Nation States (We created our own region! People welcome!)
Because of InGen's post, I found this cool website where you create your own nation and control it. It's called Nation States, personally I found it very fun being the person I am. If anyone has a strong liking of politics or government simulators, it's a cool thing to check out. I'll leave a link for it:
Here's our region:
Regional Government:
Founder/Leader: BigBlindMax
WA Delegate: InGen_Nate_Kenny
Field Marshall: To be elected
Head Bureaucrat: To be elected
Immigration Officer: Saltlick123
Prince of Polls: GoldenPaladin
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That's some name bad luck.
I used to have an account, but I lost it. O well, time to make a new country.
Welcome to the People's Republic of Blindir!
You should post your country, Golden.
This looks pretty kewl
Thanks for sharing!
Here is my wonderful little nation!
By request of @BigBlindMax
Your nation is reasonable. TOO reasonable.
Blindir is a Libertarian Police State. Do what you want, but God fucking help you if you dare to challenge my SUPREME AUTHORITY.
Maybe when my nation becomes THE GODSTATE OF THE WORLD!
I have a very reasonable nation for now, just wait till I take control.
I might make a few lol, this is my one where I'm gonna punish everyone basically xD, I just encouraged public nudity to take Hooters out....
Keep dreamin', left wing college state.
"Join the government or die"
Seems reasonable.
We will eventually do it.
I'll come up with a Government I actually like later on
The T-Rex is our National Animal...
Iron Fist Consumerist, huh? You guy are real serious about blowing cash. Get you some $wag or SaltLick will kill your family.
Bow down, for I am the Queen!
"Canadian dollars"
I guess I messed that up, haha. Oh well :P
You can fix it in your settings.
Thank God.
You can change basically anything in your settings, even things you didn't choose like what your citizens are called.
The queen of a Liberal Democratic Socialist state, huh. How was the people's revolution, your highness?
Glad you got introduced to it because of me
Anyone want to create a Telltale region? That be fun.
A Telltale region? I don't know if I, a beginner, would want to join that.
Eh, a region is just a collection of nations, it doesn't have to be very complicated.
Making it now.
We have a region folks!
Once we get a few more people we can vote on a delegate and stuff.
"The money is always right!"
I can finally create my own dictatorship!
I'll post mine later.
I'm disappointed in you. Mister Krabs is definitely a conservative, and you've given him a hippy commune to look after.
I need to change some things but I have to wait to do so. Please.
That's why I did!
Tomorrow I'm going to make a nation based off Crawford in TWD.
Haha your currency is Buttons, I love it.
This is an awesome site! Thanks for bringing this up!
Based this off of a fantasy story I'm currently working on. Don't judge the name. I just kinda make them up and pick one that sounds cool.
"The money is always right!"
Economy: Imploded.
Welcome to The Republic of Toasty The Toaster!
Who's Eratopiana?
opps well.....erm it's something at least
Hey yo. I created Crawford (self sustaining community) in NationStates!
Someone should recreate Howe's Hardware.
The Tumblr Feminists have tanks? God fucking help us.
Sounds like a fairly nice place! Make sure you check out the Telltale region.
So, is it a mix between Somalia and Malta?