TellTale Writer's Basically Copied...



  • Anyone that disagree's with you, you reply with lines like "Maybe you just don't understand" or "Kids will ignore what they likes faults to the bitter end". Some people won't agree with you but you'll just insist anyone who does is either dumb or a kid, you just called me dumb as well. By the way, not a kid I just have a different opinion then you I know it can be hard to grasp that concept.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Or... I'm an adult and you are both children. I know I know, when you're young, adults or your betters just seem arrogant. In reality, th

  • I meant no disrespect, Sir. It's just that to me it seems like you have a very strong opinion on this matter, but pardon me if I was wrong.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I feel like you're trying to make them seem like they literally have no original attributes. That's because our feelings are wrong.

  • edited October 2015

    Or I'm an adult and you are both children

    Or maybe they're just people with different opinions than you, which you need to learn to accept in order to have a decent discussion with someone that disagrees with your arguments. If instead you dismiss them as kids, without even knowing them, it's you who seems dumb and incapable of making arguments. But what do I know, I'm just a kid.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    Or... I'm an adult and you are both children. I know I know, when you're young, adults or your betters just seem arrogant. In reality, th

  • Well yeah. Two northern houses would be similar. But I still don't see how those similarities are beyond the superficial. Where's our equivalent of like Theon or Arya? Where's the show equivalent of Ethan?

    Miklaus posted: »

    I know, I know, but I didn't say that EVERYTHING in GoT the game is the same as in GoT the show, I was just focusing on the Forrester family that kinda resembles the Starks, that's all.

  • I know, I know, but I didn't say that EVERYTHING in GoT the game is the same as in GoT the show

    No one said that, simply for the fact it's not true.

    Demarcoa thinks very simple. He sees "Very Similar" and equates that to "Identical in All Ways." He sees "Similar in Some Ways" and equates that to "Similar in All Ways".

    He doesn't understand nuance at all, and honestly doesn't even seem to grasp the point at all. It went far over his head.

    You can see this in his reply, where he demands there also be a Forrester similar to Theon and Arya. Why? That makes absolutely no sense. How does "Most of the characters sided with House Forrester are very very similar to a lot of the characters with House Stark. Of course there are subtle differences, but overall they seem to have simply copied a significant portion of House Stark from AGoT. IMO, too much." translate into "All the characters match 1 for 1 in every way, and there is absolutely no differences at all. ALL Stark characters have a cloned Forrester version. ALL."

    Even if they just cloned Ned & Robb, that is enough to spark a discussion like the OP. However he somehow believes those similarities don't count and the discussion is bad because...there is no Theon clone? It's so incredibly irrational. Who thinks like this? Seriously...

  • edited October 2015

    Just thought I would mention that Rodrick was at The Red Wedding. He pretended to be dead, and then escaped amongst all the fighting.

    What's funny is that even in the story, the character Rodrick basically said at Highpoint that it seemed like they were at another Red Wedding.

    It's hard to deny the similarities when the characters themselves point them out in the dialogue, lol...

    Also, I just thought I'd mention that although not a plothole...I immediately rolled my eyes at the horse falling over on him as "killing him". That was beyond ridiculous, and so incredibly obvious that he would return. That is yet another reason that it was so incredibly obvious the MOMENT Ethan appeared on screen that I thought, "He's dead. Yep. This is the character who will die. Probably pretty soon too. I wonder how long I'll get to play him before he'll die? Also, when do you think Rodrick will return? Probably the episode after Ethan dies. So E2 at most? Probably. I'd be really surprised if Ethan didn't die until E3. But yea, he's definitely dead." before the end of Ethan's first scene, lol.

    That horse... lmao...

    choircorgis posted: »

    Just thought I would mention that Rodrick was at The Red Wedding. He pretended to be dead, and then escaped amongst all the fighting. Plus,

  • I'd honestly have preferred it be set in a completely different time, or just in an alternative universe (same time, but totally different story.)

    I would have been fine if it let us kill Ramsey. Marvel does parallel universes all the time, and also: TellTale is SUPPOSE to be all about making our own choices and having different stories.

    So I'd have been fine with an original story, with original characters, set in a Game of Thrones world at a different time or same time but alternative universe starting at Episode 1 (same universe up until we change it.)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm more disappointed that telltale played it safe and created characters that were similar and also connected to the Starks. I'd have rather used maybe a wilding, a red priest/priestess... Shit even let me use a clegane or a mormont.

  • edited October 2015

    Sorry, I have to thoroughly disagree.

