Possible choice in Episode 6

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I really want there to be a choice between choosing to marry Gwyn or Eleana, so I have made a hypothetical choice. If you are Asher, Eleana will reveal she is pregnant with Rodrik's child if you bedded her and if not she will reveal she is extremely depressed because she lost her betrothed, and brother. Gwyn will want to rekindle their lost romance so it will be a choice between love or duty. If you are Rodrik, Eleana will still be pregnant if you bedded her and if not she will remain the same and her father will provide no aid. Gwyn will appear later on in the game saying there has been too much blood spilt and will offer to marry Rodrik, ending the war. It will be the same choice but this time Eleana will be your love, and marrying Gwyn will put this war to an end.

Which one would you choose and why?


  • I chose Asher so I would marry Gwyn the only reason being is that I don't think Elaene likes Asher over Rodrik and Gwyn might still like Asher then aqain I don't know about Asher x Beska but What I hope doesn't happen that we might have a angry bastard later on. But on My Rodrik play through I would definitely choose Elaene.

  • edited October 2015

    The choice to stab gwyn option hopefully is available

  • I want to have this choice too. I don't want to be forced to marry Gwyn in my Asher save game or Eleana on my Rodrik save game just because of which brother survived.

    I would chose Eleana on both saves regardless. I said it before and I will say it again: This will end badly to Ludd, Griff or both, and I don't trust Gwyn to not want to stab my surviving brother in their sleep after it.

  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought about this as a possibility. I think it would be great to have this as an option.

  • As I have said in another thread, if there was such a choice, the game would turn into a romance drama. So I dont like this idea.

  • A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones is one epic romance drama.

    As I have said in another thread, if there was such a choice, the game would turn into a romance drama. So I dont like this idea.

  • Why not? Eddard did this when Aerys killed Brandon.

    As I have said in another thread, if there was such a choice, the game would turn into a romance drama. So I dont like this idea.

  • How so? It would be true to the series, having to chose to marry for love or for duty.

    As I have said in another thread, if there was such a choice, the game would turn into a romance drama. So I dont like this idea.

  • I think episode 6 would have multiple endings to each of the story arcs, for example there could be three endings for house forester, 1. Destruction of house Forrester, 2. Destruction of house whitehill, 3. Peace between foresters and whitehills. Gareds story could end with him becoming a white walker, or him finding the north grove. Miras story could end with her either going back to ironrath, staying in kings landing, or being executed???? Maybe??. These different ending ps all would be dictated by all of the players choices in episodes 1-6

  • That only applies to Asher.

    Abeille posted: »

    How so? It would be true to the series, having to chose to marry for love or for duty.

  • Not necessarily.

    If Eleana is not pregnant and her family will not help because of what happened to Arthur, Rodrik has no reason other than love to marry her. His duty to his family, however, is to marry someone that would benefit House Forrester. So, not Eleana. "Neither" would be a better option on that case.

    That only applies to Asher.

  • This wouldn't work because if you didn't sleep with Elaena there would be no point in this choice however for the sake of the question I think it would be more romantic for Asher to choose Gwyn, I could not care less about Elaena, the Glenmore alliance died with Rodrick. The only thing the glenmore alliance would do is help take down the whitehills that's it. I would only have stayed with Elaena if I let Rodrick live.

  • So Eleana is just going to forgive the men who killed her betrothed and brother?

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    This wouldn't work because if you didn't sleep with Elaena there would be no point in this choice however for the sake of the question I thi

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