Place your bets..

So..tomorrow the stranger is gonna be revealed,and everyone sure has bet who the stranger would be,so I created this thread to placeyour bets on who could the strangr be.

I put my 2 cents on Pollux.


  • My money is on Athena or Lilith.

  • It's 2 psycho's stacked together

  • Someone who is first seen during episode 5.

  • Gortys... you'll see!

  • General Pollux - he lost his eyes ;D

  • I called Yvette betraying so I'm going to quite while ahead and be content with that

  • That's ridiculous.

    It's obviously 3 midget psychos.

    It's 2 psycho's stacked together

  • My biggest choice would be August.

    But c'mon, it's obviously Tector Hodunk.

  • Pushes all the chips towards the center

    I'm going all in that it's Felix. I don't want it to be but let's face it. It hasn't been the first time someone has survived through BS... or luck.

  • Rudiger/Grease Face (would explain why he's constantly hitting Rhys) or someone not introduced yet.

  • My money is on Lilith, Felix, or General Pollux.

    I do have a tiny theory, though. What if The Stranger isn't hiding anything... and he's literally just a suit.


  • I actually wouldn't doubt it being Felix that much.


    Pushes all the chips towards the center I'm going all in that it's Felix. I don't want it to be but let's face it. It hasn't been the first time someone has survived through BS... or luck.

  • I'm starting to wonder if they even WILL reveal his identity.

    What if he just... gets eaten by a Vault Monster?

    My money is on Lilith, Felix, or General Pollux. I do have a tiny theory, though. What if The Stranger isn't hiding anything... and he's literally just a suit. Plot-friggin'-twist.

  • *insert I want to believe poster here *

    pleasebescooterpleasebescooterpleasebescooterpleasebescooterPLEASEBESCOOTER *sobs uncontrollably *

  • (S)He did say (s)he does know Rhys and Fiona. even more now than ever. It's probably someone who knows they won't cooperate them if Rhys and Fiona knew who it was.

    My money is on Lilith, Felix, or General Pollux. I do have a tiny theory, though. What if The Stranger isn't hiding anything... and he's literally just a suit. Plot-friggin'-twist.

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