I freaked out for a bit like "Athena's here? Ohmygod Athena I missed you!" and then I saw it was Vaughn and felt like "Vaughn's here?! Ohmygod Vaughn I missed you so much! ;-;"
Vaughn is so. goddamn. badass! Well, except when he messed up with the moonshot xD
I have no idea but it was hilarious when she panicked about the fire. Oh shit oh shit it's burning... uh, uh, hit it! Just hit it! I tried to take a screenshot but ended up capturing a random dude and a shish-kebab xP
Edit: And I was strangely happy to see Grease Face as well
Vaughn is so. goddamn. badass! Well, except when he messed up with the moonshot xD
I have no idea but it was hilarious when she panicked … moreabout the fire. Oh shit oh shit it's burning... uh, uh, hit it! Just hit it! I tried to take a screenshot but ended up capturing a random dude and a shish-kebab xP
Edit: And I was strangely happy to see Grease Face as well
Yeah, "I screwed up, please don't be mad at me." Dude, you just nearly sabotaged our entire mission, you should be happy if "mad" is all I am.
The explanation was something like "Yes, she was captured, but no one can hold such a cool Vault Hunter for long." It was stupid, actually, but maybe in the future we'll get more in-depth info, perhaps in BL3?
Gotta go in a few minutes, but
Looking back on what they told us the story was for what happened after Helios, and comparing it to the beginning for episode 1
The beginning makes 0 SENSE LMAO
Yeah, "I screwed up, please don't be mad at me." Dude, you just nearly sabotaged our entire mission, you should be happy if "mad" is all I a… morem.
The explanation was something like "Yes, she was captured, but no one can hold such a cool Vault Hunter for long." It was stupid, actually, but maybe in the future we'll get more in-depth info, perhaps in BL3?
Well, I always thought the Stranger lured them both there, separately... I guess that Rhys wanted to see her, so if LB sent him some fake message, he went to check it out and didn't think about it possibly being a trap?
Well, I always thought the Stranger lured them both there, separately... I guess that Rhys wanted to see her, so if LB sent him some fake message, he went to check it out and didn't think about it possibly being a trap?
But let's look at the bright side:
At least some people said they liked another.
What if Rhys is a virgin?
Oh man he looks so awesome!!!
And why was Athena making shish-kebabs at a BBQ? :P
Rhys had a girlfriend in the past before he meets Fiona, so...maybe not a virgin?
To be fair most of us didn't get the option to say it...
Then he better learn fast how to please his lady!! XD
Well, it was hidden really well and also dependent on your past choices, unlike the other options... I'm not surprised that the percentage is low.
Really? I didn't know that!
He says so in Ep.4 :P
Vaughn is so. goddamn. badass! Well, except when he messed up with the moonshot xD
I have no idea but it was hilarious when she panicked about the fire. Oh shit oh shit it's burning... uh, uh, hit it! Just hit it! I tried to take a screenshot but ended up capturing a random dude and a shish-kebab xP
Edit: And I was strangely happy to see Grease Face as well
Jack could do his work
Euwhl nvm
Her name was Stacy, I think.
He has a virgin face
I'm sure that as more people start finding out about it, the percentage will slowly rise!
And most of us didn't know you could say it.
enter link description here
This is probably my favorite song from Borderlands2/ TFTB
1% with such a hidden option, and on the first day? ...not that bad, actually!
Lol that was funny with the moonshot.
I thought she was captured :P
We've got to spread the news of such a choice!
I didn't know until Poogs mentioned it, then I was really bummed that I didn't get it.
Maybe Green could add a short guide into the OP...
Gotta go in a few minutes, but
Looking back on what they told us the story was for what happened after Helios, and comparing it to the beginning for episode 1
The beginning makes 0 SENSE LMAO
Yeah, "I screwed up, please don't be mad at me." Dude, you just nearly sabotaged our entire mission, you should be happy if "mad" is all I am.
The explanation was something like "Yes, she was captured, but no one can hold such a cool Vault Hunter for long." It was stupid, actually, but maybe in the future we'll get more in-depth info, perhaps in BL3?
4300 or more
Yeah, I still don't understand why Rhys was looking for Fiona in the first place.
Guys, did anyone realise that this was in Dutch?
Lol, poor Vaughn.
Yeah I guess so...
Lmfao x'3
Also, now that you showed these choices, what did you choose?
I actually ordered a pizza xD
Pizza ofcourse!
I have just generally accepted the idea that LB probably lured them.
now this is what I like to read
Haha, I thought so :'3
I mean, who wouldn't order a pizza? x'3
I chose pizza because I love pizza.
I love the opening where HJ and Rhys was partying.
BL2, one is from the first game but you it's Jack's fault
Well, I always thought the Stranger lured them both there, separately... I guess that Rhys wanted to see her, so if LB sent him some fake message, he went to check it out and didn't think about it possibly being a trap?
You know it brah
Hmm... I don't know.
Remember? He said that he and Fiona "can work it out".
We never was told about what happened prior to that.
To all the Rhyshan's that are calling it a tie
I was anxious because, I chickened out and the last episode made it seem like Jack was angry at me but this episode starts like I went completely rule