TellTale Writer's Basically Copied...

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones.

House Forrester = House Stark.

You literally play as Houes Stark, just in a different way. Why do I think this? Let me explain:

The entire Forrester story seems like a clone of the Starks + Red Wedding. I would not at all be surprised if TellTale thought "Let's make it like the Starks in nearly every way, that way people feel like they're playing Game of Thrones. What was the biggest shock of all? The Red Wedding! Let's totally reuse that!" They literally had the Red Wedding, but split between the hostage exchange at Highpoint & the E5 finale.) With the girls (one who is far away, one brother, and Ryon (who is too young to count) as the only remaining characters, it's literally the Starks all over again.

Repeating the exact same storyline for the Starks is just lame, not to mention lazy.

  • Ned, the character no one would think would die because he's the hero = Ethan, the character no one would think would die because he's a kid.

  • Ned's Limp & Cane = Rodrick's Limp & Cane. This made me think "...Seriously guys? ...Seriously?"

  • Robb = Rodrick or Asher
  • Red Wedding Atmosphere = Highpoint Hostage Negotiation
  • Red Wedding Action = Episode 5 Finale.
  • Mira = Sansa Stark. Literally almost identical even in that they "Learn how King's Landing Works".
  • Gared = Bran Stark. Gotta go north of the wall for some mystical reason. Combine Jon Snow alongside Bran's mythical journey and you have Gared.

Elissa Forrester (Mother) = Incredibly Similar to Catelyn Stark in some ways, but she just wasn't at the Red Wedding. Striking similarities in voice, appearance, mannerisms. Although this is okay, because at least she wasn't similar in character to Catelyn. I couldn't help but think "Did they just copy Catelyn" at first, up until she began to develop her character more. At the end I didn't think "Catelyn Stark!" but still...

And that leaves one female left, Arya, who is nothing like Talia.

Talia & Asher are literally the only character that I don't see resembling a Stark in nearly every way. Two original characters out of the entire extended family!



  • This is the definition of nitpicking. You're trying way too hard to find similarities between the two Houses.

  • Not at all... except with Elissa Forrester.

    I didn't look for this. These similarities found me and screamed in my face as I was playing.

    This is the definition of nitpicking. You're trying way too hard to find similarities between the two Houses.

  • I did a thread like this a couple of months back... the Telltale community really does not like House Forrester being compared as clones of House Stark...

  • Well, if we really have to find similarities between the Starks and the Forresters I'd say:

    • Gregor/Ned = the good and honorable Lord of the House who dies in the first episode/season.
    • Elissa/Catelyn = the protective mother who is ready to kill anyone that treats her children.
    • Rodrik/Robb = the first son, the heir. His hero is his father.
    • Asher/Jon = the "undesired" child. The first one is exiled to Essos, the second one to the Wall (ok Jon wasn't exiled but he can't come home).
    • Mira/Sansa = the first daughter who was sent to King's Landing to learn the southern customs.
    • Talia/Arya = the "rebellious" daughter who basically wants to kill everyone.
    • Ethan/Bran = the "quiet" son who is not very into fight.
    • Ryon/Rickon = who?

    But honestly I don't mind, I felt in love with the Forresters and I think they're all well characterized and unique in their own way.

  • To be honest, after careful evaluation of the Forresters and Starks, I have concluded that other than personality which is exactly the same with most Northern houses in that traditions. That the Forresters are exactly different, as they do not leave a boy in complete control, have actual defense, different military system. They are both put in different situations, House Stark don't really exist while house Forrester is trying to survive. Politically Starks don't have much of a political savvy while Mira has been able to set up deals with tyrion and perhaps to set up deals with lord morgryn. Gregor is like most Northern Lords while Rodrik isn't really seeking revenge, he is more about survival than revenge. Elissa is the only solid connection to the starks with cat. Asher is warrior, ran by love of gold and blood with a duty to help his house. Talia is though is rebellious she does want to personally have physical conflict with Whitehills and is more patient or 'smart' if you will. Ethan was just unprepared to rule but was much more decisive if you took him down that route. Ryon is just the one kid nobody cares about, like rickon but has more screen time and mentioning unlike rickon.

  • Great points.

    Also agree, the Forresters are awesome!!!

    Miklaus posted: »

    Well, if we really have to find similarities between the Starks and the Forresters I'd say: * Gregor/Ned = the good and honorable Lord

  • edited October 2015

    That the Forresters are exactly different, as they do not leave a boy in complete control,

    ...Ethan never happened?

    have actual defense

    The entire game is about how they lack defenses and will lose 100% unless something changes.

    unlike rickon.

    Poor, poor rickon...

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    To be honest, after careful evaluation of the Forresters and Starks, I have concluded that other than personality which is exactly the same

  • They also don't like people telling them there are gaping plot holes in the whole Traitor conclusion.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I did a thread like this a couple of months back... the Telltale community really does not like House Forrester being compared as clones of House Stark...

