What house would you be in?

Lets say that in a Westeros in a different time line or universe every house in recent Westerosi history still exist, from House Reyne rebellion to now. Which house would you like to be in and why.

Personally id be in House Reyne since they are nearly as rich as the Lannisters and probably just as influential as them while probably not being as big of a******* like the Lannisters.
(and yes I know it is suicidal to be in House Reyne.)


  • Honestly. I would usually say Stark But... Id want to be part of Forrester tbh or House Tyrell

  • I'd probably be an Umber because i'm quite tall.

  • edited October 2015

    Looks wise definitely Stark. Mannerisms and opinions would likely be more so with Royce or Arryn. Hard to say but probably would be Arryn given their appearance and attitude about things (outside of Robyn of course).

    Of course... at the same time I would utterly crush/support crushing any and all uprisings down to the last man, woman and child so perhaps Lannister. Shit... I have no clue at this point as the merry go round just continues to keep us thinking.

  • Gryffindor.

  • Let's see:

    I live in Finland, so of course the house must be from the North. I have dark brown hair, but that doesn't really point to any house specifically since that's a very common color of hair in the North. I'm average height so clearly I'm not Umber. I'm not psycho so not Bolton. Mmm, Stark would be a little too grand and royal. I think I'll go with a House from the Wolfswood so...

    Glover? :D lol, I don't know

  • Well I have dark blonde curly hair and thats a Lannister trait... But I would want to be Manderly, Umber or Stark (the Manderly's are very loyal to the Starks and I respect loyalty very much) also since I'm from Scandinavia I guess I should be a northern house:P

  • Lannister

  • Baratheon of Dragonstone.

  • Targaryen

  • edited October 2015

    House Karstark but my physical build is one of a man of the Night's Watch

  • Suomi mainittu :DD

    Let's see: I live in Finland, so of course the house must be from the North. I have dark brown hair, but that doesn't really point to any

  • edited October 2015

    I probably would have been born on the Summer Isles, but I would love to be a scion of House Hightower.

  • Physical traits of a Dornishmen or a Dothraki (dark skin and hair) but the smug ness and personality traits of a Lannister

  • edited October 2015

    Appearance of a Lannister (natural blonde hair and green eyes), personality of House Reed.

    If I got to choose a house despite what attributes I have, I would probably go with Tyrell.

  • appearance / location (depends on what season it is lol) - summer (i live 20 min away from a beach and go there every weekend in the summer, dark brown eyes and brown hair with olive skin *i tan really easily - Martell) winter (even though i live near a beach, i also live in the northeast of the us so winter is currently coming and with the same physical features but now my skin is quite pale - Stark)

    personality wise - mainly Tyrell mixed with some Lannister aspects

  • I love cold, not too hairy or tall, pretty thick build, dark brown hair. Personality would be a Bolton, I suppose?

  • Shame there are no known Houses on the Summer Isles, so I'll go for House Magnar of Kingshouse. Skagos is nice and far away from the machinations of the Great Houses.
    "Only heart trees ever see half of what they do on Skagos." - Roose Bolton

  • I'd be way up North, would want to be an Umber! Be incredibly tall, with massively wide shoulders! (And a huge rusty red beard like Tormund Giantsbane obviously;))

  • Let's see, I care about family, duty and honor. My family from my father's side lived in Islands and made a living fishing.

    I will probably be a Tully.

  • Bolton's so I wouldn't have to face a house like the Bolton's :)

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