Could Gared be a Gregor's Son?

edited December 2017 in Game Of Thrones

I know this has been brought up quite a few times but I really want to talk about this. Believe me, I want it to be true with all my heart but the likelihood of that is very little. But I really want to see how many people think it could be true.

So anyway, let's lay out some little bits of information that could give us some clues.

1) Gregor clearly saw highly of Gared, there was a lot of pride when he promoted him. It could just mean he cares but, it could also mean he takes pride in watching Gared grow up like the rest of his children.

2) Gared says that Lady Forrester treated him like he was a Forrester himself. So maybe that was Telltale giving us a clue.

3) Lady Forrester and Maester Ortengryn both seem surprised that Gregor saved Gared over Rodrik (we know it didn't happen like that but still) maybe this was a subtle clue that Gregor saved his son after all?

Oh and I have also made comparison pictures, which seems to show that Gared has more Forrester features than Tuttle features.

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On the one hand I really want Gared to be a Forrester, it would be nice development for him however on the other hand I quite like him being a Tuttle at the same time, just so he's a little different to the other playable characters.


  • edited October 2015

    Um no

    maybe because Gared's uncle is the castellan and Rodrik was assumed dead at the Red Wedding?

    Based on what I can recall, Gared ran back to the camps after taking the wine and looked for Rodrik first, then a horse fell on him(Rodrik) and went back to Lord Forrester.

    There exactly is no point in comparing character models since assets are reused,

  • I know :/, I'm more just messing around with speculating because I want to bring that part of the forum back, I'm sick of all the negativity around here lately.

    Um no maybe because Gared's uncle is the castellan and Rodrik was assumed dead at the Red Wedding? Based on what I can recall, Gared r

  • I really don't think the writers have thought that deep in the plot.

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah he even says many people were in doubt when I brought you in blah blah. But what if maybe Duncan was the bastard and was gregors brother? Making gared not the son but the nephew? Even lady forester says when gared says he saved my life he's a hero "yet he was unable to save rodriks life" that's the only thing that makes me think she doesn't know gared is family. I mean (my mother insisted) that "she knows nothing"

  • I hate this theory so much (no offense) I don't find this plausible and I don't want it to be true. I love that Gared thinks of the Forresters like family even though their not blood, Gared is a Forrester in all but name, being revealed as Gregor's bastard would ruin that.

  • Non taken. I also like how he thinks their family when their not, I just wanted to do some speculating, lighten up the mood a bit you know?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I hate this theory so much (no offense) I don't find this plausible and I don't want it to be true. I love that Gared thinks of the Forreste

  • I like this theory. It's pretty interesting, even if it's not something TTG would necessarily try to hide in the game.

  • My goodness, it all makes sense. What if Lord Forrester, disliked the idea of having Gared around because he knew Gared was a bastard, and didn't want anyone to know. We never get much insight into Gared's mother, only that she had died before Gared's father and sister, which was Episode 1. Hmm...Interesting.

  • edited October 2015

    I doubt it

    What about Gared's father ? And his mother whose mentioned in EP5 ?

    Even if he's Gregor's bastard , it's not like he's gonna be the prince who was promised

  • I don't think so, and if so there going to need alot story line to explain that

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