A thread for those, who have no wish to destroy house Whitehill.

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Alright, we all know how much everybody on this forum hates them, we know the reasons for it, we know the ways people want them to suffer - there are plenty of threads on this subject. I thought, it might be a good idea to make a thread for people, who actually have no wish to destroy/torture/flay/rape/kill them. Post your reasons for this point of view, things you like about Whitehill characters (and Harys, of course) etc. Once more - we all know how much most people hate them and we know why it is so, there is no need to make another thread full of hatred - there are enough of them as it is. Let's try to look at things from game's main antagonists' point of view - just for a change.

Also, feel free to post your thoughts about house Whitehill, headcanons about it's members and stuff like that.



  • edited October 2015

    I don't 'want' to kill them but I may do it out of survival to appease the Boltons, I haven't decided what I'll do yet.

    I do like the Whitehill characters (not in a 'I root for them' kind of way) their cool and interesting, particularly Ludd and Gryff.

    I have a headcanon that Ebbert has a personality similar to Ethan's, "While his brothers were natural warriors, Ebbert is drawn to pursuits of the mind"

  • I want to go Roman on House Whitehill.

    "They create a devastation and call it peace."

  • Sadly for me, killing them might turn out to be our only chance of survival (though I'm convinced, that the last episode will go a bit different direction). As for Ebbert - he most likely was the "Ethan" of his family. It makes me think that, maybe, his personality was more similar to Lady Whitehill's, he had the closest relationship with her out of all Whitehill siblings and maybe her death was part of the reason why he chose to leave for the Citadel, as Highpoint didn't feel like home to him without her.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't 'want' to kill them but I may do it out of survival to appease the Boltons, I haven't decided what I'll do yet. I do like the Whi

  • @InGen_Nate_Kenny This is the perfect thread for you.

  • Yeah I'm still hoping that Ludd remembers the bread and salt Ethan offered him and calls off the war.


  • edited October 2015

    I'm 110% sure you'll have to choose between killing Ludd or Gyrff it's a bit of a no brainer everyone wants them both dead but to choose between one of them, classic Telltale. Harys is a amazing warrior by the way but I'm going with either Royland or Beskha get him or even Amaya she must be pretty angry that Beast died anyway not really related to the thread just wanted to say.

  • I completely understand Ludd's wish to kill all the Forresters. They didn't bring any fooking bread and salt even after determinantly promising to do so! And they didn't even try to offer it to Gryff when he arrived! Bloody uncivilized animals.

    Yeah I'm still hoping that Ludd remembers the bread and salt Ethan offered him and calls off the war.

  • I don't want to annihilate House Whitehill & Co. - Gywn can live and even Ludd could live and I'd be fine with it but Gryff and Harys deserve to die next episode

  • In fact, it'll be practically impossible to kill Gryff, but not Ludd - he'll never let anyone get away with killing his favorite fourthborn. So, if you're going to kill Gryff no matter what, be ready to bury any chance of other Whitehills getting off your back along with his corpse.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    I don't want to annihilate House Whitehill & Co. - Gywn can live and even Ludd could live and I'd be fine with it but Gryff and Harys deserve to die next episode

  • I don't want to destroy them, I only want Gryff's head, I'd spare Gwyn and Ludd and the other Whitehills....

    ...But I don't think we have a choice on this, Ramsey told us Last house standing wins! Otherwise I'll kill you both and be done with it.

  • All hail house Whitehill.

  • Rightly so.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    All hail house Whitehill.

  • edited October 2015

    You know what worries me about Ramsay's words? Well, Forresters have no real chance of destroying house Whitehill right now. Even if they kill Gryff, Ludd and Gwyn - Torrhen is still out of their reach, in service of Roose Bolton. I have a strong feeling, that Ramsay is just messing with Forresters or/and making decisions without his father's say-so. Boltons, in fact, have no reason to give Forresters a chance of actually destroying Whitehills in a fair fight. Sure, Forresters have the craftsmen who deal with ironwood - but that's the only valuable thing about them. Even if the whole family dies, Roose can simply make the craftsmen work for him. Whitehills, on the other hand, have been their loyal bannermen for centuries and their armed forces are a part of Bolton's army. It appears to me, that Roose will make sure that house Whitehill survives no matter what - maybe with Torrhen as lord. Ramsay sure as hell loves to play deadly games - but there is no way Roose is going to let those games stand in the way of house Bolton's interests.

    I don't want to destroy them, I only want Gryff's head, I'd spare Gwyn and Ludd and the other Whitehills.... ...But I don't think we have a choice on this, Ramsey told us Last house standing wins! Otherwise I'll kill you both and be done with it.

  • But I want to cook them, I need lots of butter for my recipe!

  • I need lots of butter for my recipe!

    Your wish is my command.

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But I want to cook them, I need lots of butter for my recipe!

  • I have no wish to hurt Gwyn or Ebbert Whitehill (the brother who is training to become a Maester). Does that count?

  • Wait so you want to hurt Torrhen, a character you've never met?

    Abeille posted: »

    I have no wish to hurt Gwyn or Ebbert Whitehill (the brother who is training to become a Maester). Does that count?

  • No! I forgot about him!

    I don't want to hurt Torrhen either >.<

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Wait so you want to hurt Torrhen, a character you've never met?