  • Ethan though technically the lord for a short while never was lord as we know that he never was required to act like one until the death of Gregor and the supposed death of Rodrik which suggest Ellisa acted as the ruler of ironrath. In defense I meant that they have a plan and men to fight despite being undertrained with a strategically defensible position unlike Winterfell.
    Indeed rickon is unfortunate.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    That the Forresters are exactly different, as they do not leave a boy in complete control, ...Ethan never happened? have actua

  • You'd have to force yourself to believe these similarities. They may have similar roles in the house but their characters are completely different.

  • I hate the Starks but i love the Forresters :(.

  • edited October 2015

    I thought we've been over this for like, I dunno a year? Nevermind the fact that the character traits are defined by player, by YOU. If nothing else, THAT is the one thing you should give Telltale. Everyone has different characters, everyone plays them as THEY like. That's the whole point of the GAME. And it's clear you are just trying to shun this game in any way possible, since you made 4 threads about it yesterday, behaved like a prick and NEVER you thought "Hey, maybe my opinion isn't the only one that matters..." Think about that...

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Not at all... except with Elissa Forrester. I didn't look for this. These similarities found me and screamed in my face as I was playing.

  • Well, I don't think that the Forresters are House Stark 2.0. I mean, House Stark and House Forrester are coming from the North so they kinda have the same personalities. Maybe it's the same and for the other Houses that are from the North.

  • Rodrick

    Rodrik* :P

    Anyway, on a more serious note, why are all your threads taking a stab at Telltale? I know you want to talk about how 'Telltale is doing everything wrong with GoT' but please, can we all just theorise about the game for once or something better than this! All we ever talk about here is what Telltale has done wrong, or the bloody plot holes or the stupid comparisons or the bad reviews or how episode 5 is the worst episode ever.

  • I feel like you're trying to make them seem like they literally have no original attributes. Sure, when you think about it, the Forresters are kinda similar to the Starks, but when I personally play the game, it doesn't bother me. To me they seem like their own characters, not just some cheap knock-offs from the show. I don't know why this bothers you so much, but honestly, to me this isn't even an issue.

  • Calm down buddy. I get that you disagree with him/her (I do too) but there's no need to throw insults around.

    I thought we've been over this for like, I dunno a year? Nevermind the fact that the character traits are defined by player, by YOU. If not

  • I think I didn't go that far, I write what I feel, but I'll edit it if it matters.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Calm down buddy. I get that you disagree with him/her (I do too) but there's no need to throw insults around.

  • Rodrick is correct too.

    Kateis posted: »

    Rodrick Rodrik* :P Anyway, on a more serious note, why are all your threads taking a stab at Telltale? I know you want to talk ab

  • What I take issue with is that you called him/her a prick and you said "you disgust me"

    I think I didn't go that far, I write what I feel, but I'll edit it if it matters.

  • He was behaving like a prick yesterday, that much I know. As for the second part, I edited it out.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What I take issue with is that you called him/her a prick and you said "you disgust me"

  • I would not at all be surprised if TellTale thought "Let's make it like the Starks in nearly every way, that way people feel like they're playing Game of Thrones. What was the biggest shock of all? The Red Wedding! Let's totally reuse that!" They literally had the Red Wedding, but split between the hostage exchange at Highpoint & the E5 finale.)

    A hostile hostage exchange that is unexpected where no one dies plus an expected ambush where a single important figure dies due to a generation long feud and where the victimised house in question is still functioning ≠ The Red Wedding.

    Seriously, with this analogy, you could compare any situation or ambush that involves the death of a Northerner to the Red Wedding.

  • Not in this case. It's Rodrik Forrester, not Rodrick Forrester.

    darko22 posted: »

    Rodrick is correct too.

  • I'm more disappointed that telltale played it safe and created characters that were similar and also connected to the Starks. I'd have rather used maybe a wilding, a red priest/priestess... Shit even let me use a clegane or a mormont.

  • Wow, a game based on a show has similarities to the show? I'm utterly shocked. Shocked! Give this man a medal!

    Seriously, what the fuck?

  • Liked your comment cuz I liked your sarcasm x)

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Wow, a game based on a show has similarities to the show? I'm utterly shocked. Shocked! Give this man a medal! Seriously, what the fuck?

  • :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Liked your comment cuz I liked your sarcasm x)

  • edited October 2015

    I think you didn't get to the point... Of course a game based on a show has similarities to it, but we're talking about similarities between main characters who appear to have similar story, similar attitude, etc... It's like having for the new season of TWDG a white ex-sheriff from Georgia who wakes up after a long coma, as a protagonist.

    But as I already said, in THIS case I don't care because I really like the Forresters and imho Telltale did an amazing job with 'em.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Wow, a game based on a show has similarities to the show? I'm utterly shocked. Shocked! Give this man a medal! Seriously, what the fuck?

