A thread for those, who have no wish to destroy house Whitehill.



  • edited October 2015

    I don't want to kill the Whitehills. Trust me, I don't. But after what they did to Asher/Rodrik, my only wish is to have my revenge for messing with the Forresters...

  • Kill'em all.

  • He will be known as Rodrik the-guy-who-knew-about-the-ambush-but-didn't-secure-the-area.

    Abeille posted: »

    Totally. Even those mistakes are not deadly mistakes. Nothing is as bad as Rodrik going so carelessly to what he knew would be an ambush.

  • I'm going to RAPE them

    Don't give me the it's GoT bullshit excuse, you're horrible.

    And I think that you might have misread the thread title.

    Im going to RAPE them....,Murder them ..... (flying kicks)..... i kill their children

  • I doubt he actually means it. He's just quoting The Mountain vs Oberyn Martell.

    I'm going to RAPE them Don't give me the it's GoT bullshit excuse, you're horrible. And I think that you might have misread the thread title.

  • Sounds like a great quote...

    Forsoothe posted: »

    I doubt he actually means it. He's just quoting The Mountain vs Oberyn Martell.

  • A message for all screaming kill Whitehills. Read the goddamn thread title! it's a thread for those who don't want to kill Whilehills!

  • edited October 2015

    They're worth more as allies than they are in a grave. Sure, Gryff has to go, and potentially Ludd if he makes too much trouble. But the Whitehills are sneaky. If that isn't used against us, but rather in our favour, than that is worth more than the short satisfaction of killing them. Also, one of the brothers is studying to become a Maester, so he must be wiser than Gryff and probably Ludd.

    If we're actually in a position to decide over the fate of House Whitehill, we must have some kind of army that can actually make these threats threatening and not just empty talk. So, if he is wise, he'll try and tell his brother (aka new Lord Whitehill) to stand down and cooperate with the Forresters.

  • Thank you!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    A message for all screaming kill Whitehills. Read the goddamn thread title! it's a thread for those who don't want to kill Whilehills!

  • What I want is for Gryff to die. After that I want Ludd to step down and I plan to make peace with Tohren Whitehill. I'm going out on a limb here but I believe Tohren is going to make an appearance either during episode 6 or next season and he'll be more like Gwyn. Think about it, he's most likely named after Tohren Stark, the king that knelt. He did that to reach a peace and prevent war with Agean the Conquerer. I believe that Tohren Whitehill will similarly reach a peace agreement with Rodrik or Asher. I think this could be a fun alternate ending instead of killing every Whitehill and sacking Highpoint

  • edited October 2015

    Cool, been waiting for a thread like this to crop up. Been feeling like I'm one of the only ones not wanting a bloodbath.

    I've got lots of reasons for not wanting to exterminate the Whitehills, first and foremost, there are good people among them, the most obvious one being Gwyn who has tried several times to help or shown that she's not some heartless bitch like others want to believe. plus, I'm sure there are other blood-relatives of the Whitehills at Highpoint too and I'm just not okay committing genocide on a bloodline for a couple faulty individuals.

    Then there's also the chance that if we succeed and overthrow the Whitehill's control, we can combine their house into ours. There's a huge benefit yet unseen and a loophole to Ramsay's orders. He wants only one house remaining, we can do that while only killing a few. Again, by absorbing Whitehill's lands/people into the Forrester's, we gain more craftsmen to help in the production of Ironwood products, our forces our doubled, and if done correctly the peace once had before can be rekindled. So in this way, the least amount of blood is shed, Ramsay's demands are still met since house Forrester is the only one remaining plus the Bolton's get their Ironwood stuff just like they want, and this causes the least chance of retaliation from the other Whitehill brother serving with the Bolton's.

    Mind you, I do believe wholeheartedly that certain people do need to die and the two most important figures that need to be dealt with in my eyes are Ludd and Harys (Keep in mind I'm expecting we're going to have to chose which Whitehill we kill, not both). Ludd's the head obviously so just like a snake we'll deal with that and Harys is too sadistic and has his roots planted too deep in with the Whitehills that even if we got him alive somehow, he'd undoubtedly cause problems in one fashion or another.

    And while Gryff is still a potential threat in this outcome, it's a very minuscule threat since he's lost his; family, house, soldiers, money, and any power he may have once had. He'd be smart to just disappear in this instance.

  • The whitehills will never stop trying to kill us if we let them live, so just gut them like pigs and be done with it . It's like the Starks letting the boltons stay around after they bent the knee, just to only overthrow them eventually when the right time came and it did .

  • No problem m8

    Krapinka posted: »

    Thank you!

  • Roose again, keep it clean.

    Im going to RAPE them....,Murder them ..... (flying kicks)..... i kill their children

  • Same I want them weak if possible vassals of House Forrester but Harys has got to go and Gryffs garrison their dicks, but Gryff, Ludd and Gwyn can control their house under Forrester rule

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I don't want to kill the Whitehills. Trust me, I don't. But after what they did to Asher/Rodrik, my only wish is to have my revenge for messing with the Forresters...

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