    The hostile hostage exchange are totally predictable that no one would die. It would literally be impossible, save some kind of ultimate plothole, for anyone to die. (As we saw, people COULD die, and it would result in a game over.) The game over alternative ending is because I am correct when I say that someone's death would be literally impossible without a massive plothole. So even if it were unexpected no one dies, which it wasn't unless you literally don't grasp how real life works, then the resolution is still just an unexpected game over or an expected no one dies. (The only thing unexpected is the alternative ending game over where everyone dies on both sides.)

    There is a reason that people do not simply draw their swords to kill someone like Ramsey Snow after he killed Ethan. That is because if they died, literally everyone would die. They could have almost certainly killed Ramsey Snow, but then the soldiers would have killed all the women, both sentinels, and then burned Ironrath to the ground. That's why they had no choice but to allow Ramsey to kill Ethan. They were given the choice, "Everyone die and avenge Ethan immediately, and have all of Ironrath destroyed...OR...allow this and continue house Ironrath." At highpoint, they literally would have no choice but for everyone to die and everyone to kill everyone else.

    The ambush was expected, and the main hero to die because of an ambush? If that happened at Highpoint, then it is so similar to the Red Wedding, it's not even funny.

    Neither event by themselves were like the Red Wedding. However it's certainly not mental gymnastics to say "If you split the Red Wedding up in two parts, this makes sense." As in, if you were the writer and were told to clone the Red Wedding but make it different, splitting up the two is a perfect solution. It lets the player feel like they got Red Wedding-ed. It's pandering, just like the scenes with John Snow which had very little actual sense to them outside of "Hey, let's pander to them and make them feel like they're in the TV show!" But at least the small plotholes like John Snow pandering is sensible enough to simply pass over. It doesn't ruin the game.

    In fact, cloning the Starks + Red Wedding / 2 + Pandering didn't ruin the game either.

    Despite the fact they weren't very original in a multitude of ways, they still did a fantastic job making a clone/pandering-ness to be as original as possible. As someone else pointed out, they did indeed seem to have cloned the Starks...BUT there were enough differences that it was still awesome none-the-less.

    There is nothing wrong with admitting they weren't very original with many of their characters or story. It's not horrible for them to pander to fans of GoT so they giggle "Eeeeeee!!! John Snow!!! OMG OMG OMG I am friends with John Snow! I love him! I am Game of Thrones Woo!" There is no wrong in acknowledging it.

    Too many gamers reaction so unreasonably, as if things are always so mutually exclusive. It can be simultaneously true that TellTale's GoT was clone-heavy, very pandering to AGoT tv viewers, but also strikingly original despite the cloning/pandering and pretty damn awesome of a video game regardless. Although IMO, it was a great season/series up until E5 which had plotholes so big that it ruined the entire series for me. But that's just IMO, hence the "IMO" that people seem to be unable to read or understand.

    Davissons posted: »

    I would not at all be surprised if TellTale thought "Let's make it like the Starks in nearly every way, that way people feel like they're pl

  • edited October 2015

    You are not entirely wrong, good sir. I do have a strong opinion on this matter. It is just not at all my opinion or implication that they have no original attributes. I never implied they were a 100% clone with literally no differences. Just that they were "too much" of a clone, IMO. Too many similarities, across too many characters. (It would be more acceptable to see a few characters that were very similar, but to have most others be more original. It's not the depth of similarity or the width, but the combination of both.)

    If you were to ask, I'd say that "Despite the fact they seem to be quite a bit unoriginal and cloned, TellTale did a fantastic job to make it as original as possible DESPITE the cloning. The result is probably the most original you could be given the restrictions given when told to pander to the audience to make them feel like they are the Starks and the players basically getting to "be" the AGoT tv show as a whole."

    I thought the whole "Have a daughter in King's Landing and a son at The Wall" and a son with the Targaryens...was a fantastic idea! We DO want a certain level of pandering. It actually was one of my favorite parts. I liked that the switching of characters across the world and how they all interacted was so similar to the TV show. I loved the scenes with Cersei. (Cersei made a lot of sense. It did not at all seem like pandering. The story was very realistic as to how we got t be connected to Cersei. The John Snow friendship seemed a bit out of place and strange though. He became our best friend for literally no real reason. Not entirely out of place for his character, but a bit like telling the player "Hey look! It's John Snow! Isnt' that COOL? Don't you like our game? :) " which detracts from the immersion. Also, it was very strange that John Snow basically acted like he was the commander in chief even when he was still a peon according to the story at that point. But like I said in another posts, at least those plot holes can be ignored easily as they don't alter the core story- unlike the traitor plothole.

