The Man Who Cannot Be Broken

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

There is so much toxic negativity on the forum right now. And I've read and felt many times, people say they wish there were actual topics, discussing characters in the game, and stuff like that. So I decided to write this.

I think House Forrester are awesome. I love every member of this family, the relationships within it, their political stance within the world of Westeros, their words, everything really. Even their sworn servants, such as Royland, Duncan and the Maester. But for me, there's always been one character and person whose stood out from the rest -- and made me relate and sympathise with them, on a level I never even reached with Lee, Bigby, or Rhys and Fiona.

Rodrik Forrester.

I know everyone is different, in who they sympathise and relate to most... but in my (admittedly biased and bold) opinion, he is the best written, most well-rounded and compelling character in Telltale history. I love how he's so cool and calculating with his Sentinel, so sweet with Talia, Eleana and Lady Forrester, and so fearless and defiant when facing the Boltons or Whitehills. And like Mira, he has a very dry, downplayed, and subtle humour that, when it comes out, never fails to be hilarious.

  • "You look, I mean, you're very--"
  • "I know, I know, I'm unspeakably handsome."
  • "I see you haven't lost your sense of humour."
  • "No, just two limbs and half a face."

But what I like most about him is his spirit of being. In many ways, I feel he's the human embodiment of the Forrester motto, "Iron From Ice." Everything he's been through, the War of the Five Kings, the Red Wedding, the Whitehill Occupation of Ironrath, Ramsay's visit, has only served to fuel his strength and determination to protect his House, and do right by those he cares for. Furthermore, as you've probably gathered, I saved Rodrik in Episode 5. But it wasn't based upon the fact I'm so attached to his character, it's more to do with this particular notion: Rodrik the Unbreakable.

There's constant references to how Rodrik possesses an almost supernatural strength. In Episode 1, Gared mentions how Rodrik, "was House Forrester's best fighter by far." Ethan, responding to Ryon, can also say, "You honour Rodrik with this [The wooden sword]. He was a strong one." To which Ryon agrees. If he refuses the Milk of the Poppy, Duncan will comment, "That's Rodrik for you. Brave as always." The Maester also comments how, in the same scene, "These wounds would have killed any other man." And my personal favourite, and the namesake of this topic, is Ramsay's line about him: "You're a man who cannot be broken."

This idea, that he's this unstoppable, unbreakable and incorruptible figure is one I'm so enamoured with, I couldn't let it be ripped away. Not even for Asher (who I also love, don't get me wrong). As cool as a sellsword lord whose fought dragons and met Daenerys is (and it is very cool), the idea of this true northerner, who's survived everything the Freys, Boltons and Whitehills threw at him, is far more engaging. And also, would surely earn more respect amongst fellow northern houses. Of course, I understand a large part of this, is due to how I played Rodrik. Not drinking the Milk of the Poppy, refusing Talia's help to walk, not kissing Ludd's ring, standing up to Gryff, (although I did not maim Gryff. Rodrik, in my eyes, wouldn't beat someone whose defenceless. And let's be honest, at that point, he hadn't done anything that bad beyond being a vile prick. He even stopped when the Maester warned him, Rodrik would lose an arm, if he continued). So it also hurts me, when I often hear (mainly in the Steam forums, and Youtube comment section) Rodrik be dismissed, mainly on account because "he's a cripple" or because Asher is "a badass" unlike him.

Rodrik, a cripple, can tell Lord Whitehill, "Fuck your soldiers, and fuck you too!" He can strike a Whitehill soldier with a goblet, despite being outnumbered something like five-to-one, despite being a cripple, despite one of the Whitehills being a seven-foot, armoured tank. He can also tell Ramsay Snow, the most renowned madman in the entire north, who has the backing of House Bolton, who not only control the entire North--but have the Lannisters as their chief supporters, to "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" And even attempt to kill him. He also downed Gryff single-handidly, just by tripping him with a cane. And (determinedly, of course) can take an entire beating from Gryff, and shrug it off like it's nothing, after delivering one of the most badass speeches ever:

  • You know what they did to me at the Twins? SHRED MY FACE! PUT THEIR SWORDS THROUGH ME! THEY TRIED TO SMASH MY SKULL OPEN! But they couldn't kill me... and you're not the man to finish the job."

