Telltale's downfall?



  • I was more talking about the decisions that actually change something, It's been a while since I played but last I remember that choice doesn't have much affect beyond a few changes in dialogue through till episode 3 (and that one time Lilly/Kenny helps or doesn't help Lee)

    Clemenem posted: »

    cough Meatlocker Choice cough but I guess this is opinionated

  • Are you refering to tough choices or decisions that had an effect? Former is pretty subjective, not really interesting here, latter would be e.g. the Carley/Doug and the meat locker choice and generally Lee's behaviour towards the rest of the group.

    Green613 posted: »

    'repeat what they have done with TWD' tough choices and decisions that actually change something. Did you get a special version of TWD S1 or something? Because I don't remember that at all.

  • Tough choices IMO are a given for any Telltale game, so, I was talking about decisions that have an actual affect on the outcome of the game. Out of all of those, Carley/Doug is the only one I see that has an actual significant impact on the game, and that only really occurs in episode 3 till one of them gets the boot. Other than that, everything else is really just slight dialogue changes, decisions that many would actually expect to change the games outcome don't really change anything, e.g. Lee's arm, taking from the strangers car (this one I'm REALLY looking at), and saving Shawn or Duck. Overall, I feel Tales from The Borderlands has exceeded TWD in this aspect which IMO isn't really that hard to do.
    rousseau posted: »

    Are you refering to tough choices or decisions that had an effect? Former is pretty subjective, not really interesting here, latter would be e.g. the Carley/Doug and the meat locker choice and generally Lee's behaviour towards the rest of the group.

  • it helps with their argument. That's it. Metacritic clearly indicates this isn't a bad score.

    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    The entire gaming review system is based on grade school.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    it helps with their argument. That's it. Metacritic clearly indicates this isn't a bad score.

  • edited October 2015

    That's fine, but one game getting some "C"/"70" reviews while other recent games like Wolf, Borderlands, etc get high reviews is hardly any indication of failure

    It's a huge indicator of failed writing. The entire episode... gosh it was bad. It could have been so good if they had only given it some more polish. They were clearly just rushing to release to meet a deadline while they focused their real energy on Borderlands.

    It's a big indicator of a business failing when it overstretches its capability. They can clearly only work on one title at a time without the second being hurt by it. Either that, or the GoT writer had a stroke, quit mid-project, or some reasoning where some amateur had to replace him/them.

    Obviously, you don't enjoy the episode and neither do some of the user reviewers on those sites.

    Or anyone with taste.

    You literally cannot ignore the massive plot hole and logical inconsistencies of the Traitor being the non-sentinel. There is no explanation.

    You can love everything else about that episode, and the Traitor plot hole doesn't have to ruin everything for everyone, sure.

    You'd have to suspend logic itself to believe it. Not that it can't be done, but that's asking a lot. It's worse writing than an amateur high school student could do.

    As for everything else, sure that's fine. You can suspend disbelief and make enough assumptions to rationalize the finale end (the ambush plot hole). That's at least reasonable to do. It can be done.

    The Traitor though... man...

    User Scores are significantly WORSE. Episode 5 Metascore: 7.4 Userscore: 6.7 So you're right. Critic scores are not ind

  • It doesn't have to be the company's financial downfall.

    It can be the downfall of their quality.

    Although I'd only agree it's the downfall of their clear inability to work on two projects simultaneously. They need to stick with just the one.

    Crips posted: »

    cough cough If one game happens to be slightly worse while another one being released at the same time is gaining much better scores doesn't mean it's a company's downfall and I think you contradict yourself! cough cough Sorry, caught a cold.

  • Telltale still consider this game a huge success

    Just because it was a financial success, doesn't mean it betters the gaming world.

    That E5... totally ruined the entire series for me. It was so amazing 1-4 too...

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    no Telltale still consider this game a huge success so no also i love this game, far more than other certain ones, but i won't be naming anything

  • All I see are people nitpicking the OP of threads like this. The OP doesn't nitpick, the commenters do.

    here we are to nitpicking thread no. 1—— gah! dont mind that shit.

