Five crazy theories/plot twists.

  1. Karl Whitehill is still alive and is secretly kept in Highpoint's dungeon. Maybe along with Lady Whitehill. Ludd thinks the Citadel can help get the knowledge to cure them so he sends Ebbert to become a maester.
  2. Sera is Macolm's bastard daughter.
  3. Gregor had romantic relationships with Robett Glover and Duncan Tuttle.
  4. An actual ice dragon will appear in Episode 6.
  5. House Whitehill was a cadet branch of House Forrester.


    1. And I thought my headcanon where Gwyn is essentially trapped at Highpoint with Ludd and Gryff and Torrhen for the rest of her dismal life due to her social unmarriageability after the whole Asher thing was brutal... I would LOVE to read a fic about this!

    2. They do make an awfully big deal out of making sure we know that Malcolm doesn't have any children... intriguing.

    3. Aw, I like this idea. And to be honest I've been kinda wondering about Duncan. Maybe he had a wife once we don't know about or he just never met the right woman or didn't want to settle down and raise a family but he does seem to be some sort of confirmed bachelor.

    4. Holy crap. I can't even imagine. I think I'd just laugh because it'd be too unbelievable. xD The mental image I have of Gared and Cotter or Sylvi (pretty sure we're going to lose one, mark my words) flying back to Ironrath on a dragon, Dany style!

    5. Oh man that's like finding out you have an evil twin! Would that make Asher and Gwyn some kind of distant cousins? Welcome to Game of Thrones!

    Can we hear some more crazy theories and plot twists? I love seeing what people come up with!

  • The North Grove is Lord Gregor's spring party home.

  • Another theory. It is said that Roose Bolton practices the tradition of the first night. Maybe Ebbert is Roose's son and Ludd sent him away to protect him from Ramsey.

  • The whole story is really just a single strand of Asher's beard.

  • Doesn't one of the Whitehill sons serve House Bolton so if Ramsey will not assist Ludd then he'll be called home to defend his house.

  • Stop listening to Old Nan's tales.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The whole story is really just a single strand of Asher's beard.

  • I believe Torrhen is a ward, which means he needs premission to leave from Roose.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Doesn't one of the Whitehill sons serve House Bolton so if Ramsey will not assist Ludd then he'll be called home to defend his house.

  • If Torrhen is a ward, Roose might kill him if Ludd fails to deliver the Ironwood he needs.

    Kireilt posted: »

    I believe Torrhen is a ward, which means he needs premission to leave from Roose.

  • I pretty certain that Roose doesn't know about the situration between the Whitehills and Forresters. Roose's personal motto is a peaceful land, a quite people. Keeping Torrhen hostage is better than killing him.

    Abeille posted: »

    If Torrhen is a ward, Roose might kill him if Ludd fails to deliver the Ironwood he needs.

  • The Forrester Whitehill dispute will be settled with a QTE dance battle to the death

  • edited October 2015

    He might not be aware of the war between the families, but I assume he knows the Whitehills are not making enough Ironwood equipment for the Bolton army. His master at arms would have told him that the ironwood was not arriving.

    One of the reasons to take someone as a ward is to keep their family from causing you any trouble. If Roose is keeping Torrhen hostage to guarantee that his family behaves, he won't hesitate to flay him to punish the Whitehills if he thinks they are causing him trouble. He can then demand another ward from Ludd, like Gwyn, if the Whitehills were not completely wiped-out by the end of the game, or maybe from the Forresters if they end up as the only family to supply Ironwood in Westeros (Roose wouldn't want them selling the Ironwood to his enemies).

    Kireilt posted: »

    I pretty certain that Roose doesn't know about the situration between the Whitehills and Forresters. Roose's personal motto is a peaceful land, a quite people. Keeping Torrhen hostage is better than killing him.

  • na man its his fuck pad.

    kaza125 posted: »

    The North Grove is Lord Gregor's spring party home.

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