Axel or Olivia?



  • I picked Axel. Why? Well, maybe because I only learned Olivia's name after seeing this thread. Axel can be a jerk sometimes, but she simply has no personality. Or I am too dumb to see it, I dunno. Anyway, I care about Axel a lot more than her, and I didn't really side with him much before, so I decided it was about time to support him.

  • I learned one thing about Olivia recently: She is there to balance things out if Jesse is joining Axel at being a jerk, like some kind of conscience. That means we barely notice she is around if Jesse is being nice, but if Jesse is being mean to Lukas, Olivia speaks up on his defense. I appreciate her for her maturity and for not holding a grudge against him like Axel does.

    You are not "too dumb to see it", you are probably just too nice, so she just sits quietly there and let you handle the situation because she pretty much agrees with you. She probably knows Axel will ultimately do what you tell him to, like always, so her input is unnecessary.

    I gathered a few things about her, but only because I watched multiple playthroughs. I probably wouldn't have noticed her personality at all if I played the game and did nothing else, as I usually try to be nice in this kind of game. While she is a downer in the building competition, when the situation got tough she knew it was important to keep the group's moral up (hence the joke she proposed to Lukas). She generally avoids getting into arguments if Jesse is handling it like she thinks s/he should, but she will speak up if she thinks something Jesse is doing is wrong (if Jesse sides with Axel in the argument with Lukas). She seems to want Lukas to feel like he is welcome in the group, so she either recognizes how important it is for a small group like theirs to stay together to survive or she thinks he can be useful because he is a good builder (or maybe both).

    Krapinka posted: »

    I picked Axel. Why? Well, maybe because I only learned Olivia's name after seeing this thread. Axel can be a jerk sometimes, but she simply

  • I guess.

    I liked how Telltale gave the "usher" - that's guarding the castle - an Australian voice actor! Ha!

    Abeille posted: »

    Nope, he has a fanclub since day one for being pretty much Luke.

  • Gone with Olivia.
    For obvious reasons.

  • Wow, that's really interesting. Thanks for sharing. I guess, I always try to act nicely in telltale games, and that's why she was mostly silent in my walkthrough. I'll try to learn more about her character in my alternative walkthrough, she might turn out to be a better character than I thought.

    Abeille posted: »

    I learned one thing about Olivia recently: She is there to balance things out if Jesse is joining Axel at being a jerk, like some kind of co

  • I would have gone with Axel just coz of the rivalry between him and lukas. This is something I dident even think of at the time. Leaving two Rivals to work together alone probably is not a smart choice.

  • Extremely interesting point! :D

    Abeille posted: »

    I learned one thing about Olivia recently: She is there to balance things out if Jesse is joining Axel at being a jerk, like some kind of co

  • Axel is pretty much all brawn and no brain. He thinks petra died because of Lukas, plus Lukas is an ocelet gang member, so he sees Lukas as an enemy and maybe even a threat to the team. You never know, he might end up right ;D

    I am willing to give Axel a chance to prove himself, since it is only the first episode. So far, he hasn't really left a positive impression

  • Well yes, but I think the point is that Magnus is really good with destruction and should know how to contain it.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went with Olivia, simply because I know how destruction (TNT Cannons, dispenser traps, etc.) can seriously backfire in Minecraft. I'd rather be with an experienced redstone engineer :P

  • Fair point! Explosions can't destroy command blocks

    I didn't go with Olivia, I went with Ellegaard. This choice is more reasonable, since Ellegaard could do some redstone magic to uncover the command block..

  • What are redstone magic? I am always happy to learn.

    I didn't go with Olivia, I went with Ellegaard. This choice is more reasonable, since Ellegaard could do some redstone magic to uncover the command block..

  • A friend of mine who played Minecraft showed me the countless bunch of TNT that he has gathered in one hole. The explosion blew a hole so big that it reached the Nether. So yeah, destruction sounds dangerous.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went with Olivia, simply because I know how destruction (TNT Cannons, dispenser traps, etc.) can seriously backfire in Minecraft. I'd rather be with an experienced redstone engineer :P

  • This is not true. There's no other way to get to the Nether other than a portal.

    A friend of mine who played Minecraft showed me the countless bunch of TNT that he has gathered in one hole. The explosion blew a hole so big that it reached the Nether. So yeah, destruction sounds dangerous.

  • Or something I thought was the Nether. I remember I saw lava. Well, it was long ago, so my memory is fuzzy.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    This is not true. There's no other way to get to the Nether other than a portal.

  • I was thinking about sidding with Olivia because she's the smart one, while Axel is impulsive. But since I sidded with her in most parts through the episode I gave Axel a chance and followed him on the last path I think in some part on the game I'll have to start choosing just one

  • I really wish you could pick who to look for AND who to look with separately. I went with Olivia, because I figured an engineer is more valuable/more unique than a fighter. Really wish I didn't have to leave Axel with Lukas though, as that is a recipe for disaster.

  • That would have been a great option to have.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I really wish you could pick who to look for AND who to look with separately. I went with Olivia, because I figured an engineer is more valu

  • THIS!

    enter image description here

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I really wish you could pick who to look for AND who to look with separately. I went with Olivia, because I figured an engineer is more valu

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