  • Of course those games are only "okay", they aren't Walking Dead! Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking Dead is automatically a waste of Telltale's time!

    He never said it's a waste of their time.

    He stated that they have always made "okay" games and will continue to do so. TWD S1 was just an exception to that.

    I know you're a moderator, so clearly you will be greatly biased in favor of defending TellTale, but don't just go making stuff up childishly. He never even implied what you're saying.

    Except for The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones you mean? Of course those games are only "okay", they a

  • Expecting every single game after Walking Dead: Season 1 to resonate on that exact same level is a bit unreasonable

    It's unreasonable to expect a developer to learn from their mistakes instead of creating new ones?

    Absolutely ridiculous.

    Also Wolf & GoT are both said to have horrible plot holes in their next-to-last episodes. (Idk which one Wolf is, but I read that one toward the end had a horrible plothole that almost ruined it for the person.)

    Borderlands definitely looks like it's going to be considered one of their best. That's good.

    However it's not unreasonable to expect a company to get BETTER at making games, rather than being the same ("Okay" with an occasional "good") for their entirety.

    I'll agree with you that Season 2 wasn't as strong as Season 1, but I've personally enjoyed Wolf very greatly and lots of other people say t

  • Unbelievable plot twists, lacking dialogue choices, uninspired gameplay etc.

    Great point.

    It seems as though TellTale hasn't learned any of their past mistakes. They most likely just get lucky enough to not create massive plot holes in TWD S1 and Borderlands.

    We all need to remember that this is, after all, a capitalist company. They almost certainly prioritize a profit motive over pushing out quality for the sake of quality. In other words: Profit Motive > Quality. Even if they do try for quality, it is not enough sometimes as can be seen in E5 of GoT where they clearly rushed it out without caring that it was actually good. (It has more signs of being rushed than just plot holes. It being the shortest and worst episode is very telling. They are a business, and game developers have deadlines. If they don't push back those deadlines, which they clearly didn't want to, then they release crappier, unpolished games with more plot holes.)

    Or perhaps GoT E5 suffered from a problem with an employee. It's real life people, after all. For all we know someone got incredibly sick with the swine flu or had a car accident and couldn't finish work.

    Something is going on at TellTale's headquarters. E5 was rushed out unfinished, and E6 is taking twice as long to release as all other episodes. That means some that most likely some corporate/employee drama happened. Perhaps they had a plot twist of their own.

    rousseau posted: »

    Yes, there are certain elements in a game that work for one person and don't convince another. Things like humour or emotional moments will

  • Do you want them to make the same game over and over again?

    No, but unfortunately that seems to be what they are doing.

    What kind of repeat do you want from Telltale? The emotional-heavy moments? The dark and pragmatic choices? Do you want them to make the sam

  • I'd love tough choices and decisions that have an actual effect on the story too, but that wouldn't be repeating what they did with The Walking Dead: Season One. T

    No, but it WOULD BE a good start to go in the direction of "Doing the same thing over and over and over."

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'd love tough choices and decisions that have an actual effect on the story too, but that wouldn't be repeating what they did with The Walk

  • That comment wasn't directed towards him, but rather people that actually did have that mindset when each respective game was announced. Each time, there was a vocal minority of people hating the game literally by virtue of it not being Walking Dead. Still, though, point taken.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Of course those games are only "okay", they aren't Walking Dead! Anybody with half a brain knows that any Telltale game that isn't Walking D

  • No. But congrats on being able to unconditionally love a video game company. Where would certain game developers be without their faithful base of fanboys?

    Don't waste your time with these people. They are mindless morons who literally unconditionally love a video game company for no reason other than they like their games.

    TellTale probably isn't even their favorite game company. I'd hate to see how irrational they'd become if we attacked their favorite.

    From what I seem to understand, a lot of people seem to perceive reality in these irrational white/black perceptions. They do not understand how multiple things can be true simultaneous (grey areas, such as TellTale making good games but having its undeniable flaws too.) They can't handle criticism because they are too emotionally attached to company...(sounds really weird when you say it out loud. Wtf is wrong with these people?)

