eyebrow.
“Is that so? We don’t often get volunteer’s during the start of Winter. Is it honour that has brought you to the Wall boy? Or perhaps you are seeking glory?” The Lord Commander gave Tirius a mocking smile.
“The former, Lord Commander. I want to do my part to stop the Wildling threat.” The Lord Commander smirked at Tirius.
“Good, and who are these three?” Alvar regaled the stories of each of the prisoners.
“I see, well Alvar unchain them and take them to the barracks. Training will start in the morning.” Alvar bowed and led the recruits out of the gates and to a building outside the main courtyard that most of the men sparred in.
As they passed a rack of blunt edged swords, Rowan quickly grabbed one and tried to attack Lartel. Alvar turned back and quickly grabbed him before any serious harm could be done, pulling him to the ground. Lartel moved himself to a bench, nursing a fresh wound on his forearm that he had collected from Rowan. Tirius on the other hand headed inside. Todd was unaware of where to go, Alvar had picked up Rowan and moved him away. I guess I should make some friends.
[Go to Lartel] [Go to Tirius]
[Go to Tirius]
I'm obviously biased in this, but [Go to Lartel]
Aand great start for the Wall storyline
That was a nice start, I'm looking forward for more :D
[Go to Lartel]
[Go to Lartel]
[Go to Lartel]
[Go to Tirius]
I have a plan already set out for a first ranger I am afraid, but not for a first steward, first builder or any of the commanders of the other 17 castles (except eastwatch)
Vote Closed! Todd will go to Lartel
I probably will give this a break now and focus on the final parts of my other story if you're new here I would strongly encourage you to read it! As I hear some think it's good :P
Next part will focus on Tristifer Oldstark, the master-at-arms at the Nightfort.
The men of the Night’s Watch sparred together in the courtyard, the occasional shriek of pain was heard now and then. Tristifer stood above the courtyard, at the entrance to the mess hall. The mess hall was where the brothers at the Nightfort ate their three meals, anyone who was in there after or before those times were the butchers, cooks or thieves. The new recruits found their way to the training grounds, Tristifer descended the stairs to meet them in the courtyard. The men stood in a row, Tristifer could already tell the warriors from the future dish cleaners.
“Welcome to the Nightfort, my name is Tristifer Oldstark and I am the master-at-arms here. I believe introductions are to be made. When I walk passed you, I want your name, age and the reason you’re here. Any questions?” The men shook their heads. Tristifer walked to the left of the line and stopped in front of a brute man with shaved black hair and a scar running down his right eye.
“Go on, son.” The man snorted and then spat on the ground, later straightening his posture like a gentlemen.
“Rowan, forty three. Some would say I raped my lord’s daughter, but I’ll tell you right now that she enjoyed every bit of it.” Rowan smirked, but Tristifer just ignored the man and moved on.
“Tirius Lannister, eighteen. I volunteered to join when Alvar Snow came to Casterly Rock.” The boy grinned, making Rowan laugh.
“Fucking highborn, all that honour brought you to the shithole North.” Tirius turned to Rowan, anger building up in his eyes.
“The Wall is for honorable men! My father taught me so all my life!” Tears began to form up in Tirius’ eyes.
“Sounds like your daddy wanted someone else to be his successor.” Rowan chuckled and Tirius was near ready to pounce him if Tristifer had not intervened.
“Save it for the enemy you two.” Tristifer moved on to the next.
“Lartel Alderton, twenty-eight. Nearly killed my King’s son.” Lartel stared at the ground as he spoke, a great sadness surrounded the man. Tristifer moved on.
“Todd Rivers, fourteen. I pushed a Tully boy out a window.” Tristifer raised his eyebrow, guessing he should have expected it. The Wall now seemed to be more of a jailhouse then a place for honorable men.
“Alright, now that’s out of the way. Who has ever used a sword?” Tirius and Lartel raised their hands.
“Good, everyone go over to the rack and grab a blade. Tirius, you will spar with Todd. Lartel, with Rowan. Make haste of it!” The men quickly grabbed the blunted swords and walked to the courtyard, where they stopped.
“Now, the main idea to swordplay is-” Tristifer was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder, it was Ser Ulrich Dayne.
“Sorry to interrupt, Tristifer, but the maester wishes to see you.” Tristifer looked at the four men holding their blunt swords, waiting for something to happen.
“I’ve got recruits to train, can it be another time?” Ser Ulrich shook his head.
“The maester said it was urgent. I’ll take care of the new lads.” Tristifer nodded and thanked Ulrich. Tristifer turned and looked at the maester’s tower. What could be so important?
