Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



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    19:54 now (7:54 pm GMT+2) and I still cant download the game. (Not the steam version).

  • Bad news for European Playstation users.


    Definitely has tomorrow as the release date. Bit disappointed that there is no explanation though.

  • edited October 2015

    lets see if the playstation version is out for today or not...

  • So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • Noting on my side(Windows 7)

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • Yeah I'm on PC and nothing has happened yet. It's incredibly infuriating.

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • He gave us false hope: Let us descend upon him en mass!

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • Windows 10 Pro user here and nothing released yet :(

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • Did you just launch the game?

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • I'm in North America, but from what I've seen in the past, EU should probably be updating in about 50 minutes as well!

    But which PSN? Since NZ got it already, so it obviously updated there, and I'm in EU where the 'coming on 10/21' deal is kinda worrisome... :P

  • Hopefully whe can take the mac version as a good sign

    Dark5tar1 posted: »

    Yeah I'm on PC and nothing has happened yet. It's incredibly infuriating.

  • I've been restarting the game like crazy, but nope, nothing on PC. COME ON TELLTALE PLEASE THE SPOILERS ARE GETTING HARDER TO AVOID BY THE SECOND.

    Dark5tar1 posted: »

    Yeah I'm on PC and nothing has happened yet. It's incredibly infuriating.

  • Now I'm reduced to desperately clinging to and refreshing the thread, since there are already vague spoilers in the thread titles on the general forum. What is my life...

  • edited October 2015

    It could be... I'm on PC and i still can't download this shit -.-' It's really frustrating, I was so happy and looking forward to play it today.. I came back home, nothing, it said the Steam Version will be released at 7 pm, i thought ok then wait and let's see if the TT Version will be released earlier or at the same time... and now: nothing! YAY! At least they could tell us they're sorry and which problems they have. It's not a big deal to let the people know whats going on.

    So can people seriously still not download the TT Store version? Mine's literally downloading as I type this (albeit slowly). Are you guys on PC, I'm on Mac so I'm not sure if that's the cause?

  • Yep this is the land of the damned who wonder until the release. ;_;

    Now I'm reduced to desperately clinging to and refreshing the thread, since there are already vague spoilers in the thread titles on the general forum. What is my life...

  • Yay for Steam

    martymf621 posted: »

    I've been restarting the game like crazy, but nope, nothing on PC. COME ON TELLTALE PLEASE THE SPOILERS ARE GETTING HARDER TO AVOID BY THE SECOND.

  • So I have to wait until tomorrow now because of PSN... OK... that's cool I guess... I can wait a little longer... silently cries in corner

  • I had the update, but the game isn't available to download for me thus far.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I'm in North America, but from what I've seen in the past, EU should probably be updating in about 50 minutes as well!

  • it's 20:10 - and I still cant download the game. Maybe someone from TT could tell us how long we should wait for EP5

  • all of us b like

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    all of us b like

  • It's killing me just watching you guys suffer and I'm an Xbox user -_-

  • [removed]

  • Relly you can pirat it all ready. Thats...................sad(for us who paid)

  • Well it's after 7pm in the UK and it isn't here so I'm going with no.

    Oh well.....

    lets see if the playstation version is out for today or not...

  • Do we know at what time we can expect it tomorrow?

    Coodookie posted: »

    Bad news for European Playstation users. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/10/20/new-on-playstation-store-assassins-creed-syndicate-nfl

  • enter image description here
    Every time you go to the episodes menu and it reads "COMING SOON"

  • Playstation store has always updated for me around 11am (in the UK).

    Don't think they have an official time though.

    Liki91 posted: »

    Do we know at what time we can expect it tomorrow?

  • This is another TWD Season 2 situation. Oh my God telltale, please just give us the episode.

  • Telltale's PR to be helpful? Yeah, right.

    The Community Managers on the forums are good, but Job doesn't even seem to try, or outright lies.

    it's 20:10 - and I still cant download the game. Maybe someone from TT could tell us how long we should wait for EP5

  • No spoilers but i need to know does krieg appear?

  • You guys have your game now I've got more insufferable waiting for Game Of Thrones XD, I'm slowly wasting away.

  • Depends, are you a UK PSN account holder? If so, the yes tomorrow for you. Normally PSN accounts considered NA(North America) get game releases on Tuesdays.

    So I have to wait until tomorrow now because of PSN... OK... that's cool I guess... I can wait a little longer... silently cries in corner

  • It was the same with TWD Season 2? How much later was it released then?

    martymf621 posted: »

    This is another TWD Season 2 situation. Oh my God telltale, please just give us the episode.

  • Issue here is the majority of us don't actually have the game xD

    Hope for your sake it doesn't happen to GoT. This is awful.

    NicWarden posted: »

    You guys have your game now I've got more insufferable waiting for Game Of Thrones XD, I'm slowly wasting away.

  • You would think we'd hear SOMETHING from Telltale about this, instead of Radio silence.

    I also noticed Job tweeted about the episodes dropping "soon" of PC and PS4, but he deleted his tweet pretty soon after.

  • But i have heard, that the PS Store will update in 40 Min.

    damn it ...

  • edited October 2015

    The first episode launched the same time as the steam version, but you couldn't connect to the telltale servers and the patch only came out 9 hours after the game. The Wolf Among Us was supposed to come out alongside the steam version, but it took extra 24 hours for the first episode to release, but telltale gave out steam keys so everyone mostly forgave about it.

    It was the same with TWD Season 2? How much later was it released then?

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