    However they exist everywhere.

    You will even have people defending evil corporations that destroy our environment or treat others horrendously.

    You will even have people defending rapists, or people who love Hitler.

    The world is really weird sometimes, and very very irrational for a large portion of society. I honestly don't really know why people do this. Why people have irrational attachments to video game companies.

    rousseau posted: »

    No. But congrats on being able to unconditionally love a video game company. Where would certain game developers be without their faithful base of fanboys?

  • The irony is lost on him. The irony is also lost on shellturtleguy too.

    After all... you aren't even a real fan!

    rousseau posted: »

    You know that you just confirmed what I was saying previously?

  • ...of a corporation?


    WTF is with people who can't differentiate between a Corporation and a Person?

    Corporations are not people.

    I will never understand all you pro-corp types. The irrational thought processes boggle my mind. I can't comprehend such insanity.

    KCohere posted: »

    Nothing wrong with unconditional love.

  • I'll agree the traitor storyline would've been better with the Maester in my personal opinion, but that doesn't ruin the Season as a whole for me.

    Either that, or the GoT writer had a stroke, quit mid-project, or some reasoning where some amateur had to replace him/them.

    I believe a few directors and various writers work on different episodes within a Season. Not each episode is made by the same director/lead writers, but some episodes do share directors/writers though.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    That's fine, but one game getting some "C"/"70" reviews while other recent games like Wolf, Borderlands, etc get high reviews is hardly any

  • Minecraft will sell no matter how good the game is because of the franchise it's using. That's just my opinion

    That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

    The Walking Dead
    Game of Thrones
    Jurassic Park
    Back to the Future

    TellTale picks these very specifically BECAUSE they are huge IP's.

    Without these IP's, the games would not sell anywhere near as well. Especially before TellTale becomes well known. It's thanks to these IP's and their marketing prowess that TellTale is such a successful company.

    It's also why we will almost certainly see only popular IP's or very strong niche IP's in all their future games. (Don't ever expect to see an original work again. These famous IP's give them tons of bank.)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sales don't judge quality COD sales more then any game doesn't mean they are the best game. I still think TWD s1 was their best game in term

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    (Don't ever expect to see an original work again. These famous IP's give them tons of bank.)

    ...but they do have an original IP coming in 2016, that also gets its own TV show.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Minecraft will sell no matter how good the game is because of the franchise it's using. That's just my opinion That's not an opinion

  • Not at all deep. That's the opposite of deep.

    What I say is that everyone should play the games and see for themselves than base their opinion on opinions of other people.

    You do realize that the entire point of many types of reviews is to read about it BEFORE purchasing...right?

    That's like telling someone to just mindlessly purchase a product before reading a review, then base their opinion on what they read after the fact.

    In fact...if the "review" is meant to be read AFTER the player played the's not really a review as much as it is a DISCUSSION.

    They are just opinions. Opinions sometimes dumb, opinions sometimes awesome. What I say is that everyone should play the games and see for themselves than base their opinion on opinions of other people. deep shit, I know...

  • They've already confirmed that they're making an original IP.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Minecraft will sell no matter how good the game is because of the franchise it's using. That's just my opinion That's not an opinion

  • Huh...It's almost like were on this site because we love Telltale games, weird....

    What does a love for their games have anything to do with a mindless love for the company?

    Also, what does a love for their games have anything to do with complete and utter denial of all flaws and imperfections?

    A true fan will find all their games to be imperfect, because they believe TellTale can work with their mistakes to make something better...and better...and better.

    They are here to criticize because they love the games, and want them to be better.

    People who mindlessly defend a corporation and thus become IRRATIONAL while doing so? That is bad. Bad for the game, bad for that person, bad for society.

    There is nothing wrong with simultaneously believing that TellTale is awesome most of the time AND sucks sometimes. Something doesn't have to be absolutely perfect to like it.

