Telltale's downfall?



  • edited October 2015

    here we are to nitpicking thread no. 1—— gah! dont mind that shit.

  • Telltale is not really in the position to have a downfall. They were and are making okayish games with the one exception that was TWD1.

  • Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean?

    rousseau posted: »

    Telltale is not really in the position to have a downfall. They were and are making okayish games with the one exception that was TWD1.

  • So cute new avatar ^.^

    Green613 posted: »

    Opinions, opinions....

  • User Scores are significantly WORSE.

    Episode 5

    Metascore: 7.4 Userscore: 6.7

    So you're right. Critic scores are not indicative of quality. GoT was WORSE than the critics thought!

    I think you missed my point when I said

    Overall, what matters most is how much you individually enjoy the episode.

    Obviously, you don't enjoy the episode and neither do some of the user reviewers on those sites. That's fine, but one game getting some "C"/"70" reviews while other recent games like Wolf, Borderlands, etc get high reviews is hardly any indication of failure, nor should reviews act as the only metric of whether or not a company is going through a "downfall."

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Game critic reviews aren't always an indication of quality. Fortunately, those aren't just game critic reviews. User Scores are s

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean?

    Of course those games are only "okay", they aren't Walking Dead! Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking Dead is automatically a waste of Telltale's time!

    EDIT: In retrospect, I can see how this post seemed aimed at rousseau as a rude response, but it was mainly meant as a joke about a vocal miniority of people who said comments insinuating things like that when Wolf/Borderlands/Thrones were announced, only for them to later change their mind once they played the game. I just wanted to clarify that since I'm now looking back and seeing how this could be taken in a different way then I intended.

    Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean?

  • Neil's look says it all. At this point, why even bother explaining the obvious lack of logic with this thread?

    Some of these threads, I swear...

  • enter image description here

    rousseau posted: »

    Telltale is not really in the position to have a downfall. They were and are making okayish games with the one exception that was TWD1.

  • it helps with their argument. That's it. Metacritic clearly indicates this isn't a bad score.

    Deltino posted: »

    A seventy is considered a "C" average. That's bad. This is something that I never quite understood about the games industry: why is

  • No. But congrats on being able to unconditionally love a video game company. Where would certain game developers be without their faithful base of fanboys?

    Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean?

  • Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking Dead is automatically a waste of Telltale's time!

    Actually more a waste of my time, since TT has shown that they can't quite repeat what they have done with TWD1. Not even within the same franchise.

    Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean? Of course those games are only "okay", they a

  • Wow... "you like certain games so you must love this company unconditionally, fanboy!"

    enter image description here

    Lobsters, man... I swear.

    rousseau posted: »

    No. But congrats on being able to unconditionally love a video game company. Where would certain game developers be without their faithful base of fanboys?

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Borderlands did good :P

    XD you took telltales best reviewed game and compared it with it's worse reviewed game this is top class trolling

    My fav was TWD s1 out of all telltales games tbh because it had the most gameplay and other fun little elements in gameplay.

    I think telltale will rise again they are an awesome company and made TWD season 1 with a budget of just 400,000 dollars now they have unlimited funds of course they will strike gold soon in gaming they got great writers and innovative games. I think the opposite this is just the beginning.

  • How rude of me to assume someone called "aManWhoLovesTelltale" - whose post implies that he loves all of Telltale's recent games - is a fan of said company. Because calling someone a fan is certainly among the worst things to say.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Wow... "you like certain games so you must love this company unconditionally, fanboy!" Lobsters, man... I swear.

  • Rise again? They haven't fallen... like, at all. I'm sure they're sales are great. And when Minecraft hits... how can they rise again if they haven't fallen and are bigger than ever?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Borderlands did good :P XD you took telltales best reviewed game and compared it with it's worse reviewed game this is top class trolling

  • Sales don't judge quality COD sales more then any game doesn't mean they are the best game. I still think TWD s1 was their best game in terms of gameplay which is my fav telltale game.

    Minecraft will sell no matter how good the game is because of the franchise it's using

    That's just my opinion

    I think Tales of the Borderlands was awesome though I don't think they have fallen but will rise to a level higher then they ever reached soon :)

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Rise again? They haven't fallen... like, at all. I'm sure they're sales are great. And when Minecraft hits... how can they rise again if they haven't fallen and are bigger than ever?

