The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Holy fucking shit, I didn't mean that at all, It was supposed to be a sarcastic/joke comment. Jesus christ I'm sorry.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    U WOT M8

  • I'm so sorry, that was supposed to be a Sarcastic/Joke comment.


  • I'm seriously so damn sorry. That was supposed to be a sarcastic/joke comment, but I just realized how fucked up it was.

  • As I said to the others, I'm so fucking sorry, It was supposed to be a really dark sarcastic/joke comment.

    papai46 posted: »


  • How dare you be helpful. You maniac!

    So apparently telling someone that the suggestion thread is on the front page makes me a dickwad. I'm hurt.

  • 2 had a campaign that narrated the story of the 501st legion even if it took place in the multi-player maps they did vary the objectives, besides they did have that very cool conquest single player mode (that could also be played multi-player VS or co-op), but ignoring that they had way more maps and modes than Battlefront 3 is going to have, plus the class system that made things a little more varied since some classes played completely different from others not to mention than where Battlefront 2 had 23 heroes Battlefront 3 is going to have maybe 6 and I can bet they're going to sell the rest as DLC, ugh... Sorry hate this transvestite of a sequel to much, specially since there was an old cancelled Battlefront 3 made by the amazing Free Radical that was going to have battles in which space and planets would interact and you could fly freely in and out of the atmosphere and do bombardments, of course there were also strong cannons on the planets to shoot at capital ships, I don't know if it would have been as good as I imagine but that's how you do a sequel, expanding on the concepts of previous games instead of making a bare-bones new version that only is shinier.

    Just gonna point out that none of the battlefront games had story, the idea of the games is having massive battles with a star wars theme. That's why battlefront 2 was really popular.

  • I think I saw footage for Battlefront 3. Wish I could be playing that instead of this shit.

    kaleion posted: »

    2 had a campaign that narrated the story of the 501st legion even if it took place in the multi-player maps they did vary the objectives, b

  • Battlefront 2 did have a a campaign mode, as well as a conquest mode where you would take over planets and destroy enemy fleets to proceed. Mark's point is that this game, from what we've seen, has far less content than Battlefront 2 and it's far more expensive. You could buy BF2 on Steam for US $9.99 and get way more content.

    I see you have never heard or seen anything about Battlefront. It has never been a story based game just large scale multiplayer battles in

  • The sexiest type . Above all.

    The a-holes who belittle women. The Donald Trump types.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    why so vague? what type explain please

  • Proof or it didn't happen.

    So apparently telling someone that the suggestion thread is on the front page makes me a dickwad. I'm hurt.

  • Fun fact according to Free Radical the game was around 95% with most of the work left to do being QA testing when it was cancelled.

    Another fun fact due to the extremely shitty way that LucasArts treated Free Radical during the games development Martin Hollis quit on the gaming industry for good, that's the guy that directed and produced Goldeneye for the N64, also worked on Perfect Dark and the TimeSplitters trilogy.

    I think I saw footage for Battlefront 3. Wish I could be playing that instead of this shit.

  • I got a flu shot and didn't become autistic. It was a good day.

  • Thread: Hi

    How are you today?

  • Just like I was yesterday.

  • Hi!

    It's so nice to meet you!

  • Flu shots can cause autism? I'm never going to take flu shots again.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I got a flu shot and didn't become autistic. It was a good day.

  • Lolwut.

    You know what? I agree. If I were a cannibal, Something about babies would just seem so delicious.

  • It's a very common misconception caused by fake research of some guy called Andre Wakefield, it was all fake though but people still believe it's true because people are kind off stupid.

    papai46 posted: »

    Flu shots can cause autism? I'm never going to take flu shots again.

  • It's always that expensive for ultimate editions.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Even so the price is insane

  • If that was Mark's point then he would've said that, but he didn't.

    Battlefront 2 did have a a campaign mode, as well as a conquest mode where you would take over planets and destroy enemy fleets to proceed.

