Thoughts on just the story and writing?

Ignore gameplay and graphics.
What did you guys think of actual story of the game? The characters the story and where it's going?
For me, no character really stands out as really interesting, Lucas was alright, but the rest were a bit too one dimensional.
I found the story quite predictable, with Ivor being apart of the order, I think alot of people saw that coming, it wasn't really a suprise. And I found Ivor to be a rather lacking character espically. He creates a monster to be defeated by him because he wants to prove to Gaberiel that he is greater than the order thought? Ehh, weren't a fan of that to be honest.
Then again this game is marketed towards a younger audience, so the story won't always be perfect.


  • Despite of what age group it's aimed towards, unless we're talking about toddlers, TellTale gets no leeway in my book for a mediocre story and that's unfortunately where this one landed thus far. I was skeptical about this when it was announced but I had an open mind about it when I watched it but I came away going, "Not so good". The story seems really bland and that's just not okay with me especially when one of TellTale's highpoints have almost always been the story. And that bit with Ivor was really cringe-worthy, gets worse when you realize TellTale ripped that whole scene from, The Incredibles.

  • It is a cute little story so far, but nothing impressive IMO. And I agree that the characters seem to be pretty one dimensional. I love Lukas to pieces because he is a lot like TWD S2 Luke, but that's it.

  • I didn't see Ivor being a part of the order and im normally ok(ish) at figuring out TT game stuff. I was never a fan of Minecraft ( the actual game ) until a friend of mine forced me to ignore the graphics and play it, and I came to like it. I will be buying all the episodes for this lol

  • I actually liked the whole Ivor in the order idea. It came as a surprise to me, and I think he has a lot of potential as a villain.

  • Same here. When he started talking to Gabriel, I thought it would be a case of "fan never succeeds and blames his heroes", like Syndrome in The Incredibles.

    I actually liked the whole Ivor in the order idea. It came as a surprise to me, and I think he has a lot of potential as a villain.

  • But why is he doing all that? That's what I'm curious about.

    I actually liked the whole Ivor in the order idea. It came as a surprise to me, and I think he has a lot of potential as a villain.

  • I was getting more of a Loki vibe, like a guy who was promised greatness, yet everyone looked down on him.

    Abeille posted: »

    Same here. When he started talking to Gabriel, I thought it would be a case of "fan never succeeds and blames his heroes", like Syndrome in The Incredibles.

  • I mean it's the first episode. They shouldn't reveal everything at once

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    But why is he doing all that? That's what I'm curious about.

  • There seems to be a lot of mystery on why Ivor wasn't mentioned in the history. For some reasons the Order of the Stone has rewritten the story and didn't include him. Either it shows that Ivor has some dark ambitions or the Order of the Stone hides some dark and shady secrets.

    For now, Ivor's goal seems to be jealousy and wanted to humiliate Gabriel. He doesn't seems to have wanted the Wither to become too strong as he tried to get it to retreat or destroy it.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    But why is he doing all that? That's what I'm curious about.

  • I'm calling it guys, Soren the builder is the guy talking in the intro and outtro.

  • edited October 2015

    Which scene from the Incredibles?

    EDIT: Ah, sorry I remember it now. Yes, it does resemble the scene where Syndrome is playing hero and acting like he was defeating the Machine he personally created, only to backfired on him when the Machine was smarter than he anticipated.

    Despite of what age group it's aimed towards, unless we're talking about toddlers, TellTale gets no leeway in my book for a mediocre story a

  • Except the fact that Ivor was never a fan. He was a member of the Order of the Stone, unlike Syndrome who was a fan who wanted to be a hero.

    Abeille posted: »

    Same here. When he started talking to Gabriel, I thought it would be a case of "fan never succeeds and blames his heroes", like Syndrome in The Incredibles.

  • Uh, yeah? That's why I was agreeing that it came as a surprise to me. I was expecting "fan never succeeds and blames his heroes" and I got "former associate was cast aside and now is back for revenge".

    Except the fact that Ivor was never a fan. He was a member of the Order of the Stone, unlike Syndrome who was a fan who wanted to be a hero.

  • Ah I see. Sorry I misread your post. Exhaustion can make anyone dizzy and unfocused. :P

    Abeille posted: »

    Uh, yeah? That's why I was agreeing that it came as a surprise to me. I was expecting "fan never succeeds and blames his heroes" and I got "former associate was cast aside and now is back for revenge".

  • It's okay, it happens xD

    Ah I see. Sorry I misread your post. Exhaustion can make anyone dizzy and unfocused. :P

  • Yup yup, exactly amigo!

    Which scene from the Incredibles? EDIT: Ah, sorry I remember it now. Yes, it does resemble the scene where Syndrome is playing hero and a

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