    SerMarve posted: »

    I meant no disrespect, Sir. It's just that to me it seems like you have a very strong opinion on this matter, but pardon me if I was wrong.

  • enter image description here

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I know, I know, but I didn't say that EVERYTHING in GoT the game is the same as in GoT the show No one said that, simply for the fac

  • edited October 2015

    You clearly don't even know what a Strawman is.

    There are plenty of accurate logical fallacies you could have accused me of. This is not the right one. It makes no sense and does not apply in this context. Please research what a "Strawman" is and when you should use it.

    (If anything, I was just using Ad Hominem, not Strawman. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about, and this incorrect use of a logical fallacy simply backs up my Ad Hominem to be legitimate.)

    I will have to assume you are just a kid, somewhere between 10-12 years old. I will leave you be, as you have much to learn before you can have a discussion with adults.

  • edited October 2015

    Whatever it was, weak arguments can be dismissed out of hand.

    And yes, it was strawman, but why bother explaining that to you. You're always right and never wrong! Everybody else is a sheep/stupid/a kid/whatever else you can throw at people.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    You clearly don't even know what a Strawman is. There are plenty of accurate logical fallacies you could have accused me of. This is not

  • edited October 2015

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    You clearly don't even know what a Strawman is. There are plenty of accurate logical fallacies you could have accused me of. This is not

  • edited October 2015

    He is allowed to have a different opinion.

    That doesn't change how irrational and childish his mentality is.

    He posts in all these threads mindlessly defending TellTale games. You can simply look at his posts and understand how unreasonable he is. How irrational his thought process must be.

    I am fully capable of making arguments, which is why I am a reasonable adult. I have sound reasoning to explain my opinions. To outright deny them just shows stupidity. To disagree that the similarities warrant copying is a very reasonable thing to state. That is a perfectly fine opinion. Denying that the similarities exist at all is just plain wrong. They do exist. You can't argue they don't exist. However, whether or not they exist to the extent that I proposed is a very reasonable opinion.

    Sorry if I offended you kid. Just know that some kids are very intelligent and mature, far ahead of their peers. So if you're offended I called him a kid, because you're a kid, just know that you very well could be a mature, intelligent adult at a young age with the mentality of a wise adult, while he could very well be a full grown man with the mentality of a child. Age is not an indication of much, although it does imply inexperience / underdeveloped thinking. However that doesn't mean ALL kids are inexperienced. People grow up at different rates, and intelligences vary. So don't be so easily offended next time. It's okay, you very well could be extremely different, far more mature, etc.

    Everyone is different, and the vast majority of adults are probably dumber than the vast majority of kids. As strange as that may be, it very well could be. After all...many adults are still republicans in 2015, LOL! :P

    Grafite posted: »

    Or I'm an adult and you are both children Or maybe they're just people with different opinions than you, which you need to learn to

  • Ronny you have too much time on your hands to write such long paragraphs about things everyone has already thought about.

  • Oh the irony...

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    He is allowed to have a different opinion. That doesn't change how irrational and childish his mentality is. He posts in all these thr

  • I hate that GRMM and Robert Kirkman are trying to connect the games to their already established literature.

    Well, I don't really hate it, but it's a bad move. Especially with TWD, but for GoT, it's just very restricting and in a sense uncreative to develop the same story twice. Id like to see a whole new story that still keeps the same elements alive... Shit I've seen fan fictions on here better then the telltale story lines. They need to not be scared and JUST DO IT!

    But seriously... Let's be original telltale. If it's not original, let it be immersive like TWD season 1, so we don't really notice the flaws

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    I'd honestly have preferred it be set in a completely different time, or just in an alternative universe (same time, but totally different s

  • I wont lie I've read the ASOIAF books and love them to death but the game has been disappointing. It's not doing it's own thing, too much characters from the show (and too much locations from the show) appear in it when really you could of cut most of them (Jon Snow,Danny and Ramsay Snow). Also Ramsay Snow being the main bad guy is so godam stupid, we all know it's 100% impossible for us to get our revenge so it's boring. It would be like if the Governor killed Kenny in TWD game.

  • Jon*
    Since everyone else is correcting the spelling of names.

    RonnyRulz posted: »

    You are not entirely wrong, good sir. I do have a strong opinion on this matter. It is just not at all my opinion or implication that they h

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