(His phenomenal voice acting from Russ Bain plays a large part in all this, admittedly)

Now then, Asher is a badass. That's undeniable. But it's at lot easier to kick ass when you're at full strength, than when you're not. Saying Asher is tougher than Rodrik, is a baseless statement. Is Asher a better character than Rodrik? You could make that argument. Would Asher make a better lord than Rodrik? Once again, you could make that argument. Is Asher a better fighter than Rodrik? By the ending of Episode 5, with Rodrik recovered and Asher with a bolt in the leg, it can be assumed they are of equal skill, except Rodrik having a slight edge due to... Him being tougher than Asher, despite the reverse being so commonly flaunted as fact. If the roles were reversed, I firmly believe Asher wouldn't have coped as well as Rodrik did, in the same position. Well, I doubt anyone would. It's not about badassness, or fighting ability, it's about physical toughess--how much mental and physical abuse can a person take in their stride? It doesn't matter who you saved, or who you prefer, you have to admit Rodrik fits that bill best.

Just look at their final death scene. Asher screams when he is grabbed (like anyone would! I certainly would) Rodrik doesn't. Asher dies straight away at the end, meaning Gryff has to ride up, to stare smugly at his corpse. But Rodrik is still alive at that point, and is able to just look up at Gryff, without him needing to ride over. Little details, I know, but they are there. Anyway, I could go on forever about this, and if I didn't stop here, I probably would. So best that I do.

So, to sum up, for me, Rodrik is my favourite Telltale character to date. Rather like Bigby, he's a badass with a big heart. And the lord House Forrester deserves.I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact he's now determinant. So here's hoping he, and (for me) Royland, at least burn Highpoint down to the fookin' ground before they fall.


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  • He obviously hasn't gotten on Ramsays bad side.

  • Yeah that is true Ethan was responsible for Gared killing a few solders but Rodrik has done all the above and pissed Ramsey so much he had to return to Ironrath which is very unlike him.

    He obviously hasn't gotten on Ramsays bad side.

  • I left Rodrik behind, because I felt like that's what he would have done. The Rodrik I knew, the Rodrik I loved so much as a character, wouldn't have had his brother die for him. Still, it wasn't easy... and many a man tear were shed :-'(

    Ethan and Ryon were right all along. "He was a strong one." And as you put it: "the lord House Forrester deserves." But due to the Whitehills, couldn't have... So join your father and brother, Rodrik. You've earned some rest.


  • You just summed up everything I love about Rodrik.

    He is the personification of the House word "Iron from Ice." He has endured a near death experiences and seems to have come out of it with an iron will. His cripple state makes him vulnerable but also highly relatable. You slowly watch as he grow stronger and the more he does, the stronger the Forresters becomes. By the time, he is healed, that's when the Forresters are able to fight back at the Whitehills. His crippled states symbolizes House Forrester's crippled and weakened state. Once he return to strength, that's when he is able to lead and fight, just as the Forresters fights with him.

    I just didn't have the heart to have him die, as much as I love Asher, Rodrik is the leader that his house needs.

  • My Rodrik fucked up and he let his little brother sacrifice himself for him. Rodrik thought about Eleana and that she could not live with loosing her husband right after the death of her brother. My Asher was a true leader and he came back from Essos too see his family and Gwyn but in the time of need he had to save his brother that he loved so much but couldnt see for such a long time. Dont worry Asher.. Rodrik is gonna avenge you.


    enter image description here

  • You took the words right outta my brain man. that was a hard decision for me as well I had to pause the game for 5 minutes and think about, but in the end your right, I couldn't let Asher die for Rodrik. Rodrik would protect his little brother at all costs and he did. RIP

    I left Rodrik behind, because I felt like that's what he would have done. The Rodrik I knew, the Rodrik I loved so much as a character, woul

  • Man I love Rodrik so much! It crushed me to leave him but I wanted Asher to be the one to save the House for completely different reasons than Rodrik.

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