Tristifer knocked on the door to the maester’s quarter a third time before the maester answered. The door creaked as it opened, and behind the door stood a hunched man.
“Hello Maester Endrew, you sent for me?” The maester nodded to himself repeatedly.
“Ah yes, Tristifer. A raven came from Ol’Tower, the bird seemed to be in great distress so I imagine it is urgent.” Tristifer nodded, the maester still had no squire to help him with his blinding disease.
Maester Endrew led him to a desk which was filled with letters. The maester was a small man with a grey receding hairline. His eyes were a milky white, causing him to go blind. Maester Endrew was an elderly man in his mid seventies, he held great knowledge and advice, hence being the reason he has not been replaced. The maester fingered a scroll, feeling the insignia of House Oldstark. The sigil of House Oldstark was a brown dire wolf on a hill howling to a full moon.
“Ah, here it is.” The maester passed it to Tristifer. He opened it and read it to himself.
To Tristifer Oldstark, master-at-arms at the Nightfort.
Since my last letter, I informed you our father was battling his sickness. Well things do not look to be well for him now, and he lies in his deathbed. The maester believes he has perhaps a week left. Our father has requested to see you before he passes. We hope this is not a problem for the Lord Commander.
Your brother.
Tristifer placed the note back on the desk and sat down. The maester had perched himself on his windowsill and was feeding a raven.
“So, what is the news?” Tristifer observed that his hands were shaking, he clenched them into a fist in an attempt to cease it.
“My father lay in his deathbed and has requested an audience with me. Though for what reasons I do not know why, the whole reason I am here is because of him.” The maester continued to feed the brown raven from Ol’Tower.
“Perhaps he wishes to compensate for his actions, or perhaps just wishes to apologise. Your father was a great man before he chose mead and ale over his family. The passing of his brother hit him hard, I do not believe he trying to kill you all those years ago was actually your father.” Tristifer kept clenching his hand, nothing was getting rid of the shaking. He grew nervous.
“I don’t understand Maester Endrew. It has been fourteen years since I even heard from my father. The man was cruel, he made us all keep it a secret of who his bastard son’s mother truly was. He had me run to the Wall and my younger brother leave to become a maester. He only cared about Garett, his eldest son.” Endrew stopped feeding the bird, and turned himself to Tristifer’s general direction.
“It is clear this pains you, and so it should. Though I believe that if you do not see him before his passing, you will be filled with regret. My advice? Speak to the Lord Commander for a week pardon, and ride to Ol’Tower to see your father and family. But remember this, you are a brother of the Night’s Watch, do not forget it. I grow tired now, so I will sleep.” Tristifer nodded and stood up.
“Thank you, old man.” The maester smiled and walked to his bed. Tristifer exited the maester’s quarters, quietly shutting the door behind him.
The maester’s tower was connected to the library, and then to the Lord Commander’s quarters. Tristifer stared out the barred window to the courtyard. Ser Ulrich was no longer with his recruits, and Rowan was sparring with Tirius. Or at least I hope they are sparring. Tristifer though about how long it would take to ride to Ol’Tower. It was at least a two day ride return, which would give him a few days to spend with his family as well if he notified the Lord Commander today. Though Tristifer knew those recruits weren’t going to train themselves.
[Train the recruits - Don’t go to Ol'Tower] [Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
[Train the recruits]
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon] Asking won't hurt I suppose.
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
go to lord commanders quarters to talk about pardon
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon]
[Go to Lord Commander’s quarters to talk about a pardon] Great part
Vote closed! Tristifer will go to the Lord Commander's quarters to talk about a pardon.
Next part will go beyond the wall, and feature the First Ranger: Niclas
The warmth of a fire woke Niclas up from his horrid sleep. Niclas’ legs had gone cold and stiff, ice was beginning to form around his boots. He moved them close to the fire, Niclas observed his location while doing so. He sat atop a giant hill, amongst the ruins of a ringfort. Opposite the fire stood Kyllan, staring out at the view.
“Kyllan” Niclas managed to whisper, Kyllan turned and drew his sword out of fear. Seeing Niclas awake, he lowered his blade.
“Niclas? You were dead!” Kyllan rushed over to the old man and hugged him.
“What in Seven Hells do you mean I was dead?” Kyllan let go of the man and looked at him, staring him in the eyes.
“What the…” Niclas wore a puzzled face.
“What is it boy, spit it out!” Kyllan shook his head and sat next to the fire.
“Nothing, I just never noticed how blue your eyes were.” Niclas stared at him confused. My eyes aren’t blue… Before Niclas could say anything, Kyllan cut him off.