    Too many people in these forums think in black/white. You either LOVE all of TellTale's games or you HATE them. They see rousseau doesn't LOVE them unconditionally, so they assume he is hating on them. It's incredibly irrational. It's just plain stupid. That's the very definition of MINDLESS.

    unconditionally love a video game company Huh...It's almost like were on this site because we love Telltale games, weird....

  • edited October 2015

    Oh for god's sake man, you are taking this way too seriously. Or are you just determined to try to beat down everyone's posts?

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    ...of a corporation? Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! WTF is with people who can't differentiate between a Corporation and a Person? Corp

  • edited October 2015

    I thought their GoT game was absolutely FANTASTIC E1-E4.

    It was E5, which was so horrible that it literally ruined the entire franchise.

    If E5 was anywhere as awesome as E1-E4, and perhaps if they also got rid of Ramsey and replaced him with an original character, then it might be my favorite even above The Walking Dead Season 1.

    E5 was just so bad, so full of plot holes, that it literally ruined everything leading up to it. I can't really see how E6 will redeem it. It was that bad.

    At least with TWD Season 2, there were few major plot holes (basically Luke), and those that existed didn't ruin the experience. After Luke's death, you could just pretend he never existed and continue on with a great finale.

    E5 was so bad, even the good parts suffered for it. (I know that if they polished it and didn't rush E5 to meet their deadline, ALL the episode would be better. Including the amazing parts. It would also be longer.)

    Clemenem posted: »

    I'll agree Game of Thrones is just okay compared to TWAU and TWD S1. I don't particularly care for TFTB and think GOT is a lot better in con

  • It's unreasonable to expect a developer to learn from their mistakes instead of creating new ones?

    I meant more in terms of emotional resonance. Not every single title is going to have a story as deep and resonating as Season 1 of Walking Dead. It doesn't mean the following games are mediocre, it just means that Season 1 set a high standard.

    Also Wolf & GoT are both said to have horrible plot holes in their next-to-last episodes. (Idk which one Wolf is, but I read that one toward the end had a horrible plothole that almost ruined it for the person.)

    Have you played Wolf or are you speaking from hearsay? I don't recall any plotholes in Wolf.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Expecting every single game after Walking Dead: Season 1 to resonate on that exact same level is a bit unreasonable It's unreasonabl

  • edited October 2015

    I just heard about Wolf, but GoT E5 was so bad that it ruined the entire series for me.

    I thought GoT E1 - E4 was so good that I almost certainly would have loved it MORE THAN TWD S1. And that is one of my favorite games of all time.

    So you can see how horrible I think it is that TellTale made E5 and had these incredible plot holes. Not just that, but an obviously rushed product. Just unacceptable.

    If E5 didn't exist, they never had any plot holes, and they changed a few things (got rid of Ramsey's Plot armor or got rid of Ramsey entirely and replaced him with an original character that we grew to hate) then it would have been one of my favorite games of all time.

    After E5, it has become one of my least favorites. That's how bad that Traitor plothole was for me. That's how illogical the ambush was. That's how bad the decisions were.

    All that story, all the plot, all that game- ruined... in only an hour, because it was the shortest episode of all time.

    It's unreasonable to expect a developer to learn from their mistakes instead of creating new ones? I meant more in terms of emotiona

  • edited October 2015

    It's literally like writing the best of novels with a huge amount of plot leading up to this ultimate climax where the viewer/reader is on edge and then ending it with

    "And they all died because the entire world was exploded. Then God came down, surprisingly looking just like Jimmy Carter but with Morgan Freeman's voice, and then said "I haz hamburgers." THE END." - George R. R. Martin.

    Then later in an interview:

    "So...what happened to the White Walkers? The Dragons? The Lannisters? The Starks?" and having him reply "They died in the explosion. I haz hamburgers, DUH!"

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I just heard about Wolf, but GoT E5 was so bad that it ruined the entire series for me. I thought GoT E1 - E4 was so good that I almost c

  • E5 was just so bad, so full of plot holes, that it literally ruined everything leading up to it.