  • Yeah, but I think these similarities are superficial. You could make the same comparisons with TWD

    Lee = Rick - every man protagonists that eventually may lose a limb
    Clem = Carl - kids add tension cause nobody want them hurt
    Kenny = Darryl - two guys with an RV provide transport and bring the group together, in a sense
    Carver = The Governor - that one is obvious
    Jane = Michonne - very similar personalities and arc

    And so on... yes these comparisons aren't perfect, but the game of thrones ones aren't either. What's our equivalent of the sentinels? Beshka? Many of the show characters, particularly Arya, Dany, and Tyrion?

    Not to mention many of these similarities are inevitable based on the fact they take place in the same universe. In TWD, all society is gone, so you can have events that exist independently of one another. In GoT, unless the game took place in Ashai, there's no way we couldn't deal with events in the show without similar things happening to our characters, because the events of the show have big implications for everyone in Westeros, especially a northern house. I think this argument is very weak, overall.

    Miklaus posted: »

    I think you didn't get to the point... Of course a game based on a show has similarities to it, but we're talking about similarities between

  • edited October 2015

    I know, I know, but I didn't say that EVERYTHING in GoT the game is the same as in GoT the show, I was just focusing on the Forrester family that kinda resembles the Starks, that's all.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Yeah, but I think these similarities are superficial. You could make the same comparisons with TWD Lee = Rick - every man protagonists t

  • Just thought I would mention that Rodrick was at The Red Wedding. He pretended to be dead, and then escaped amongst all the fighting. Plus, we lost Lord Forrester there too, so it's not like they just decided to randomly start there because "the Starks were there."

    Otherwise, I agree with @Nightmare1. Yes, I suppose they're sort of put in similar situations, but the characters and their involvement are different.
  • k

    Kids, get over it. E6 will be awsome. Just be patient.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    They also don't like people telling them there are gaping plot holes in the whole Traitor conclusion.

  • I kinda agree with you. I love these discussions, but i dont like hate.

    Miklaus posted: »

    Well, if we really have to find similarities between the Starks and the Forresters I'd say: * Gregor/Ned = the good and honorable Lord

  • It'd actually be RodReek Flayester if Ramsay had his way

    Not in this case. It's Rodrik Forrester, not Rodrick Forrester.

  • He is either just a kid, so just let him be... or he is incredibly emotional / emotionally attached to telltale, so just let him go.

    I was not at all offended. With the way he is reacting so emotionally and irrationally, with such extremes and making so little sense in all his posts... I honestly can't be offended. I mean, who would get offended when they perceive a child/teen going super emo all over them? It's okay, we are all dumb/weird/silly when we're kids :P

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What I take issue with is that you called him/her a prick and you said "you disgust me"

  • edited October 2015

    The only kids would be someone who ignores massive plot holes just so they can... um... mindlessly support TellTale despite it?

    I don't really understand this.

    E6 will probably be awesome. TellTale is known for its plot hole next-to-last episodes followed by its dedicated, polished, amazing Finale episodes. So unless they finally break their lose-then-win-streak, it will indeed be awesome.

    Still doesn't change how horrible E5 was. It was so bad, it not only got a significantly worse score, was not only ridiculously short, but literally ruined the entire game up to that point for me. I will have to go from E4 to E6, pretending like E5 didn't even happen. I'll just pretend that there was a minor battle before the events of E6 in which a lot of ppl died meaningless deaths that are entirely sensible/realistic given that it's a battle.

    "They just died. That's war for you. Traitor? There was no traitor. Everyone just died in that battle. It all makes sense now. The End!"

    k Kids, get over it. E6 will be awsome. Just be patient.

  • I feel like you're trying to make them seem like they literally have no original attributes.

    That's because our feelings are wrong.

    Please don't attach imaginary meaning to my posts.

    Any reasonable person would understand that I am simply mentioning the similarities, not declaring them LITERAL clones. Have some respect, not everyone dances to such extremes.

    SerMarve posted: »

    I feel like you're trying to make them seem like they literally have no original attributes. Sure, when you think about it, the Forresters a

  • Ramsay did have his way. He was the Traitor in a Royland/Duncan face-mask.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It'd actually be RodReek Flayester if Ramsay had his way

  • You're being incredibly arrogant.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    He is either just a kid, so just let him be... or he is incredibly emotional / emotionally attached to telltale, so just let him go. I wa

  • edited October 2015

    Or... I'm an adult and you are both children.

    I know I know, when you're young, adults or your betters just seem arrogant. In reality, they could just be right.

    To each their own though. It is no slack off my back for you to think I"m arrogant. That's fine. A lot of dumb people think I'm arrogant. Especially when they have no idea who I am, no idea what's right, no clue what they're talking about, or just have a different opinion and don't understand my view of their opinion is just my own.

    The only difference between an arrogant man and a right one is the perception, knowledge, and opinion of the judge.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You're being incredibly arrogant.

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