I love the intro

I love the intro of episode 5. It fits so well as an intro to the final episode. After Rhys is forcefully put into the escape pot by Loader Bot and having to watch him die in front of him. Everything just becomes somber and dark. Helios is tearing itself apart as it began it descend on Pandora. Both of our heroes are trying to recover from the events that happened in the space station. Fiona bandaging her hand and ready herself to save Sasha and Gortys. Rhys grieving for the lost of Loader Bot. In the dark and purple atmosphere, countless escape pots and ships joins their descend to Pandora. Sadly, several unlucky people meets a gruesome death during the destruction.

As both Rhys and Fiona enters the atmosphere and the escape pot burning around them, neither of them show any real fear as they return to Pandora, because they are coming home and because they are ready to finish the last part of their tale.

At least, that's how I would be describing the intro. :)

EDIT: And I forgot to mention how it all feels like the end of an era. Helios space station getting destroyed is like one of the biggest events in the Borderland setting and we are responsible for it.

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