    I didn't think the flaws in Episode 5 were that bad so as to retroactively ruin the whole Season, but maybe that's just my opinion. Still, though, that mindset seems a bit extreme.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I thought their GoT game was absolutely FANTASTIC E1-E4. It was E5, which was so horrible that it literally ruined the entire franchise.

  • LOL, wow... that logic...

    You simultaneously say that it's just your/my opinion, implying everyone has their own opinion, and then deem my opinion as wrong (extreme). Well done.

    The reality is I just probably have better taste than you. That's my opinion anyway. To each their own. You think I'm extremist, I think you have bad taste. To each their own right? ;)

    E5 was just so bad, so full of plot holes, that it literally ruined everything leading up to it. I didn't think the flaws in Episode

  • edited October 2015

    I'm taking people seriously when they act irrational like mindless sheep?

    You're almost certainly right. I guess that's why I forgot to add a joke. Oh wait...


    KCohere posted: »

    Oh for god's sake man, you are taking this way too seriously. Or are you just determined to try to beat down everyone's posts?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I think you are misunderstanding me. I wasn't saying or implying I looked down on you for your opinion, as you are welcome to have your opinion. Yes, I was saying I personally think it's a bit extreme to let one plot point taint your view of the game to such a degree, but I didn't say so with the intended implication that you were lesser for holding such an opinion. Sorry if it came off that way.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    LOL, wow... that logic... You simultaneously say that it's just your/my opinion, implying everyone has their own opinion, and then deem m

  • Could you please take your toxic and malevolent comments out of here? You're in no way better than any of us here and your opinion is not the "Right Opinion" .

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    LOL, wow... that logic... You simultaneously say that it's just your/my opinion, implying everyone has their own opinion, and then deem m

  • Guys please just

    enter image description here

    Already. -_-

  • They already aren't doing the same thing over and over. Minecraft: Story Mode is a really different experience from any Telltale game that came before it, simply because of the direct controlled action scenes with a hit counter. Hopefully that becomes the standard for action in all Telltale games from now on, as it really is miles better than quick time events.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I'd love tough choices and decisions that have an actual effect on the story too, but that wouldn't be repeating what they did with The Walk

  • That's a shame, because I still love it.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Telltale still consider this game a huge success Just because it was a financial success, doesn't mean it betters the gaming world. That E5... totally ruined the entire series for me. It was so amazing 1-4 too...

  • Alright then.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Do you want them to make the same game over and over again? No, but unfortunately that seems to be what they are doing.

  • So, what you're saying is... If we like this game more than TWDS1 or if we like all of Telltale's games, then we are mindless morons and have irrational attachments?

    Because it sounds like that's what you're saying.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    No. But congrats on being able to unconditionally love a video game company. Where would certain game developers be without their faithful b

  • edited October 2015

    Who's the one being irrational?

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I'm taking people seriously when they act irrational like mindless sheep? You're almost certainly right. I guess that's why I forgot to add a joke. Oh wait... Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  • edited October 2015

    Or anyone with taste.

    You literally cannot ignore the massive plot hole and logical inconsistencies of the Traitor being the non-sentinel. There is no explanation.

    You can love everything else about that episode, and the Traitor plot hole doesn't have to ruin everything for everyone, sure.

    You'd have to suspend logic itself to believe it. Not that it can't be done, but that's asking a lot. It's worse writing than an amateur high school student could do.

    As for everything else, sure that's fine. You can suspend disbelief and make enough assumptions to rationalize the finale end (the ambush plot hole). That's at least reasonable to do. It can be done.

    Particularly in response to the 'taste' comment, as you're essentially saying others who share a different view to you have no taste, I can see you lasting long here. Consider this a much condensed version of what I'd initially typed, which would have possibly got me a warning.

    Also, elsewhere in this thread, calling people mindless sheep does not help you out one bit.

    Finally, I don't particularly care if you 'don't care about what I think'.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    That's fine, but one game getting some "C"/"70" reviews while other recent games like Wolf, Borderlands, etc get high reviews is hardly any

This discussion has been closed.