The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2015

    PS3. I'm creating a crew called Deathrow Mafia (Destruction, Extortion, Allegiance, Termination, Havoc, Reconstruction, Operative, Warfare). I'm making a playlist (the training regime, and the capture is the last one in the playlist since it's quite difficult). I even found a spot to serve as HQ. Mostly just for fun though. I'm also opening the crew to other systems, I'm head of the PS3 division. I'm opening the crew soon.

    (That name meaning is just for fun, since I'm excited for Spectre.)

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I'm curious, what console do you play on?

  • Crap. I have a PS3 with GTA V but I'm getting a PS4 this Sunday. I'm probably never touching that dusty old thing again :P

    PS3. I'm creating a crew called Deathrow Mafia (Destruction, Extortion, Allegiance, Termination, Havoc, Reconstruction, Operative, Warfare).

  • No .

    But does she have to be so damn rude? If I'd had done that . I'd receive a warning .

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Do you want this thread to be closed too? Lmao

  • Not surprised.

    So it would seem that the Unpopular Opinion thread has been closed...............yet again.

  • You're always welcome to join when you feel like it. :)

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Crap. I have a PS3 with GTA V but I'm getting a PS4 this Sunday. I'm probably never touching that dusty old thing again :P

  • ?

    No one said you were responsible for the thread being closed. Relax.

    Cope49 posted: »

    No . But does she have to be so damn rude? If I'd had done that . I'd receive a warning .

  • No.

    If I had told someone to shut up .

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    ? No one said you were responsible for the thread being closed. Relax.

  • edited October 2015

    Friendship axiom: "If you want to stay friends with everybody don't discuss politics or religion". Telltale Forum axiom: If you don't want to get a closed thread don't have discussions about homosexuality. Such discussions NEVER end well.

    So it would seem that the Unpopular Opinion thread has been closed...............yet again.

  • Be mindful of political clickbait, folks.

  • Ok, I get it. You just didn't have to comment that. Relax, there's nothing we can do now.

    Cope49 posted: »

    No. If I had told someone to shut up .

  • You know what? I just might, sometime. Just let us know when you get a PS4 with GTA V, OK? (You know, if you actually plan on getting one :P)

    You're always welcome to join when you feel like it.

  • Clicked the video out of interest, and ended up watching 20+ minutes. Holy nostalgia.

    I'm not sure I will ever be able to connect to a story like I did to this one.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • The best Christmas gift would be a thread that doesn't get closed.
  • edited October 2015

    After seeing the latest main post, I can definitely see why it was closed. Not the first time he opened that can of beans either, practically asked for his thread to be closed.

    The best Christmas gift would be a thread that doesn't get closed.

  • Are we talking about Kenny/Lee here? Because expressing disapproval of homosexuality doesn't seem the same as asking for the thread to be closed.

    Green613 posted: »

    After seeing the latest main post, I can definitely see why it was closed. Not the first time he opened that can of beans either, practically asked for his thread to be closed.

  • Well it is, its basically an invite to start a shit feast. Good for you if you have those opinions, people can think what they want, no matter how shitty it is, but when you know your opinion is a controversial one and you're saying it when you know people have completely contrasting opinions. You're asking for an arguement, not a debate. Just a shit flinging contest.

    Are we talking about Kenny/Lee here? Because expressing disapproval of homosexuality doesn't seem the same as asking for the thread to be closed.

  • These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • edited October 2015

    To the person who wrote that, I wish to react thusly:
    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • This disgusts me. From what I have seen of the remains of people who returned from war, I can say with 100% certainty that the impact warfare has on the mind of soldiers is indescribable. Those who come back from the battlefield don't come back the same. Leaving your family, going out for months at a time with the possibility of death around every corner and still having the strength to keep fighting - even as a woman, I fail to see the similarities of this to being catcalled on the streets.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • I'm gonna go jump off a building now.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • Brilliant idea! Let us all!

    enter image description here

    Reconn posted: »

    I'm gonna go jump off a building now.

  • Feminism. It's a fucking disgrace.

    This disgusts me. From what I have seen of the remains of people who returned from war, I can say with 100% certainty that the impact warfar

  • Fuck it. Why not?

    Brilliant idea! Let us all!

  • Radical feminism is, no doubt.

    Feminism. It's a fucking disgrace.

  • I don't, I feel old because I'm not the least bit exited and I would have been so exited if I had seen this when I was a kid, almost everything I had was Star Wars related, sucks becoming so cynical. I feel like a kid again.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    My dad is a war veteran with PTSD I'm not even debating this because so stupid and it's tumblr so making wild and stupid accusations is a daily occurrence over there

    Just remember when feminism does something people generally don't like it's radical femininazis, when they do something people generally approve of that's only when it's feminism

    Also When I do something people don't like it's radical Markd4547 when I do something people generally like that's only when I'm Markd4547 so I never have accountability :P

    I wake up, log on and first thing I see is this I fear for the future of intelligence beings in the human race

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • Calling this act 'feminism' is an absolute joke. This is self-entitlement at its extremist that would make real feminists cringe.

