The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I don't get it.

  • I was wondering where that annoying shit came from.

    papai46 posted: »

    Do you guys know about the new trend on Youtube? apparently there's this group of retarded individuals that started posting "HISSSS" in all


    I get it.

    papai46 posted: »

    Maybe he was angry because he couldn't eat anybody.

  • enter image description here

    I don't get it.

  • Alright guys, seeing the Martian, see you in like 3 hours!

  • Don't forget to write a review when you get back.

    Alright guys, seeing the Martian, see you in like 3 hours!

  • Have fun bro :)

    Alright guys, seeing the Martian, see you in like 3 hours!

  • It's an awesome film. You'll enjoy it!

    Alright guys, seeing the Martian, see you in like 3 hours!

  • I feel your pain. We had an assignment last year to make a sphere, I made an unholy abomination.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Argh, I remember that class. I couldn't even draw a circle.

  • edited October 2015

    Hope you like it :)

    It's pretty good

    Alright guys, seeing the Martian, see you in like 3 hours!

  • Mind blown.

    So apparently Disney has finally put to rest a rumor that has been going around for years. Today, I can finally confirm that the merchant at the beginning of Aladdin is, in fact, the genie.

  • Really? I thought it was a reference to the movie Snowpiercer...

    Good movie.

    No, you aren't. I just feel really bad for what I said.

  • Woot! Off to replay some portions of LiS Episode 5 to get all optional photos

  • .....

    enter link description here

  • .....

    Reconn posted: »


  • edited October 2015

    This is the best video I have ever watched in my life.

    Everything seems so clear now.

    Edit: Also this has a remix, the hell lmao.

    enter link description here

    Edit 2: 2 REMIXES IN FACT

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

  • What nice people!

    Who wants some happy news?

  • What was the creator on? I'd like to know.

    enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    Continuing my 007 Marathon is one kick-ass movie, The Living Daylights! First half of the Timothy Dalton. This was literally the movie where the actor's portrayal was closest to the character, and Timothy Dalton studied the character, and brought the original novel Bond to life (don't get me wrong, the others were still good, well Lazenby was meh, but yeah). I absolutely loved Dalton's performance as Bond, he's one of my top Bonds (Craig's is first) and way ahead of his time (in the 80's, fans didn't like the sudden change to a gritty Bond). Shit I'm talking too much about Tim, to the movie!

    The first bit of the film and its title is actually based on a short story of James Bond. However, the villain turned into the main Bond girl in the movie instead, with the villain role being replaced by her cowardly boyfriend, Mr. "Fullofit" General Georgi Koskov. Koskov is secretly running a arms and drug deal with a failed military man, Brad Whitaker (has a fascination of war and war icons, even to go so far as to have all the icon's statue's with his face on it) and has his henchman, Necros (a, surprise!, KGB Agent). Koskov who defect from Russia, using MI6 escape (and to get his girlfriend to unknowingly pose as his assassin), frame a general named Pushkin for reinstating Smiert Spionom ("Death of Spires", Koskov has a henchman start this attack and frame work during an MI6 training session), a nod from SMERSH operations, and soon get "captured" by Necros to run his deals behind the scenes.

    This happens to be the last of John Barry's part in the OST, but he left a faithful mark in the movie's puzzle pieces. Anyway, when it comes to plot, one must pay much attention as one little crucial piece of info being missed can leave you confused for the rest of the movie (I was confused of the pre-title sequence for the longest of time lol). The plot is very clever and creative, the plot is believable as this could very well happen in real life (minus the gadgets). Also, Felix Leiter finally returned after a long ass time! I loved the chemistry between Bond and Kara Milovy (Koskov's girlfriend), there were many beautiful moments between them (well, with some rather edgy moments). I also loved how Bond was very perceptive of Koskov's defection and bullshit, in the meeting he just had looks where he's like "This guy is full of bullshit...". And it was interesting how Bond said he'd be glad if M fired him at one point, shows that he hates the stressful life at times (understandibly). One thing that always bothered me was the scene where Bond first confronts Pushkin while using his wife as a distraction, that scene showed a cold-hearted ruthless side of Bond rarely seen. That cold side of him was always frightening, even I wouldn't piss him off. I did love the transition between locations, gave off a fantastic atmosphere each one did (no surprise there), with a unique setting were the deserts where an Afgahnistan resistance, the Mujahadin was also present in the film, and part of Koskov's operation (the resistance rebelled at the end to help Bond and Kara, mostly for themselves though). There were many epic scenes; Necros vs an MI6 operative in the kitchen (the extra kicked ass!), Koskov's escape operation using MI6, the fight in the military base and airplane full of opium (if Koskov sells it he can make tons of money in days and use the money to distribute artillery through Whitaker to the west), Bond vs Necros, Q scene, the calm and peaceful moments between Bond and Kara, Bond's escape from Puskin's conference (faked Puskin's death to sniff out Koskov), but both of these scenes were my most favourite.

    enter link description hereThis has the rest of the chase scene, half way through the video

    Obviously, I love snow so instant win! Plus the chase was great to watch all the time.