  • Of course that counts. Still, you might be forced to, as Torrhen can turn out to want to continue the war after you kill his father (I'm pretty sure, that Gryff's death won't affect him that much, as, judging by what Gwyn said, their relationship is quite shitty).

    Abeille posted: »

    I have no wish to hurt Gwyn or Ebbert Whitehill (the brother who is training to become a Maester). Does that count?

  • If I'm forced to kill Torrhen, I hope I can at least make it quick. Same for Gwyn and Ebbert. I don't like to cause any unnecessary suffering.

    We might also cause his death indirectly. His family's failure might make Roose kill him if he is Roose's ward (I don't remember if this was established in the game, or if we just know he works for the Boltons).

    Krapinka posted: »

    Of course that counts. Still, you might be forced to, as Torrhen can turn out to want to continue the war after you kill his father (I'm pre

  • Don't want to kill em, but they make it soooo damn difficult. They certainly know how to push buttons. After the death of a brother Forrester, idk. How the hell is Gwen gonna explain this one?

  • Why does she has to explain that? She had nothing to do with that.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Don't want to kill em, but they make it soooo damn difficult. They certainly know how to push buttons. After the death of a brother Forrester, idk. How the hell is Gwen gonna explain this one?

  • The whitehills actions are all justifiable.

    I mean, what kind of house doesn't have any bread and salt?

  • ...Bloody amateurs.

    The whitehills actions are all justifiable. I mean, what kind of house doesn't have any bread and salt?

  • edited October 2015

    What if you only want to destroy some of them?

  • I think it might be more then that. You will have the option to kill both of them but if you choose that and be greedy then you will get killed by harys (possibly ?)

    NicWarden posted: »

    I'm 110% sure you'll have to choose between killing Ludd or Gyrff it's a bit of a no brainer everyone wants them both dead but to choose bet

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited October 2015

    I actually have grown to...well respect the Whitehills. They play things smart, way smarter than Forresters. They are working on multiple fronts to bring down their enemies and actualy are able to get what they want,

  • enter image description here

    just gonna leave this here...

  • Oh she's always making excuses for the Whitehill's actions. She wants peace, but after this there can't be a good reason to justify this ambush.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Why does she has to explain that? She had nothing to do with that.

  • Same here, kind of... I wouldn't have felt this way if episode 6 came out right after episode 5, but the wait between the episodes have made me realize it was pretty smart of the Whitehills to lock them in

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I actually have grown to...well respect the Whitehills. They play things smart, way smarter than Forresters. They are working on multiple fronts to bring down their enemies and actualy are able to get what they want,

  • I've had enough of the Whitehill's bullshit. I'm more than ready to wipe them out. If I get the option, I'll allow Gwyn mercy. Provided she causes my family no harm and has no future intent to inflict same.

  • And gather the supportes at King's landing, and plan a spy in forresters house. Let's face it Whitehill are the smarter house here. They are villan-ised for the series but in reality they just look after their interests better.

    Same here, kind of... I wouldn't have felt this way if episode 6 came out right after episode 5, but the wait between the episodes have made me realize it was pretty smart of the Whitehills to lock them in

  • Yes, they are the smarter house. What they are doing is not necessarily honorable, but it is what they need to do to win.

    The only problem I can see with what they are doing is that Ludd might regret not having the Forresters around to extort anymore once he fails to deliver well-crafted ironwood equipment to the Boltons. Oh, and Ludd probably shouldn't have picked a loudmouth like Andros as his exclusive contact in King's Landing. Morgryn was a much better choice (I entered that damn party so sure that Morgryn was the one plotting against the Forresters...).

    Leluch123 posted: »

    And gather the supportes at King's landing, and plan a spy in forresters house. Let's face it Whitehill are the smarter house here. They are villan-ised for the series but in reality they just look after their interests better.

  • Well yeah but I guess if they took Ironwrath they would gain the knowledge how to properly grow the iron wood. But yeah Andros is pretty much undefendable bad call on their part. But still their score is way better than Forresters. By now it 2:0 for Whitehills

    Abeille posted: »

    Yes, they are the smarter house. What they are doing is not necessarily honorable, but it is what they need to do to win. The only proble

  • Totally. Even those mistakes are not deadly mistakes. Nothing is as bad as Rodrik going so carelessly to what he knew would be an ambush.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well yeah but I guess if they took Ironwrath they would gain the knowledge how to properly grow the iron wood. But yeah Andros is pretty muc

  • I actually don't want to kill them since I recognize that they are only small fries. The ones I really want are the Boltons. I wish we'd be able to join an alliance with the Whitehills to take down the Boltons but that's wishful thinking since the Boltons have plot armor. Even if there will ways to do so, it wouldn't make any sense for me spare the whitehills since I saved Asher. My Rodrik did wanted some sort of an alliance with the Whitehills but he is no longer with us, and I have a feeling Asher will just go in gun blazing.

    tl;dr: TTG really want the two houses to fight so I don't see any way around it.

  • Butter Fairy?

    Is that you?!?!?!

    I need lots of butter for my recipe! Your wish is my command.

  • RooseBarstardRooseBarstard Banned
    edited October 2015

    Im going to RAPE them....,Murder them ..... (flying kicks)..... i kill their children

  • Give me Gryff and Harys' heads and I'll be happy.

  • Surely, you've picked the right thread to share your feelings.

    Im going to RAPE them....,Murder them ..... (flying kicks)..... i kill their children

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