    I'm sure that even the women who were routinely harassed at the streets would read this message and shake their heads in disgust at the commentator.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    These tumblrinas kill me. There's no self-awareness and no realization that the rhetoric they push is detrimental to the cause of equality.

  • Well, like with any production line, there are bound to be certain imperfections in certain cases in the Human species.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My dad is a war veteran with PTSD I'm not even debating this because so stupid and it's tumblr so making wild and stupid accusations is a da

  • It came, I played it, it was a good ending, liked it quite a bit.

    LiS episode 5 trailer coming in 2 hours or so. I may have gotten the time wrong though.

  • Also When I do something people don't like it's radical Markd4547 when I do something people generally like that's only when I'm Markd4547 so I never have accountability :P

    Don't you mean radical Marksism?. Ba dum tiss!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My dad is a war veteran with PTSD I'm not even debating this because so stupid and it's tumblr so making wild and stupid accusations is a da

  • That was soooooo horrendous, yet I cannot cease laughing.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Also When I do something people don't like it's radical Markd4547 when I do something people generally like that's only when I'm Markd4547 so I never have accountability :P Don't you mean radical Marksism?. Ba dum tiss!

  • Ah, already starting my PS4 game collection! Getting Arkham Knight to start it off. Then Elder Scrolls Online, Naruto Storm 4, Ratchet & Clank the Movie Game, and most definitely GTA V (Rockstar left us last gen gamers! ;-;). My brother is saving for the PS4, hoping it'll be on sale to afford it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    You know what? I just might, sometime. Just let us know when you get a PS4 with GTA V, OK? (You know, if you actually plan on getting one :P)

  • Good to hear :)

    Ah, already starting my PS4 game collection! Getting Arkham Knight to start it off. Then Elder Scrolls Online, Naruto Storm 4, Ratchet &

  • I just looked up health adverts from the 1940s on Google images and the irony is palpable.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    To look back at a time where people sought to gain weight and comparing it to today's world where you have to be so unhealthily thin in order to be attractive is maddening.

  • So Tales from The Borderlands ended today.

    If you haven't played it yet

    then what the fuck are you even doing with your life?

  • Grown up shit.

    Green613 posted: »

    So Tales from The Borderlands ended today. If you haven't played it yet then what the fuck are you even doing with your life?

  • enter link description here Apparently, This is the first movie ever made. It's way better than what we have nowadays.

  • edited October 2015

    I wanted to post this, and I didn't exactly feel that a thread was needed for it. But after watching the latest episode of the walking dead, I decided to do some photoshops that explain everything in the latest episode in a nutshell.

    1. Where the hell was Rick at?

    enter image description here

    Look, I know he was working hard with the others, But a horn coming from Alexandria where his family is at that obviously no group members would set off and walkers heading towards the place didn't set off any red flags for him?

    2: Denise's failures, Guest staring Eugene the Liar, Tara the Useless, and Eric the Awesome Gay.

    enter image description here

    Again, I know, she tried her best. But she knew what she was doing in the comics, Denise was smart from what I read, and Holly was important too! Come on Denise, Seriously?!

    3: Morgan the Peaceful idiot.

    enter image description here

    What, did Morgan become a Teletubby between Season 3 and 5? Come on! He's a badass trained in stickery, and these people obviously want to kill everyone and everything within a 100 mile radius! Man up Morgan! The Zombie apocalypse is no time to be a hippie!

    4: Carol, the Cookie making, Child threatening, Disguise using badass.

    enter image description here

    Seriously, Who else thought of The Assassin's VS the Templars when Carol revealed her alter-ego of badass and Wore the wolves clothes to murder the wolves? She was straight up AWESOME in this episode! We need more Carol! More cookies!

    5: Attention all Mikey's in a 5 mile radius! RUN!

    enter image description here

    Jesus! I know we needed to see Enid's survival and what she went through, But beheading a LIVE TURTLE AND MAKING US WATCH HER EAT IT'S INSIDES?! That was a BIT much just to prove a point, don't you think?!

    6: HEEEEEERE'S-- Oh, nevermind, it's Enid.

    enter image description here

    Finally, we have Enid's unnecessary build up fake out that made us think a Wolf was attacking Carl. Just say "Carl, it's me, open the fucking door.", Don't lead us to believe there's actually something interesting out there!

    Okay, done.

  • Tomorrow is Back To The Future day! Last day until everything needs to be done.

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