The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Because families are crazy. But you still have over a month why you worrying already?

    Why does Thanksgiving have to be so stressful? -_-

  • Because in Canada, Thanksgiving is tomorrow haha

    Because families are crazy. But you still have over a month why you worrying already?

  • Oh lol. Different Thanksgiving.

    Because in Canada, Thanksgiving is tomorrow haha

  • There's no thanksgiving here, so I have no idea what it's about. I think it involves turkey?...

    Why does Thanksgiving have to be so stressful? -_-

  • Yep, turkey and lots of other kinds of food. It's a really big thing here. Lots of family coming over and stuff like that ^-^

    There's no thanksgiving here, so I have no idea what it's about. I think it involves turkey?...

  • What does it celebrate though? The all mighty god turkey?

    Yep, turkey and lots of other kinds of food. It's a really big thing here. Lots of family coming over and stuff like that ^-^

  • I think it's the celebration of the harvest. It's also a time where you give thanks to the things in your life (even though you should do that everyday but eh).

    What does it celebrate though? The all mighty god turkey?

  • edited October 2015

    Makes sense, I guess.

    I think it's the celebration of the harvest. It's also a time where you give thanks to the things in your life (even though you should do that everyday but eh).

  • Happy birthday and may the saltlick be with you
    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well It's my Birthday today and Walking Dead Season 6 Premieres tonight soooooo GET ON MY LEVEL

  • There is.

    And I'll have to do trial n' error with everything :P

    kaleion posted: »

    That sucks, I wouldn't really know though, but that sounds like a lot of files to check. Are there community sites for stuff like this? P

  • My family actually went to a buffet to celebrate Thanksgiving early, we all sorta felt lazy, so we went out to eat. We all had a good time, me and my uncle (named after him) were actually the least talkative (I was too into the food lol, but my uncle was always a quiet person, strangely we have a lot of notable similarities, and we're not even blood-related).

    Yep, turkey and lots of other kinds of food. It's a really big thing here. Lots of family coming over and stuff like that ^-^

  • Lucky. I spent all day yesterday cooking :(

    It's not even 9 o'clock and I'm already starving just thinking about everything in the fridge.

    My family actually went to a buffet to celebrate Thanksgiving early, we all sorta felt lazy, so we went out to eat. We all had a good time,

  • Yeah, that tasty, smooth, delicate ice. And those crunchy cases, tainted with the cold. So good.

    Lucky. I spent all day yesterday cooking :( It's not even 9 o'clock and I'm already starving just thinking about everything in the fridge.

  • Fridge, not freezer lol.

    Yeah, that tasty, smooth, delicate ice. And those crunchy cases, tainted with the cold. So good.

  • enter image description here

    Fridge, not freezer lol.

  • It seems like the forums are spazzing out again... Or is it just me?...
  • It's not just you. The website has some issues again...

    I hope they'll be fixed soon...

    It seems like the forums are spazzing out again... Or is it just me?...

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Please come back memes :'/

    edit: aww yisss working again

  • enter image description here

    And they don't freeze and load fast when their on that setting my feel :P

    that feel when those certain types of videos are in 720p60HD

  • Damn, just you? I thought you'd mighta get some help from someone else too.

    If I were you, I'd probably make a sandwich lol (although, I'm late on the reply so maybe you already did.)

    Lucky. I spent all day yesterday cooking :( It's not even 9 o'clock and I'm already starving just thinking about everything in the fridge.

  • Yeah, just me. I do everything around here.

    However I prefer it that way because I make the best pies ever.

    Damn, just you? I thought you'd mighta get some help from someone else too. If I were you, I'd probably make a sandwich lol (although, I'm late on the reply so maybe you already did.)

  • I just realized i have to wake up in 5 hours instead of 9..

  • edited October 2015

    ._. Dayum. That would probably kill the back a bit.

    But, at least you're able to enjoy yourself after going through the hardwork. :) If I were asked to make a pie, I'd be standing there unsure what to do. lol I'm better at home cooking over baking.

    Yeah, just me. I do everything around here. However I prefer it that way because I make the best pies ever.

  • cum back memes :'^(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Please come back memes :'/ edit: aww yisss working again

  • Did you guys hear that @OfficialSheriffMaybe sent a weird gif to @Eryka ?

  • Yes, I heard

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you guys hear that @OfficialSheriffMaybe sent a weird gif to @Eryka ?

  • edited October 2015

    No, I have not heard this before

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you guys hear that @OfficialSheriffMaybe sent a weird gif to @Eryka ?

  • Who's @Eryka?

    No, I have not heard this before

  • I dunno, she must be a new user.

    Eryka posted: »

    Who's @Eryka?

  • Her Avatar is ugly af

    I dunno, she must be a new user.

  • edited October 2015

    Shhh! You're offending the maker of it @kawaiii

    Eryka posted: »

    Her Avatar is ugly af

  • I thought the maker was @ABigBadWolf

    Shhh! You're offending the maker of it @kawaiii

  • It wasn't me, she just spammed pages and pages of that picture in PM.

    Eryka posted: »

    I thought the maker was @ABigBadWolf

  • Liar!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It wasn't me, she just spammed pages and pages of that picture in PM.

  • nice

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    So I just woke up to find out that all of my quails had been slaughtered by one fucking rat.

  • I came up with the idea but I didn't edit that.

    Eryka posted: »


  • Dojo, you're like putting bait outside of the cave and they're coming out of their natural habitat. They're going to need a tasty non-shipper sacrifice.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you guys hear that @OfficialSheriffMaybe sent a weird gif to @Eryka ?

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    I'm active on all the forums but I'm active on TFTBL forum slightly more

    Dojo, you're like putting bait outside of the cave and they're coming out of their natural habitat. They're going to need a tasty non-shipper sacrifice.

  • No i didn't, please tell me more.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you guys hear that @OfficialSheriffMaybe sent a weird gif to @Eryka ?

  • Ayy goyim, that's Fiona Sandler?

    Eryka posted: »


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