Borderlands VS Tales?

No, this isn't a thread that's meant to cause riots and uproars. Yes, however! This IS a thread that you can calmly voice which you liked more! The plain OG Borderlands series, or Tales From the Borderlands? (I know it's all technically the Borderlands series but for the sake of dividing the games apart just go with it) To me, I liked Tales a lot better. It really wrapped me into the plot and story better than Borderlands games. I found it more entertaining and the graphics for the characters seemed quite an improvement from the other games.


  • Well, I did play some Borderlands 2 back in 2013, but I didnt bother to even finish it and I didnt really like how it played, but after Tales it made me want to go back and play and I found myself really enjoying it, but Id have to say, I think Tales is the best

  • Tales > Borderlands 2 > TPS > Borderlands

  • This ^

    Tales > Borderlands 2 > TPS > Borderlands

  • Gameplay: main series. Story: Tales

  • BL2>Tales>Borderlands>TPS

  • Tales > Borderlands 2 > Borderlands > TPS

  • ^This was pretty much my exact experience with Borderlands. Played it a small bit just after it came out, met Hammerlock, and put the game down for about 2 years. Then Tales comes out and I play both BL2 and TPS during the wait between episodes 1 and 2. Never played Borderlands 1, Aspyr didn't port it over to Mac.

    Tales > TPS > Borderlands 2
    (and while I'm commenting on this thread)
    Claptastic Voyage > Dragon Keep

    Yes, I know, Borderlands heresy to put TPS ahead of Borderlands 2. Short of it is, I feel they do complement each other well, in the sense that aspects Borderlands 2 does well on, TPS falters on, and vice versa. But I do have 100+ more hours on TPS than BL2, and I've really enjoyed playing as all of the TPS VHs except for Claptrap (iffy on him). For BL2, I've only enjoyed Maya so far, but slowly gaining an appreciation for Krieg.
    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I did play some Borderlands 2 back in 2013, but I didnt bother to even finish it and I didnt really like how it played, but after Tale

  • Tales did'nt give me the pleasure of shooting Jack in the face with Norfleet. :)
  • edited October 2015
    Double Anarchy Represent!

    (can't post pic jfc)
  • I disagree. As awesome of a moment Scooter go bye bye is, it's still a small ploy in the grand scheme of things. Roland shot in the chest? Angel turned out to be Jack's daughter? While it's easy to get lost in the countless shootings in the main series, it's still a pretty damn solid storyline.

    TPS... not as much... though I count that as more of a setup to the grand story that will be BL3... or whatever Gearbox like to call the next one... And to TPS's credit, Claptastic Voyage is the best storied DLCs by simultaneously exploring Clappy and Jack's psyche, while setting up Athena as a much more sympathetic character than the main game. "I'm sorry Claptrap." Come on, so much feel in that one line!

    zeke10 posted: »

    Gameplay: main series. Story: Tales

  • enter image description here

    Preach it, brother/sister/unknown life-form!

    For me the games go something like this: Tales>TPS>Borderlands>Borderlands 2. I love the gameplay and vault hunters of TPS and the look-and-feel of the original Borderlands. Borderlands 2....Is okay. I know i'm a heretic for saying it but it has, to me, the worst gameplay of the three :/

    Double Anarchy Represent! (can't post pic jfc)

  • edited October 2015

    I've played/finished Borderlands 1 & 2 on PC and finished Borderlands The Pre-Sequel on PS4.

  • Who needs those puny guns when you got fists of steel BRICK IN THE HOUSE

    Double Anarchy Represent! (can't post pic jfc)

  • Soloed Borderlands 1 with Brick and Roland and Co-op with Axton and solo with Sal in Borderlands 2. Still debating on buying TPS, Tales is the best IMO though 2 is a close 2nd

  • I did, wasn't a huge fan of it. The DLC's were good, but the main story was very disappointing and wasn't that funny.

  • BL2>TPS>Tales>BL1

  • edited October 2015

    Well, can you really compare these? Three of them are first-person shooters with RPG elements, the other is a story-based episodic point and click game sprinkled with QTEs. If you're debating story, I'd put Tales ahead of all of them, BL2 second, followed by the original and then TPS, if only for the fact that I only played TPS once over a weekend and couldn't give it a real playthrough. Gameplay wise, TPS first (Buttslams for days), then BL2, then BL1. I don't think I can lump TFTB's gameplay with em, lol.

  • Once Episode 5 releases, I don't think I'll be able to enjoy Borderlands without Tales anymore.
  • Own all the games+ all the dlc for all the games, tomorrow i'l beat all the games.

  • BL2 = Tales > BL:TPS
    Haven't played BL1
  • Roland shot in the chest? Angel turned out to be Jack's daughter?

    I wouldn't really highlight those events as counters. Roland getting shot happened in the span of 5 seconds (we don't even see the body again afterwards and the only mention of his funeral came at the end of a paid DLC), all the big reveals about Jack, Angel (hell, any big event) happened over an ECHO, shit, Jack doesn't appear for the majority of the game and just taunts you over the ECHO, up until then the big enemies you fight haven't even been related to him or Hyperion, save for Wilhelm and BNK3R. If Jack cared THAT much about Angel, why didn't he step in and kill the Vault Hunters at the start? Why did he simply send Loaders and yell at us from big orange screens on the walls instead?

