Minor Characters You Wish Were Featured in the Game?

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

As much as I loved seeing the Forresters interact with major show characters like Jon Snow and Daenerys and Tyrion and Margery and Cersei (and Ramsay) this comes with its own disadvantage of having little effect and development over those characters since the game can't alter the show's canon.

What would have been a better move (and perhaps Telltale can do so in Season 2) was to turn minor characters from in the show in supporting characters in the game - characters that existed within the show canon but were not featured prominently - allowing them to have more development in the game and subsequently allowing the Forresters to have a major impact on those show characters.

But what kind of minor characters should have been given the spotlight in the game? I have a few in mind...

Myranda (Ramsay's Pre-Sansa girlfriend, exclusive to show canon, still alive in the game timeline)

enter image description here

Instead of getting so much Ramsay it would be interesting to explore the character of his companion Myranda. Its feasible to imagine that she could accompany Ramsay in one of his trips to Ironrath and while she still has plot armor (she doesn't die until the Season 5 finale) unlike Ramsay she has much more room for character development (that we really only get n S5) and interaction with the Forresters, though its likely her role would be to pair with Ramsay's antagonism. She's just as sadistic as him but clearly possesses a cunning mind as well and I just can't stop thinking about her meeting Talia for whom Ramsay has a certain twisted fondness for.

enter image description here Jonos Bracken

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He only appears briefly in Season 1 but I think he could have made an interesting addition into the story of House Forrester. House Bracken are the vassals of House Tully and Jonos is its head.
In the aftermath of Eddard Stark's execution Jonos joins Robb Stark's army and suggests a possible alliance with Renly Baratheon which Robb rejects. He eventually comes to support the idea of an independent North and swears fealty to Robb declaring him King of the North. His further fate beyond Season 1 is unknown, meaning its possible he could have survived the Red Wedding as well. In Season 5 we meet another minor character named Lollys Stokeworth who was intended to be betrothed to an unseen Willas Bracken - indicating House Bracken is back on peaceful terms with the Iron Throne.

Kevan Lannister

enter image description here

Enough of Cersei and Tyrion, the show hardly focuses much on Tywin's interesting younger brother Kevan. Sure Telltale created their own Lyman Lannister for the game but it would have been cooler for Mira to interact with Kevan (who only recently became more developed in Season 5 and is already dead in the books). Unlike others he is able to see through Cersei's manipulation and perhaps even holds disapproval towards her, meaning he could have made a pretty valuable ally for Mira (he's a Lannister AND he's not afraid of Cersei AND he has ties to Tywin Lannister who was still alive by Episode 5) - seriously the more I think about it the more I wish this character was given a spotlight and development in the game.


enter image description here
A cameo would have been nice... its not like Mira can discover what he's up to with Gregor Clegane's corpse but otherwise he's a pretty mysterious character in favour with Cersei though only appears in certain specific scenes of the show perhaps Telltale could have expanded on his character in the game?


  • Bezzaq (naked fat man) really deserved more screentime, in my opinion. The man just has a way with words...

    "HHmHMhMhMh HMMhmHm HGHLP" - Bezzaq, Episode 2

  • Please no. I don't want anymore interaction with tv characters unless they're absolutely essential to the plot. Telltale should focus on writing more original characters for us to love and hate.

  • I don't really see the point.

  • I still hope that Qyburn has some impact, to be honest. In the books Cersei used him to torture people for her needs, plus he is my favourite villain from the whole ASOIAF, I really hoped Mira could end up being sent to him - and maybe saved by some of her allies from King's Landing. Sadly, his role in the show is slightly different, so, it is not likely.

  • Well it doesn't matter now of course... So technically there is no point. It's an idea to think about, not a point to be made.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't really see the point.

  • That's interesting... Damn I should read the books

    Krapinka posted: »

    I still hope that Qyburn has some impact, to be honest. In the books Cersei used him to torture people for her needs, plus he is my favourit

  • You definitely should. It's hundred times more detailed and interested than the show, there are shitload of minor plotlines and characters, which were cut or changed in the series. Strongly recommend it to you.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That's interesting... Damn I should read the books

  • IIRC Kevan is in Casterly Rock during season 4 so he couldn't really be in KL - he only returns after Tywin dies.

    However, I agree with you in a way. I would have loved interactions with minor characters, but only if that would mean less interactions with the major characters. For example, how about no Dany at all, or perhaps just one meeting with her. The rest could have been done with Jorah or Daario - who is the leader of Second Sons in the show. With Ramsay I loved his appearance in the first episode. His second visit to Ironrath was a little meh, but I guess it had its reasons. And in KL - less Tyrion, and more original characters. And yeah, I guess Qyburn cameo wouldn't have been so bad... Or Oberyn :D

    Oh and then there's the Wall... Well Jon didn't really bring much to the story, but he didn't derail it either so I guess he was a good cameo. Some Alliser Thorne wouldn't have been bad - The whole Frostfinger felt like "we couldn't get Alliser's VA" -character.

  • Here's an idea - what if Olly made an appearance in Gared's storyline?

    IIRC Kevan is in Casterly Rock during season 4 so he couldn't really be in KL - he only returns after Tywin dies. However, I agree with y

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