“Here, eat something. You’ve been unconscious for nearly three days.” Kyllan passed Niclas a bowl of stew which he must have prepared earlier over the fire. Niclas quickly ate away at it.
“Well, when you went roaming off you never came back. So I followed your trail and you were lying on the ground and bleeding out of your head. I dragged you out of there and back to the horses, but your skin was as cold as ice. I thought to myself, I couldn’t just leave you there, so I decided to ride you back to Castle Black.” Niclas finished his stew and placed it down.
“So where the bloody hell are we?” Kyllan’s face grew red with embarrassment.
“The Fist of the First Men…” Niclas gave the young man a cold stare.
“And why are we on this bloody hill?” Kyllan went quiet for a while, but spoke after a little while.
“Well I- I got lost, I’m sorry.” Niclas buried his hands in his head.
“A wall stretching three miles long and standing six hundred feet high, and you’re telling me you got lost. Unbelievable.” Kyllan stood up, anger boiling in his eyes.
“Fuck off Nic! There was mist everywhere, I wasn’t sure where I was going. Gods I wish the Others would just take you already!” Niclas halted, a word has tripped something in his mind. Others.
“Hello Nic! I’m back!” A cheery voice appeared in Niclas’ head. Niclas tried to flush it out but it would not fade.
“Oh Niclas, you know it’s rude not to treat your guests with respect! Now you will have to do something to repay me!" The voice let out a laugh which sounded like screeching.
“What do you want?” Niclas felt crazy talking to himself. Perhaps he was, he had been at the Wall for many years now.
“Well, there are many things I want. Though we will leave that for another time aye? Anyway, I just need to test out how much control I have over your body. Get up." Niclas found himself doing what the voice said, he seemed to have no control over the matter.
“Good! Now, kill the boy." Niclas raised his eyebrows, shocked by the order.
“No! I cannot.” Niclas stared at Kyllan, who sat on a frozen stone ledge staring out to the Frostfangs.
“Yes, you can. Simply walk up to the boy and give him a nudge. Don’t make me use the word.” Niclas was confused.
“What word? What are you talking about? You parasite, you demon!” Niclas heard a growling mixed with screeching in his head.
“Wrong thing to say Nic. May the Others take you, and kill that boy.” Niclas found himself getting up and walking over to Kyllan, that word had some sort of control on him. Niclas trudged through the thick snow and ascended the ledge to where Kyllan was sitting, Kyllan turned around.
“Come to apologise for being an arse?” Kyllan faced himself back to staring out at the Frostfangs.
“Go on, kill him!” Niclas walked over to Kyllan, and stopped behind him.
“I’m sorry, Kyllan.” Kyllan sighed.
“It’s alright Nic, just when you-” Niclas gave Kyllan an almighty push which made the boy fall off the ledge, the scream releasing Niclas from the demon's curse.
“Kyllan!” The control over Niclas disappeared. He dropped to his stomach and extended his hand to the already falling boy.
“You bastard, you fucking bastard!” Tears began to steam now Niclas’ face and get caught in his beard.
“Easy now Nic, It’s going to be alright. May the Others take you to the Wall." The voiced laughed and then disappeared.
“I’m sorry Kyllan, I’m sorry.”
No decision this time.
Maester Endrew
From L to R, the rings here wear are: Copper (history), Black Iron (ravenry), brass, iron (warcraft), silver (medicine and healing), yellow gold (economics), valyrian steel (magic and the occult).
Nice, but don't you think he's too similar to Maester Aemon from the show?
I mean, his appearance, the blindness...
Hmm, didn't think of that. I might change it.
Think it is fixed....
Hardhome was a small town with a busy port. The harbour was full on this rare occasion, though that meant good income for the Free Folk. Carley sat in a tavern with three Thenn’s and one Hornfoot. Julie was from the Ice River Clans, and saw and done things that most Free Folk had never dreamed of. This was why Maror the Mangler had invited her to join The Manglers: A raiding group with a horrific reputation. Maror was the leader of these barbaric men. Though he was a Hornfoot, he had gained a great amount of respect amongst his Thenn followers. Maror had earned his nickname ‘The Mangler’ from cutting the limbs off of his enemies and taking them as trophies. That was the kind of sadistic taste that Julie liked. One of the Thenn’s finished his mead and burped, there was no honour for their magnar here.
“So why are we here, Maror?” Skagard asked, padding his beard from the mead that had leaked into it.
“I told you lot I would take you on the biggest raid yet, have some faith in me.” Maror picked up his mug of ale and drank a mouthful. Skagard shrugged, he was the kind of man to easily shake things off.
