Has this game disappoint you so far?

I've read the ASOIAF books and love them to death but the game has been disappointing. It's not doing it's own thing(Like TWD game and TOTBL), too much characters from the show (and too much locations from the show) appear in it when really you could of cut most of them out (Jon Snow,Danny and Ramsay Snow). And what makes it worse is that only major characters from the show appear, why not have some minor characters from the show appear? That would be actually kinda of cool since they don't really get allot of screen time in the show and the show only fans could get to know them better. Also Ramsay Snow being the main bad guy is so godam stupid, we all know it's 100% impossible for us to get our revenge so it's boring. It would be like if the Governor killed Kenny in TWD game, stupid because we wont get able to kill the Governor.

So what do you guys think?



  • So far, yeah it's been dissapointing. But I'll hold out my review until the season finishes..

  • Personally it has been my least favorite Telltale game and it has disappointed me a bit, but I hope the finale at least gives me a little more respect for it.

  • I have been enjoying it, but I understand what you're saying. We'll just have to wait and see how great the finale will be.

  • Nope. It's been enjoyable.

  • No. It's the most enjoyable game here at this point.

  • The game as a whole is just slightly below my expectations because of how much Episode 5 disappointed me. The other episodes were up to my expectations.

  • Yes, I was expecting more but it's still a pretty okay game.

  • Favourite TTG so far.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm enjoying the game, but my main gripe is a lot of potential was wasted. To much fanservice when it came to Jon, Daenarys, and Tyrion. Some events felt hamfisted and outcomes contrived. Tom anyone? I wounldn't have mind the traitor if it had been more naunced then "You hurt my feelings when he got the bracelet. "

  • "Didn't think so"

    I'm sorry


  • I quite like this game! It's great but not as great as some of telltale's other games (cough TWAU cough)

  • enter image description here

    "Didn't think so" I'm sorry

  • Yes, it has disappointed me. It's not a bad game though, just not as good as I thought it would be.

  • While it's my least favorite Telltale game, I will say I am not disappointed with it and that it has exceeded my expectations. I wasn't even originally planning on getting it because I hate Game of Thrones, but changed my mind after the first episode.

  • I second that.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Favourite TTG so far.

  • Nah, it's been entertaining so far and that's all I really could ask for in a video game.

  • Also Ramsay Snow being the main bad guy is so godam stupid, we all know it's 100% impossible for us to get our revenge so it's boring.

    That's the thing that annoyed me the most.

  • Well, really only one episode has disappointed me, and that was 5. The series as a whole could be better, and I am disappointed a tad, but if Episode 6 is remarkable then I'll be happy.

  • It's not perfect but it's been a lot of fun. I feel like it gets picked on more than it deserves, even the much maligned episode 5, which I on the whole enjoyed but certain bugs really bothered me on the second play through.

  • No, It's easily my favourite Telltale series so far.

  • Episode 5 disappointed me a lot. I really, really hated it. A lot. (For reasons that have been discussed again, and again, and again, and again, so I won't explain here because I don't like beating dead horses.)

    That being said, I've loved it so far. 1-4 were spectacular and I think six will be as well. I'm accustomed to only having five episodes instead of six, so I have no issue with one of the episodes being bad. All in all, I feel it's a good game but I don't think it captured the GOT/ASOIAF "feel."

    Still better than TWD S2

  • I couldn't in my right mind say this game has disappointed me. I am still waiting desperately for the season finale!!

  • A lot of things could have been improved upon, but I don't feel disappointed in the game. It succeeded in making me care about the Forresters and the House. It succeeded in making me care about all of the playable protagonists. While Tales from the Borderlands has the humor, action scenes and pacing. Game of Thrones has the heart and sense of family, it was done better than what TWD Season 2 was trying to do regarding family.

    As for game aren't allowed to do its own thing, it is difficult to make something totally different, considering that the story games place at the end of Season 3 of the Tv-show. The Red Wedding didn't just affect the Starks, it affected every northern house who fought with the Starks. House Forresters show us how the event has affected them from another perspective. But aye, I do wish that they didn't use Ramsay so much, they could have created a more original character. Maybe the Whitehills should have been a vassal house from a bigger house whose liege lord was the Boltons instead.

    But I like the story, despite some missteps and missed opportunities.

  • Overall I would say no but there are things that could be improved mostly in EP 5 for me but until Ep 6 comes out I cant say for sure

  • Episode 5 was a clear dissapointment, but other than that, it was really good.

  • The Penultimate Curse

    Both TFTB and GOT penultimate episodes have been huge disappointments (At least to me). They only good one was In Sheep's Clothing.

  • As a GOT fan I think this game did justice to the world of ASOIAF and we can finally say that we have an amazing Game Of Thrones game. At it's stongest it's far better than the show and at it's weakest... errr, yeah it didn't have much of that.

    I think that episode 5 was better than episode 1.
    I also don't undersatnd why ep.2 got lower ratings than ep.1, it was improved in every way.


  • I like to consider episode 2 to be the true beginning of the story, while episode 1 was the set up and prologue. :)

    As a GOT fan I think this game did justice to the world of ASOIAF and we can finally say that we have an amazing Game Of Thrones game. At it

  • This series is like Martin's books. First two were okay but rest...

  • Another thread.

  • TFTB EP4 was amazing! And many agree.

    The Penultimate Curse Both TFTB and GOT penultimate episodes have been huge disappointments (At least to me). They only good one was In Sheep's Clothing.

  • yeah, for sure.

    I had played the WD and wolf among us, but GoT is just a huge HELIX, your decisions make no difference to game at all...
    You just decid with who you want to finish the game....

  • Well, I feel like it's rushed and was super short.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    TFTB EP4 was amazing! And many agree.

  • This game has really only disappointed me in episode 5 thus far, other than that I've been enjoying it a lot. And it's not just due to the story/characters/gameplay in it, I've also been pleasantly surprised on a technical level to see that it appears TellTale has nearly crushed that old stuttering and long load time problems, those used to always hurt any series for me simply because they pull you out of the experience.

    But overall, quite happy with this game and hope the finale ends strong on all points!

  • The game didn't dissapoint me. GoT is my favorite Telltale game and favorite game in general. Episode 5 was kinda weak but I really enjoyed all episodes. :P

  • I mean from a writers perspective I'm pretty disappointed with the direction of the game, and the characters.

    But as a player, I can't get Talias song out of my head.

    Bacon from Pig

  • I've personally enjoyed this series a lot. I feel like it gets a lot of heat, particularly for Ep 5 (which I thought was awesome). Can't wait for the finale!

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