  • edited October 2015

    "No space battles....."

    enter image description here

    This is beyond unacceptable to me, It's STAR wars for crying out loud, large and epic space battles have always been apart of the franchise since the very first film. It's even worse when the last game had space battles and it seems like DICE didn't even bother with that aspect and are going in the wrong direction. Aside from that, the game doesn't really seem like Battlefront, even if I didn't play much of Battlefront 2, that game had more going for it than this which looks to be no different than Battlefield. Also don't get me started with the whole DLC and microtransactions shit that this game looks to be covered with, I personally hope this game doesn't do well as it seems like it's representing what's gone completely wrong in the video game industry and if it's successful, it'll be dark times for Star Wars video games.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTF I played the new Star Wars beta Terrible game just battlefield with a stars wars skin I loved the old star war games like the force u

  • I'm obsessed with Snapchat right now... you're not alone lol

  • I'm okay. As usual. What about you?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    If you see the Captcha, that doesn't mean the forum thinks you are a spambot. By default, new accounts have had to fill out Captchas for their first several posts as of last Summer from a major back-end forum update that added new moderation features for us. However, sometimes, regular accounts will also encounter the Captchas whenever there are mild server problems. I've encountered that a couple times even as a Moderator.

    Did I get flagged as a spam bot for the Trump posts? Wtf people?

  • From what I've read online, they sometimes just outsource actual people to solve the captchas on behalf of the spambots.

    The ironic thing is robots can complete 99% of those these days.

  • Good to know, thanks for the answer.

    If you see the Captcha, that doesn't mean the forum thinks you are a spambot. By default, new accounts have had to fill out Captchas for the

  • Stranger's plate

    It's back Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

  • I think I agree with the title.

    It's back Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

  • jeez wtf

    You know what? I agree. If I were a cannibal, Something about babies would just seem so delicious.

  • edited October 2015

    Keep in mind the game is still under production, so it can get buggy. Ultimate Editions are commonly expensive, such as for COD, Resident Evil, etc which had them (which is why I only buy the normal game package). Normal game should be normal price (however my brother told me all games might go up by price).

    Anyway, I've played the previous Battlefronts before Battlefield was a major thing, FPS aim is only an addition to the aiming preference. Battlefront naturally barely had an story, only narrative before missions basically (however BF 2 had more story). Comparing games naturally takes away enjoyment, so maybe it's best to think inside the box to have more enjoyment. War games are it's own genre, Star Wars happen to have some games in that genre. I haven't done research on the game but I'm sure it will have lots of maps once finished along with other modes. Some says the battle of hoth is unbalanced, but with a device you can instantly take down the AT-ATs.

    I do however agree on the idea of DLC usage, it does make things seem like it's not the full game (looks at Assassin's Creed 2).

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTF I played the new Star Wars beta Terrible game just battlefield with a stars wars skin I loved the old star war games like the force u

  • Lmao it's cool, we all say weird stuff sometimes. Just don't go eating any babies :P

    I'm so sorry, that was supposed to be a Sarcastic/Joke comment.

  • I got a flu shot and didn't become autistic

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I got a flu shot and didn't become autistic. It was a good day.

  • Well... uh... that was pleasant. ._.

    It's back Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

  • what



    It's back Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

  • Felt the same way often with art and comm tech. The ones you don't like always feels like they take the longest.

    Enjoyment: Time goes fast

    Boredom: Time goes slowwww.

    Why must the fun classes in school be so short? Guess I'm off to Holocaust.

  • Especially at the end!

    Beginning of day: "I'm not going to be tired today! I'll be full of energy and productive!"

    End of day: "Ugh, fucking hell. Sleep embrace me!"

    Felt the same way often with art and comm tech. The ones you don't like always feels like they take the longest. Enjoyment: Time goes fast Boredom: Time goes slowwww.

  • edited October 2015

    If Satan directed a Muppets episode.

    It's back Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

  • Lol, that part is so true. Especially when you have math at the end, I always doze every 10 minutes during a teacher's lesson. It was struggle to stay awake.

    Especially at the end! Beginning of day: "I'm not going to be tired today! I'll be full of energy and productive!" End of day: "Ugh, fucking hell. Sleep embrace me!"

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