  • edited October 2015

    But aren't a Critic's ratings and reviews for games just their somehow 'professional' opinion? Besides it varies evidently.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I'll agree with you that Season 2 wasn't as strong as Season 1, but I've personally enjoyed Wolf very greatly and lots of other people say they think Borderlands is just as good - if not, better than Season 1 of Walking Dead. Expecting every single game after Walking Dead: Season 1 to resonate on that exact same level is a bit unreasonable, but that doesn't make anything else they've done after inherently bad just because it didn't reach the same height of Season 1. Ultimately, it really just boils down to personal preference.

    rousseau posted: »

    Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking Dead is automatically a waste of Telltale's time! Actually

  • Why would I name myself aManWhoLovesTelltale for no reason? I love them for their games, work and behavior.

    P.S: still better to be a fanboy than a hateboy

    rousseau posted: »

    How rude of me to assume someone called "aManWhoLovesTelltale" - whose post implies that he loves all of Telltale's recent games - is a fan of said company. Because calling someone a fan is certainly among the worst things to say.

  • They are just opinions. Opinions sometimes dumb, opinions sometimes awesome. What I say is that everyone should play the games and see for themselves than base their opinion on opinions of other people.

    deep shit, I know...

    prink34320 posted: »

    But aren't a Critic's ratings and reviews for games just their somehow 'professional' opinion? Besides it varies evidently.

  • What kind of repeat do you want from Telltale? The emotional-heavy moments? The dark and pragmatic choices? Do you want them to make the same game over and over again? To me, it sounds very boring and uninspiring. I would rather have Telltale explore and do new things rather than make the same thing over and over again.

    Instead of judging every new Telltale Games on the merits of The Walking Dead Season 1, you should judge the new games on their own merits. And I love The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones by Telltale, because they are doing and trying something new and they all have their strengths and weakness. They aren't the same as The Walking Dead Season 1 and they shouldn't be.

    rousseau posted: »

    Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking Dead is automatically a waste of Telltale's time! Actually

  • unconditionally love a video game company

    Huh...It's almost like were on this site because we love Telltale games, weird....

  • Don't take what he says too personally, he's not even a real fan of TellTale and yet he continues to stick around and criticize, criticize, criticize.

    Why would I name myself aManWhoLovesTelltale for no reason? I love them for their games, work and behavior. P.S: still better to be a fanboy than a hateboy

  • Yes, there are certain elements in a game that work for one person and don't convince another. Things like humour or emotional moments will never reach all players in the same way and it's futile to argue about it. But equally there are things one can discuss about in an objective way. Unbelievable plot twists, lacking dialogue choices, uninspired gameplay etc. But if it satisfies you imagine a IMO ahead of everything I say (not directed at you specifically).

    And as I said, their games have been okay (not 'inherently bad'). But I've got neither time nor will to play okay games and it kinda hurts to see they don't show any development. However, I still hold out hope that one of their future games will captivate me like Walking Dead did.

    I'll agree with you that Season 2 wasn't as strong as Season 1, but I've personally enjoyed Wolf very greatly and lots of other people say t

  • With 'repeat what they have done with TWD' I meant a game that tells an intense and consistent story and a plot that follows the characters not the other way round, ideally without gaping plotholes and derailed character behaviour. Plus (and I know this forum hates it when someone mentions this) tough choices and decisions that actually change something.

    What kind of repeat do you want from Telltale? The emotional-heavy moments? The dark and pragmatic choices? Do you want them to make the sam

  • You know that you just confirmed what I was saying previously?

    Why would I name myself aManWhoLovesTelltale for no reason? I love them for their games, work and behavior. P.S: still better to be a fanboy than a hateboy

  • And I never said something negative about that. Fanboys are important to carry a company over a period of stagnation.

    unconditionally love a video game company Huh...It's almost like were on this site because we love Telltale games, weird....