Julie grabbed her spear, the head was made of bronze. She ran her finger over the edge of the blade, reassuring herself that it was still sharp. She looked up and stared at Maror.
“I may just lose interest, tell me where we’re going?” Julie half asked, half ordered. Not that she was in any position to order Maror around, she began to start regretting what she said.
“I like you girl, but don’t overstep your place. If you lot must know, I’m taking you South. Past the Wall.” Julie raised an eyebrow, Skagard choked on his mead.
“How?” Julie asked curiously. Skagard cleared his throat and butted in.
“Aye, how will we get over the wall? So many bastards man the damn thing!” Maror shook his head.
“Who said we were going over the Wall?” Another of the Thenn’s spoke up.
“Well we can’t go around, the crows at their castle by the sea will hunt us down.” Lokran was a young man, bald and clean shaved.
“I didn’t say we were going around it either, Lokran. We’re going under it.” The Thenn’s went silent, Julie stared at Maror with wonder. But how?
“You been digging a hole while you’ve been teasing us, Maror?” The small crowd laughed at Julie’s joke, including Maror himself.
“Aye, that’s me. Maror the Digger. No, I’ve organised a contract with some cave dwellers. Names are Gendel and Gorne, brothers I think.” Julie squinted. Cave Dwellers, they can’t be trusted…
“Cave Dwellers eh? Bloody sorcerers are all they are.” Skagard chuckled to himself and continued to empty his fourth pint.
“Aye, perhaps. But I am still interested nonetheless.” Lokran quickly interrupted.
“And what is this taking us down to? We don’t have much to trade…” Maror gave a wry smile.
“No, we don’t. All they wanted was our allegiance.” Julie was starting to worry, allying with some cave freaks was the last thing she wanted in on.
“So you’re saying they’re taking us through some tunnels to gain our allegiance? I don’t know Maror, sounds like a trap.” The Thenn sat in the back, he was in his mid twenties and was naive.
“Are you questioning my judgement, Baedol?” Baedol shook his head.
“Only your wisdom.” Maror slowly clenched his fists, he scowled. Though he quickly put his face into neutral, adding on his sadistic smile.
“Come outside, Baedol. I have something to show you, to show all of you.” Baedol looked confused and intrigued. Julie was also interested, but slightly cautious.
The crowd got up from their table and left the tavern. The wind was cool, but the breeze from the Shivering Sea was cooler. Snow fell and landed on the ground around Julie and the others. Maror turned and led the four to a forge, a blacksmith put down his hammer.
“May I help you, I sell the best there is at Hardhome.” Maror gave him a cold stare.
“If you know what’s best for you, you’ll be leaving.” The blacksmith nodded and retreated into his store. Maror leaned over and stared into the burning coals of the forge, beckoning for Baedol to do the same.
“Tell me what you see, Baedol.” The young man stared into the coals, the light from the fire reflecting on his face.
“Nothing, I see nothing.” Maror closed his eyes and nodded.
“Look closer.” Baedol hesitated, but did as Maror said. He leaned closer and lowered his head until he was only a few inches away from the hot coals. Maror placed his hand on the back of Baedol’s head and pushed it down into the coals. Baedol began to scream in agony as his face started to melt.
“You dare question my authority around here boy? My judgement? My fucking wisdom?!” The boy’s scream was deafening, but the smell was worse. Julie attempted to cover her nose, but Skagard stopped her.
“I wouldn’t, unless you want to be next.” He whispered, Julie shuddered at the thought. The screams lasted another minute before an interruption presented itself. Maror released the boy, who fell to the ground. His melting face landed in some muddy snow. Julie turned to see two men, topless with painted torsos.
“Hello there, we are-” One stopped, and the other continued.
“Gendel and Gorne, and we are here to take you to the tunnels.” The two brothers wore daggers at their sides. Maror nodded, massaging his hands.
“I’m Maror the Mangler. Those two Thenn’s are Skagard and Lokran, and that there is Julie from the Ice River Clans. Oh, and this here is Baedol.” Maror squatted down next to Baedol and lifted his head for all to see, revealing a bloody mess. The brothers bowed.
“Well, we are ready-” Gorne stopped and Gendel continued.
“When you are ready.” The two blinked and smiled, though there was something about these two which just turned Julie off. Maror looked around, recieved assured nods from Skagard and Lokran.
“How about you Julie, you with us or against us?” Skagard sadly stared at her, Julie knew what he was saying. Julie cleared her throat.
“I think I need some time to think about it.” Maror nodded and held up his hand.
“I’m going to count to five. You know what happens when I get to zero.” Julie gulped, then nodded.
[Go with them] [Don’t go with them]
[Go with them]
Awesome part!