The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Lol I think we're winding you up mate. :DDDDDDD

    As I've said to the others, I'm so very sorry. It was supposed to be a Sarcastic/joke comment, but I took it way too far.

  • For fuck's sake. It's no bloody wonder kids don't respect teachers. Respect is a two-way street. If you don't give it, you don't get it.

    This is a problem with a ton of my teachers. They make things needlessly complicated, constantly have a nagging bitchy voice (some of them) as if we've pissed them off already, and then they act like it's all our fault. If you treat kids like shit, they will treat you like shit.

    Alright, my Chemistry teacher wasn't here today which would be good but she left us this huge amount of work. Of course I was expecting work

  • It's crazy! I want to watch the sub do this work in 40 minutes, she was on her phone the whole time, hmph.

    For fuck's sake. It's no bloody wonder kids don't respect teachers. Respect is a two-way street. If you don't give it, you don't get it.

  • and making snide comments here and there?

    That directed at me or someone else?

    And yet he's wrong, he didn't say that in his statement. He used SW:Battlefront as an example, and completely wrongly too. I agree with him

  • Not at you, you're good. It was towards Mark.

    and making snide comments here and there? That directed at me or someone else?

  • Lol it's all good

    As I've said to the others, I'm so very sorry. It was supposed to be a Sarcastic/joke comment, but I took it way too far.

  • Goddamn. I had a teacher like that once. Back when music was a compulsory subject last year, we didn't have a steady teacher, and the teacher we got for most of the semester didn't seem to be qualified to teach music. We had a few set tasks, but mostly all we were told to do was mess around on GarageBand on the Mac's. It was the most pointless shit of my life.

    Another thing (this happened yesterday) is that my school doesn't have a proper spot to play films or videos, so it's usually just projected onto the wall from the teacher's computer. And the speakers the school has are utter shit, so it's goddamn impossible to hear unless everyone is completely silent. We were watching a movie for schoolwork in this room off to the side and whenever the class next to us was being noisy, it drowned out the whole sound. We've only got a few rooms in the entire school that work for playing films, and they're usually taken up by the senior classes.

    It's crazy! I want to watch the sub do this work in 40 minutes, she was on her phone the whole time, hmph.

  • That reminds me of my school's Spanish courses. We only had one teacher this year for Spanish and I have him, most of the kids didn't have a teacher till recently, they haven't learned a lick of Spanish.

    Goddamn. I had a teacher like that once. Back when music was a compulsory subject last year, we didn't have a steady teacher, and the teache

  • No, you aren't. I just feel really bad for what I said.

    Lol I think we're winding you up mate. :DDDDDDD

  • Thanks. :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Lol it's all good

  • I did that intentionally.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    e Excuse me sir, but it appears you dropped this e.

  • Don't feel bad mate. Anyone with a brain would recognize it as a joke.

    No, you aren't. I just feel really bad for what I said.

  • enter link description here

    Scott Van Pelt nailed it, my prayers go to Lamar Odom

  • Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all the big youtubers and i looked it up and from what i understand it all started in a channel called LeafyIsHere where he posted a video called "Reptilians" and after that all his autistic fanbase started posting hisss on every video they can put their grubby hands on, It's pretty retarded, here's an example: enter image description here

    I made it my mission to say kill yourself on every hisss thread, hopefully i can accomplish it.

  • sigh

    papai46 posted: »

    Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all

  • I saw this happen to a Youtuber once. People kept posting "Sorry, dropped my bag of illuminati" in the comments.

    papai46 posted: »

    Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all

  • Poor Shia Lebouf, I personally didn't think he was that bad of an actor.

  • I scorn Geometry to ungodly levels.

  • edited October 2015

    I like watching Leafy but the "HISSSSSS" crap is annoying. It was funny when it was only on Leafy's channel but now it's being spammed all over the place.

    papai46 posted: »

    Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all

  • I watched I, Robot last night. Haven't seen that movie in ages.

  • edited October 2015

    I see people constantly doing that in twitch chat now. Thankfully one streamer (Trihex, yoshi speedrunner) has good mods that ban any weenie who says it in chat LMAO

    papai46 posted: »

    Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all

  • Oh, that still happens a lot actually, especially in very famous youtube channels.

    I saw this happen to a Youtuber once. People kept posting "Sorry, dropped my bag of illuminati" in the comments.

  • Finished my shift at Biketoberfest. Didn't have to detain/eject anyone and earned $60.

    I'd call it a good day.

  • What happened?

    J-Master posted: »

    Poor Shia Lebouf, I personally didn't think he was that bad of an actor.

  • edited October 2015

    He got arrested for public intoxication.

    What happened?

  • Maybe next theyll be able to drive? Wishful thinking.

    WOMEN CAN FINALLY VOTE IN SAUDI ARABIA! It's happening guys!! We are evolving ♡

  • Looked into it, and apparently he was jaywalking and crossing an intersection in front of a police car, as well as threatening a bystander (who was filming). So it doesn't seem to be that he was arrested just for being visibly drunk. It seems more like his attitude was what caused the arrest. Either way, it's not good for him.

    J-Master posted: »

    He got arrested for public intoxication.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    enter link description here

    Drugs man....

    Hope he'll be alright.

  • i'm planning on doing a giveaway -- probably on christmas.

  • Maybe he was angry because he couldn't eat anybody.

    Looked into it, and apparently he was jaywalking and crossing an intersection in front of a police car, as well as threatening a bystander (

  • Argh, I remember that class. I couldn't even draw a circle.

    I scorn Geometry to ungodly levels.

  • Of what?

    i'm planning on doing a giveaway -- probably on christmas.

  • Hey everyone.

    I found an really interesting lecture on YouTube that unpacks Socialism and explains it in a simple and entertaining way. I'd heartily recommend it if you're interested in learning a bit about Socialism and American politics in general.

  • edited October 2015


    There's a murderer on the loose.

    And he's doing suplex's on people, his name is:


  • edited October 2015

    He's gonna get in the ring and put boots to asses!

  • enter image description here

    I like it well played bro

  • enter image description here ...

  • So apparently Disney has finally put to rest a rumor that has been going around for years. Today, I can finally confirm that the merchant at the beginning of Aladdin is, in fact, the genie.

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