  • Well I think that everything aftee TWD1 is better than TWD1, especially TWAU and TFTB

    TWD1 was boring and didnt have any interesting characters (except for Lee and Clem) until the final few scenes of episode 5 in my opinion.

    I feel like Telltale is improving. I would rank the newer games like this
    TFTB > TWAU > GoT > TWD2 > TWD1
  • Alright then, mate, you have your standards and I have mine. I hope that there will be games that lives up to your expectation. Meanwhile, I will enjoy mine.
    rousseau posted: »

    With 'repeat what they have done with TWD' I meant a game that tells an intense and consistent story and a plot that follows the characters

  • I'd love tough choices and decisions that have an actual effect on the story too, but that wouldn't be repeating what they did with The Walking Dead: Season One. That season was a bit uneven when it came to choices and interaction as it was Telltale's first real foray at a choices and consequences game.

    Season One definitely wasn't perfect. It started off with high hopes with puzzles, downtime in episodes with areas to explore, and choices that seemed to effect the story such as choosing who lives and who dies. Plus, they had the right idea in adding in direct controlled action instead of just quick time events in the gun fighting scenes. But, as the season went on, the choices became less important to the story beyond choices that determine how people view Lee as a person, the puzzles became non-existant, and the action was confined solely to quick time events.

    Interestingly, a lot of this seems to be addressed in Minecraft: Story Mode, of all games (direct action in the form of actual fighting with a hit counter instead of quick time events, combining objects to craft items, and even some puzzles, plus more than one area that works as a hub, where you have downtime and can explore, and examine and interact with objects and characters).
    rousseau posted: »

    With 'repeat what they have done with TWD' I meant a game that tells an intense and consistent story and a plot that follows the characters

  • House Telltale shall never fall!

    Remember our house words, children.

    For they shall guide you well...


  • I think GoT has been very medicore (full of wasted potential) but they still have Borderlands so I think talking about their "downfall" is a bit extreme

  • edited October 2015

    'repeat what they have done with TWD'

    tough choices and decisions that actually change something.

    Did you get a special version of TWD S1 or something? Because I don't remember that at all.

    rousseau posted: »

    With 'repeat what they have done with TWD' I meant a game that tells an intense and consistent story and a plot that follows the characters

  • Nothing wrong with unconditional love.

    Why would I name myself aManWhoLovesTelltale for no reason? I love them for their games, work and behavior. P.S: still better to be a fanboy than a hateboy

  • edited October 2015

    I love how the OP pretends that "Tales from the Borderlands" doesn't exist lol

    Tales from the Borderlands is great game and is one of Telltale's best and most consistent series since Walked Dead Season 1

    The Truth is Telltale is not having Downfall but their Game of thrones game is just OK and it is getting ok reviews

    It's a decent game but nothing special

    It just proves that not even Telltale can "Hit it out of the park" all the time ( Their Jurassic park game showed us that)

  • I'll agree Game of Thrones is just okay compared to TWAU and TWD S1. I don't particularly care for TFTB and think GOT is a lot better in contrary of what many forum users think but yes 2015 hasn't been a very spectacular year for Telltale but if they took more time and worked on a one game per year quota like they did with TWD S1 they would without a doubt be able to recreate that magic. I think TWAU and TWD S2 (especially) suffered from rushed writing and less structure (even though TWAU was far more organized and structured than S2 imo) and with Telltale rushing to shove so many games out at once (GOT, TFTB, MCSM, TWD:MS) I feel like their games this year have not been all they could have been if they were given a year to be worked on. Telltale's writers are overworked and should work at a slower pace

  • cough Meatlocker Choice cough but I guess this is opinionated

    Green613 posted: »

    'repeat what they have done with TWD' tough choices and decisions that actually change something. Did you get a special version of TWD S1 or something? Because I don't remember that at all.

  • You see, the wasted potential is what really annoys me regarding GoT. But it is not a bad game, IMO. It got me obsessing over the same characters for months, after all.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I think GoT has been very medicore (full of wasted potential) but they still have Borderlands so I think talking about their "downfall" is a bit extreme

  • What about the scores of Wolf Among Us or Tales From the Borderlands. Those have pretty good scores on Metacritic. I hardly call that a downfall.

This discussion has been closed.