    You had your 8, now I'll have my 80!

    This one was a simple but very entertaining to watch.Bond was in a huge disadvantage with armor and ammo, luckily Q's gadget saves the day and beats the final badguy (You could even say Q got a kill on one of the main villains)! Plus nice reference to Dr. No might I add.

  • edited October 2015

    So some good news. A new Resident Evil CGI movie has been announced for 2017! I can't wait to watch this, those movies rocked!

    Not only that but...

    enter link description here

    I FUCKING CAN'T WAIT! And Squishy Nefarious is in it too! WOO!

  • So people asked me to do a review, so now that I'm not exhausted, I'd like to express my thoughts.

    It's definitely a great movie. Matt Damon are Mark Wadley is the highlight of the film. He brings a certain charm and humor to the character. The movie is visually stunning, with the Martian landscape looks fantastic and real. All of the technology seems and looks like it would exist. The secondary Earth characters are great. The antics of their attempts to save him are enjoyable and are really tense. I think the other astronauts might not be as interesting, but they still bring much to the table. Michael Peña's character as always is a fun addition to the film, as his other performances. The soundtrack, both the instrumental score and songs are a pleasant and a welcome addition, they really enhance the loneliness of Mark.

    I think the film's weak point is it's predictability. You kind of saw the end of the movie coming, although some of the events leading up to the film's climax I didn't see coming. The film's climax in itself was pretty suspenseful, but not in the ways you would think.

    Matt's reactions to things going wrong is absolutely hilarious. And this movie has a lot more 'fucks' and 'shits' than I thought were allowed in a PG-13 movie. Probably because of the lack of violence. Disappointed that Jimi Hendrix's song "All Along The Watchtower" which featured prominently in the trailers didn't show up. The last couple songs might make up for this.

    Overall 9/10, would see again.

  • So Hyped!

    enter image description here

    So some good news. A new Resident Evil CGI movie has been announced for 2017! I can't wait to watch this, those movies rocked! Not only that but... enter link description here I FUCKING CAN'T WAIT! And Squishy Nefarious is in it too! WOO!

  • OMFG I've been waiting for this. This is game was my childhood!

    So some good news. A new Resident Evil CGI movie has been announced for 2017! I can't wait to watch this, those movies rocked! Not only that but... enter link description here I FUCKING CAN'T WAIT! And Squishy Nefarious is in it too! WOO!

  • How have I not seen this gif before?! I love it!

    So Hyped!

  • Same! Played the first game back when I was 12 as a rental, been collecting them since. Best series I've ever played!

    Quiff posted: »

    OMFG I've been waiting for this. This is game was my childhood!

  • This will probably be a great anime.

    So some good news. A new Resident Evil CGI movie has been announced for 2017! I can't wait to watch this, those movies rocked! Not only that but... enter link description here I FUCKING CAN'T WAIT! And Squishy Nefarious is in it too! WOO!

  • Tis a thing of beauty (っ◔◡◔)っ.:。

    How have I not seen this gif before?! I love it!

  • Holy shit you're right, I had completely forgotten, thanks InGen, I appreciate it. But if you're going to use a Metallica song, especially when it comes to my One year anniversary, it has to be this one.

    enter link description here

    Happy one year anniversary @MetallicaRules! You rock!

  • Awesome Happy Anniversary bro have a great day :)

    Holy shit you're right, I had completely forgotten, thanks InGen, I appreciate it. But if you're going to use a Metallica song, especially when it comes to my One year anniversary, it has to be this one. enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    Thanks a lot man, you too.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Awesome Happy Anniversary bro have a great day

  • Thanks man. :)

    Don't feel bad mate. Anyone with a brain would recognize it as a joke.


    This is the best video I have ever watched in my life. Everything seems so clear now. Edit: Also this has a remix, the hell lmao. enter link description here Edit 2: 2 REMIXES IN FACT enter link description here

  • Happy one year anniversary! :P

    Thanks a lot man, you too.

  • Thank you

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Happy one year anniversary! :P

  • I was watching some random youtube videos when suddenly I stumbled on to this. This is pretty much the best video I've ever seen about my beloved home country, Finland :DD You should definitely check it out.

    enter link description here

    Yes, Darude - Sandstorm is Finnish.

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