Jared Emerson-Johnson has done it again

People have probably mentioned this before but the soundtrack is worth the attention. Particularly the end sequences of each episode of Tales, the music always propels it. I haven't yet encountered a bad experience with his music for any of Telltale's games. Does everyone else agree?


  • 100% agree his music is fantastic! Especially TWAU, but Tales also has some really solid tunes.

  • Same here! Sometimes it's a little hard for me to think of him as anything other than the Sam & Max music guy, but all of his stuff is just fantastic. I'm even listening to Zer0 Sum's montage track right now.

  • Absolutely brilliant. I listen to this soundtrack all the time. My favorite is the end music in ep. 2.

  • JaredEJJaredEJ Former Telltale Staff

    D'awww, you guuuuuys! Thanks for the love, it means a lot. Hope you enjoy the finale stuff next week!

  • edited October 2015

    Thanks YOU for all, Jared!

    I hope you didn't forget about 'TWD: S2' Ep 3 - Trailer and Ep 203 and 205 Accolades-Trailer tracks ;)

    JaredEJ posted: »

    D'awww, you guuuuuys! Thanks for the love, it means a lot. Hope you enjoy the finale stuff next week!

  • I'm sure we all will, thank you so much for all of the work you've done with Telltale over the years.

    JaredEJ posted: »

    D'awww, you guuuuuys! Thanks for the love, it means a lot. Hope you enjoy the finale stuff next week!

  • edited October 2015

    A lot of people (I'm talking in general) do not actually think that much about music in movies or video games, shame on them. Music is so important to build a proper atmosphere, especially in a story driven games like the ones Telltale make. I doubt that their games would be as good if not for the great work Jared does, and while TWAU is still my favorite soundtrack of ALL time, TFTB also had some really great bits which I like to listen to when I'm working on my TF2 map. Galatarium Finale is by far the greatest one.

    @JaredEJ I hope that you will keep making outstanding soundtracks for video games, and I REALLY hope that one day you and Telltale will make an arrangement to sell the Soundtracks from their games. I would buy the $h&t out of it! I'm also in hope to be able to listen to exclusive tracks from TWAU Trailers one day :)

  • Both the original music and the choosing of other music have been absolutely stellar. Bravo

  • I absolutely agree, the Galatarium Finale is just astonishing.

    Jacol posted: »

    A lot of people (I'm talking in general) do not actually think that much about music in movies or video games, shame on them. Music is so im

  • edited October 2015
    Galatarium finale is incredible. Music is a sub-conscious factor for a lot of people I think, definitely a huge element in film/tv/games. It can complement and even elevate a story so much!
    I also agree on the soundtrack releases. Make it happen telltale haha!
    Jacol posted: »

    A lot of people (I'm talking in general) do not actually think that much about music in movies or video games, shame on them. Music is so im

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