    TFTB goes above and beyond in the storytelling department by not relegating story events to cutscenes (even though technically, the whole game is basically one long cutscene lmao), and actively making us decide how we want these events to play out, regardless of a set path or not. Scooter's death arguably had more weight to it than Roland's, especially since you were the one that had to make it happen instead of waiting for a cutscene to end:


    As much as I love BL2, the story was one that definitely could have used some TLC. It took an entire expansion pack to show a funeral for Roland, FFS.

    razen_wing posted: »

    I disagree. As awesome of a moment Scooter go bye bye is, it's still a small ploy in the grand scheme of things. Roland shot in the chest?

  • Same here.

    Tales > Borderlands 2 > TPS > Borderlands

  • Played through everything but the f@%king Underdome, God that was impossible on solo.

  • The Pre-Sequel is pretty fun. Gameplay is mostly the same but has a bit of an upgrade. Story-wise it's not as bad as people say (I actually prefer it to the original). If you end up giving it a shot, make sure to pick up the Doppelganger, he's pretty great.

  • Punching solves everything!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Who needs those puny guns when you got fists of steel BRICK IN THE HOUSE

  • I can't say which I loved more, as far as story goes! Tales has an amazing story, but what got me drawn into the story of borderlands was BL2. I played BL1 before the second one came out, but never finished it. I am playing it now, between Diablo 3 that is. This is the only FPS that I play, I'm usually dungeon delving on a RPG.
  • edited October 2015

    The writing in Tales is just way better than the other borderlands games and its not even close lol

    Telltale was able to take a world known for its meme jokes and turn into a believable and interesting place full of great characters.There are times when Tales doesn't really feel like its a borderlands game

    A perfect example of this is the scene with scooter in episode 4

    Everything about the scene was 100 percent serious and at no point did Telltale try to turn what happened to scooter into some kind of joke. even the aftermath was handled with a lot of respect.

    The scene did not feel like it came from a borderlands game at all

  • That is one thing that seems to limit the story of borderlands typically. The game has a lot of serious points it could elaborate on, but for the sake of keeping it light and comical skip it. Almost all the characters have something that is extremely depressing or could be in their story. I kinda wish gearbox made some mini-games that told the whole story of all the characters.
    TommyW posted: »

    The writing in Tales is just way better than the other borderlands games and its not even close lol Telltale was able to take a world kno

  • Original borderlands (1&2) for the gameplay and the guns, (even if, after many, many hours of playing on two separate systems, I still don't have a norfleet... /not bitter at all), and Tales for everything story and emotion. Telltale has written some fantastic characters that will stay with me for a long time.

    Is that answer a cop out? I feel like it's a cop out.

  • Yeah, you can compare them. Like, I can say that TWAU is better than Superman 64, right? Just because the genres are different doesn't mean I can't like one more than the other.

    DirtSPP posted: »

    Well, can you really compare these? Three of them are first-person shooters with RPG elements, the other is a story-based episodic point and

  • Of course you can like one more than the other, no one's contesting that. But to objectively compare attributes of two completely different games doesn't really work, in this case where one game is a first-person action-RPG shooter, and the other is a point-and-click story game. You can't say TFTB has better first-person aiming than Borderlands 2 because TFTB doesn't have first-person aiming. Nor can you say Borderlands 2 has a better selection of dialogue options than TFTB, because Borderlands 2 doesn't have selectable dialogue options, or interactive conversations in the first place. However, what TFTB and BL2 do share is a story, both set in the Borderlands universe, and that is something we can directly compare to each other.

    s'all i'm sayin

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, you can compare them. Like, I can say that TWAU is better than Superman 64, right? Just because the genres are different doesn't mean I can't like one more than the other.

  • I actually don't like the Borderlands games. Maybe it was because I was on skype playing with friends and they wouldn't stop talking for me to take in the story, but I love the humor in Tales. I love the characters in Tales. I don't enjoy it as much as I do TWD, GOT or Wolf but its a damn good game.

  • From favorite to leave fave: BL2, TPS, Tales, BL1

    For me, the humor in BL2 was what made the dramatic moments so damn intense. You're laughing, you're joking and them BAM -- Roland goes down. That's the way the whole series has felt to me ... these intense moments of grief or drama sprinkled through the laughter.

    Anyway, I absolutely adore Tales, and hope they make another season or two. But I have nearly 500 hours in BL2 and another 100 for TPS. While the story is smoother in Tales, I prefer the immersion of the others.
  • edited October 2015

    eeh each one has it quirks
    best one though tps then tales then 2 then 1

  • edited October 2015

    Zombie Zed was my favorite boss from BL1

  • tales was actually the first borderlands game i played and i loved it so much that i played borderlands 2 and pre sequel in the wait b/w episodes and i actually ended up loving them more. it's weird b/c i started borderlands 2 solely for more handsome jack and expected to hate it b/c i'm not usually into FPS or roaming type games, but over the course of the 100 or so hours i spent playing it won me over haha. the story in tales is definitely better and i just fucking loved it so much but for immersion, replay value, and gameplay traditional borderlands games are much better.

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