Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • I knew there would be something important to use your money on in Ep 5! Why did I abandon this theory in Ep 3? Think after this is all set and done I'm gonna do a playthrough getting maximum cash, spending nothing and using them all on Vault Hunters.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Anyone seen this yet?

  • after you play ep 5 and nothing matters anymore

    enter image description here

  • I'm going to go in blind into this episode, and I'm not going to watch the trailer until after I play it. Must... stay... strong...

  • Is that just money you have saved from picking up, or did you also bribe Scooter for more money as well?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    when you know money is going to be super important in ep 5 and you refuse to replay so you're just gonna go with your 1100 dollars

  • Guys look at Jobs latest tweet!:

    'Another thing about the 'Tales from the @Borderlands' finale:
    Consider how much in-game cash you have left. Vault hunters don't come cheap'

    He is trying to say you can hire some vault hunters, or that you yourself are a vault hunter so you should have a lot of money?

  • Not gonna watch the trailer, but I have seen the screenshot of present-day Sasha and she looks lovely. <3

  • yeah she does, do you like her new look better? or the old one?

    Not gonna watch the trailer, but I have seen the screenshot of present-day Sasha and she looks lovely.

  • Well I cant haha I spent all my money on loader bots tux, oh well. Just another excuse for me to play the game again :D

    kaza125 posted: »

    Guys look at Jobs latest tweet!: 'Another thing about the 'Tales from the @Borderlands' finale: Consider how much in-game cash you have

  • That's depressing . -_-

    Poogers555 posted: »

    after you play ep 5 and nothing matters anymore

  • Where? With Fiona? I thought it's Lilith because red hair. Or the Stranger.

    enter image description here

    Not gonna watch the trailer, but I have seen the screenshot of present-day Sasha and she looks lovely.

  • Looks like a red hairband/piece to me, not hair.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Where? With Fiona? I thought it's Lilith because red hair. Or the Stranger.

  • Happy I got the money bug and now have 3500$!

  • I was normally going to save my money throughout the Season, but as I played Episode 3 and saw that all money up until then was only for cosmetics (except for bribing Tector in Ep 1), I just bought cosmetics instead for episodes 3 and 4 with the impression money wouldn't change the story much outside of cosmetics. Hopefully I don't miss out too much. :P

  • Pretty sure its a red headband, I dont know what to think of Sasha's new look, it kinda looks like her old outfit, just buffer

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Where? With Fiona? I thought it's Lilith because red hair. Or the Stranger.

  • guess I shuldnt have spent all my money at buying those costumes in EP 4

    xValkyx posted: »

    Anyone seen this yet?

  • edited October 2015

    apparently, against all forecasts, watching the trailer didn't help me getting over the fact that I have to wait four more days after the release to play it. now that's a surprise.

    it looks like jack is gonna take control over rhys anyways, no matter if you team up with him or not. in both cases, he became helios, and he said "you're gonna BE me." I think that means that he will kill rhys if the does anything not-jack-like. but on the other side, why should he keep him alive then? fuck, I need one of those freeze-coffins from the movies. also, I wonder why rhys fights against jack again. it looks like the helios is trying to get him away from the group, but...why in the world would he a) fight jack when he just got everything he ever dreamed of and b) why wouldn't jack just kill rhys?

    maybe the core of the handsome jack-AI is still in rhys' head, and if it gets destroyed, the AI 'dies'? so many questions!

  • Are you 100 percent sure? I'm not. Girl on the left looks kinda too pale. Sasha's also slimmer.

    Looks like a red hairband/piece to me, not hair.

  • edited October 2015

    Hey people,just came back home and wanna ask:Should I watch the trailer or not?

    You know what?Fuck it I'm gonna watch it.

  • I wonder how much money I will need for the vault hunters. I didn't spend much, only got Fiona the steampunk outfit, so I still have a lot of money.

  • Urge... to watch trailer... rising!

    Is the trailer spoilery, or not?

    I'm going to go in blind into this episode, and I'm not going to watch the trailer until after I play it. Must... stay... strong...

  • Oh my gosh, what a great trailer! Got me really hyped, which kinda sucks, because I won't be able to play it till Friday. ;___;

    Looks like one hell of an episode. And Fiona is still badass.

    enter image description here

  • It's not spoilery at all, honestly didn't find anything spoilery in it, it's even probably less spoilery than the keyart haha

    Urge... to watch trailer... rising! Is the trailer spoilery, or not?

  • I watched it.

    enter image description here

    I'm totally out of words!

  • edited October 2015

    It's the Rhys punching the psycho that looks like Vaughn screenshot all over again...WHY do you do this Telltale!

    Abeille posted: »

    WHERE IS MY VAUGHN I'm so worried right now ç-ç

  • ME: After watching the trailer

    enter image description here

    That part with Rhys screaming in horror really freaked me out! Also please tell me the episode didn't get leaked again?!

  • Well someone's friend did get to play episode 5 early apparently but I don't think they'll come here.

    ME: After watching the trailer That part with Rhys screaming in horror really freaked me out! Also please tell me the episode didn't get leaked again?!

  • This is probably the most hyped I've ever been for anything Telltale.

  • They better not...

    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well someone's friend did get to play episode 5 early apparently but I don't think they'll come here.

  • So, I'm guessing the trailer is really spoilery??? I'm scared to even read this thread, and I swear that thumbnail is making my insides turn outside. I'm gonna hold off as long as I can(which will probably be before the day is over).

  • It's not very spoilery at all, I'd say less so than the Key Art.

    mirashade posted: »

    So, I'm guessing the trailer is really spoilery??? I'm scared to even read this thread, and I swear that thumbnail is making my insides turn outside. I'm gonna hold off as long as I can(which will probably be before the day is over).

  • Yeah, it looks like if you chose to rule, Jack is all like:

    "Sweet fam, now cuz you love me so much lemme be you alrighty? k thanks!"

    Dracu98 posted: »

    apparently, against all forecasts, watching the trailer didn't help me getting over the fact that I have to wait four more days after the re

  • I just noticed this is gonna be the first time we talk to Jack as Fiona, I wonder how different he will be when interacting with her

  • It would be interesting for sure

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just noticed this is gonna be the first time we talk to Jack as Fiona, I wonder how different he will be when interacting with her

  • Who's that?

    Well shit...

  • She reviews Tales at Gamespot.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Who's that?

  • yeah rip vaughn. my bro's ript.


    rip Vaughn lmao jk probs

  • Everyone dies confirmed?

    Well shit...


    Song from the trailer. enter link description here

  • Blind Sniper going in Blind

    I'm going to go in blind into this episode, and I'm not going to watch the trailer until after I play it. Must... stay... strong...

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