Really not surprised that nearly everyone chose Athena but...

I'm surprised that over half brought August. Didn't think he garnered such a fanbase, heck he was picked more than Zero whose awesome.

Anyway I picked Athena, Zero, Felix -> Claptrap.

Really was tempted to bring Springs with Athena for their dialogue together but... Zero.


  • Zer0 wasn't an option for me because I didn't tell Mordecai I was a vault hunter, so the only choices I had left were Felix, August and Cassius.

    I didn't think bringing Felix was such a good idea if Sasha was around, and Cassius isn't much of a fighter. So, August it was.

  • I picked Cassius!! He would surprise you with his fireball skills :P

  • The only reason I choose Athena was in hopes of learning how she escaped lol and I choose August so he could get revenge for his mom

  • i feel like august does have a fanbase, but also he was lots of peoples only option haha.

  • You miss out on something really nice though if you don't bring Felix. Really nice that those who saw that the con was larger than what was presented in Episode 1 were greatly rewarded by Felix.

    Courtenay posted: »

    Zer0 wasn't an option for me because I didn't tell Mordecai I was a vault hunter, so the only choices I had left were Felix, August and Cass

  • I'm running through the episode a second time tomorrow with different squad members, so I'm looking forward to how that goes. 8)

    SazukeEX posted: »

    You miss out on something really nice though if you don't bring Felix. Really nice that those who saw that the con was larger than what was presented in Episode 1 were greatly rewarded by Felix.

  • edited October 2015

    i don't like august at all, and i didn't want zero because he didn't seem like a character with much of a personal connection (except fanboyism) to rhys or fiona, i totally wanted springs and athena, because i felt connected to their relationship, and i wanted cassius because i saved his life, rhys owns atlas now, plus i wanted cassius and athena to work together, and overall i wanted a varied team

    oh and i bought snazzy glasses for vaughn and sasha so i hand little money.

  • I picked August mainly because I felt he would be better in a fight than Janey and Cassius, and since Felix was dead in my game, I couldn't go to him and get Claptrap.

  • This. I'm not a huge fan of August and I straight up despised Vallory, but whatever my opinions of them may've been, the guy deserved to get revenge for his mom.

    The only reason I choose Athena was in hopes of learning how she escaped lol and I choose August so he could get revenge for his mom

  • My first team was Zer0, Athena and Janey (I chose Felix first).

    Come on! TWO veteran vault hunters and two of the strongest and most badass fighter around, how could I possibility resist the urge? And I was fan giggling as much as Rhys as I saw Zer0 in action.

  • By the time Episode 5 rolled around, August had already gained "cinnamon roll" status from most of us.

    Also, c'mon. Brass knuckles.

  • I was like "screw you Felix, I'm still mad at you", so I didn't pick him.
    Now I'm regretting it.
    Freaking Claptrap.

  • I love August!

  • I only had 3 available. If I had more option I wouldn't have picked either August or Athena.

  • Can someone tell me how the heck Athena escaped?

    It was like all of a sudden she was okay...What happened to her getting nearly killed?

  • I choose august... 'cause i ship him with sasha! And i wanna see whats happend when he and Rhis meet sasha together again ^-^

  • edited October 2015

    She didn't escape Athena and lilith were fine with each other after the watcher told them of the danger coming, as you can see in the end of the borderlands presequel claptastic voyage dlc ending Lilith apologies to Athena, she is just chilling out with the vault hunters hope that helped :D

    Can someone tell me how the heck Athena escaped? It was like all of a sudden she was okay...What happened to her getting nearly killed?

  • The Pre-Sequel happened. Once Lilith cooled down, Athena was free to go.

    Can someone tell me how the heck Athena escaped? It was like all of a sudden she was okay...What happened to her getting nearly killed?

  • I didn't tell brick and mordecai that I was a vault hunter, so zer0 wasn't available for me :c

  • I picked Zer0,Athena and Springs.. I think people should pick Springs and Athena.. THey talk about their wedding so much ^_^

  • edited October 2015

    Zer0, Springs and August. He'd been around since the beginning so I wanted to see him handle a vault monster. Also he DID kind of almost get killed trying to help on the station so that was worth a brownie point or two.

  • August was well worth it! Because I chose the Vault Hunter as well, the scene where Sasha enters the room and August/Rhys both have the same reaction... That was priceless!

  • Although I had only 3 choices (Athena, August, and Cassius) I would of chosen Cassius regardless. C'mon... Ex-Atlas mad scientist guy?

    And he was funny as hell piloting big Gortys, they did a really good job with him near the end

  • Bringing August makes sense from a storyline perspective.

  • edited October 2015

    I loved August's character and I thought it was a good redemption story for him besides the time he went against Finch and Kroger on Helios.

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